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Test Coverage
/* --- Basics --- */

.loading {
    display: inline-block;
    overflow: hidden;
    height: 1.3em;
    margin-top: -0.3em;
    line-height: 1.5em;
    vertical-align: text-bottom;

.loading::after {
    display: inline-table;
    white-space: pre;
    text-align: left;

/* --- Types --- */

/* default loading is ellip */
.loading::after {
    content: "\A.\A..\A...";
    animation: spin4 2s steps(4) infinite;

.loading.line::after {
    content: "/\A–\A\\\A|";
    text-align: center;
    animation: spin4 1s steps(4) infinite;

.loading.line2::after {
    content: "╲\A│\A╱\A─";
    text-align: center;
    animation: spin4 1s steps(4) infinite;

.loading.plus::after {
    content: "┽\A╀\A┾\A╁";
    animation: spin4 1s steps(4) infinite;

.loading.dots::after {
    content: "⠋\A⠙\A⠹\A⠸\A⠼\A⠴\A⠦\A⠧\A⠇\A⠏";
    animation: spin10 1s steps(10) infinite;

.loading.dots2::after {
    content: "⠋\A⠙\A⠚\A⠞\A⠖\A⠦\A⠴\A⠲\A⠳";
    animation: spin9 1s steps(9) infinite;

.loading.dots3::after {
    content: "⋮\A⋰\A⋯\A⋱";
    text-align: center;
    animation: spin4 1s steps(4) infinite;

.loading.lifting::after {
    content: "꜈꜍\A꜉꜎\A꜊꜏\A꜋꜐\A꜌꜑";
    animation: spin5 .5s steps(5) infinite alternate;

.loading.hamburger::after {
    content: "☱\A☲\A☴";
    animation: spin3 .3s steps(3) infinite alternate;

.loading.bar::after {
    content: "▏\A▎\A▍\A▌\A▋\A▊\A▉";
    animation: spin7 1s steps(7) infinite alternate;

.loading.bar2::after {
    content: "▁\A▂\A▃\A▄\A▅\A▆\A▇\A█";
    animation: spin8 2s steps(8) infinite alternate;

.loading.circle::after {
    content: "◴\A◷\A◶\A◵";
    animation: spin4 1s steps(4) infinite;

.loading.open-circle::after {
    content: "◜\A◠\A◝\A◞\A◡\A◟";
    animation: spin6 .6s steps(6) infinite;

.loading.arrow::after {
    content: "←\A↖\A↑\A↗\A→\A↘\A↓\A↙";
    animation: spin8 1s steps(8) infinite;

.loading.triangle::after {
    content: "◢\A◣\A◤\A◥";
    animation: spin4 1s steps(4) infinite;

.loading.triangles::after {
    content: "▹▹▹▹▹\A ▸▹▹▹▹\A ▹▸▹▹▹\A ▹▹▸▹▹\A ▹▹▹▸▹\A ▹▹▹▹▸";
    animation: spin6 1s steps(6) infinite;

.loading.beam::after {
    content: "\A=   \A ==  \A === \A ====\A  ===\A   ==\A    =\A";
    animation: spin9 1.2s steps(9) infinite;
    font-family: monospace;

.loading.bullet::after {
    content: " ●    \A   ●   \A    ●  \A     ● \A      ●\A     ● \A    ●  \A   ●   \A  ●    \A ●     ";
    animation: spin10 1s steps(10) infinite;

.loading.bullseye::after {
    content: "◎◎◎\A◉◎◎\A◎◉◎\A◎◎◉";
    animation: spin4 1s steps(4) infinite;

.loading.rhomb::after {
    content: "◇◇◇\A◈◇◇\A◇◈◇\A◇◇◈";
    animation: spin4 1s steps(4) infinite;

.loading.fish::after {
    content: ">))'>\A  >))'>\A   >))'>\A    >))'>\A     >))'>\A     <'((<\A    <'((<\A   <'((<\A  <'((<\A <'((<\A";
    animation: spin10 5s steps(10) infinite;

.loading.toggle::after {
    content: "⊶\A⊷";
    animation: spin2 1s steps(2) infinite;

.loading.countdown::after {
    content: "0\A 1\A 2\A 3\A 4\A 5\A 6\A 7\A 8\A 9";
    animation: spin10 10s steps(10) reverse;

.loading.time::after {
    content: "🕐\A🕑\A🕒\A🕓\A🕔\A🕕\A🕖\A🕗\A🕘\A🕙\A🕚\A🕛";
    animation: spin12 3s steps(12) infinite;
    width: 1.3em;

.loading.hearts::after {
    content: "💛\A💙\A💜\A💚";
    animation: spin4 2s steps(4) infinite;
    width: 1.3em;

.loading.earth::after {
    content: "🌍\A🌎\A🌏";
    animation: spin3 1s steps(3) infinite;
    width: 1.3em;

.loading.moon::after {
    content: "🌑\A🌒\A🌓\A🌔\A🌕\A🌖\A🌗\A🌘";
    animation: spin8 2s steps(8) infinite;
    width: 1.3em;

.loading.monkey::after {
    content: "🙈\A🙉\A🙊";
    animation: spin3 1.5s steps(3) infinite;
    width: 1.3em;

.loading.runner::after {
    content: "🚶\A🏃";
    animation: spin2 1s steps(2) infinite;
    width: 1.3em;

.loading.box-bounce::after {
    animation: spin4 1s steps(4) infinite;

.loading.star::after {
    animation: spin6 1s steps(6) infinite;

.loading.words::after {
    content: "Loading\A Still loading\A Mostly done\A A bit more \A Almost done\A Ready-ish";
    animation: spin6 12s steps(6) infinite;

/* --- Animations --- */

@keyframes spin1  { to { transform: translateY( -1.5em); } }
@keyframes spin2  { to { transform: translateY( -3.0em); } }
@keyframes spin3  { to { transform: translateY( -4.5em); } }
@keyframes spin4  { to { transform: translateY( -6.0em); } }
@keyframes spin5  { to { transform: translateY( -7.5em); } }
@keyframes spin6  { to { transform: translateY( -9.0em); } }
@keyframes spin7  { to { transform: translateY(-10.5em); } }
@keyframes spin8  { to { transform: translateY(-12.0em); } }
@keyframes spin9  { to { transform: translateY(-13.5em); } }
@keyframes spin10 { to { transform: translateY(-15.0em); } }
@keyframes spin11 { to { transform: translateY(-16.5em); } }
@keyframes spin12 { to { transform: translateY(-18.0em); } }