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# combell-api

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Combell API client for node.js. [Combell.be](https://combell.be) is a Belgian hosting provider used by a client of mine. When I noticed the API ( [documented here](https://api.combell.com/v2/documentation) ) while working in the control panel I finally found an interesting, personal, learning project.

    I hope my effort proofs to be useful for other node.js projects or as a learning resource.
    -- Bram Plessers

## Example Usage

- `git clone` this repo on your machine
- `cd` into the project folder ( probably named `combell-api` )
- `yarn` to install all dependencies ( [how to install](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/) )
- build the project by running `gulp scripts` ( which avoids `eslint` )
- copy `.env.example` to `.env` and edit it's contents ( [get your api key here](https://my.combell.com) )
- run the main entry point with `yarn run combell` 

$ yarn run combell

  [ { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' },
    { id: 012345, identifier: 'some.domain.tld' } ]
  ✨  Done in 0.66s.

For an example integration for your project check [`examples/node/index.js`](https://github.com/webdevotion/combell-api/blob/master/examples/node/index.js).

## Notice

The library allows calling the `index` and `show` actions of `Account`, `Domain` and `Hosting`.  You can pass URL variables and / or query parameters, but the library's entry point ( `combell.js` ) acts as a wrapper to make things easier to use.

Additional endpoints are in the making.