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1 day
Test Coverage
import { Status } from 'cucumber'
import { CucumberEventListener } from './cucumberEventListener'
import { createStepArgument } from './utils'
import * as path from 'path'

const SETTLE_TIMEOUT = 5000

class CucumberReporter {
    gherkinDocEvents = []

    constructor (eventBroadcaster, options, cid, specs) {
        this.capabilities = options.capabilities
        this.tagsInTitle = options.tagsInTitle || false
        this.options = options
        this.cid = cid
        this.specs = specs
        this.failedCount = 0

        this.sentMessages = 0 // number of messages sent to the parent
        this.receivedMessages = 0 // number of messages received by the parent

        new CucumberEventListener(eventBroadcaster)
            .on('before-feature', this.handleBeforeFeature.bind(this))
            .on('before-scenario', this.handleBeforeScenario.bind(this))
            .on('before-step', this.handleBeforeStep.bind(this))
            .on('after-step', this.handleAfterStep.bind(this))
            .on('after-scenario', this.handleAfterScenario.bind(this))
            .on('after-feature', this.handleAfterFeature.bind(this))

    handleBeforeFeature (uri, feature) {
        this.featureStart = new Date()

        this.emit('suite:start', {
            uid: this.getUniqueIdentifier(feature),
            title: this.getTitle(feature),
            type: 'suite',
            file: uri,
            tags: feature.tags,
            description: feature.description,
            keyword: feature.keyword

    handleBeforeScenario (uri, feature, scenario) {
        this.scenarioStart = new Date()
        this.testStart = new Date()

        this.emit('suite:start', {
            uid: this.getUniqueIdentifier(scenario),
            title: this.getTitle(scenario),
            parent: this.getUniqueIdentifier(feature),
            type: 'suite',
            file: uri,
            tags: scenario.tags

    handleBeforeStep (uri, feature, scenario, step, sourceLocation) {
        this.testStart = new Date()

        this.emit('test:start', {
            uid: this.getUniqueIdentifier(step),
            title: step.text,
            type: 'test',
            file: uri,
            parent: this.getUniqueIdentifier(scenario, sourceLocation),
            duration: new Date() - this.testStart,
            tags: scenario.tags,
            featureName: feature.name,
            scenarioName: scenario.name,
            argument: createStepArgument(step)

    handleAfterStep (uri, feature, scenario, step, result, sourceLocation) {
        let e = 'undefined'
        switch (result.status) {
        case Status.FAILED:
        case Status.UNDEFINED:
            e = 'fail'
        case Status.PASSED:
            e = 'pass'
        case Status.PENDING:
        case Status.SKIPPED:
        case Status.AMBIGUOUS:
            e = 'pending'
        let error = {}
        let stepTitle = step.text || step.keyword || 'Undefined Step'

         * if step name is undefined we are dealing with a hook
         * don't report hooks if no error happened
        if (!step.text && result.status !== Status.FAILED) {

        if (result.status === Status.UNDEFINED) {
            if (this.options.ignoreUndefinedDefinitions) {
                 * mark test as pending
                e = 'pending'
                stepTitle += ' (undefined step)'
            } else {
                 * mark test as failed

                error = {
                    message: `Step "${stepTitle}" is not defined. You can ignore this error by setting
                              cucumberOpts.ignoreUndefinedDefinitions as true.`,
                    stack: `${step.uri}:${step.line}`
        } else if (result.status === Status.FAILED) {
             * cucumber failure exception can't get send to parent process
             * for some reasons
            let err = result.exception
            if (err instanceof Error) {
                error = {
                    message: err.message,
                    stack: err.stack
            } else {
                error = {
                    message: err
        } else if (result.status === Status.AMBIGUOUS && this.options.failAmbiguousDefinitions) {
            e = 'fail'
            error = {
                message: result.exception

        this.emit('test:' + e, {
            uid: this.getUniqueIdentifier(step),
            title: stepTitle.trim(),
            type: 'test',
            file: uri,
            parent: this.getUniqueIdentifier(scenario, sourceLocation),
            error: error,
            duration: new Date() - this.testStart,
            tags: scenario.tags,
            keyword: step.keyword,
            argument: createStepArgument(step)

    handleAfterScenario (uri, feature, scenario, sourceLocation) {
        this.emit('suite:end', {
            uid: this.getUniqueIdentifier(scenario, sourceLocation),
            title: this.getTitle(scenario),
            parent: this.getUniqueIdentifier(feature),
            type: 'suite',
            file: uri,
            duration: new Date() - this.scenarioStart,
            tags: scenario.tags

    handleAfterFeature (uri, feature) {
        this.emit('suite:end', {
            uid: this.getUniqueIdentifier(feature),
            title: this.getTitle(feature),
            type: 'suite',
            file: uri,
            duration: new Date() - this.featureStart,
            tags: feature.tags

    emit (event, payload) {
        const message = {
            event: event,
            cid: this.cid,
            uid: payload.uid,
            title: payload.title,
            pending: payload.pending || false,
            parent: payload.parent || null,
            type: payload.type,
            file: payload.file,
            err: payload.error || {},
            duration: payload.duration,
            runner: {
                [this.cid]: this.capabilities
            specs: this.specs,
            tags: payload.tags || [],
            featureName: payload.featureName,
            scenarioName: payload.scenarioName,
            description: payload.description,
            keyword: payload.keyword || null,
            argument: payload.argument

        this.send(message, null, {}, () => ++this.receivedMessages)

    send (...args) {
        return process.send.apply(process, args)

     * wait until all messages were sent to parent
    waitUntilSettled () {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            const start = (new Date()).getTime()
            const interval = setInterval(() => {
                const now = (new Date()).getTime()

                if (this.sentMessages !== this.receivedMessages && now - start < SETTLE_TIMEOUT) return
            }, 100)

    getTitle (featureOrScenario) {
        const name = featureOrScenario.name
        const tags = featureOrScenario.tags
        if (!this.tagsInTitle || !tags.length) return name
        return `${tags.map(tag => tag.name).join(', ')}: ${name}`

    getUriOf (type) {
        if (!type || !type.uri) {

        return type.uri.replace(process.cwd(), '')

    getUniqueIdentifier (target, sourceLocation) {
        let name
        let line

        if (target.type === 'Hook') {
            name = path.basename(target.location.uri)
            line = target.location.line
        } else if (target.type === 'ScenarioOutline') {
            name = target.name || target.text
            line = sourceLocation.line

            target.examples[0].tableHeader.cells.forEach((header, idx) => {
                if (name.indexOf('<' + header.value + '>') > -1) {
                    target.examples[0].tableBody.forEach((tableEntry) => {
                        if (tableEntry.location.line === sourceLocation.line) {
                            name = name.replace('<' + header.value + '>', tableEntry.cells[idx].value)
        } else {
            name = target.name || target.text
            const location = target.location || target.locations[0]
            line = (location && location.line) || ''

        return name + line

export default CucumberReporter