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3 days
Test Coverage
import Future from 'fibers/future'
import assign from 'object.assign'

const Fiber = require('fibers') // ToDo fix unit test to work with imports

const SYNC_COMMANDS = ['domain', '_events', '_maxListeners', 'setMaxListeners', 'emit',
    'addListener', 'on', 'once', 'removeListener', 'removeAllListeners', 'listeners',
    'getMaxListeners', 'listenerCount', 'getPrototype']

const STACKTRACE_FILTER = /((wdio-sync\/)*(build\/index.js|node_modules\/fibers)|- - - - -)/g

let commandIsRunning = false
let forcePromises = false

 * helpers
const isAsync = function () {
    if (!global.browser || !global.browser.options) {
        return true

    return global.browser.options.sync === false

const isElements = function (result) {
    return (
        typeof result.selector === 'string' &&
        Array.isArray(result.value) && result.value.length &&
        typeof result.value[0].ELEMENT !== 'undefined'

const is$$ = function (result) {
    return Array.isArray(result) && !!result.length && !!result[0] && result[0].ELEMENT !== undefined

const sanitizeErrorMessage = function (e) {
    let stack = e.stack.split(/\n/g)
    let errorMsg = stack.shift()
    let cwd = process.cwd()

     * filter out stack traces to wdio-sync and fibers
     * and transform absolute path to relative
    stack = stack.filter(STACKTRACE_FILTER_FN)
    stack = stack.map((e) => '    ' + e.replace(cwd + '/', '').trim())

     * error stack can be empty when test execution is aborted and
     * the application is not running
    let errorLine = 'unknown error line'
    if (stack && stack.length) {
        errorLine = stack.shift().trim()

     * correct error occurence
    let lineToFix = stack[stack.length - 1]
    if (lineToFix && lineToFix.indexOf('index.js') > -1) {
        stack[stack.length - 1] = lineToFix.slice(0, lineToFix.indexOf('index.js')) + errorLine
    } else {
        stack.unshift('    ' + errorLine)

     * add back error message

    return stack.join('\n')

// filter out arguments passed to specFn & hookFn, don't allow callbacks
// as there is no need for user to call e.g. `done()`
const filterSpecArgs = function (args) {
    return args.filter((arg) => typeof arg !== 'function')

 * Helper method to execute a row of hooks with certain parameters.
 * It will return with a reject promise due to a design decision to not let hooks/service intefer the
 * actual test process.
 * @param  {Function|Function[]} hooks  list of hooks
 * @param  {Object[]} args  list of parameter for hook functions
 * @return {Promise}  promise that gets resolved once all hooks finished running
const executeHooksWithArgs = (hooks = [], args) => {
     * make sure hooks are an array of functions
    if (typeof hooks === 'function') {
        hooks = [hooks]

     * make sure args is an array since we are calling apply
    if (!Array.isArray(args)) {
        args = [args]

    hooks = hooks.map((hook) => new Promise((resolve) => {
        let _commandIsRunning = commandIsRunning
        let result

        const execHook = () => {
            commandIsRunning = true

            try {
                result = hook.apply(null, args)
            } catch (e) {
                return resolve(e)
            } finally {
                commandIsRunning = _commandIsRunning
            if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') {
                return result.then(resolve, (e) => {


         * no need for fiber wrap in async mode
        if (isAsync()) {
            return execHook()

         * after command hooks require additional Fiber environment
        return Fiber(execHook).run()

    return Promise.all(hooks)

 * global function to wrap callbacks into Fiber context
 * @param  {Function} fn  function to wrap around
 * @return {Function}     wrapped around function
const wdioSync = global.wdioSync = function (fn, done) {
    return function (...args) {
        return Fiber(() => {
            const result = fn.apply(this, args)

            if (typeof done === 'function') {

 * wraps a function into a Fiber ready context to enable sync execution and hooks
 * @param  {Function}   fn             function to be executed
 * @param  {String}     commandName    name of that function
 * @param  {Function[]} beforeCommand  method to be executed before calling the actual function
 * @param  {Function[]} afterCommand   method to be executed after calling the actual function
 * @return {Function}   actual wrapped function
const wrapCommand = function (fn, commandName, beforeCommand, afterCommand) {
    if (isAsync()) {
         * async command wrap
        return function (...commandArgs) {
            return fn.apply(this, commandArgs)

     * sync command wrap
    return function (...commandArgs) {
        let future = new Future()
        let futureFailed = false

        if (forcePromises) {
            return fn.apply(this, commandArgs)

         * don't execute [before/after]Command hook if a command was executed
         * in these hooks (otherwise we will get into an endless loop)
        if (commandIsRunning) {
            let commandPromise = fn.apply(this, commandArgs)

             * if commandPromise is actually not a promise just return result
            if (typeof commandPromise.then !== 'function') {
                return commandPromise

             * Try to execute with Fibers and fall back if can't.
             * This part is executed when we want to set a fiber context within a command (e.g. in waitUntil).
            try {
                commandPromise.then((commandResult) => {
                     * extend protoype of result so people can call browser.element(...).click()
                    future.return(applyPrototype.call(this, commandResult))
                }, future.throw.bind(future))
                return future.wait()
            } catch (e) {
                if (e.message === "Can't wait without a fiber") {
                    return commandPromise
                throw e

         * commands that get executed during waitUntil and debug (repl mode) should always
         * handled synchronously, therefor prevent propagating lastResults between single calls
        if (commandName !== 'waitUntil' && commandName !== 'debug') {
            commandIsRunning = true

        let newInstance = this
        let lastCommandResult = this.lastResult
        let commandResult, commandError
        executeHooksWithArgs(beforeCommand, [commandName, commandArgs]).then(() => {
             * actual function was already executed in desired catch block
            if (futureFailed) {

            newInstance = fn.apply(this, commandArgs)
            return newInstance.then((result) => {
                commandResult = result
                return executeHooksWithArgs(afterCommand, [commandName, commandArgs, result])
            }, (e) => {
                commandError = e
                return executeHooksWithArgs(afterCommand, [commandName, commandArgs, null, e])
            }).then(() => {
                commandIsRunning = false

                if (commandError) {
                    return future.throw(commandError)
                wrapCommands(newInstance, beforeCommand, afterCommand)

                 * don't modify call result prototype
                if (commandName === 'call' || commandName === 'reload') {
                    return future.return(commandResult)

                 * reset lastResult for all element calls within waitUntil/waitFor commands
                if (commandName.match(/^(waitUntil|waitFor)/i)) {
                    this.lastResult = lastCommandResult

                return future.return(applyPrototype.call(newInstance, commandResult))

         * try to execute with Fibers and fall back if can't
        try {
            return future.wait()
        } catch (e) {
            if (e.message === "Can't wait without a fiber") {
                futureFailed = true
                return fn.apply(this, commandArgs)

            e.stack = sanitizeErrorMessage(e)
            throw e

 * enhance result with instance prototype to enable command chaining
 * @param  {Object} result       command result
 * @param  {Object} helperScope  instance scope with prototype of already wrapped commands
 * @return {Object}              command result with enhanced prototype
const applyPrototype = function (result, helperScope) {
     * don't overload result for none objects, arrays and buffer
    if (!result || typeof result !== 'object' || (Array.isArray(result) && !isElements(result) && !(is$$(result))) || Buffer.isBuffer(result)) {
        return result

    const mapPrototype = (el) => {
        let newInstance = Object.setPrototypeOf(Object.create(el), Object.getPrototypeOf(this))
        return applyPrototype.call(newInstance, el, this)

     * overload elements results
    if (isElements(result)) {
        result.value = result.value.map((el, i) => {
            el.selector = result.selector
            el.value = { ELEMENT: el.ELEMENT }
            el.index = i
            return el

     * overload $$ result
    if (is$$(result)) {
        return result.map(mapPrototype)

    let prototype = {}
    let hasExtendedPrototype = false
    for (let commandName of Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(this))) {
        if (result[commandName] || SYNC_COMMANDS.indexOf(commandName) > -1) {

        this.lastResult = result

         * Prefer the helperScope if given which is only the case when we overload elements result.
         * We can't use the `this` prototype because its methods are not wrapped and command results
         * wouldn't be fiberised
        prototype[commandName] = { value: (helperScope || this)[commandName].bind(this) }
        hasExtendedPrototype = true

    if (hasExtendedPrototype) {
        let newResult = Object.create(result, prototype)

         * since status is a command we need to rename the property
        if (typeof result.status !== 'undefined') {
            result._status = result.status
            delete result.status

        result = assign(newResult, result)

    return result

 * wraps all WebdriverIO commands
 * @param  {Object}     instance       WebdriverIO client instance (browser)
 * @param  {Function[]} beforeCommand  before command hook
 * @param  {Function[]} afterCommand   after command hook
const wrapCommands = function (instance, beforeCommand, afterCommand) {
    const addCommand = instance.addCommand

     * if instance is a multibrowser instance make sure to wrap commands
     * of its instances too
    if (instance.isMultiremote) {
        instance.getInstances().forEach((browserName) => {
            wrapCommands(global[browserName], beforeCommand, afterCommand)

    Object.keys(Object.getPrototypeOf(instance)).forEach((commandName) => {
        if (SYNC_COMMANDS.indexOf(commandName) > -1) {

        let origFn = instance[commandName]
        instance[commandName] = wrapCommand.call(instance, origFn, commandName, beforeCommand, afterCommand)

     * no need to overwrite addCommand in async mode
    if (isAsync()) {

     * Adding a command within fiber context doesn't require a special routine
     * since everything runs sync. There is no need to promisify the command.
    instance.addCommand = function (fnName, fn, forceOverwrite) {
        let commandGroup = instance.getPrototype()
        let commandName = fnName
        let namespace

        if (typeof fn === 'string') {
            namespace = arguments[0]
            fnName = arguments[1]
            fn = arguments[2]
            forceOverwrite = arguments[3]

            switch (typeof commandGroup[namespace]) {
            case 'function':
                throw new Error(`Command namespace "${namespace}" is used internally, and can't be overwritten!`)
            case 'undefined':
                commandGroup[namespace] = {}

            commandName = `${namespace}.${fnName}`
            commandGroup = commandGroup[namespace]

        if (commandGroup[fnName] && !forceOverwrite) {
            throw new Error(`Command ${fnName} is already defined!`)

         * If method name is async the user specifies that he wants to use bare promises to handle asynchronicity.
         * First use native addCommand in order to be able to chain with other native commands, then wrap new
         * command again to run it synchronous in the test method.
         * This will allow us to run async custom commands within sync custom commands in a sync way.
        if (fn.name === 'async') {
            addCommand(fnName, function (...args) {
                const state = forcePromises
                forcePromises = true
                let res = fn.apply(instance, args)
                forcePromises = state
                return res
            }, forceOverwrite)
            commandGroup[fnName] = wrapCommand.call(commandGroup, commandGroup[fnName], fnName, beforeCommand, afterCommand)

         * for all other cases we internally return a promise that is
         * finished once the Fiber wrapped custom function has finished
         * #functionalProgrammingWTF!
        commandGroup[fnName] = function (...args) {
            return new Promise((resolve) => {
                const state = forcePromises
                forcePromises = false
                wdioSync(fn, resolve).apply(this, args)
                forcePromises = state
        instance[fnName] = wrapCommand.call(commandGroup, commandGroup[fnName], commandName, beforeCommand, afterCommand)

 * execute test or hook synchronously
 * @param  {Function} fn         spec or hook method
 * @param  {Number}   repeatTest number of retries
 * @return {Promise}             that gets resolved once test/hook is done or was retried enough
const executeSync = function (fn, repeatTest = 0, args = []) {
     * if a new hook gets executed we can assume that all commands should have finised
     * with exception of timeouts where `commandIsRunning` will never be reset but here
    commandIsRunning = false

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        try {
            const res = fn.apply(this, args)
        } catch (e) {
            if (repeatTest) {
                return resolve(executeSync(fn, --repeatTest, args))

             * no need to modify stack if no stack available
            if (!e.stack) {
                return reject(e)

            e.stack = e.stack.split('\n').filter(STACKTRACE_FILTER_FN).join('\n')

 * execute test or hook asynchronously
 * @param  {Function} fn         spec or hook method
 * @param  {Number}   repeatTest number of retries
 * @return {Promise}             that gets resolved once test/hook is done or was retried enough
const executeAsync = function (fn, repeatTest = 0, args = []) {
    let result, error

     * if a new hook gets executed we can assume that all commands should have finised
     * with exception of timeouts where `commandIsRunning` will never be reset but here
    commandIsRunning = false

    try {
        result = fn.apply(this, args)
    } catch (e) {
        error = e

     * handle errors that get thrown directly and are not cause by
     * rejected promises
    if (error) {
        if (repeatTest) {
            return executeAsync(fn, --repeatTest, args)
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => reject(error))

     * if we don't retry just return result
    if (repeatTest === 0 || !result || typeof result.catch !== 'function') {
        return new Promise(resolve => resolve(result))

     * handle promise response
    return result.catch((e) => {
        if (repeatTest) {
            return executeAsync(fn, --repeatTest, args)

        e.stack = e.stack.split('\n').filter(STACKTRACE_FILTER_FN).join('\n')
        return Promise.reject(e)

 * runs a hook within fibers context (if function name is not async)
 * it also executes before/after hook hook
 * @param  {Function} hookFn      function that was passed to the framework hook
 * @param  {Function} origFn      original framework hook function
 * @param  {Function} before      before hook hook
 * @param  {Function} after       after hook hook
 * @param  {Number}   repeatTest  number of retries if hook fails
 * @return {Function}             wrapped framework hook function
const runHook = function (hookFn, origFn, before, after, repeatTest = 0) {
    const hookError = (hookName) => (e) => console.error(`Error in ${hookName}: ${e.stack}`)

    return origFn(function (...hookArgs) {
        // Print errors encountered in beforeHook and afterHook to console, but
        // don't propagate them to avoid failing the test. However, errors in
        // framework hook functions should fail the test, so propagate those.
        return executeHooksWithArgs(before).catch(hookError('beforeHook')).then(() => {
             * user wants handle async command using promises, no need to wrap in fiber context
            if (isAsync() || hookFn.name === 'async') {
                return executeAsync.call(this, hookFn, repeatTest, filterSpecArgs(hookArgs))

            return new Promise(runSync.call(this, hookFn, repeatTest, filterSpecArgs(hookArgs)))
        }).then(() => {
            return executeHooksWithArgs(after).catch(hookError('afterHook'))

 * runs a spec function (test function) within the fibers context
 * @param  {string}   specTitle   test description
 * @param  {Function} specFn      test function that got passed in from the user
 * @param  {Function} origFn      original framework test function
 * @param  {Number}   repeatTest  number of retries if test fails
 * @return {Function}             wrapped test function
const runSpec = function (specTitle, specFn, origFn, repeatTest = 0) {
     * user wants handle async command using promises, no need to wrap in fiber context
    if (isAsync() || specFn.name === 'async') {
        return origFn(specTitle, function async (...specArgs) {
            return executeAsync.call(this, specFn, repeatTest, filterSpecArgs(specArgs))

    return origFn(specTitle, function (...specArgs) {
        return new Promise(runSync.call(this, specFn, repeatTest, filterSpecArgs(specArgs)))

 * run hook or spec via executeSync
function runSync (fn, repeatTest = 0, args = []) {
    return (resolve, reject) =>
        Fiber(() => executeSync.call(this, fn, repeatTest, args).then(() => resolve(), reject)).run()

 * wraps hooks and test function of a framework within a fiber context
 * @param  {Function} origFn               original framework function
 * @param  {string[]} testInterfaceFnNames actual test functions for that framework
 * @return {Function}                      wrapped test/hook function
const wrapTestFunction = function (fnName, origFn, testInterfaceFnNames, before, after) {
    return function (...specArguments) {
         * Variadic arguments:
         * [title, fn], [title], [fn]
         * [title, fn, retryCnt], [title, retryCnt], [fn, retryCnt]
        let retryCnt = typeof specArguments[specArguments.length - 1] === 'number' ? specArguments.pop() : 0
        const specFn = typeof specArguments[0] === 'function' ? specArguments.shift()
            : (typeof specArguments[1] === 'function' ? specArguments.pop() : undefined)
        const specTitle = specArguments[0]

        if (testInterfaceFnNames.indexOf(fnName) > -1) {
            if (specFn) return runSpec(specTitle, specFn, origFn, retryCnt)

             * if specFn is undefined we are dealing with a pending function
            return origFn(specTitle)

        return runHook(specFn, origFn, before, after, retryCnt)

 * Wraps global test function like `it` so that commands can run synchronouse
 * The scope parameter is used in the qunit framework since all functions are bound to global.QUnit instead of global
 * @param  {String[]} testInterfaceFnNames  command that runs specs
 * @param  {Function} before               before hook hook
 * @param  {Function} after                after hook hook
 * @param  {String}   fnName               test interface command to wrap
 * @param  {Object}   scope                the scope to run command from, defaults to global
const runInFiberContext = function (testInterfaceFnNames, before, after, fnName, scope = global) {
    const origFn = scope[fnName]
    scope[fnName] = wrapTestFunction(fnName, origFn, testInterfaceFnNames, before, after)

     * support it.skip for the Mocha framework
    if (typeof origFn.skip === 'function') {
        scope[fnName].skip = origFn.skip

     * wrap it.only for the Mocha framework
    if (typeof origFn.only === 'function') {
        const origOnlyFn = origFn.only
        scope[fnName].only = wrapTestFunction(fnName + '.only', origOnlyFn, testInterfaceFnNames, before, after)

export {