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// Note that this files adds to the config from config.docker.js

const config = require('./config.docker');
const validateConfig = require('webgme/config/validator');

config.authentication.enable = true;

// Generate these on the host and edit the mounted volumes for webgme in the docker-compose.yml
// https://github.com/webgme/tutorials/tree/master/_session6_auth#1-key-generation
config.authentication.jwt.privateKey = '/token_keys/private_key';
config.authentication.jwt.publicKey = '/token_keys/public_key';

// Persisting blob files outside the container: uncomment and edit mounted volumes for webgme in docker-compose.yml
config.blob.fsDir = '/blob-local-storage';

// If using adminAccount go to localhost:8888/profile/ and login as admin and create a new admin with your password.
config.authentication.adminAccount = 'admin:admin';

// Here follow some of the default settings for https://github.com/webgme/webgme/tree/master/config#authentication
config.authentication.allowGuests = true;
config.authentication.guestAccount = 'guest';
config.authentication.allowUserRegistration = true;
config.authentication.registeredUsersCanCreate = true;
config.authentication.inferredUsersCanCreate = false;

module.exports = config;