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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
"""Classes used for representing Tables, TableRows and TableCells."""

from itertools import chain, accumulate
from typing import List

from inscriptis.annotation import Annotation, horizontal_shift
from inscriptis.html_properties import HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment
from inscriptis.model.canvas import Canvas

class TableCell(Canvas):
    """A table cell.

        line_width: the original line widths per line (required to adjust
                    annotations after a reformatting)
        vertical_padding: vertical padding that has been introduced due to
                          vertical formatting rules.

    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(self, align: HorizontalAlignment, valign: VerticalAlignment):
        self.align = align
        self.valign = valign
        self._width = None
        self.line_width = None
        self.vertical_padding = 0

    def normalize_blocks(self) -> int:
        """Split multi-line blocks into multiple one-line blocks.

            The height of the normalized cell.
        self.blocks = list(chain(*(line.split("\n") for line in self.blocks)))
        if not self.blocks:
            self.blocks = [""]
        return len(self.blocks)

    def height(self) -> int:
        """Compute the table cell's height.

            The cell's current height.
        return max(1, len(self.blocks))

    def width(self) -> int:
        """Compute the table cell's width.

            The cell's current width.
        if self._width:
            return self._width
        return max(
            (len(line) for line in chain(*(block.split("\n") for block in self.blocks)))

    def width(self, width):
        """Set the table's width and applies the cell's horizontal formatting.

            The cell's expected width.
        # save the original line widths before reformatting
        self.line_width = [len(block) for block in self.blocks]

        # record new width and start reformatting
        self._width = width
        format_spec = "{{:{align}{width}}}".format(align=self.align.value, width=width)
        self.blocks = [format_spec.format(b) for b in self.blocks]

    def height(self, height: int):
        """Set the cell's height to the given value.

            Depending on the height and the cell's vertical formatting this
            might require the introduction of empty lines.
        rows = len(self.blocks)
        if rows < height:
            empty_line = [""]
            if self.valign == VerticalAlignment.bottom:
                self.vertical_padding = height - rows
                self.blocks = self.vertical_padding * empty_line + self.blocks
            elif self.valign == VerticalAlignment.middle:
                self.vertical_padding = (height - rows) // 2
                self.blocks = (
                    self.vertical_padding * empty_line
                    + self.blocks
                    + ((height - rows + 1) // 2 * empty_line)
                self.blocks = self.blocks + ((height - rows) * empty_line)

    def get_annotations(self, idx: int, row_width: int) -> List[Annotation]:
        """Return a list of all annotations within the TableCell.

            A list of annotations that have been adjusted to the cell's
        self.current_block.idx = idx
        if not self.annotations:
            return []

        # the easy case - the cell has only one line :)
        if len(self.blocks) == 1:
            self.line_width[0] = self.width
            return horizontal_shift(
                self.annotations, self.line_width[0], self.width, self.align, idx

        # the more challenging one - multiple cell lines
        line_break_pos = list(accumulate(self.line_width))
        annotation_lines = [[] for _ in self.blocks]

        # assign annotations to the corresponding line
        for a in self.annotations:
            for no, line_break in enumerate(line_break_pos):
                if a.start <= (line_break + no):  # consider newline
                    annotation_lines[no + self.vertical_padding].append(a)

        # compute the annotation index based on its line and delta :)
        result = []
        idx += self.vertical_padding  # newlines introduced by the padding
        for line_annotations, line_len in zip(annotation_lines, self.line_width):
                    line_annotations, line_len, self.width, self.align, idx
            idx += row_width - line_len
        self.line_width = [self.width for _ in self.line_width]
        return result

class TableRow:
    """A single row within a table.

        columns: the table row's columns.
        cell_separator: string used for separating columns from each other.

    __slots__ = ("columns", "cell_separator")

    def __init__(self, cell_separator: str):
        self.columns: List[TableCell] = []
        self.cell_separator = cell_separator

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.columns)

    def get_text(self) -> str:
        """Return a text representation of the TableRow."""
        row_lines = [
            for line in zip(*[column.blocks for column in self.columns])
        return "\n".join(row_lines)

    def width(self) -> int:
        """Compute and return the width of the current row."""
        if not self.columns:
            return 0

        return sum((cell.width for cell in self.columns)) + len(self.cell_separator) * (
            len(self.columns) - 1

class Table:
    """An HTML table.

        rows: the table's rows.
        left_margin_len: length of the left margin before the table.
        cell_separator: string used for separating cells from each other.

    __slots__ = ("rows", "left_margin_len", "cell_separator")

    def __init__(self, left_margin_len: int, cell_separator: str):
        self.rows = []
        self.left_margin_len = left_margin_len
        self.cell_separator = cell_separator

    def add_row(self):
        """Add an empty :class:`TableRow` to the table."""

    def add_cell(self, table_cell: TableCell):
        """Add  a new :class:`TableCell` to the table's last row.

        .. note::
            If no row exists yet, a new row is created.
        if not self.rows:

    def _set_row_height(self):
        """Set the cell height for all :class:`TableCell`s in the table."""
        for row in self.rows:
            max_row_height = (
                max((cell.normalize_blocks() for cell in row.columns))
                if row.columns
                else 0
            for cell in row.columns:
                cell.height = max_row_height

    def _set_column_width(self):
        """Set the column width for all :class:`TableCell`s in the table."""
        # determine maximum number of columns
        max_columns = max((len(row.columns) for row in self.rows))

        for cur_column_idx in range(max_columns):
            # determine the required column width for the current column
            max_column_width = max(
                    for row in self.rows
                    if len(row) > cur_column_idx

            # set column width for all TableCells in the current column
            for row in self.rows:
                if len(row) > cur_column_idx:
                    row.columns[cur_column_idx].width = max_column_width

    def get_text(self) -> str:
        """Return and render the text of the given table."""
        if not self.rows:
            return "\n"

        return "\n".join((row.get_text() for row in self.rows)) + "\n"

    def get_annotations(self, idx: int, left_margin_len: int) -> List[Annotation]:
        r"""Return all annotations in the given table.

            idx: the table's start index.
            left_margin_len: len of the left margin (required for adapting
                             the position of annotations).

            A list of all :class:`~inscriptis.annotation.Annotation`\s present
            in the table.
        if not self.rows:
            return []

        annotations = []
        idx += left_margin_len
        for row in self.rows:
            if not row.columns:

            row_width = row.width + left_margin_len
            row_height = row.columns[0].height
            cell_idx = idx
            for cell in row.columns:
                annotations += cell.get_annotations(cell_idx, row_width)
                cell_idx += cell.width + len(row.cell_separator)

            idx += (row_width + 1) * row_height  # linebreak

        return annotations