import { Answers, ActionType, FileRecord } from "../../types";
import { dirname, join, resolve } from "path";
import { NodePlopAPI, DynamicActionsFunction } from "node-plop";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import { logger } from "../../utils/logger.js";
const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
export default async function (plop: NodePlopAPI) {
// dependencies to be installed
const devDependencies: Array<string> = ["webpack-defaults"];
await plop.load("../../utils/pkgInstallAction.js", {}, true);
await plop.load("../../utils/fileGenerator.js", {}, true);
plop.setDefaultInclude({ generators: true, actionTypes: true });
plop.setPlopfilePath(resolve(__dirname, "../../plopfile.js"));
// Define a base generator for the project structure
plop.setGenerator("plugin-default", {
description: "Create a basic webpack plugin.",
prompts: [
type: "input",
name: "name",
message: "Plugin name?",
default: "my-webpack-plugin",
filter: (input) => plop.getHelper("kebabCase")(input),
validate: (str: string): boolean => str.length > 0,
type: "list",
name: "packageManager",
message: "Pick a package manager:",
choices: ["npm", "yarn", "pnpm"],
default: "npm",
validate(input) {
if (!input.trim()) {
return "Package manager cannot be empty";
return true;
actions: function (answers: Answers) {
const actions: ActionType[] = [];
answers.projectPath = join(answers.projectPath,;
Your project must be inside a folder named ${}
I will create this folder for you.
answers.pluginIdentifier = plop.getHelper("pascalCase")(;
const files: Array<FileRecord> = [
{ filePath: "./package.json", fileType: "text" },
{ filePath: "./examples/simple/src/index.js", fileType: "text" },
{ filePath: "./examples/simple/src/lazy-module.js", fileType: "text" },
{ filePath: "./examples/simple/src/static-esm-module.js", fileType: "text" },
{ filePath: "./examples/simple/webpack.config.js", fileType: "text" },
{ filePath: "./src/cjs.js", fileType: "text" },
{ filePath: "./test/fixtures/simple-file.js", fileType: "text" },
{ filePath: "./test/functional.test.js", fileType: "text" },
{ filePath: "./test/test-utils.js", fileType: "text" },
{ filePath: "./src/index.js", fileType: "text" },
for (const file of files) {
type: "fileGenerator",
path: join(answers.projectPath, file.filePath),
templateFile: join(
fileType: file.fileType,
data: answers,
type: "pkgInstall",
path: answers.projectPath,
packages: devDependencies,
return actions;
} as DynamicActionsFunction,