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Test Coverage
 * @module trigger

import { win, each } from '../util';
import { contains } from '../dom/contains';

const reMouseEvent = /^(mouse(down|up|over|out|enter|leave|move)|contextmenu|(dbl)?click)$/;
const reKeyEvent = /^key(down|press|up)$/;

 * Trigger event at element(s)
 * @param {String} type Type of the event
 * @param {Object} data Data to be sent with the event (`params.detail` will be set to this).
 * @param {Object} [params] Event parameters (optional)
 * @param {Boolean} params.bubbles=true Does the event bubble up through the DOM or not.
 * @param {Boolean} params.cancelable=true Is the event cancelable or not.
 * @param {Mixed} params.detail=undefined Additional information about the event.
 * @return {Object} The wrapped collection
 * @chainable
 * @example
 *     $('.item').trigger('anyEventType');

export const trigger = function(type, data, {bubbles = true, cancelable = true, preventDefault = false} = {}) {

  const EventConstructor = getEventConstructor(type);
  const event = new EventConstructor(type, {
    detail: data

  event._preventDefault = preventDefault;

  return each(this, element => {
    if(!bubbles || isEventBubblingInDetachedTree || isAttachedToDocument(element)) {
      dispatchEvent(element, event);
    } else {
      triggerForPath(element, type, {
        detail: data

const getEventConstructor = type => isSupportsOtherEventConstructors ? (reMouseEvent.test(type) ? MouseEvent : (reKeyEvent.test(type) ? KeyboardEvent : CustomEvent)) : CustomEvent;

 * Trigger event at first element in the collection. Similar to `trigger()`, except:
 * - Event does not bubble
 * - Default event behavior is prevented
 * - Only triggers handler for first matching element
 * @param {String} type Type of the event
 * @param {Object} data Data to be sent with the event
 * @example
 *     $('form').triggerHandler('submit');

export const triggerHandler = function(type, data) {
  if(this[0]) {
    trigger.call(this[0], type, data, {
      bubbles: false,
      preventDefault: true

 * Check whether the element is attached to or detached from) the document
 * @private
 * @param {Node} element Element to test
 * @return {Boolean}

const isAttachedToDocument = element => {
  if(element === window || element === document) {
    return true;
  return contains(element.ownerDocument.documentElement, element);

 * Dispatch the event at the element and its ancestors.
 * Required to support delegated events in browsers that don't bubble events in detached DOM trees.
 * @private
 * @param {Node} element First element to dispatch the event at
 * @param {String} type Type of the event
 * @param {Object} [params] Event parameters (optional)
 * @param {Boolean} params.bubbles=true Does the event bubble up through the DOM or not.
 * Will be set to false (but shouldn't matter since events don't bubble anyway).
 * @param {Boolean} params.cancelable=true Is the event cancelable or not.
 * @param {Mixed} params.detail=undefined Additional information about the event.

const triggerForPath = (element, type, params = {}) => {
  params.bubbles = false;
  const event = new CustomEvent(type, params);
  event._target = element;
  do {
    dispatchEvent(element, event);
  } while(element = element.parentNode); // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign

 * Dispatch event to element, but call direct event methods instead if available
 * (e.g. "blur()", "submit()") and if the event is non-cancelable.
 * @private
 * @param {Node} element Element to dispatch the event at
 * @param {Object} event Event to dispatch

const directEventMethods = ['blur', 'focus', 'select', 'submit'];

const dispatchEvent = (element, event) => {
  if(directEventMethods.indexOf(event.type) !== -1 && typeof element[event.type] === 'function' && !event._preventDefault && !event.cancelable) {
  } else {

 * Polyfill for CustomEvent, borrowed from [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomEvent/CustomEvent#Polyfill).
 * Needed to support IE (9, 10, 11) & PhantomJS

(() => {
  const CustomEvent = function(event, params = {
    bubbles: false,
    cancelable: false,
    detail: undefined
  }) {
    let customEvent = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
    customEvent.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail);
    return customEvent;

  CustomEvent.prototype = win.CustomEvent && win.CustomEvent.prototype;
  win.CustomEvent = CustomEvent;


 * Are events bubbling in detached DOM trees?
 * @private

const isEventBubblingInDetachedTree = (() =>{
  let isBubbling = false;
  const doc = win.document;
  if(doc) {
    const parent = doc.createElement('div');
    const child = parent.cloneNode();
    parent.addEventListener('e', function() {
      isBubbling = true;
    child.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('e', {bubbles: true}));
  return isBubbling;

const isSupportsOtherEventConstructors = (() => {
  try {
    new MouseEvent('click');
  } catch(e) {
    return false;
  return true;