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Test Coverage
[//]: # (Inspired by https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/9e1d8542533bf09623d790413ff2872921efda7e/.gitlab/issue_templates/Bug.md)

> *To avoid issue duplication, make sure to [lookup the same or similar one labelled with `bug`](https://github.com/webyneter/python-humble-utils/issues?q=label%3bug). 
Please, remove this notice if you are confident the issue is original.*

### Summary

*Briefly elaborate on the issue you have encountered.*

### Reproducibility

#### Prerequisites

* Project version (or `<branch>/<commit>` non-releases): 
* Python version: 
* Platform: 

#### Steps

*Enumerate steps to be taken for the bug to be reproduced.*

### Current Behavior

*Briefly describe, what actually happens.*

### Expected Behavior

*Briefly describe, what is declared to happen.*

### Relevant Artifacts

*(**Optional**.) Provide any extra data you think might help resolve the issue faster (logs, screenshots etc.)*

### Proposed Solution

*(**Optional**.) What is in your opinion the best way to fix this? (By the way, if you have a solution, why not make a PR? :) )*