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package _interface

import "github.com/wechaty/go-wechaty/wechaty-puppet/schemas"

type IFriendshipFactory interface {
    Load(id string) IFriendship
    // Search search a Friend by phone or weixin.
    Search(query *schemas.FriendshipSearchCondition) (IContact, error)
    // Add send a Friend Request to a `contact` with message `hello`.
    // The best practice is to send friend request once per minute.
    // Remember not to do this too frequently, or your account may be blocked.
    Add(contact IContact, hello string) error
    // FromJSON create friendShip by friendshipJson
    FromJSON(payload string) (IFriendship, error)
    // FromPayload create friendShip by friendshipPayload
    FromPayload(payload *schemas.FriendshipPayload) (IFriendship, error)

type IFriendship interface {
    Ready() (err error)
    IsReady() bool
    Contact() IContact
    String() string
    // Accept accept friend request
    Accept() error
    Type() schemas.FriendshipType
    // Hello get verify message from
    Hello() string
    // ToJSON get friendShipPayload Json
    ToJSON() (string, error)