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package _interface

import (

type IRoomFactory interface {
    // Create a new room.
    Create(contactList []IContact, topic string) (IRoom, error)
    FindAll(query *schemas.RoomQueryFilter) []IRoom
    // Find query params is string or *schemas.RoomQueryFilter
    // when the parameter is a string type, the room name search is used by default
    Find(query interface{}) IRoom
    Load(id string) IRoom

type IRoom interface {
    // Ready is For FrameWork ONLY!
    Ready(forceSync bool) (err error)
    IsReady() bool
    String() string
    ID() string
    // MemberAll all contacts in a room
    // params nil or string or *schemas.RoomMemberQueryFilter
    MemberAll(query interface{}) ([]IContact, error)
    // Member Find all contacts in a room, if get many, return the first one.
    // query params string or *schemas.RoomMemberQueryFilter
    Member(query interface{}) (IContact, error)
    // Alias return contact's roomAlias in the room
    Alias(contact IContact) (string, error)
    // Sync Force reload data for Room, Sync data from puppet API again.
    Sync() error
    // Say something params {(string | Contact | FileBox | UrlLink | MiniProgram )}
    // mentionList @ contact list
    Say(something interface{}, mentionList ...IContact) (msg IMessage, err error)
    // Add contact in a room
    Add(contact IContact) error
    // Del delete a contact from the room
    // it works only when the bot is the owner of the room
    Del(contact IContact) error
    // Quit the room itself
    Quit() error
    // Topic get topic from the room
    Topic() string
    // Topic set topic from the room
    SetTopic(topic string) error
    // Announce get announce from the room
    Announce() (string, error)
    // Announce set announce from the room
    // It only works when bot is the owner of the room.
    SetAnnounce(text string) error
    // QrCode Get QR Code Value of the Room from the room, which can be used as scan and join the room.
    QrCode() (string, error)
    // Has check if the room has member `contact`
    Has(contact IContact) (bool, error)
    // Owner get room's owner from the room.
    Owner() IContact
    // Avatar get avatar from the room.
    Avatar() (*filebox.FileBox, error)