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package user

import (

    _interface "github.com/wechaty/go-wechaty/wechaty/interface"

type Message struct {

    id      string
    payload *schemas.MessagePayload

// NewMessage ...
func NewMessage(id string, accessory _interface.IAccessory) _interface.IMessage {
    return &Message{
        IAccessory: accessory,
        id:         id,

func (m *Message) Ready() (err error) {
    if m.IsReady() {
        return nil

    m.payload, err = m.GetPuppet().MessagePayload(m.id)

    if err != nil {
        return err

    talkerId := m.payload.TalkerId
    roomId := m.payload.RoomId
    listenerId := m.payload.ListenerId

    if roomId != "" {
        if err := m.GetWechaty().Room().Load(roomId).Ready(false); err != nil {
            return err

    if talkerId != "" {
        if err := m.GetWechaty().Contact().Load(talkerId).Ready(false); err != nil {
            return err

    if listenerId != "" {
        if err := m.GetWechaty().Contact().Load(listenerId).Ready(false); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

func (m *Message) IsReady() bool {
    return m.payload != nil

// String() message to print string
func (m *Message) String() string {
    talkerStr := ""
    roomStr := ""
    talker := m.Talker()
    if talker != nil {
        talkerStr = "🗣" + talker.String()
    room := m.Room()
    if room != nil {
        roomStr = "@👥'" + room.String()
    str := fmt.Sprintf("Message#%s[%s%s]", m.Type(), talkerStr, roomStr)
    switch m.Type() {
    case schemas.MessageTypeText, schemas.MessageTypeUnknown:
        r := []rune(m.Text())
        if len(r) > 70 {
            r = r[0:70]
        str += "\t" + string(r)
    return str

// Room get the room from the message.
func (m *Message) Room() _interface.IRoom {
    roomId := m.payload.RoomId
    if roomId == "" {
        return nil
    return m.GetWechaty().Room().Load(roomId)

// Type get the type from the message.
func (m *Message) Type() schemas.MessageType {
    return m.payload.Type

// From get the sender from a message
// Deprecated: please use Talker()
func (m *Message) From() _interface.IContact {
    return m.Talker()

// Talker Get the talker of a message.
func (m *Message) Talker() _interface.IContact {
    if m.payload.TalkerId == "" {
        return nil
    return m.GetWechaty().Contact().Load(m.payload.TalkerId)

// Text get the text content of the message
func (m *Message) Text() string {
    return m.payload.Text

// Self check if a message is sent by self
func (m *Message) Self() bool {
    userID := m.GetPuppet().SelfID()
    talker := m.Talker()

    //TODO talker 为 nil 的情况,群公告消息
    if talker == nil {
        return false
    return userID == talker.ID()

func (m *Message) Age() time.Duration {
    return time.Since(m.Date())

// Date sent date
func (m *Message) Date() time.Time {
    return m.payload.Timestamp

// Say reply a Text or Media File message to the sender.
// Support msg:
// string
// Contact
// filebox.FileBox
// UrlLink
// MiniProgram
// Location
func (m *Message) Say(sayable interface{}) (_interface.IMessage, error) {
    conversationId, err := m.sayId()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    var messageID string
    switch v := sayable.(type) {
    case string:
        messageID, err = m.GetPuppet().MessageSendText(conversationId, v)
    case *Contact:
        messageID, err = m.GetPuppet().MessageSendContact(conversationId, v.Id)
    case *filebox.FileBox:
        messageID, err = m.GetPuppet().MessageSendFile(conversationId, v)
    case *UrlLink:
        messageID, err = m.GetPuppet().MessageSendURL(conversationId, v.payload)
    case *MiniProgram:
        messageID, err = m.GetPuppet().MessageSendMiniProgram(conversationId, v.payload)
    case *Location:
        messageID, err = m.GetPuppet().MessageSendLocation(conversationId, v.payload)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown msg: %v", sayable)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if messageID == "" {
        return nil, nil
    message := m.GetWechaty().Message().Load(messageID)
    if err := message.Ready(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return message, nil

func (m *Message) sayId() (string, error) {
    room := m.Room()
    if room != nil {
        return room.ID(), nil
    talker := m.Talker()
    if talker != nil {
        return talker.ID(), nil
    return "", errors.New("neither room nor talker? ")

// To get the destination of the message
// Deprecated: please use Listener()
func (m *Message) To() _interface.IContact {
    return m.Listener()

Listener Get the destination of the message.
listener() will return nil if a message is in a room
use Room() to get the room.
func (m *Message) Listener() _interface.IContact {
    if m.payload.ListenerId == "" {
        return nil
    return m.GetWechaty().Contact().Load(m.payload.ListenerId)

// ToRecalled get the recalled message
func (m *Message) ToRecalled() (_interface.IMessage, error) {
    if m.Type() != schemas.MessageTypeRecalled {
        return nil, errors.New("can not call toRecalled() on message which is not recalled type")
    originalMessageId := m.Text()
    if originalMessageId == "" {
        return nil, errors.New("can not find recalled message")
    message := m.GetWechaty().Message().Load(originalMessageId)
    err := message.Ready()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return message, nil

// Recall recall a message
func (m *Message) Recall() (bool, error) {
    recall, err := m.GetPuppet().MessageRecall(m.id)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    return recall, nil

// MentionList get message mentioned contactList.
func (m *Message) MentionList() []_interface.IContact {
    room := m.Room()
    if m.Type() != schemas.MessageTypeText || room == nil {
        return nil
    var contactList []_interface.IContact
    if len(m.payload.MentionIdList) > 0 {
        async := helper.NewAsync(helper.DefaultWorkerNum)
        for _, id := range m.payload.MentionIdList {
            id := id
            async.AddTask(func() (interface{}, error) {
                contact := m.GetWechaty().Contact().Load(id)
                return contact, contact.Ready(false)
        for _, v := range async.Result() {
            if v.Err != nil {
            contactList = append(contactList, v.Value.(_interface.IContact))
        return contactList

    atList := config.AtSeparatorRegex.Split(m.Text(), -1)
    if len(atList) == 0 {
        return nil
    var mentionNameList []string
    for _, v := range atList {
        if !strings.Contains(v, "@") {
        for _, v := range m.multipleAt(v) {
            if v == "" {
            mentionNameList = append(mentionNameList, v)
    async := helper.NewAsync(helper.DefaultWorkerNum)
    for _, name := range mentionNameList {
        name := name
        async.AddTask(func() (interface{}, error) {
            return room.MemberAll(name)
    for _, v := range async.Result() {
        if v.Err != nil {
        contactList = append(contactList, v.Value.([]_interface.IContact)...)
    return contactList

// convert 'hello@a@b@c' to [ 'c', 'b@c', 'a@b@c' ]
func (m *Message) multipleAt(str string) []string {
    r, _ := regexp.Compile("^.*?@")
    strs := strings.Split(r.ReplaceAllString(str, "@"), "@")
    var name string
    var nameList []string
    var filterStrs []string
    for _, mentionName := range strs {
        if mentionName == "" {
        filterStrs = append(filterStrs, mentionName)
    sort.Slice(filterStrs, func(i, j int) bool {
        return filterStrs[i] > filterStrs[j]
    for _, mentionName := range filterStrs {
        name = mentionName + "@" + name
        r := []rune(name)
        nameList = append(nameList, string(r[0:len(r)-1]))
    return nameList

func (m *Message) MentionText() string {
    text := m.Text()
    room := m.Room()
    mentionList := m.MentionList()

    if room == nil || len(mentionList) == 0 {
        return text

    toAliasName := func(member _interface.IContact) string {
        alias, _ := room.Alias(member)
        if alias != "" {
            return alias
        return member.Name()

    var mentionNameList []string
    for _, v := range mentionList {
        mentionNameList = append(mentionNameList, toAliasName(v))

    for _, v := range mentionNameList {
        reg := regexp.MustCompile("@" + regexp.QuoteMeta(v) + "(\u2005|\u0020|$)")
        text = reg.ReplaceAllString(text, "")
    return strings.TrimSpace(text)

func (m *Message) MentionSelf() bool {
    selfID := m.GetPuppet().SelfID()
    mentionList := m.MentionList()
    for _, v := range mentionList {
        if v.ID() == selfID {
            return true
    return false

// Forward Forward the received message.
func (m *Message) Forward(contactOrRoomId string) error {
    _, err := m.GetPuppet().MessageForward(contactOrRoomId, m.id)
    return err

// ToFileBox extract the Media File from the Message, and put it into the FileBox.
func (m *Message) ToFileBox() (*filebox.FileBox, error) {
    if m.Type() == schemas.MessageTypeText {
        return nil, errors.New("text message no file")
    return m.GetPuppet().MessageFile(m.id)

// ToImage extract the Image File from the Message, so that we can use different image sizes.
func (m *Message) ToImage() (_interface.IImage, error) {
    if m.Type() != schemas.MessageTypeImage {
        return nil, errors.New("not a image type message")
    return m.GetWechaty().Image().Create(m.id), nil

// ToContact Get Share Card of the Message
// Extract the Contact Card from the Message, and encapsulate it into Contact class
func (m *Message) ToContact() (_interface.IContact, error) {
    if m.Type() != schemas.MessageTypeContact {
        return nil, errors.New("message not a ShareCard")
    contactID, err := m.GetPuppet().MessageContact(m.id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    contact := m.GetWechaty().Contact().Load(contactID)
    err = contact.Ready(false)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return contact, nil

func (m *Message) ToUrlLink() (*UrlLink, error) {
    if m.Type() != schemas.MessageTypeURL {
        return nil, errors.New("message not a Url Link")
    urlPayload, err := m.GetPuppet().MessageURL(m.id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return NewUrlLink(urlPayload), nil

func (m *Message) ToMiniProgram() (*MiniProgram, error) {
    if m.Type() != schemas.MessageTypeMiniProgram {
        return nil, errors.New("message not a MiniProgram")
    miniProgramPayload, err := m.GetPuppet().MessageMiniProgram(m.id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return NewMiniProgram(miniProgramPayload), nil

func (m *Message) ToLocation() (*Location, error) {
    if m.Type() != schemas.MessageTypeLocation {
        return nil, errors.New("message not a Location")

    payload, err := m.GetPuppet().MessageLocation(m.id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return NewLocation(payload), nil

// ID message id
func (m *Message) ID() string {
    return m.id