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45 mins
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package user

import (

    _interface "github.com/wechaty/go-wechaty/wechaty/interface"

type Room struct {
    id      string
    payLoad *schemas.RoomPayload

// NewRoom ...
func NewRoom(id string, accessory _interface.IAccessory) *Room {
    return &Room{
        id:         id,
        IAccessory: accessory,

// Ready is For FrameWork ONLY!
func (r *Room) Ready(forceSync bool) (err error) {
    if !forceSync && r.IsReady() {
        return nil

    r.payLoad, err = r.GetPuppet().RoomPayload(r.id)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    memberIDs, err := r.GetPuppet().RoomMemberList(r.id)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    async := helper.NewAsync(helper.DefaultWorkerNum)
    for _, id := range memberIDs {
        id := id
        async.AddTask(func() (interface{}, error) {
            return nil, r.GetWechaty().Contact().Load(id).Ready(false)
    _ = async.Result()

    return nil

func (r *Room) IsReady() bool {
    return r.payLoad != nil

func (r *Room) String() string {
    str := "loading"
    if r.payLoad.Topic != "" {
        str = r.payLoad.Topic
    return fmt.Sprintf("Room<%s>", str)

func (r *Room) ID() string {
    return r.id

// MemberAll all contacts in a room
// params nil or string or *schemas.RoomMemberQueryFilter
func (r *Room) MemberAll(query interface{}) ([]_interface.IContact, error) {
    if query == nil {
        return r.memberList()
    idList, err := r.GetPuppet().RoomMemberSearch(r.id, query)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    var contactList []_interface.IContact
    for _, id := range idList {
        contact := r.GetWechaty().Contact().Load(id)
        if err := contact.Ready(false); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        contactList = append(contactList, contact)
    return contactList, nil

// Member Find all contacts in a room, if get many, return the first one.
// query params string or RoomMemberQueryFilter
func (r *Room) Member(query interface{}) (_interface.IContact, error) {
    memberList, err := r.MemberAll(query)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if len(memberList) == 0 {
        return nil, nil
    return memberList[0], nil

// get all room member from the room
func (r *Room) memberList() ([]_interface.IContact, error) {
    memberIDList, err := r.GetPuppet().RoomMemberList(r.id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if len(memberIDList) == 0 {
        return nil, nil
    var contactList []_interface.IContact
    for _, id := range memberIDList {
        contactList = append(contactList, r.GetWechaty().Contact().Load(id))
    return contactList, nil

// Alias return contact's roomAlias in the room
func (r *Room) Alias(contact _interface.IContact) (string, error) {
    memberPayload, err := r.GetPuppet().RoomMemberPayload(r.id, contact.ID())
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return memberPayload.RoomAlias, nil

// Sync Force reload data for Room, Sync data from puppet API again.
func (r *Room) Sync() error {
    if err := r.GetPuppet().DirtyPayload(schemas.PayloadTypeRoom, r.id); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := r.GetPuppet().DirtyPayload(schemas.PayloadTypeRoomMember, r.id); err != nil {
        return err
    return r.Ready(true)

// Say something params {(string | Contact | FileBox | UrlLink | MiniProgram )}
// mentionList @ contact list
func (r *Room) Say(something interface{}, mentionList ..._interface.IContact) (msg _interface.IMessage, err error) {
    var msgID string
    switch v := something.(type) {
    case string:
        msgID, err = r.sayText(v, mentionList...)
    case *Contact:
        msgID, err = r.GetPuppet().MessageSendContact(r.id, v.Id)
    case *filebox.FileBox:
        msgID, err = r.GetPuppet().MessageSendFile(r.id, v)
    case *UrlLink:
        msgID, err = r.GetPuppet().MessageSendURL(r.id, v.payload)
    case *MiniProgram:
        msgID, err = r.GetPuppet().MessageSendMiniProgram(r.id, v.payload)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported arg: %v", something)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if msgID == "" {
        return nil, nil
    msg = r.GetWechaty().Message().Load(msgID)
    return msg, msg.Ready()

func (r *Room) sayText(text string, mentionList ..._interface.IContact) (string, error) {
    var mentionIDList []string
    if len(mentionList) > 0 {
        mentionAlias := make([]string, 0, len(mentionList))
        const atSeparator = config.FourPerEmSpace
        for _, contact := range mentionList {
            mentionIDList = append(mentionIDList, contact.ID())
            alias, _ := r.Alias(contact)
            if alias == "" {
                alias = contact.Name()
            alias = strings.ReplaceAll(alias, " ", atSeparator)
            mentionAlias = append(mentionAlias, "@"+alias)
        text = strings.Join(mentionAlias, atSeparator) + " " + text
    return r.GetPuppet().MessageSendText(r.id, text, mentionIDList...)

// Add contact in a room
func (r *Room) Add(contact _interface.IContact) error {
    return r.GetPuppet().RoomAdd(r.id, contact.ID())

// Del delete a contact from the room
// it works only when the bot is the owner of the room
func (r *Room) Del(contact _interface.IContact) error {
    return r.GetPuppet().RoomDel(r.id, contact.ID())

// Quit the room itself
func (r *Room) Quit() error {
    return r.GetPuppet().RoomQuit(r.id)

// Topic get topic from the room
func (r *Room) Topic() string {
    if r.payLoad.Topic != "" {
        return r.payLoad.Topic
    memberList, err := r.memberList()
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Room Topic err: ", err)
        return ""
    i := 1
    defaultTopic := ""
    for _, member := range memberList {
        if i >= 3 {
        if member.ID() == r.GetPuppet().SelfID() {
        defaultTopic += member.Name() + ","
    return strings.TrimRight(defaultTopic, ",")

// SetTopic set topic from the room
func (r *Room) SetTopic(topic string) error {
    return r.GetPuppet().SetRoomTopic(r.id, topic)

// Announce get announce from the room
func (r *Room) Announce() (string, error) {
    return r.GetPuppet().RoomAnnounce(r.id)

// SetAnnounce set announce from the room
// It only works when bot is the owner of the room.
func (r *Room) SetAnnounce(text string) error {
    return r.GetPuppet().SetRoomAnnounce(r.id, text)

// QrCode Get QR Code Value of the Room from the room, which can be used as scan and join the room.
func (r *Room) QrCode() (string, error) {
    return r.GetPuppet().RoomQRCode(r.id)

// Has check if the room has member `contact`
func (r *Room) Has(contact _interface.IContact) (bool, error) {
    memberIDList, err := r.GetPuppet().RoomMemberList(r.id)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    for _, id := range memberIDList {
        if id == contact.ID() {
            return true, nil
    return false, nil

// Owner get room's owner from the room.
func (r *Room) Owner() _interface.IContact {
    if r.payLoad.OwnerId == "" {
        return nil
    return r.GetWechaty().Contact().Load(r.payLoad.OwnerId)

// Avatar get avatar from the room.
func (r *Room) Avatar() (*filebox.FileBox, error) {
    return r.GetPuppet().RoomAvatar(r.id)