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3 days
Test Coverage
 * Go Wechaty - https://github.com/wechaty/go-wechaty
 * Authors: Huan LI (李卓桓) <https://github.com/huan>
 *          Xiaoyu DING (丁小雨) <https://github.com/dingdayu>
 * 2020-now @ Copyright Wechaty <https://github.com/wechaty>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

// Package wechaty ...
package wechaty

import (
    wp "github.com/wechaty/go-wechaty/wechaty-puppet"
    puppetservice "github.com/wechaty/go-wechaty/wechaty-puppet-service"
    mc "github.com/wechaty/go-wechaty/wechaty-puppet/memory-card"

// Wechaty ...
type Wechaty struct {

    // cuid
    id string

    puppet wp.IPuppetAbstract
    events events.EventEmitter

    message        _interface.IMessageFactory
    room           _interface.IRoomFactory
    contact        _interface.IContactFactory
    tag            _interface.ITagFactory
    friendship     _interface.IFriendshipFactory
    image          _interface.IImageFactory
    urlLink        _interface.IUrlLinkFactory
    roomInvitation _interface.IRoomInvitationFactory

// NewWechaty ...
// instance by golang.
func NewWechaty(optFns ...OptionFn) *Wechaty {
    var w = &Wechaty{events: events.New(), Option: &Option{}}

    for _, fn := range optFns {

    w.id = cuid.New()

    return w

func (w *Wechaty) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Wechaty#%s", w.id)

// Name Wechaty bot name set by `options.name`
func (w *Wechaty) Name() string {
    if len(w.Option.name) != 0 {
        return w.Option.name
    return "wechaty"

// register event
func (w *Wechaty) registerEvent(name schemas.PuppetEventName, f interface{}) {
    w.events.On(name, func(data ...interface{}) {
        defer func() {
            if err := recover(); err != nil {
                log.Error("panic: ", err)
                w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), fmt.Errorf("panic: event %s %v", name, err))
        values := make([]reflect.Value, 0, len(data))
        for _, v := range data {
            values = append(values, reflect.ValueOf(v))
        _ = reflect.ValueOf(f).Call(values)

// OnScan ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnScan(f EventScan) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameScan, f)
    return w

// OnLogin ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnLogin(f EventLogin) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameLogin, f)
    return w

// OnMessage ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnMessage(f EventMessage) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameMessage, f)
    return w

// OnDong ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnDong(f EventDong) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameDong, f)
    return w

// OnError ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnError(f EventError) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, f)
    return w

// OnFriendship ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnFriendship(f EventFriendship) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameFriendship, f)
    return w

// OnHeartbeat ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnHeartbeat(f EventHeartbeat) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameHeartbeat, f)
    return w

// OnLogout ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnLogout(f EventLogout) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameLogout, f)
    return w

// OnReady ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnReady(f EventReady) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameReady, f)
    return w

// OnRoomInvite ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnRoomInvite(f EventRoomInvite) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameRoomInvite, f)
    return w

// OnRoomJoin ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnRoomJoin(f EventRoomJoin) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameRoomJoin, f)
    return w

// OnRoomLeave ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnRoomLeave(f EventRoomLeave) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameRoomLeave, f)
    return w

// OnRoomTopic ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnRoomTopic(f EventRoomTopic) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameRoomTopic, f)
    return w

// OnStart ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnStart(f EventStart) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameStart, f)
    return w

// OnStop ...
func (w *Wechaty) OnStop(f EventStop) *Wechaty {
    w.registerEvent(schemas.PuppetEventNameStop, f)
    return w

// Use loads a plugin.
func (w *Wechaty) Use(plugin *Plugin) *Wechaty {
    return w

func (w *Wechaty) emit(name schemas.PuppetEventName, data ...interface{}) {
    w.events.Emit(name, data...)

// init puppet
func (w *Wechaty) initPuppet() error {
    if w.puppet != nil {
        log.Warn("Puppet already inited.")
        return nil
    if w.memoryCard == nil {
        return errors.New("memory card not init")

    // TODO: set puppet memory

    if w.Option.puppet == nil {
        // 之前是 puppet.Option 现在改为了 puppetservice.Options 需要兼容处理
        puppetServiceOption := w.Option.puppetServiceOptions
        if w.puppetOption.Token != "" {
            puppetServiceOption.Option = w.puppetOption
        if w.puppetOption.GrpcReconnectInterval != 0 {
            puppetServiceOption.GrpcReconnectInterval = w.puppetOption.GrpcReconnectInterval
        puppet, err := puppetservice.NewNewPuppetService(puppetServiceOption)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        w.puppet = puppet
    } else {
        w.puppet = w.Option.puppet


    return nil

func (w *Wechaty) initPuppetAccessory() {
    accessory := &Accessory{
        puppet:  w.puppet,
        wechaty: w,
    w.message = &factory.MessageFactory{IAccessory: accessory}
    w.contact = factory.NewContactFactory(accessory)
    w.room = factory.NewRoomFactory(accessory)
    w.tag = factory.NewTagFactory(accessory)
    w.friendship = &factory.FriendshipFactory{IAccessory: accessory}
    w.image = &factory.ImageFactory{IAccessory: accessory}
    w.urlLink = &factory.UrlLinkFactory{}
    w.roomInvitation = &factory.RoomInvitationFactory{IAccessory: accessory}

// Start ...
func (w *Wechaty) Start() error {

    var err error

    // TODO: check wechaty on, impl state events

    if w.memoryCard == nil {
        w.memoryCard, err = mc.NewMemoryCard(w.name)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("memory card new err: ", err)
            return err

    err = w.memoryCard.Load()
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("memory card load err: ", err)
        return err

    err = w.initPuppet()
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("w.initPuppet err: ", err)
        return err

    err = w.puppet.Start()
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("puppet start err: ", err)
        return err

    // TODO: io start

    go w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameStart, NewContext())

    return nil

// DaemonStart 守护进程运行
func (w *Wechaty) DaemonStart() {
    if err := w.Start(); err != nil {
    var quitSig = make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(quitSig, os.Interrupt)


func (w *Wechaty) initPuppetEventBridge() {
    // TODO temporary
    for _, name := range schemas.GetEventNames() {
        name := name
        switch name {
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameDong:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), i[0].(*schemas.EventDongPayload).Data)
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameError:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), errors.New(i[0].(*schemas.EventErrorPayload).Data))
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameHeartbeat:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), i[0].(*schemas.EventHeartbeatPayload).Data)
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameLogin:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                contact := w.contact.LoadSelf(i[0].(*schemas.EventLoginPayload).ContactId)
                if err := contact.Ready(false); err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("emit login contact.Ready err: %s\n", err.Error())
                    w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), contact)
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameLogout:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                payload := i[0].(*schemas.EventLogoutPayload)
                contact := w.contact.LoadSelf(payload.ContactId)
                if err := contact.Ready(false); err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("emit logout contact.Ready err: %s\n", err.Error())
                    w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), contact, payload.Data)
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameScan:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                payload := i[0].(*schemas.EventScanPayload)
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), payload.QrCode, payload.Status, payload.Data)
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameMessage:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                messageID := i[0].(*schemas.EventMessagePayload).MessageId
                message := w.message.Load(messageID)
                if err := message.Ready(); err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("emit message message.Ready(%s) err: %s\n", messageID, err.Error())
                    w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), message)
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameFriendship:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                friendship := w.friendship.Load(i[0].(*schemas.EventFriendshipPayload).FriendshipID)
                if err := friendship.Ready(); err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("emit friendship friendship.Ready() err: %s\n", err.Error())
                    w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), friendship)
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameReady:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                w.emit(name, NewContext())
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameRoomInvite:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                roomInvitation := w.roomInvitation.Load(i[0].(*schemas.EventRoomInvitePayload).RoomInvitationId)
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), roomInvitation)
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameRoomJoin:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                payload := i[0].(*schemas.EventRoomJoinPayload)
                room := w.room.Load(payload.RoomId)
                if err := room.Sync(); err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("emit roomjoin room.Sync() err: %s\n", err.Error())
                    w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                var inviteeList []_interface.IContact
                for _, id := range payload.InviteeIdList {
                    c := w.contact.Load(id)
                    if err := c.Ready(false); err != nil {
                        log.Errorf("emit roomjoin contact.Ready() err: %s\n", err.Error())
                        w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                    inviteeList = append(inviteeList, c)
                inviter := w.contact.Load(payload.InviterId)
                if err := inviter.Ready(false); err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("emit roomjoin inviter.Ready() err: %s\n", err.Error())
                    w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), room, inviteeList, inviter, time.Unix(payload.Timestamp, 0))
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameRoomLeave:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                payload := i[0].(*schemas.EventRoomLeavePayload)
                room := w.room.Load(payload.RoomId)
                if err := room.Sync(); err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("emit roomleave room.Sync() err: %s\n", err.Error())
                    w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                var leaverList []_interface.IContact
                for _, id := range payload.RemoveeIdList {
                    c := w.contact.Load(id)
                    if err := c.Ready(false); err != nil {
                        log.Errorf("emit roomleave contact.Ready() err: %s\n", err.Error())
                        w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                    leaverList = append(leaverList, c)
                remover := w.contact.Load(payload.RemoverId)
                if err := remover.Ready(false); err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("emit roomleave inviter.Ready() err: %s\n", err.Error())
                    w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), room, leaverList, remover, time.Unix(payload.Timestamp, 0))
                selfID := w.puppet.SelfID()
                for _, id := range payload.RemoveeIdList {
                    if id != selfID {
                    _ = w.puppet.DirtyPayload(schemas.PayloadTypeRoom, payload.RoomId)
                    _ = w.puppet.DirtyPayload(schemas.PayloadTypeRoomMember, payload.RoomId)
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameRoomTopic:
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                payload := i[0].(*schemas.EventRoomTopicPayload)
                room := w.room.Load(payload.RoomId)
                if err := room.Sync(); err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("emit roomtopic room.Sync() err: %s\n", err.Error())
                    w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                changer := w.contact.Load(payload.ChangerId)
                if err := changer.Ready(false); err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("emit roomtopic changer.Ready() err: %s\n", err.Error())
                    w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                w.emit(name, NewContext(), room, payload.NewTopic, payload.OldTopic, changer, time.Unix(payload.Timestamp, 0))
        case schemas.PuppetEventNameDirty:
             * https://github.com/wechaty/go-wechaty/issues/72
            w.puppet.On(name, func(i ...interface{}) {
                payload := i[0].(*schemas.EventDirtyPayload)
                switch payload.PayloadType {
                case schemas.PayloadTypeRoomMember,
                    if err := w.contact.Load(payload.PayloadId).Ready(true); err != nil {
                        log.Errorf("emit dirty contact.Ready() err: %s\n", err.Error())
                        w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)
                case schemas.PayloadTypeRoom:
                    if err := w.room.Load(payload.PayloadId).Ready(true); err != nil {
                        log.Errorf("emit dirty room.Ready() err: %s\n", err.Error())
                        w.emit(schemas.PuppetEventNameError, NewContext(), err)

                case schemas.PayloadTypeFriendship:
                    // Friendship has no payload
                case schemas.PayloadTypeMessage:
                    // Message does not need to dirty (?)
                case schemas.PayloadTypeUnknown:
                    log.Errorf("unknown payload type:  %s\n", payload.PayloadType)


// Room ...
func (w *Wechaty) Room() _interface.IRoomFactory {
    return w.room

// Message ...
func (w *Wechaty) Message() _interface.IMessageFactory {
    return w.message

// Contact ...
func (w *Wechaty) Contact() _interface.IContactFactory {
    return w.contact

// Tag ...
func (w *Wechaty) Tag() _interface.ITagFactory {
    return w.tag

// Friendship ...
func (w *Wechaty) Friendship() _interface.IFriendshipFactory {
    return w.friendship

// Image ...
func (w *Wechaty) Image() _interface.IImageFactory {
    return w.image

// URLLink ...
func (w *Wechaty) URLLink() _interface.IUrlLinkFactory {
    return w.urlLink

// RoomInvitation ...
func (w *Wechaty) RoomInvitation() _interface.IRoomInvitationFactory {
    return w.roomInvitation

// Puppet return puppet impl
func (w *Wechaty) Puppet() wp.IPuppetAbstract {
    return w.puppet

// UserSelf return contact self
func (w *Wechaty) UserSelf() _interface.IContactSelf {
    userID := w.puppet.SelfID()
    return w.Contact().LoadSelf(userID)

// Context ...
type Context struct {

    cancel             func()
    abort              bool
    disableOncePlugins []*Plugin
    data               map[string]interface{}

// NewContext ...
func NewContext() *Context {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    return &Context{
        abort:   false,
        Context: ctx,
        cancel:  cancel,
        data:    map[string]interface{}{},

// IsActive returns whether the plugin is active now.
func (c *Context) IsActive(plugin *Plugin) bool {
    if !plugin.IsEnable() {
        return false
    for _, p := range c.disableOncePlugins {
        if p == plugin {
            return false
    return true

// DisableOnce disables a plugin temperarily.
// The plugin will be active again(if it is enable).
func (c *Context) DisableOnce(plugin *Plugin) {
    c.disableOncePlugins = append(c.disableOncePlugins, plugin)

// Abort stops executing all follow-up plugins
// and terminates goroutuines which listen to Context.Done() (See go programming language context.Context. https://golang.org/pkg/context/)
func (c *Context) Abort() {
    c.abort = true

// GetData returns temperary data
// which only exists in the current context.
func (c *Context) GetData(name string) interface{} {
    return c.data[name]

// SetData sets temperary data
// which only exists in the current context.
func (c *Context) SetData(name string, value interface{}) {
    c.data[name] = value