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# Translating _Subtitles_

This plugin currently only uses one translatable string: **Enter subtitle here**. I'll need your help translating that phrase into your language.

Right now, _Subtitles_ is available in the following additional languages:

- Brazilian Portuguese ([Douglas Moura](http://profiles.wordpress.org/gafanhoto))
- Catalan ([José Luis Cruz](http://profiles.wordpress.org/joseluiscruz))
- Finnish ([Sami Keijonen](http://profiles.wordpress.org/samikeijonen))
- French ([The WordPress.org French Translation Team](https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/fr/default/wp-plugins/subtitles))
- German ([Ellen Bauer](https://profiles.wordpress.org/elmastudio))
- Italian (Roberto Pizzo)
- Japanese ([Naoko Takano](http://profiles.wordpress.org/nao))
- Korean ([Justin Kopepasah](http://profiles.wordpress.org/kopepasah))
- Lithuanian ([cannotdance](http://profiles.wordpress.org/cannotdance))
- Russian ([Dmitry Mayorov](https://profiles.wordpress.org/iamdmitrymayorov))
- Spanish ([José Luis Cruz](http://profiles.wordpress.org/joseluiscruz))
- Vietnamese ([Philip Arthur Moore](https://profiles.wordpress.org/philiparthurmoore))

All available translations for the plugin are located in this folder.

Please submit a pull request if your language isn’t listed or you would like to help me translate the plugin into your language. You can also email me translation packs for _Subtitles_. I will need both .mo and .po files.

Please see [WordPress in Your Language](https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language) for more information about using Subtitles in your language. All language packs for the plugin will be shipped with the official download, so you shouldn't need to do much to use _Subtitles_ in your language.

For more information about translations and WordPress, see the [Translation Basics](http://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/handbook/translating/basics/) page in the Codex.

If you submit a translation and have a link to a WordPress.org profile page, please send that along with your language packs and I'll link your name out to your WordPress.org profile page.
