

4 hrs
Test Coverage
package helm

import ""

func GetHelmCreateDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command creates a chart directory along with the common files and" +
        "directories used in a chart.\n\n" +
        "For example, `helm create foo` will create a directory structure that looks\n" +
        "something like this:\n" +
        "```\n" +
        "foo/\n" +
        "├── .helmignore   # Contains patterns to ignore when packaging Helm charts.\n" +
        "├── Chart.yaml    # Information about your chart.\n" +
        "├── values.yaml   # The default values for your templates.\n" +
        "├── charts/       # Charts that this chart depends on.\n" +
        "└── templates/    # The template files.\n" +
        "    └── tests/    # The test files.\n" +
        "```\n" +
        "`helm create` takes a path for an argument. If directories in the given path\n" +
        "do not exist, Helm will attempt to create them as it goes. If the given\n" +
        "destination exists and there are files in that directory, conflicting files\n" +
        "will be overwritten, but other files will be left alone.\n"

    return docs

func GetHelmEnvDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "`env` prints out all the environment information in use by Helm."

    return docs

func GetHelmHistoryDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "History prints historical revisions for a given release.\n\n" +
        "A default maximum of 256 revisions will be returned. Setting `--max` " +
        "configures the maximum length of the revision list returned.\n\n" +
        "The historical release set is printed as a formatted table, e.g:\n" +
        "```\n" +
        "$ helm history angry-bird\n" +
        "REVISION    UPDATED                     STATUS          CHART             APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION\n" +
        "1           Mon Oct 3 10:15:13 2016     superseded      alpine-0.1.0      1.0             Initial install\n" +
        "2           Mon Oct 3 10:15:13 2016     superseded      alpine-0.1.0      1.0             Upgraded successfully\n" +
        "3           Mon Oct 3 10:15:13 2016     superseded      alpine-0.1.0      1.0             Rolled back to 2\n" +
        "4           Mon Oct 3 10:15:13 2016     deployed        alpine-0.1.0      1.0             Upgraded successfully\n" +

    return docs

func GetHelmInstallDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command installs a chart archive.\n\n" +
        "The install argument must be a chart reference, a path to a packaged chart, " +
        "a path to an unpacked chart directory or a URL.\n\n" +
        "To override values in a chart, use either the `--values` flag and pass in a file " +
        "or use the `--set` flag and pass configuration from the command line, to force " +
        "a string value use `--set-string`. You can use `--set-file` to set individual " +
        "values from a file when the value itself is too long for the command line " +
        "or is dynamically generated.\n" +
        "```\n$ helm install -f myvalues.yaml myredis ./redis\n```\n" +
        "or\n" +
        "```\n$ helm install --set name=prod myredis ./redis\n```\n" +
        "or\n" +
        "```\n$ helm install --set-string long_int=1234567890 myredis ./redis\n```\n" +
        "or\n" +
        "```\n$ helm install --set-file myredis ./redis\n```\n" +
        "You can specify the `--values`/`-f` flag multiple times. The priority will be given to the " +
        "last (right-most) file specified. For example, if both `myvalues.yaml` and `override.yaml` " +
        "contained a key called `Test`, the value set in `override.yaml` would take precedence:\n" +
        "```\n$ helm install -f myvalues.yaml -f override.yaml  myredis ./redis\n```\n" +
        "You can specify the `--set` flag multiple times. The priority will be given to the " +
        "last (right-most) set specified. For example, if both `bar` and `newbar` values are " +
        "set for a key called `foo`, the `newbar` value would take precedence:\n" +
        "```\n$ helm install --set foo=bar --set foo=newbar  myredis ./redis\n```\n" +
        "To check the generated manifests of a release without installing the chart, " +
        "the `--debug` and `--dry-run` flags can be combined.\n\n" +
        "If `--verify` is set, the chart **must** have a provenance file, and the provenance " +
        "file **must** pass all verification steps.\n\n" +
        "There are five different ways you can express the chart you want to install:\n" +
        "1. By chart reference: `helm install mymaria example/mariadb`.\n" +
        "2. By path to a packaged chart: `helm install mynginx ./nginx-1.2.3.tgz`.\n" +
        "3. By path to an unpacked chart directory: `helm install mynginx ./nginx`.\n" +
        "4. By absolute URL: `helm install mynginx`.\n" +
        "5. By chart reference and repo URL: `helm install --repo mynginx nginx`.\n\n" +
        "### Chart references\n" +
        "A chart reference is a convenient way of referencing a chart in a chart repository.\n\n" +
        "When you use a chart reference with a repo prefix (`example/mariadb`), Helm will look in the local " +
        "configuration for a chart repository named 'example', and will then look for a" +
        "chart in that repository whose name is `mariadb`. It will install the latest stable version of that chart " +
        "until you specify `--devel` flag to also include development version (`alpha`, `beta`, and `release candidate` releases), or " +
        "supply a version number with the `--version` flag.\n\n" +
        "To see the list of chart repositories, use `helm repo list`. To search for " +
        "charts in a repository, use `helm search`."

    return docs

func GetHelmLintDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command takes a path to a chart and runs a series of tests to verify that" +
        "the chart is well-formed.\n\n" +
        "If the linter encounters things that will cause the chart to fail installation, " +
        "it will emit `[ERROR]` messages. If it encounters issues that break with convention " +
        "or recommendation, it will emit `[WARNING]` messages."

    return docs

func GetHelmListDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command lists all of the releases for a specified namespace " +
        "(uses current namespace context if namespace not specified).\n\n" +
        "By default, it lists only releases that are deployed or failed. Flags like " +
        "`--uninstalled` and `--all` will alter this behavior. Such flags can be combined: " +
        "`--uninstalled --failed`.\n\n" +
        "By default, items are sorted alphabetically. Use the `-d` flag to sort by " +
        "release date.\n\n" +
        "If the `--filter` flag is provided, it will be treated as a filter. Filters are " +
        "regular expressions (Perl compatible) that are applied to the list of releases. " +
        "Only items that match the filter will be returned.\n" +
        "```\n" +
        "    $ helm list --filter 'ara[a-z]+'\n" +
        "    NAME                UPDATED                                  CHART\n" +
        "    maudlin-arachnid    2020-06-18 14:17:46.125134977 +0000 UTC  alpine-0.1.0\n```\n" +
        "If no results are found, `helm list` will exit `0`, but with no output (or in " +
        "the case of no `-q` flag, only headers).\n\n" +
        "By default, up to 256 items may be returned. To limit this, use the `--max` flag. " +
        "Setting `--max` to `0` will not return all results. Rather, it will return the " +
        "server's default, which may be much higher than 256. Pairing the `--max` " +
        "flag with the `--offset` flag allows you to page through results.\n"

    return docs

func GetHelmPackageDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command packages a chart into a versioned chart archive file. If a path " +
        "is given, this will look at that path for a chart (which must contain a " +
        "`Chart.yaml` file) and then package that directory.\n\n" +
        "Versioned chart archives are used by Helm package repositories.\n\n" +
        "To sign a chart, use the `--sign` flag. In most cases, you should also " +
        "provide `--keyring path/to/secret/keys` and `--key keyname`.\n" +
        "```\n$ helm package --sign ./mychart --key mykey --keyring ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg\n```\n" +
        "If `--keyring` is not specified, Helm usually defaults to the public keyring " +
        "unless your environment is otherwise configured."

    return docs

func GetHelmPullDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Retrieve a package from a package repository, and download it locally.\n\n" +
        "This is useful for fetching packages to inspect, modify, or repackage. It can " +
        "also be used to perform cryptographic verification of a chart without installing " +
        "the chart.\n\n" +
        "There are options for unpacking the chart after download. This will create a " +
        "directory for the chart and uncompress into that directory.\n\n" +
        "If the `--verify` flag is specified, the requested chart **must** have a provenance " +
        "file, and **must** pass the verification process. Failure in any part of this will " +
        "result in an error, and the chart will not be saved locally."

    return docs

func GetHelmRollbackDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command rolls back a release to a previous revision.\n\n" +
        "The first argument of the rollback command is the name of a release, and the " +
        "second is a revision (version) number. If this argument is omitted, it will " +
        "roll back to the previous release.\n\n" +
        "To see revision numbers, run `helm history RELEASE`."

    return docs

func GetHelmStatusDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command shows the status of a named release. " +
        "The status consists of:\n" +
        "- last deployment time;\n" +
        "- K8s namespace in which the release lives;\n" +
        "- state of the release (can be: `unknown`, `deployed`, `uninstalled`, " +
        "`superseded`, `failed`, `uninstalling`, `pending-install`, `pending-upgrade` or `pending-rollback`);\n" +
        "- revision of the release;\n" +
        "- description of the release (can be completion message or error message, need to enable `--show-desc`);\n" +
        "- list of resources that this release consists of, sorted by kind;\n" +
        "- details on last test suite run, if applicable;\n" +
        "- additional notes provided by the chart.\n"

    return docs

func GetHelmUninstallDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command takes a release name and uninstalls the release.\n\n" +
        "It removes all of the resources associated with the last release of the chart " +
        "as well as the release history, freeing it up for future use.\n\n" +
        "Use the `--dry-run` flag to see which releases will be uninstalled without actually " +
        "uninstalling them."

    return docs

func GetHelmUpgradeDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command upgrades a release to a new version of a chart.\n\n" +
        "The upgrade arguments must be a release and chart. The chart " +
        "argument can be either: a chart reference(`example/mariadb`), a path to a chart directory, " +
        "a packaged chart, or a fully qualified URL. For chart references, the latest " +
        "version will be specified unless the `--version` flag is set.\n\n" +
        "To override values in a chart, use either the `--values` flag and pass in a file " +
        "or use the `--set` flag and pass configuration from the command line, to force string " +
        "values, use `--set-string`. You can use `--set-file` to set individual " +
        "values from a file when the value itself is too long for the command line " +
        "or is dynamically generated.\n\n" +
        "You can specify the `--values`/`-f` flag multiple times. The priority will be given to the " +
        "last (right-most) file specified. For example, if both `myvalues.yaml` and `override.yaml` " +
        "contained a key called `Test`, the value set in `override.yaml` would take precedence:\n" +
        "```\n$ helm upgrade -f myvalues.yaml -f override.yaml redis ./redis\n```\n" +
        "You can specify the `--set` flag multiple times. The priority will be given to the " +
        "last (right-most) set specified. For example, if both `bar` and `newbar` values are " +
        "set for a key called `foo`, the `newbar` value would take precedence:\n" +
        "```\n$ helm upgrade --set foo=bar --set foo=newbar redis ./redis\n```\n"

    return docs

func GetHelmVerifyDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Verify that the given chart has a valid provenance file.\n\n" +
        "Provenance files provide cryptographic verification that a chart has not been " +
        "tampered with, and was packaged by a trusted provider.\n\n" +
        "This command can be used to verify a local chart. Several other commands provide " +
        "`--verify` flags that run the same validation. To generate a signed package, use " +
        "the `helm package --sign` command."

    return docs

func GetHelmVersionDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Show the version for Helm.\n\n" +
        "This will print a representation the version of Helm. " +
        "The output will look something like this:\n" +
        "```\nversion.BuildInfo{Version:\"v3.2.1\", GitCommit:\"fe51cd1e31e6a202cba7dead9552a6d418ded79a\", " +
        "GitTreeState:\"clean\", GoVersion:\"go1.13.10\"}\n```\n" +
        "- `Version` is the semantic version of the release;\n" +
        "- `GitCommit` is the SHA for the commit that this version was built from;\n" +
        "- `GitTreeState` is `clean` if there are no local code changes when this binary was" +
        "  built, and `dirty` if the binary was built from locally modified code;\n" +
        "- `GoVersion` is the version of Go that was used to compile Helm.\n\n" +
        "When using the `--template` flag the following properties are available to use in " +
        "the template:\n" +
        "- `.Version` contains the semantic version of Helm;\n" +
        "- `.GitCommit` is the git commit;\n" +
        "- `.GitTreeState` is the state of the git tree when Helm was built;\n" +
        "- `.GoVersion` contains the version of Go that Helm was compiled with.\n\n" +
        "For example, `--template='Version: {{.Version}}'` outputs `'Version: v3.2.1'`."

    return docs

func GetHelmDependencyBuildDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Build out the `charts/` directory from the `Chart.lock` file.\n\n" +
        "Build is used to reconstruct a chart's dependencies to the state specified in " +
        "the lock file. This will not re-negotiate dependencies, as `helm dependency update` " +
        "does.\n\n" +
        "If no lock file is found, `helm dependency build` will mirror the behavior " +
        "of `helm dependency update`.\n"

    return docs

func GetHelmDependencyUpdateDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Update the on-disk dependencies to mirror `Chart.yaml`.\n\n" +
        "This command verifies that the required charts, as expressed in `Chart.yaml`, " +
        "are present in `charts/` and are at an acceptable version. It will pull down " +
        "the latest charts that satisfy the dependencies, and clean up old dependencies.\n\n" +
        "On successful update, this will generate a lock file that can be used to " +
        "rebuild the dependencies to an exact version.\n\n" +
        "Dependencies are not required to be represented in `Chart.yaml`. For that " +
        "reason, an update command will not remove charts unless they are (a) present " +
        "in the `Chart.yaml` file, but (b) at the wrong version.\n"

    return docs

func GetHelmDependencyListDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "List all of the dependencies declared in a chart.\n\n" +
        "This can take chart archives and chart directories as input. It will not alter " +
        "the contents of a chart.\n\n" +
        "This will produce an error if the chart cannot be loaded.\n"

    return docs

func GetHelmGetHooksDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command downloads hooks for a given release.\n\n" +
        "Hooks are formatted in YAML and separated by the YAML `---\\n` separator."

    return docs

func GetHelmGetAllDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command prints a human readable collection of information about the " +
        "notes, hooks, supplied values, and generated manifest file of the given release."

    return docs

func GetHelmGetValuesDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command downloads a values file for a given release."

    return docs

func GetHelmGetManifestDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command fetches the generated manifest for a given release.\n\n" +
        "A manifest is a YAML-encoded representation of the Kubernetes resources that " +
        "were generated from this release's chart(s). If a chart is dependent on other " +
        "charts, those resources will also be included in the manifest."

    return docs

func GetHelmGetNotesDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command shows notes provided by the chart of a named release."

    return docs

func GetHelmGetMetadataDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = ""

    return docs

func GetHelmPluginListDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "List installed Helm plugins."

    return docs

func GetHelmPluginUninstallDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Uninstall one or more Helm plugins."

    return docs

func GetHelmPluginUpdateDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Update one or more Helm plugins."

    return docs

func GetHelmPluginInstallDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command allows you to install a plugin from a URL to a VCS repo or a local path."

    return docs

func GetHelmRepoAddDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Add a chart repository."

    return docs

func GetHelmRepoIndexDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Read the current directory and generate an index file based on the charts found.\n\n" +
        "This tool is used for creating an `index.yaml` file for a chart repository. To " +
        "set an absolute URL to the charts, use `--url` flag.\n\n" +
        "To merge the generated index with an existing index file, use the `--merge` " +
        "flag. In this case, the charts found in the current directory will be merged " +
        "into the existing index, with local charts taking priority over existing charts.\n"

    return docs

func GetHelmRepoListDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "List chart repositories."

    return docs

func GetHelmRepoRemoveDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Remove one or more chart repositories."

    return docs

func GetHelmRepoUpdateDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Update gets the latest information about charts from the respective chart repositories. " +
        "Information is cached locally, where it is used by commands like `helm search`.\n\n" +
        "You can optionally specify a list of repositories you want to update:\n" +
        "```\n$ helm repo update <repo_name> ...\n```\n" +
        "To update all the repositories, use `helm repo update`."

    return docs

func GetHelmSearchHubDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Search for Helm charts in the Artifact Hub " +
        "or your own hub instance.\n\n" +
        "Artifact Hub is a web-based application that enables finding, installing, and " +
        "publishing packages and configurations for CNCF projects, including publicly " +
        "available distributed charts Helm charts. It is a Cloud Native Computing " +
        "Foundation sandbox project. You can browse the hub at\n\n" +
        "The `[KEYWORD]` argument accepts either a keyword string, or quoted string of rich " +
        "query options. For rich query options documentation, see\n" +
        "/hub/api/?urls.primaryName=Monocular%20compatible%20search%20API#/Monocular/get_api_chartsvc_v1_charts_search.\n\n" +
        "Previous versions of Helm used an instance of Monocular as the default " +
        "`endpoint`, so for backwards compatibility Artifact Hub is compatible with the " +
        "Monocular search API. Similarly, when setting " +
        "the `endpoint` flag, the specified " +
        "endpoint must also be implement a Monocular compatible search API endpoint. " +
        "Note that when specifying a Monocular instance as the `endpoint`, rich queries " +
        "are not supported. For API details, see\n"

    return docs

func GetHelmSearchRepoDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "Search reads through all of the repositories configured on the system, and " +
        "looks for matches. Search of these repositories uses the metadata stored on " +
        "the system.\n\n" +
        "It will display the latest stable versions of the charts found. If you " +
        "specify the `--devel` flag, the output will include pre-release versions. " +
        "If you want to search using a version constraint, use `--version`.\n\n" +
        "Examples:\n" +
        "```\n# Search for stable release versions matching the keyword 'nginx'\n" +
        "$ helm search repo nginx\n\n" +
        "# Search for release versions matching the keyword 'nginx', including pre-release versions\n" +
        "$ helm search repo nginx --devel\n\n" +
        "# Search for the latest stable release for nginx-ingress with a major version of 1\n" +
        "$ helm search repo nginx-ingress --version ^1.0.0\n```\n" +
        "Repositories are managed with `helm repo` commands.\n"

    return docs

func GetHelmSecretDecryptDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.Long = `Decrypt data from standard input.
Encryption key should be in $WERF_SECRET_KEY or .werf_secret_key file.`

    docs.LongMD = "Decrypt data from standard input.\n\n" +
        "Encryption key should be in `$WERF_SECRET_KEY` or `.werf_secret_key file`."

    return docs

func GetHelmSecretEncryptDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.Long = `Encrypt data from standard input.
Encryption key should be in $WERF_SECRET_KEY or .werf_secret_key file.`

    docs.LongMD = "Encrypt data from standard input.\n\n" +
        "Encryption key should be in `$WERF_SECRET_KEY` or `.werf_secret_key file`."

    return docs

func GetHelmSecretGenerateSecretKeyDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.Long = `Generate hex encryption key.
For further usage, the encryption key should be saved in $WERF_SECRET_KEY or .werf_secret_key file.`

    docs.LongMD = "Generate hex encryption key.\n\n" +
        "For further usage, the encryption key should be saved in `$WERF_SECRET_KEY` or `.werf_secret_key file`."

    return docs

func GetHelmSecretRotateSecretKeyDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.Long = `Regenerate Secret files with new Secret key.

Old key should be specified in the $WERF_OLD_SECRET_KEY.
New key should reside either in the $WERF_SECRET_KEY or .werf_secret_key file.

Command will extract data with the old key, generate new secret data and rewrite files:
* standard raw Secret files in the .helm/secret folder;
* standard secret Values YAML file .helm/secret-values.yaml;
* additional secret Values YAML files specified with EXTRA_SECRET_VALUES_FILE_PATH params`

    docs.LongMD = "Regenerate Secret files with new Secret key.\n\n" +
        "Old key should be specified in the `$WERF_OLD_SECRET_KEY`.\n\n" +
        "New key should reside either in the `$WERF_SECRET_KEY` or `.werf_secret_key file`.\n\n" +
        "Command will extract data with the old key, generate new Secret data and rewrite files:\n" +
        "* standard raw Secret files in the `.helm/secret folder`;\n" +
        "* standard Secret Values YAML file `.helm/secret-values.yaml`;\n" +
        "* additional Secret Values YAML files specified with `EXTRA_SECRET_VALUES_FILE_PATH` params."

    return docs

func GetHelmSecretFileDecryptDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.Long = `Decrypt data from FILE_PATH or pipe.
Encryption key should be in $WERF_SECRET_KEY or .werf_secret_key file.`

    docs.LongMD = "Decrypt data from `FILE_PATH` or pipe.\n\n" +
        "Encryption key should be in `$WERF_SECRET_KEY` or `.werf_secret_key file`."

    return docs

func GetHelmSecretFileEditDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.Long = `Edit or create new secret file.
Encryption key should be in $WERF_SECRET_KEY or .werf_secret_key file.`

    docs.LongMD = "Edit or create new secret file.\n\n" +
        "Encryption key should be in `$WERF_SECRET_KEY` or `.werf_secret_key file`."

    return docs

func GetHelmSecretFileEncryptDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.Long = `Encrypt data from FILE_PATH or pipe.
Encryption key should be in $WERF_SECRET_KEY or .werf_secret_key file.`

    docs.LongMD = "Encrypt data from `FILE_PATH` or pipe.\n\n" +
        "Encryption key should be in `$WERF_SECRET_KEY` or `.werf_secret_key file`."

    return docs

func GetHelmSecretValuesDecryptDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.Long = `Decrypt data from FILE_PATH or pipe.
Encryption key should be in $WERF_SECRET_KEY or .werf_secret_key file.`

    docs.LongMD = "Decrypt data from `FILE_PATH` or pipe.\n\n" +
        "Encryption key should be in `$WERF_SECRET_KEY` or `.werf_secret_key file`."

    return docs

func GetHelmSecretValuesEditDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.Long = `Edit or create new secret values file.
Encryption key should be in $WERF_SECRET_KEY or .werf_secret_key file.`

    docs.LongMD = "Edit or create new secret values file.\n\n" +
        "Encryption key should be in `$WERF_SECRET_KEY` or `.werf_secret_key` file."

    return docs

func GetHelmSecretValuesEncryptDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.Long = `Encrypt data from FILE_PATH or pipe.
Encryption key should be in $WERF_SECRET_KEY or .werf_secret_key file.`

    docs.LongMD = "Encrypt data from `FILE_PATH` or pipe.\n\n" +
        "Encryption key should be in `$WERF_SECRET_KEY` or `.werf_secret_key file`."

    return docs

func GetHelmShowAllDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command inspects a chart (directory, file, or URL) and displays all its content " +
        "(`values.yaml`, `Chart.yaml`, `README`)."

    return docs

func GetHelmShowChartDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command inspects a chart (directory, file, or URL) and displays the contents " +
        "of the `Chart.yaml` file."

    return docs

func GetHelmShowCRDsDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command inspects a chart (directory, file, or URL) and displays the contents " +
        "of the CustomResourceDefinition files."

    return docs

func GetHelmShowReadmeDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command inspects a chart (directory, file, or URL) and displays the contents " +
        "of the README file."

    return docs

func GetHelmShowValuesDocs() structs.DocsStruct {
    var docs structs.DocsStruct

    docs.LongMD = "This command inspects a chart (directory, file, or URL) and displays the contents " +
        "of the `values.yaml` file."

    return docs