

1 day
Test Coverage
package export

import (

    v1 ""


var commonCmdData common.CmdData

func NewExportCmd(ctx context.Context) *cobra.Command {
    var tagTemplateList []string
    var addLabelArray []string

    ctx = common.NewContextWithCmdData(ctx, &commonCmdData)
    cmd := common.SetCommandContext(ctx, &cobra.Command{
        Use:                   "export [IMAGE_NAME...] [options]",
        Short:                 "Export images",
        Long:                  common.GetLongCommandDescription(GetExportDocs().Long),
        DisableFlagsInUseLine: true,
        Example: `  # Export images to Docker Hub and GitHub container registry
  $ werf export \
      --tag \

  # Export images with extra labels
  $ werf export \
      --tag \
      --add-label io.artifacthub.package.readme-url= \
      --add-label org.opencontainers.image.created=2023-03-13T11:55:24Z \
      --add-label org.opencontainers.image.description="Official image to run werf in containers"`,
        Annotations: map[string]string{
            common.DisableOptionsInUseLineAnno: "1",
            common.DocsLongMD:                  GetExportDocs().LongMD,
        RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
            ctx := cmd.Context()

            defer global_warnings.PrintGlobalWarnings(ctx)

            if err := common.ProcessLogOptions(&commonCmdData); err != nil {
                return err

            if len(tagTemplateList) == 0 {
                return fmt.Errorf("required at least one tag template: use the --tag option to specify templates")

            var addLabelMap map[string]string
            var err error
                addLabelArray := append(util.PredefinedValuesByEnvNamePrefix("WERF_EXPORT_ADD_LABEL_"), addLabelArray...)
                addLabelMap, err = common.KeyValueArrayToMap(addLabelArray, "=")
                if err != nil {
                    return fmt.Errorf("unsupported --add-label value: %w", err)

            return run(ctx, common.GetImagesToProcess(args, false), tagTemplateList, addLabelMap)

    common.SetupDir(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupGitWorkTree(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupConfigTemplatesDir(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupConfigPath(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupGiterminismConfigPath(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupEnvironment(&commonCmdData, cmd)

    common.SetupGiterminismOptions(&commonCmdData, cmd)

    common.SetupTmpDir(&commonCmdData, cmd, common.SetupTmpDirOptions{})
    common.SetupHomeDir(&commonCmdData, cmd, common.SetupHomeDirOptions{})
    common.SetupSSHKey(&commonCmdData, cmd)

    common.SetupSecondaryStagesStorageOptions(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupCacheStagesStorageOptions(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupRepoOptions(&commonCmdData, cmd, common.RepoDataOptions{OptionalRepo: true})
    common.SetupFinalRepo(&commonCmdData, cmd)

    common.SetupRequireBuiltImages(&commonCmdData, cmd)

    common.SetupDockerConfig(&commonCmdData, cmd, "Command needs granted permissions to read and pull images from the specified repo")
    common.SetupInsecureRegistry(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupInsecureHelmDependencies(&commonCmdData, cmd, true)
    common.SetupSkipTlsVerifyRegistry(&commonCmdData, cmd)

    common.SetupLogOptions(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupLogProjectDir(&commonCmdData, cmd)

    common.SetupSynchronization(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupKubeConfig(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupKubeConfigBase64(&commonCmdData, cmd)
    common.SetupKubeContext(&commonCmdData, cmd)

    common.SetupDryRun(&commonCmdData, cmd)

    common.SetupVirtualMerge(&commonCmdData, cmd)


    cmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP(&tagTemplateList, "tag", "", []string{}, `Set a tag template (can specify multiple).
It is necessary to use image name shortcut %image% or %image_slug% if multiple images are exported (e.g. REPO:TAG-%image% or REPO-%image%:TAG)`)

    cmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP(&addLabelArray, "add-label", "", []string{}, `Add label to exported images (can specify multiple).
Format: labelName=labelValue.
Also, can be specified with $WERF_EXPORT_ADD_LABEL_* (e.g. $WERF_EXPORT_ADD_LABEL_1=labelName1=labelValue1, $WERF_EXPORT_ADD_LABEL_2=labelName2=labelValue2)`)

    return cmd

func run(ctx context.Context, imagesToProcess build.ImagesToProcess, tagTemplateList []string, extraLabels map[string]string) error {
    if imagesToProcess.WithoutImages {
        return nil

    if err := werf.Init(*commonCmdData.TmpDir, *commonCmdData.HomeDir); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("initialization error: %w", err)

    containerBackend, processCtx, err := common.InitProcessContainerBackend(ctx, &commonCmdData)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    ctx = processCtx

    gitDataManager, err := gitdata.GetHostGitDataManager(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error getting host git data manager: %w", err)

    if err := git_repo.Init(gitDataManager); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := image.Init(); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := lrumeta.Init(); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := true_git.Init(ctx, true_git.Options{LiveGitOutput: *commonCmdData.LogDebug}); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := common.DockerRegistryInit(ctx, &commonCmdData); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := ssh_agent.Init(ctx, common.GetSSHKey(&commonCmdData)); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("cannot initialize ssh agent: %w", err)
    defer func() {
        err := ssh_agent.Terminate()
        if err != nil {
            logboek.Warn().LogF("WARNING: ssh agent termination failed: %s\n", err)

    giterminismManager, err := common.GetGiterminismManager(ctx, &commonCmdData)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    common.ProcessLogProjectDir(&commonCmdData, giterminismManager.ProjectDir())

    _, werfConfig, err := common.GetRequiredWerfConfig(ctx, &commonCmdData, giterminismManager, common.GetWerfConfigOptions(&commonCmdData, false))
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to load werf config: %w", err)
    if err := werfConfig.CheckThatImagesExist(imagesToProcess.OnlyImages); err != nil {
        return err

    projectName := werfConfig.Meta.Project

    projectTmpDir, err := tmp_manager.CreateProjectDir(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("getting project tmp dir failed: %w", err)
    defer tmp_manager.ReleaseProjectDir(projectTmpDir)

    stagesStorage, err := common.GetStagesStorage(ctx, containerBackend, &commonCmdData)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    finalStagesStorage, err := common.GetOptionalFinalStagesStorage(ctx, containerBackend, &commonCmdData)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    synchronization, err := common.GetSynchronization(ctx, &commonCmdData, projectName, stagesStorage)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    storageLockManager, err := common.GetStorageLockManager(ctx, synchronization)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    secondaryStagesStorageList, err := common.GetSecondaryStagesStorageList(ctx, stagesStorage, containerBackend, &commonCmdData)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    cacheStagesStorageList, err := common.GetCacheStagesStorageList(ctx, containerBackend, &commonCmdData)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    storageManager := manager.NewStorageManager(projectName, stagesStorage, finalStagesStorage, secondaryStagesStorageList, cacheStagesStorageList, storageLockManager)


    conveyorOptions, err := common.GetConveyorOptions(ctx, &commonCmdData, imagesToProcess)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    conveyorWithRetry := build.NewConveyorWithRetryWrapper(werfConfig, giterminismManager, giterminismManager.ProjectDir(), projectTmpDir, ssh_agent.SSHAuthSock, containerBackend, storageManager, storageLockManager, conveyorOptions)
    defer conveyorWithRetry.Terminate()

    return conveyorWithRetry.WithRetryBlock(ctx, func(c *build.Conveyor) error {
        imageNameList := common.GetImageNameList(imagesToProcess, werfConfig)

        tagFuncList, err := getTagFuncList(imageNameList, tagTemplateList)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if common.GetRequireBuiltImages(ctx, &commonCmdData) {
            if err := c.ShouldBeBuilt(ctx, build.ShouldBeBuiltOptions{}); err != nil {
                return err
        } else {
            if err := c.Build(ctx, build.BuildOptions{SkipImageMetadataPublication: *commonCmdData.Dev}); err != nil {
                return err

        return c.Export(ctx, build.ExportOptions{
            ExportImageNameList: imageNameList,
            ExportTagFuncList:   tagFuncList,
            MutateConfigFunc: func(config v1.Config) (v1.Config, error) {
                for k, v := range extraLabels {
                    config.Labels[k] = v
                return config, nil

func getTagFuncList(imageNameList, tagTemplateList []string) ([]image.ExportTagFunc, error) {
    templateName := "--tag"
    tmpl := template.New(templateName).Delims("%", "%")
    tmpl = tmpl.Funcs(map[string]interface{}{
        "image":                   func() string { return "%[1]s" },
        "image_slug":              func() string { return "%[2]s" },
        "image_safe_slug":         func() string { return "%[3]s" },
        "image_content_based_tag": func() string { return "%[4]s" },

    var tagFuncList []image.ExportTagFunc
    for _, tagTemplate := range tagTemplateList {
        tagFunc, err := getExportTagFunc(tmpl, templateName, imageNameList, tagTemplate)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid tag template %q: %w", tagTemplate, err)

        tagFuncList = append(tagFuncList, tagFunc)

    return tagFuncList, nil

func getExportTagFunc(tmpl *template.Template, templateName string, imageNameList []string, tagTemplate string) (image.ExportTagFunc, error) {
    tmpl, err := tmpl.Parse(tagTemplate)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
    if err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(buf, templateName, nil); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    tagOrFormat := buf.String()
    var tagFunc image.ExportTagFunc
    tagFunc = func(imageName, contentBasedTag string) string {
        if strings.ContainsRune(tagOrFormat, '%') {
            return fmt.Sprintf(tagOrFormat, imageName, slug.Slug(imageName), slug.DockerTag(imageName), contentBasedTag)
        } else {
            return tagOrFormat

    contentBasedTagStub := strings.Repeat("x", 70) // 1b77754d35b0a3e603731828ee6f2400c4f937382874db2566c616bb-1624991915332
    var prevImageTag string
    for _, imageName := range imageNameList {
        imageTag := tagFunc(imageName, contentBasedTagStub)

        ref, err := name.ParseReference(imageTag, name.WeakValidation)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        if ref.Context().RegistryStr() == name.DefaultRegistry && !strings.HasPrefix(imageTag, name.DefaultRegistry) {
            return nil, errors.New(`
- the command exports images to the registry (cannot export them locally)
- the user must explicitly provide the address "" when using Docker Hub as a registry`)

        if prevImageTag == "" {
            prevImageTag = imageTag
        } else if imageTag == prevImageTag {
            return nil, errors.New(`tag template must contain image name shortcut %image% or %image_slug% if multiple images are exported (e.g. REPO:TAG-%image% or REPO-%image%:TAG)`)

    return tagFunc, nil