

35 mins
Test Coverage
package config

import (


type StapelImageBase struct {
    Name             string
    From             string
    FromLatest       bool
    FromImageName    string
    FromArtifactName string
    FromCacheVersion string
    Git              *GitManager
    Shell            *Shell
    Ansible          *Ansible
    Mount            []*Mount
    Import           []*Import
    Dependencies     []*Dependency
    Platform         []string

    raw *rawStapelImage

func (c *StapelImageBase) GetName() string {
    return c.Name

func (c *StapelImageBase) IsStapel() bool {
    return true

func (c *StapelImageBase) imports() []*Import {
    return c.Import

func (c *StapelImageBase) dependencies() []*Dependency {
    return c.Dependencies

func (c *StapelImageBase) ImageBaseConfig() *StapelImageBase {
    return c

func (c *StapelImageBase) IsArtifact() bool {
    return false

func (c *StapelImageBase) exportsAutoExcluding() error {
    for _, exp1 := range c.exports() {
        for _, exp2 := range c.exports() {
            if exp1 == exp2 {

            if !exp1.AutoExcludeExportAndCheck(exp2) {
                errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Conflict between imports!\n\n%s\n%s", dumpConfigSection(exp1.GetRaw()), dumpConfigSection(exp2.GetRaw()))
                return newDetailedConfigError(errMsg, nil, c.raw.doc)

    return nil

func (c *StapelImageBase) exports() []autoExcludeExport {
    var exports []autoExcludeExport
    if c.Git != nil {
        for _, git := range c.Git.Local {
            exports = append(exports, git)

        for _, git := range c.Git.Remote {
            exports = append(exports, git)

    for _, imp := range c.Import {
        exports = append(exports, imp)

    return exports

func (c *StapelImageBase) validate(giterminismManager giterminism_manager.Interface) error {
    if c.FromLatest {
        if err := giterminismManager.Inspector().InspectConfigStapelFromLatest(); err != nil {
            return newDetailedConfigError(err.Error(), nil, c.raw.doc)

    if c.From == "" && c.raw.FromImage == "" && c.raw.FromArtifact == "" && c.FromImageName == "" && c.FromArtifactName == "" {
        return newDetailedConfigError("`from: DOCKER_IMAGE`, `fromImage: IMAGE_NAME`, `fromArtifact: IMAGE_ARTIFACT_NAME` required!", nil, c.raw.doc)

    mountByTo := map[string]bool{}
    for _, mount := range c.Mount {
        _, exist := mountByTo[mount.To]
        if exist {
            return newDetailedConfigError("conflict between mounts!", nil, c.raw.doc)

        mountByTo[mount.To] = true

    if !oneOrNone([]bool{c.From != "", c.raw.FromImage != "", c.raw.FromArtifact != ""}) {
        return newDetailedConfigError("conflict between `from`, `fromImage` and `fromArtifact` directives!", nil, c.raw.doc)

    if c.raw.FromArtifact != "" {
        logboek.Context(context.Background()).Warn().LogLn("WARNING: Do not use artifacts as a base for other images and artifacts. The feature is deprecated, and the directive 'fromArtifact' will be completely removed in version v1.3.\n\nCareless use of artifacts may lead to difficult to trace issues that may arise long after the configuration has been written. The artifact image is cached after the first build and ignores any changes in the project git repository unless the user has explicitly specified stage dependencies. As found, this behavior is completely unexpected for users despite the fact that it is absolutely correct in the werf logic.")

    // TODO: валидацию формата `From`

    return nil