

5 days
Test Coverage
package helm

import (

    flaggerv1beta1 ""
    flaggerscheme ""
    helm_kube ""
    appsv1 ""
    appsv1beta1 ""
    appsv1beta2 ""
    batchv1 ""
    extensions ""
    metav1 ""


func init() {

type ResourcesWaiter struct {
    KubeInitializer           KubeInitializer
    Client                    *helm_kube.Client
    LogsFromTime              time.Time
    StatusProgressPeriod      time.Duration
    HooksStatusProgressPeriod time.Duration

func NewResourcesWaiter(kubeInitializer KubeInitializer, client *helm_kube.Client, logsFromTime time.Time, statusProgressPeriod, hooksStatusProgressPeriod time.Duration) *ResourcesWaiter {
    return &ResourcesWaiter{
        KubeInitializer:           kubeInitializer,
        Client:                    client,
        LogsFromTime:              logsFromTime,
        StatusProgressPeriod:      statusProgressPeriod,
        HooksStatusProgressPeriod: hooksStatusProgressPeriod,

func extractSpecReplicas(specReplicas *int32) int {
    if specReplicas != nil {
        return int(*specReplicas)
    return 1

func (waiter *ResourcesWaiter) Wait(ctx context.Context, resources helm_kube.ResourceList, timeout time.Duration) error {
    if os.Getenv("WERF_DISABLE_RESOURCES_WAITER") == "1" {
        return nil

    if waiter.KubeInitializer != nil {
        if err := waiter.KubeInitializer.Init(ctx); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("kube initializer failed: %w", err)

    specs, err := makeMultitrackSpecsFromResList(ctx, resources, timeout, waiter.StatusProgressPeriod)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error making multitrack specs: %w", err)

    // NOTE: use context from resources-waiter object here, will be changed in helm 3
    return logboek.Context(ctx).LogProcess("Waiting for resources to become ready").
        DoError(func() error {
            return multitrack.Multitrack(kube.Client, *specs, multitrack.MultitrackOptions{
                StatusProgressPeriod: waiter.StatusProgressPeriod,
                Options: tracker.Options{
                    Timeout:      timeout,
                    LogsFromTime: waiter.LogsFromTime,
                DynamicClient:   kube.DynamicClient,
                DiscoveryClient: kube.CachedDiscoveryClient,
                Mapper:          kube.Mapper,

func makeMultitrackSpec(ctx context.Context, objMeta *metav1.ObjectMeta, failuresCountOptions allowedFailuresCountOptions, kind string) (*multitrack.MultitrackSpec, error) {
    multitrackSpec, err := prepareMultitrackSpec(objMeta.Name, kind, objMeta.Namespace, objMeta.Annotations, failuresCountOptions)
    if err != nil {
        logboek.Context(ctx).Warn().LogF("WARNING %s\n", err)
        return nil, nil

    return multitrackSpec, nil

type allowedFailuresCountOptions struct {
    multiplier        int
    defaultPerReplica int

func applyAllowedFailuresCountMultiplier(value, multiplier int) int {
    if multiplier > 0 {
        return value * multiplier
    return value

func prepareMultitrackSpec(metadataName, resourceNameOrKind, namespace string, annotations map[string]string, failuresCountOptions allowedFailuresCountOptions) (*multitrack.MultitrackSpec, error) {
    defaultAllowFailuresCount := new(int)
    // Allow 1 fail per replica by default
    *defaultAllowFailuresCount = applyAllowedFailuresCountMultiplier(failuresCountOptions.defaultPerReplica, failuresCountOptions.multiplier)

    multitrackSpec := &multitrack.MultitrackSpec{
        ResourceName:                             metadataName,
        Namespace:                                namespace,
        LogRegexByContainerName:                  map[string]*regexp.Regexp{},
        AllowFailuresCount:                       defaultAllowFailuresCount,
        IgnoreReadinessProbeFailsByContainerName: map[string]time.Duration{},

    for annoName, annoValue := range annotations {
        invalidAnnoValueError := fmt.Errorf("%s/%s annotation %s with invalid value %s", resourceNameOrKind, metadataName, annoName, annoValue)

        switch annoName {
        case ShowLogsUntilAnnoName:
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s/%s annotation %s not supported yet", resourceNameOrKind, metadataName, annoName)
        case SkipLogsAnnoName:
            boolValue, err := strconv.ParseBool(annoValue)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: bool expected: %w", invalidAnnoValueError, err)

            multitrackSpec.SkipLogs = boolValue
        case ShowEventsAnnoName:
            boolValue, err := strconv.ParseBool(annoValue)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: bool expected: %w", invalidAnnoValueError, err)

            multitrackSpec.ShowServiceMessages = boolValue
        case TrackTerminationModeAnnoName:
            trackTerminationModeValue := multitrack.TrackTerminationMode(annoValue)
            values := []multitrack.TrackTerminationMode{multitrack.WaitUntilResourceReady, multitrack.NonBlocking}
            for _, value := range values {
                if value == trackTerminationModeValue {
                    multitrackSpec.TrackTerminationMode = trackTerminationModeValue
                    continue mainLoop

            return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: choose one of %v", invalidAnnoValueError, values)
        case FailModeAnnoName:
            failModeValue := multitrack.FailMode(annoValue)
            values := []multitrack.FailMode{multitrack.IgnoreAndContinueDeployProcess, multitrack.FailWholeDeployProcessImmediately, multitrack.HopeUntilEndOfDeployProcess}
            for _, value := range values {
                if value == failModeValue {
                    multitrackSpec.FailMode = failModeValue
                    continue mainLoop

            return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: choose one of %v", invalidAnnoValueError, values)
        case FailuresAllowedPerReplicaAnnoName:
            intValue, err := strconv.Atoi(annoValue)
            if err != nil || intValue < 0 {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: positive or zero integer expected", invalidAnnoValueError)

            allowFailuresCount := new(int)
            *allowFailuresCount = applyAllowedFailuresCountMultiplier(intValue, failuresCountOptions.multiplier)
            multitrackSpec.AllowFailuresCount = allowFailuresCount
        case LogRegexAnnoName:
            regexpValue, err := regexp.Compile(annoValue)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", invalidAnnoValueError, err)

            multitrackSpec.LogRegex = regexpValue
        // case ShowLogsUntilAnnoName:
        //     deployConditionValue := multitrack.DeployCondition(annoValue)
        //     values := []multitrack.DeployCondition{multitrack.ControllerIsReady, multitrack.PodIsReady, multitrack.EndOfDeploy}
        //     for _, value := range values {
        //         if value == deployConditionValue {
        //             multitrackSpec.ShowLogsUntil = deployConditionValue
        //             continue mainLoop
        //         }
        //     }

        //     return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: choose one of %v", invalidAnnoValueError, values)
        case SkipLogsForContainersAnnoName:
            var containerNames []string
            for _, v := range strings.Split(annoValue, ",") {
                containerName := strings.TrimSpace(v)
                if containerName == "" {
                    return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: containers names separated by comma expected", invalidAnnoValueError)

                containerNames = append(containerNames, containerName)

            multitrackSpec.SkipLogsForContainers = containerNames
        case ShowLogsOnlyForContainers:
            var containerNames []string
            for _, v := range strings.Split(annoValue, ",") {
                containerName := strings.TrimSpace(v)
                if containerName == "" {
                    return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: containers names separated by comma expected", invalidAnnoValueError)

                containerNames = append(containerNames, containerName)

            multitrackSpec.ShowLogsOnlyForContainers = containerNames
            if strings.HasPrefix(annoName, LogRegexForAnnoPrefix) {
                if containerName := strings.TrimPrefix(annoName, LogRegexForAnnoPrefix); containerName != "" {
                    regexpValue, err := regexp.Compile(annoValue)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", invalidAnnoValueError, err)

                    multitrackSpec.LogRegexByContainerName[containerName] = regexpValue
            if strings.HasPrefix(annoName, IgnoreReadinessProbeFailsForPrefix) {
                if containerName := strings.TrimPrefix(annoName, IgnoreReadinessProbeFailsForPrefix); containerName != "" {
                    ignoreDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(annoValue)
                    if err != nil {
                        return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", invalidAnnoValueError, err)
                    if math.Signbit(ignoreDuration.Seconds()) {
                        return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: can't be less than 0", invalidAnnoValueError)

                    multitrackSpec.IgnoreReadinessProbeFailsByContainerName[containerName] = ignoreDuration

    return multitrackSpec, nil

func makeGenericSpec(ctx context.Context, resID *resid.ResourceID, statusProgressPeriod, timeout time.Duration, annotations map[string]string) (*generic.Spec, error) {
    genericSpec := &generic.Spec{
        ResourceID:           resID,
        Timeout:              timeout,
        StatusProgressPeriod: statusProgressPeriod,

    for annoName, annoValue := range annotations {
        invalidAnnoValueError := fmt.Errorf("%s annotation %s with invalid value %s", resID, annoName, annoValue)

        switch annoName {
        case ShowEventsAnnoName:
            boolValue, err := strconv.ParseBool(annoValue)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: bool expected: %w", invalidAnnoValueError, err)

            genericSpec.ShowServiceMessages = boolValue
        case TrackTerminationModeAnnoName:
            trackTerminationModeValue := generic.TrackTerminationMode(annoValue)
            values := []generic.TrackTerminationMode{generic.WaitUntilResourceReady, generic.NonBlocking}
            for _, value := range values {
                if value == trackTerminationModeValue {
                    genericSpec.TrackTerminationMode = trackTerminationModeValue
                    continue mainLoop

            return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: choose one of %v", invalidAnnoValueError, values)
        case FailModeAnnoName:
            failModeValue := generic.FailMode(annoValue)
            values := []generic.FailMode{generic.IgnoreAndContinueDeployProcess, generic.FailWholeDeployProcessImmediately, generic.HopeUntilEndOfDeployProcess}
            for _, value := range values {
                if value == failModeValue {
                    genericSpec.FailMode = failModeValue
                    continue mainLoop

            return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: choose one of %v", invalidAnnoValueError, values)
        case NoActivityTimeoutName:
            noActivityTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(annoValue)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", invalidAnnoValueError, err)
            } else if noActivityTimeout.Seconds() < 1 {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: can't be less than 1 second", invalidAnnoValueError)

            genericSpec.NoActivityTimeout = &noActivityTimeout

    return genericSpec, nil

func (waiter *ResourcesWaiter) WatchUntilReady(ctx context.Context, resources helm_kube.ResourceList, timeout time.Duration) error {
    if os.Getenv("WERF_DISABLE_RESOURCES_WAITER") == "1" {
        return nil

    if waiter.KubeInitializer != nil {
        if err := waiter.KubeInitializer.Init(ctx); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("kube initializer failed: %w", err)

    specs, err := makeMultitrackSpecsFromResList(ctx, resources, timeout, waiter.HooksStatusProgressPeriod)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("error making multitrack specs: %w", err)

    // NOTE: use context from resources-waiter object here, will be changed in helm 3
    return logboek.Context(ctx).LogProcess("Waiting for helm hooks termination").
        DoError(func() error {
            return multitrack.Multitrack(kube.Client, *specs, multitrack.MultitrackOptions{
                StatusProgressPeriod: waiter.HooksStatusProgressPeriod,
                Options: tracker.Options{
                    Timeout:      timeout,
                    LogsFromTime: waiter.LogsFromTime,
                DynamicClient:   kube.DynamicClient,
                DiscoveryClient: kube.CachedDiscoveryClient,
                Mapper:          kube.Mapper,

func asVersioned(info *resource.Info) runtime.Object {
    convertor := runtime.ObjectConvertor(scheme.Scheme)
    groupVersioner := runtime.GroupVersioner(schema.GroupVersions(scheme.Scheme.PrioritizedVersionsAllGroups()))
    if info.Mapping != nil {
        groupVersioner = info.Mapping.GroupVersionKind.GroupVersion()
    if obj, err := convertor.ConvertToVersion(info.Object, groupVersioner); err == nil {
        return obj
    return info.Object

func (waiter *ResourcesWaiter) WaitUntilDeleted(ctx context.Context, specs []*helm_kube.ResourcesWaiterDeleteResourceSpec, timeout time.Duration) error {
    if len(specs) == 0 {
        return nil

    if waiter.KubeInitializer != nil {
        if err := waiter.KubeInitializer.Init(ctx); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("kube initializer failed: %w", err)

    var eliminationSpecs []*elimination.EliminationTrackerSpec
    for _, spec := range specs {
        eliminationSpecs = append(eliminationSpecs, &elimination.EliminationTrackerSpec{
            ResourceName:         spec.ResourceName,
            Namespace:            spec.Namespace,
            GroupVersionResource: spec.GroupVersionResource,

    var resourcesDescParts []string
    for _, spec := range specs {
        resourcesDescParts = append(resourcesDescParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", strings.ToLower(spec.GroupVersionResource.Resource), spec.ResourceName))

    return logboek.Context(ctx).Default().LogProcess("Waiting for resources elimination: %s", strings.Join(resourcesDescParts, ", ")).DoError(func() error {
        return elimination.TrackUntilEliminated(ctx, kube.DynamicClient, eliminationSpecs, elimination.EliminationTrackerOptions{Timeout: timeout, StatusProgressPeriod: waiter.StatusProgressPeriod})

func makeMultitrackSpecsFromResList(ctx context.Context, resources helm_kube.ResourceList, timeout, statusProgressPeriod time.Duration) (*multitrack.MultitrackSpecs, error) {
    specs := &multitrack.MultitrackSpecs{}

    for _, v := range resources {
        switch value := asVersioned(v).(type) {
        case *appsv1.Deployment:
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: extractSpecReplicas(value.Spec.Replicas), defaultPerReplica: 1}, "deploy")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.Deployments = append(specs.Deployments, *spec)
        case *appsv1beta1.Deployment:
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: extractSpecReplicas(value.Spec.Replicas), defaultPerReplica: 1}, "deploy")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.Deployments = append(specs.Deployments, *spec)
        case *appsv1beta2.Deployment:
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: extractSpecReplicas(value.Spec.Replicas), defaultPerReplica: 1}, "deploy")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.Deployments = append(specs.Deployments, *spec)
        case *extensions.Deployment:
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: extractSpecReplicas(value.Spec.Replicas), defaultPerReplica: 1}, "deploy")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.Deployments = append(specs.Deployments, *spec)
        case *extensions.DaemonSet:
            // TODO: multiplier equals 3 because typically there are only 3 nodes in the cluster.
            // TODO: It is better to fetch number of nodes dynamically, but in the most cases multiplier=3 will work ok.
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: 3, defaultPerReplica: 1}, "ds")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.DaemonSets = append(specs.DaemonSets, *spec)
        case *appsv1.DaemonSet:
            // TODO: multiplier equals 3 because typically there are only 3 nodes in the cluster.
            // TODO: It is better to fetch number of nodes dynamically, but in the most cases multiplier=3 will work ok.
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: 3, defaultPerReplica: 1}, "ds")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.DaemonSets = append(specs.DaemonSets, *spec)
        case *appsv1beta2.DaemonSet:
            // TODO: multiplier equals 3 because typically there are only 3 nodes in the cluster.
            // TODO: It is better to fetch number of nodes dynamically, but in the most cases multiplier=3 will work ok.
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: 3, defaultPerReplica: 1}, "ds")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.DaemonSets = append(specs.DaemonSets, *spec)
        case *appsv1.StatefulSet:
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: extractSpecReplicas(value.Spec.Replicas), defaultPerReplica: 1}, "sts")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.StatefulSets = append(specs.StatefulSets, *spec)
        case *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet:
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: extractSpecReplicas(value.Spec.Replicas), defaultPerReplica: 1}, "sts")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.StatefulSets = append(specs.StatefulSets, *spec)
        case *appsv1beta2.StatefulSet:
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: extractSpecReplicas(value.Spec.Replicas), defaultPerReplica: 1}, "sts")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.StatefulSets = append(specs.StatefulSets, *spec)
        case *batchv1.Job:
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: 1, defaultPerReplica: 0}, "job")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.Jobs = append(specs.Jobs, *spec)
        case *flaggerv1beta1.Canary:
            spec, err := makeMultitrackSpec(ctx, &value.ObjectMeta, allowedFailuresCountOptions{multiplier: 1, defaultPerReplica: 0}, "canary")
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot track %s %s: %w", value.Kind, value.Name, err)
            if spec != nil {
                specs.Canaries = append(specs.Canaries, *spec)
            obj, err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.ToUnstructured(v.Object)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting object to unstructured: %w", err)

            object := unstructured.Unstructured{
                Object: obj,

            resourceID := resid.NewResourceID(object.GetName(), object.GroupVersionKind(), resid.NewResourceIDOptions{
                Namespace: object.GetNamespace(),

            if spec, err := makeGenericSpec(ctx, resourceID, statusProgressPeriod, timeout, object.GetAnnotations()); err != nil {
                logboek.Context(ctx).Warn().LogF("WARNING %s\n", err)
            } else if spec != nil {
                specs.Generics = append(specs.Generics, spec)

    return specs, nil