

6 hrs
Test Coverage
package git_repo

import (



var ErrLocalRepositoryNotExists = git.ErrRepositoryNotExists

type Local struct {

    WorkTreeDir string
    GitDir      string

    headCommitHash string

    statusResult *status.Result
    mutex        sync.Mutex

type OpenLocalRepoOptions struct {
    WithServiceHeadCommit bool
    ServiceBranchOptions  ServiceBranchOptions

type ServiceBranchOptions struct {
    Name            string
    GlobExcludeList []string

func OpenLocalRepo(ctx context.Context, name, workTreeDir string, opts OpenLocalRepoOptions) (l *Local, err error) {
    _, err = git.PlainOpenWithOptions(workTreeDir, &git.PlainOpenOptions{EnableDotGitCommonDir: true})
    if err != nil {
        if err == git.ErrRepositoryNotExists {
            return l, ErrLocalRepositoryNotExists

        return l, err

    gitDir, err := true_git.ResolveRepoDir(ctx, filepath.Join(workTreeDir, git.GitDirName))
    if err != nil {
        return l, fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve git repo dir for %s: %w", workTreeDir, err)

    l, err = newLocal(ctx, name, workTreeDir, gitDir)
    if err != nil {
        return l, err

    if opts.WithServiceHeadCommit {
        if lock, err := CommonGitDataManager.LockGC(ctx, true); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        } else {
            defer werf.ReleaseHostLock(lock)

        devHeadCommit, err := true_git.SyncSourceWorktreeWithServiceBranch(
                ServiceBranch:   opts.ServiceBranchOptions.Name,
                GlobExcludeList: opts.ServiceBranchOptions.GlobExcludeList,
        if err != nil {
            return l, err

        l.headCommitHash = devHeadCommit

    return l, nil

func newLocal(ctx context.Context, name, workTreeDir, gitDir string) (l *Local, err error) {
    headCommit, err := getHeadCommit(ctx, workTreeDir)
    if err != nil {
        return l, fmt.Errorf("unable to get git repo head commit: %w", err)

    l = &Local{
        WorkTreeDir:    workTreeDir,
        GitDir:         gitDir,
        headCommitHash: headCommit,
    l.Base = NewBase(name, l.initRepoHandleBackedByWorkTree)

    return l, nil

func (repo *Local) IsLocal() bool {
    return true

func (repo *Local) GetWorkTreeDir() string {
    return repo.WorkTreeDir

func (repo *Local) PlainOpen() (*git.Repository, error) {
    repository, err := git.PlainOpenWithOptions(repo.WorkTreeDir, &git.PlainOpenOptions{EnableDotGitCommonDir: true})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot open git work tree %q: %w", repo.WorkTreeDir, err)

    return repository, nil

func (repo *Local) SyncWithOrigin(ctx context.Context) error {
    isShallow, err := repo.IsShallowClone(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("check shallow clone failed: %w", err)

    remoteOriginUrl, err := repo.RemoteOriginUrl(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("get remote origin failed: %w", err)

    if remoteOriginUrl == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("git remote origin was not detected")

    return logboek.Context(ctx).Default().LogProcess("Syncing origin branches and tags").DoError(func() error {
        fetchOptions := true_git.FetchOptions{
            Prune:     true,
            PruneTags: true,
            Unshallow: isShallow,
            RefSpecs:  map[string]string{"origin": "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"},

        if err := true_git.Fetch(ctx, repo.WorkTreeDir, fetchOptions); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("fetch failed: %w", err)

        return nil

func (repo *Local) acquireFetchLock(ctx context.Context) (lockgate.LockHandle, error) {
    _, lock, err := werf.AcquireHostLock(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("local_git_repo.fetch.%s", repo.GitDir), lockgate.AcquireOptions{})
    return lock, err

func (repo *Local) Unshallow(ctx context.Context) error {
    if lock, err := repo.acquireFetchLock(ctx); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to acquire fetch lock: %w", err)
    } else {
        defer werf.ReleaseHostLock(lock)

    isShallow, err := repo.IsShallowClone(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("check shallow clone failed: %w", err)
    if !isShallow {
        return nil

    err = repo.doFetchOrigin(ctx, true)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch origin: %w", err)

    return nil

func (repo *Local) FetchOrigin(ctx context.Context, opts FetchOptions) error {
    if lock, err := repo.acquireFetchLock(ctx); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to acquire fetch lock: %w", err)
    } else {
        defer werf.ReleaseHostLock(lock)

    var unshallow bool
    if opts.Unshallow {
        isShallow, err := repo.IsShallowClone(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("check shallow clone failed: %w", err)
        unshallow = isShallow

    return repo.doFetchOrigin(ctx, unshallow)

func (repo *Local) doFetchOrigin(ctx context.Context, unshallow bool) error {
    return logboek.Context(ctx).Default().LogProcess("Fetching origin").DoError(func() error {
        remoteOriginUrl, err := repo.RemoteOriginUrl(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("get remote origin failed: %w", err)

        if remoteOriginUrl == "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("git remote origin was not detected")

        fetchOptions := true_git.FetchOptions{
            Unshallow: unshallow,
            RefSpecs:  map[string]string{"origin": "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"},

        if err := true_git.Fetch(ctx, repo.WorkTreeDir, fetchOptions); err != nil {
            if true_git.IsShallowFileChangedSinceWeReadIt(err) {
                telemetry.GetTelemetryWerfIO().UnshallowFailed(ctx, err)
            return err

        return nil

func (repo *Local) IsShallowClone(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
    return true_git.IsShallowClone(ctx, repo.WorkTreeDir)

func (repo *Local) CreateDetachedMergeCommit(ctx context.Context, fromCommit, toCommit string) (string, error) {
    return repo.createDetachedMergeCommit(ctx, repo.GitDir, repo.WorkTreeDir, repo.getRepoWorkTreeCacheDir(repo.getRepoID()), fromCommit, toCommit)

func (repo *Local) GetMergeCommitParents(_ context.Context, commit string) ([]string, error) {
    return repo.getMergeCommitParents(repo.GitDir, commit)

func (repo *Local) status(ctx context.Context) (*status.Result, error) {
    defer repo.mutex.Unlock()

    if repo.statusResult == nil {
        result, err := status.Status(ctx, repo.WorkTreeDir)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        repo.statusResult = &result

    return repo.statusResult, nil

func (repo *Local) IsEmpty(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
    return repo.isEmpty(ctx, repo.WorkTreeDir)

func (repo *Local) IsAncestor(ctx context.Context, ancestorCommit, descendantCommit string) (bool, error) {
    return true_git.IsAncestor(ctx, ancestorCommit, descendantCommit, repo.GitDir)

func (repo *Local) RemoteOriginUrl(_ context.Context) (string, error) {
    return repo.remoteOriginUrl(repo.WorkTreeDir)

func (repo *Local) HeadCommitHash(_ context.Context) (string, error) {
    return repo.headCommitHash, nil

func (repo *Local) HeadCommitTime(ctx context.Context) (*time.Time, error) {
    time, err := baseHeadCommitTime(repo, ctx)
    return time, err

func (repo *Local) GetOrCreatePatch(ctx context.Context, opts PatchOptions) (Patch, error) {
    return repo.getOrCreatePatch(ctx, repo.WorkTreeDir, repo.GitDir, repo.getRepoID(), repo.getRepoWorkTreeCacheDir(repo.getRepoID()), opts)

func (repo *Local) GetOrCreateArchive(ctx context.Context, opts ArchiveOptions) (Archive, error) {
    return repo.getOrCreateArchive(ctx, repo.WorkTreeDir, repo.GitDir, repo.getRepoID(), repo.getRepoWorkTreeCacheDir(repo.getRepoID()), opts)

func (repo *Local) GetOrCreateChecksum(ctx context.Context, opts ChecksumOptions) (checksum string, err error) {
    err = repo.withRepoHandle(ctx, opts.Commit, func(repoHandle repo_handle.Handle) error {
        checksum, err = repo.getOrCreateChecksum(ctx, repoHandle, opts)
        return err


func (repo *Local) IsCommitExists(ctx context.Context, commit string) (bool, error) {
    return repo.isCommitExists(ctx, repo.WorkTreeDir, repo.GitDir, commit)

func (repo *Local) TagsList(_ context.Context) ([]string, error) {
    return repo.tagsList(repo.WorkTreeDir)

func (repo *Local) RemoteBranchesList(_ context.Context) ([]string, error) {
    return repo.remoteBranchesList(repo.WorkTreeDir)

func (repo *Local) getRepoID() string {
    absPath, err := filepath.Abs(repo.WorkTreeDir)
    if err != nil {
        panic(err) // stupid interface of filepath.Abs

    fullPath := filepath.Clean(absPath)
    return util.Sha256Hash(fullPath)

func (repo *Local) getRepoWorkTreeCacheDir(repoID string) string {
    return filepath.Join(GetWorkTreeCacheDir(), "local", repoID)

type (
    UntrackedFilesFoundError   StatusFilesFoundError
    UncommittedFilesFoundError StatusFilesFoundError
    StatusFilesFoundError      struct {
        PathList []string

type (
    SubmoduleAddedAndNotCommittedError  SubmoduleErrorBase
    SubmoduleDeletedError               SubmoduleErrorBase
    SubmoduleHasUntrackedChangesError   SubmoduleErrorBase
    SubmoduleHasUncommittedChangesError SubmoduleErrorBase
    SubmoduleCommitChangedError         SubmoduleErrorBase
    SubmoduleErrorBase                  struct {
        SubmodulePath string

func (repo *Local) ValidateStatusResult(ctx context.Context, pathMatcher path_matcher.PathMatcher) error {
    statusResult, err := repo.status(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var untrackedPathList []string
    for _, path := range statusResult.UntrackedPathList {
        if pathMatcher.IsPathMatched(path) {
            untrackedPathList = append(untrackedPathList, path)

    if len(untrackedPathList) != 0 {
        return UntrackedFilesFoundError{
            PathList: untrackedPathList,
            error:    fmt.Errorf("untracked files found"),

    scope := statusResult.IndexWithWorktree()
    var uncommittedPathList []string
    for _, path := range scope.PathList() {
        if pathMatcher.IsPathMatched(path) {
            uncommittedPathList = append(uncommittedPathList, path)

    if len(uncommittedPathList) != 0 {
        return UncommittedFilesFoundError{
            PathList: uncommittedPathList,
            error:    fmt.Errorf("uncommitted files found"),

    return repo.validateStatusResultSubmodules(ctx, pathMatcher, scope)

func (repo *Local) validateStatusResultSubmodules(_ context.Context, pathMatcher path_matcher.PathMatcher, scope status.Scope) error {
    // No changes related to submodules.
    if len(scope.Submodules()) == 0 {
        return nil

    for _, submodule := range scope.Submodules() {
        if !pathMatcher.IsDirOrSubmodulePathMatched(submodule.Path) {

        switch {
        case submodule.IsAdded:
            return SubmoduleAddedAndNotCommittedError{
                SubmodulePath: submodule.Path,
                error:         fmt.Errorf("submodule is added but not committed"),
        case submodule.IsDeleted:
            return SubmoduleDeletedError{
                SubmodulePath: submodule.Path,
                error:         fmt.Errorf("submodule is deleted"),
        case submodule.IsModified:
            if submodule.HasUntrackedChanges {
                return SubmoduleHasUntrackedChangesError{
                    SubmodulePath: submodule.Path,
                    error:         fmt.Errorf("submodule has untracked changes"),
            if submodule.HasTrackedChanges {
                return SubmoduleHasUncommittedChangesError{
                    SubmodulePath: submodule.Path,
                    error:         fmt.Errorf("submodule has uncommitted changes"),
            if submodule.IsCommitChanged {
                return SubmoduleCommitChangedError{
                    SubmodulePath: submodule.Path,
                    error:         fmt.Errorf("submodule commit is changed"),

    return nil

func (repo *Local) StatusPathList(ctx context.Context, pathMatcher path_matcher.PathMatcher) (list []string, err error) {
        LogBlock("StatusPathList %q %v", pathMatcher.String()).
        Options(func(options types.LogBlockOptionsInterface) {
            if !debugGiterminismManager() {
        Do(func() {
            list, err = repo.statusPathList(ctx, pathMatcher)

            if !debugGiterminismManager() {
                logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogLn("list:", list)
                logboek.Context(ctx).Debug().LogLn("err:", err)


func (repo *Local) statusPathList(ctx context.Context, pathMatcher path_matcher.PathMatcher) ([]string, error) {
    statusResult, err := repo.status(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var result []string
    handlePathListFunc := func(pathList []string) {
        for _, path := range pathList {
            if pathMatcher.IsPathMatched(path) {
                result = util.AddNewStringsToStringArray(result, path)


    scope := statusResult.IndexWithWorktree()

    for _, submodule := range scope.Submodules() {
        if pathMatcher.IsDirOrSubmodulePathMatched(submodule.Path) {
            result = util.AddNewStringsToStringArray(result, submodule.Path)

    return result, nil

func (repo *Local) StatusIndexChecksum(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
    statusResult, err := repo.status(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    return statusResult.Index.Checksum(), nil

type treeEntryNotFoundInRepoErr struct {

func IsTreeEntryNotFoundInRepoErr(err error) bool {
    switch err.(type) {
    case treeEntryNotFoundInRepoErr:
        return true
        return false

func (repo *Local) initRepoHandleBackedByWorkTree(ctx context.Context, commit string) (repo_handle.Handle, error) {
    repository, err := repo.PlainOpen()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    commitHash, err := newHash(commit)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad commit hash %q: %w", commit, err)

    commitObj, err := repository.CommitObject(commitHash)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad commit %q: %w", commit, err)

    hasSubmodules, err := HasSubmodulesInCommit(commitObj)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if hasSubmodules {
        if lock, err := CommonGitDataManager.LockGC(ctx, true); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        } else {
            defer werf.ReleaseHostLock(lock)

        var repoHandle repo_handle.Handle
        if err := true_git.WithWorkTree(ctx, repo.GitDir, repo.getRepoWorkTreeCacheDir(repo.getRepoID()), commit, true_git.WithWorkTreeOptions{HasSubmodules: hasSubmodules}, func(preparedWorkTreeDir string) error {
            repositoryWithPreparedWorktree, err := true_git.GitOpenWithCustomWorktreeDir(repo.GitDir, preparedWorkTreeDir)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            repoHandle, err = repo_handle.NewHandle(repositoryWithPreparedWorktree)
            return err
        }); err != nil {
            return nil, err

        return repoHandle, nil
    } else {
        return repo_handle.NewHandle(repository)

func debugGiterminismManager() bool {
    return os.Getenv("WERF_DEBUG_GITERMINISM_MANAGER") == "1"