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import {
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
  StackItem, BlockStackItem,
  TableCellStackItem, TableRowStackItem, TableStackItem,
  TransformerStackItem, ListStackItem, ListItemStackItem
} from './stack-item';
import { trimCharacter } from './util';
import { WhitespaceProcessor } from './whitespace-processor';

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unassigned-import
import './typedefs';

 * Helps to build text from inline and block elements.
 * @class BlockTextBuilder
class BlockTextBuilder {

   * Creates an instance of BlockTextBuilder.
   * @param { Options } options HtmlToText options.
   * @param { import('selderee').Picker<DomNode, TagDefinition> } picker Selectors decision tree picker.
   * @param { any} [metadata] Optional metadata for HTML document, for use in formatters.
  constructor (options, picker, metadata = undefined) {
    this.options = options;
    this.picker = picker;
    this.metadata = metadata;
    this.whitespaceProcessor = new WhitespaceProcessor(options);
    /** @type { StackItem } */
    this._stackItem = new BlockStackItem(options);
    /** @type { TransformerStackItem } */
    this._wordTransformer = undefined;

   * Put a word-by-word transform function onto the transformations stack.
   * Mainly used for uppercasing. Can be bypassed to add unformatted text such as URLs.
   * Word transformations applied before wrapping.
   * @param { (str: string) => string } wordTransform Word transformation function.
  pushWordTransform (wordTransform) {
    this._wordTransformer = new TransformerStackItem(this._wordTransformer, wordTransform);

   * Remove a function from the word transformations stack.
   * @returns { (str: string) => string } A function that was removed.
  popWordTransform () {
    if (!this._wordTransformer) { return undefined; }
    const transform = this._wordTransformer.transform;
    this._wordTransformer = this._wordTransformer.next;
    return transform;

   * Ignore wordwrap option in followup inline additions and disable automatic wrapping.
  startNoWrap () {
    this._stackItem.isNoWrap = true;

   * Return automatic wrapping to behavior defined by options.
  stopNoWrap () {
    this._stackItem.isNoWrap = false;

  /** @returns { (str: string) => string } */
  _getCombinedWordTransformer () {
    const wt = (this._wordTransformer)
      ? ((str) => applyTransformer(str, this._wordTransformer))
      : undefined;
    const ce = this.options.encodeCharacters;
    return (wt)
      ? ((ce) ? (str) => ce(wt(str)) : wt)
      : ce;

  _popStackItem () {
    const item = this._stackItem;
    this._stackItem = item.next;
    return item;

   * Add a line break into currently built block.
  addLineBreak () {
    if (!(
      this._stackItem instanceof BlockStackItem
      || this._stackItem instanceof ListItemStackItem
      || this._stackItem instanceof TableCellStackItem
    )) { return; }
    if (this._stackItem.isPre) {
      this._stackItem.rawText += '\n';
    } else {

   * Allow to break line in case directly following text will not fit.
  addWordBreakOpportunity () {
    if (
      this._stackItem instanceof BlockStackItem
      || this._stackItem instanceof ListItemStackItem
      || this._stackItem instanceof TableCellStackItem
    ) {
      this._stackItem.inlineTextBuilder.wordBreakOpportunity = true;

   * Add a node inline into the currently built block.
   * @param { string } str
   * Text content of a node to add.
   * @param { object } [param1]
   * Object holding the parameters of the operation.
   * @param { boolean } [param1.noWordTransform]
   * Ignore word transformers if there are any.
   * Don't encode characters as well.
   * (Use this for things like URL addresses).
  addInline (str, { noWordTransform = false } = {}) {
    if (!(
      this._stackItem instanceof BlockStackItem
      || this._stackItem instanceof ListItemStackItem
      || this._stackItem instanceof TableCellStackItem
    )) { return; }

    if (this._stackItem.isPre) {
      this._stackItem.rawText += str;

    if (
      str.length === 0 || // empty string
        this._stackItem.stashedLineBreaks && // stashed linebreaks make whitespace irrelevant
        !this.whitespaceProcessor.testContainsWords(str) // no words to add
    ) { return; }

    if (this.options.preserveNewlines) {
      const newlinesNumber = this.whitespaceProcessor.countNewlinesNoWords(str);
      if (newlinesNumber > 0) {
        // keep stashedLineBreaks unchanged

    if (this._stackItem.stashedLineBreaks) {
      (noWordTransform) ? undefined : this._getCombinedWordTransformer(),
    this._stackItem.stashedLineBreaks = 0; // inline text doesn't introduce line breaks

   * Add a string inline into the currently built block.
   * Use this for markup elements that don't have to adhere
   * to text layout rules.
   * @param { string } str Text to add.
  addLiteral (str) {
    if (!(
      this._stackItem instanceof BlockStackItem
      || this._stackItem instanceof ListItemStackItem
      || this._stackItem instanceof TableCellStackItem
    )) { return; }

    if (str.length === 0) { return; }

    if (this._stackItem.isPre) {
      this._stackItem.rawText += str;

    if (this._stackItem.stashedLineBreaks) {
    this._stackItem.stashedLineBreaks = 0;

   * Start building a new block.
   * @param { object } [param0]
   * Object holding the parameters of the block.
   * @param { number } [param0.leadingLineBreaks]
   * This block should have at least this number of line breaks to separate it from any preceding block.
   * @param { number }  [param0.reservedLineLength]
   * Reserve this number of characters on each line for block markup.
   * @param { boolean } [param0.isPre]
   * Should HTML whitespace be preserved inside this block.
  openBlock ({ leadingLineBreaks = 1, reservedLineLength = 0, isPre = false } = {}) {
    const maxLineLength = Math.max(20, this._stackItem.inlineTextBuilder.maxLineLength - reservedLineLength);
    this._stackItem = new BlockStackItem(
    if (isPre) { this._stackItem.isPre = true; }

   * Finalize currently built block, add it's content to the parent block.
   * @param { object } [param0]
   * Object holding the parameters of the block.
   * @param { number } [param0.trailingLineBreaks]
   * This block should have at least this number of line breaks to separate it from any following block.
   * @param { (str: string) => string } [param0.blockTransform]
   * A function to transform the block text before adding to the parent block.
   * This happens after word wrap and should be used in combination with reserved line length
   * in order to keep line lengths correct.
   * Used for whole block markup.
  closeBlock ({ trailingLineBreaks = 1, blockTransform = undefined } = {}) {
    const block = this._popStackItem();
    const blockText = (blockTransform) ? blockTransform(getText(block)) : getText(block);
    addText(this._stackItem, blockText, block.leadingLineBreaks, Math.max(block.stashedLineBreaks, trailingLineBreaks));

   * Start building a new list.
   * @param { object } [param0]
   * Object holding the parameters of the list.
   * @param { number } [param0.maxPrefixLength]
   * Length of the longest list item prefix.
   * If not supplied or too small then list items won't be aligned properly.
   * @param { 'left' | 'right' } [param0.prefixAlign]
   * Specify how prefixes of different lengths have to be aligned
   * within a column.
   * @param { number } [param0.interRowLineBreaks]
   * Minimum number of line breaks between list items.
   * @param { number } [param0.leadingLineBreaks]
   * This list should have at least this number of line breaks to separate it from any preceding block.
  openList ({ maxPrefixLength = 0, prefixAlign = 'left', interRowLineBreaks = 1, leadingLineBreaks = 2 } = {}) {
    this._stackItem = new ListStackItem(this.options, this._stackItem, {
      interRowLineBreaks: interRowLineBreaks,
      leadingLineBreaks: leadingLineBreaks,
      maxLineLength: this._stackItem.inlineTextBuilder.maxLineLength,
      maxPrefixLength: maxPrefixLength,
      prefixAlign: prefixAlign

   * Start building a new list item.
   * @param {object} param0
   * Object holding the parameters of the list item.
   * @param { string } [param0.prefix]
   * Prefix for this list item (item number, bullet point, etc).
  openListItem ({ prefix = '' } = {}) {
    if (!(this._stackItem instanceof ListStackItem)) {
      throw new Error('Can\'t add a list item to something that is not a list! Check the formatter.');
    const list = this._stackItem;
    const prefixLength = Math.max(prefix.length, list.maxPrefixLength);
    const maxLineLength = Math.max(20, list.inlineTextBuilder.maxLineLength - prefixLength);
    this._stackItem = new ListItemStackItem(this.options, list, {
      prefix: prefix,
      maxLineLength: maxLineLength,
      leadingLineBreaks: list.interRowLineBreaks

   * Finalize currently built list item, add it's content to the parent list.
  closeListItem () {
    const listItem = this._popStackItem();
    const list = listItem.next;

    const prefixLength = Math.max(listItem.prefix.length, list.maxPrefixLength);
    const spacing = '\n' + ' '.repeat(prefixLength);
    const prefix = (list.prefixAlign === 'right')
      ? listItem.prefix.padStart(prefixLength)
      : listItem.prefix.padEnd(prefixLength);
    const text = prefix + getText(listItem).replace(/\n/g, spacing);

      Math.max(listItem.stashedLineBreaks, list.interRowLineBreaks)

   * Finalize currently built list, add it's content to the parent block.
   * @param { object } param0
   * Object holding the parameters of the list.
   * @param { number } [param0.trailingLineBreaks]
   * This list should have at least this number of line breaks to separate it from any following block.
  closeList ({ trailingLineBreaks = 2 } = {}) {
    const list = this._popStackItem();
    const text = getText(list);
    if (text) {
      addText(this._stackItem, text, list.leadingLineBreaks, trailingLineBreaks);

   * Start building a table.
  openTable () {
    this._stackItem = new TableStackItem(this._stackItem);

   * Start building a table row.
  openTableRow () {
    if (!(this._stackItem instanceof TableStackItem)) {
      throw new Error('Can\'t add a table row to something that is not a table! Check the formatter.');
    this._stackItem = new TableRowStackItem(this._stackItem);

   * Start building a table cell.
   * @param { object } [param0]
   * Object holding the parameters of the cell.
   * @param { number } [param0.maxColumnWidth]
   * Wrap cell content to this width. Fall back to global wordwrap value if undefined.
  openTableCell ({ maxColumnWidth = undefined } = {}) {
    if (!(this._stackItem instanceof TableRowStackItem)) {
      throw new Error('Can\'t add a table cell to something that is not a table row! Check the formatter.');
    this._stackItem = new TableCellStackItem(this.options, this._stackItem, maxColumnWidth);

   * Finalize currently built table cell and add it to parent table row's cells.
   * @param { object } [param0]
   * Object holding the parameters of the cell.
   * @param { number } [param0.colspan] How many columns this cell should occupy.
   * @param { number } [param0.rowspan] How many rows this cell should occupy.
  closeTableCell ({ colspan = 1, rowspan = 1 } = {}) {
    const cell = this._popStackItem();
    const text = trimCharacter(getText(cell), '\n');
    cell.next.cells.push({ colspan: colspan, rowspan: rowspan, text: text });

   * Finalize currently built table row and add it to parent table's rows.
  closeTableRow () {
    const row = this._popStackItem();

   * Finalize currently built table and add the rendered text to the parent block.
   * @param { object } param0
   * Object holding the parameters of the table.
   * @param { TablePrinter } param0.tableToString
   * A function to convert a table of stringified cells into a complete table.
   * @param { number } [param0.leadingLineBreaks]
   * This table should have at least this number of line breaks to separate if from any preceding block.
   * @param { number } [param0.trailingLineBreaks]
   * This table should have at least this number of line breaks to separate it from any following block.
  closeTable ({ tableToString, leadingLineBreaks = 2, trailingLineBreaks = 2 }) {
    const table = this._popStackItem();
    const output = tableToString(table.rows);
    if (output) {
      addText(this._stackItem, output, leadingLineBreaks, trailingLineBreaks);

   * Return the rendered text content of this builder.
   * @returns { string }
  toString () {
    return getText(this._stackItem.getRoot());
    // There should only be the root item if everything is closed properly.


function getText (stackItem) {
  if (!(
    stackItem instanceof BlockStackItem
    || stackItem instanceof ListItemStackItem
    || stackItem instanceof TableCellStackItem
  )) {
    throw new Error('Only blocks, list items and table cells can be requested for text contents.');
  return (stackItem.inlineTextBuilder.isEmpty())
    ? stackItem.rawText
    : stackItem.rawText + stackItem.inlineTextBuilder.toString();

function addText (stackItem, text, leadingLineBreaks, trailingLineBreaks) {
  if (!(
    stackItem instanceof BlockStackItem
    || stackItem instanceof ListItemStackItem
    || stackItem instanceof TableCellStackItem
  )) {
    throw new Error('Only blocks, list items and table cells can contain text.');
  const parentText = getText(stackItem);
  const lineBreaks = Math.max(stackItem.stashedLineBreaks, leadingLineBreaks);
  if (parentText) {
    stackItem.rawText = parentText + '\n'.repeat(lineBreaks) + text;
  } else {
    stackItem.rawText = text;
    stackItem.leadingLineBreaks = lineBreaks;
  stackItem.stashedLineBreaks = trailingLineBreaks;

 * @param { string } str A string to transform.
 * @param { TransformerStackItem } transformer A transformer item (with possible continuation).
 * @returns { string }
function applyTransformer (str, transformer) {
  return ((transformer) ? applyTransformer(transformer.transform(str), transformer.next) : str);

export { BlockTextBuilder };