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import merge from 'deepmerge'; // default

 * Make a recursive function that will only run to a given depth
 * and switches to an alternative function at that depth. \
 * No limitation if `n` is `undefined` (Just wraps `f` in that case).
 * @param   { number | undefined } n   Allowed depth of recursion. `undefined` for no limitation.
 * @param   { Function }           f   Function that accepts recursive callback as the first argument.
 * @param   { Function }           [g] Function to run instead, when maximum depth was reached. Do nothing by default.
 * @returns { Function }
function limitedDepthRecursive (n, f, g = () => undefined) {
  if (n === undefined) {
    const f1 = function (...args) { return f(f1, ...args); };
    return f1;
  if (n >= 0) {
    return function (...args) { return f(limitedDepthRecursive(n - 1, f, g), ...args); };
  return g;

 * Return the same string or a substring with
 * the given character occurrences removed from each side.
 * @param   { string } str  A string to trim.
 * @param   { string } char A character to be trimmed.
 * @returns { string }
function trimCharacter (str, char) {
  let start = 0;
  let end = str.length;
  while (start < end && str[start] === char) { ++start; }
  while (end > start && str[end - 1] === char) { --end; }
  return (start > 0 || end < str.length)
    ? str.substring(start, end)
    : str;

 * Return the same string or a substring with
 * the given character occurrences removed from the end only.
 * @param   { string } str  A string to trim.
 * @param   { string } char A character to be trimmed.
 * @returns { string }
function trimCharacterEnd (str, char) {
  let end = str.length;
  while (end > 0 && str[end - 1] === char) { --end; }
  return (end < str.length)
    ? str.substring(0, end)
    : str;

 * Return a new string will all characters replaced with unicode escape sequences.
 * This extreme kind of escaping can used to be safely compose regular expressions.
 * @param { string } str A string to escape.
 * @returns { string } A string of unicode escape sequences.
function unicodeEscape (str) {
  return str.replace(/[\s\S]/g, c => '\\u' + c.charCodeAt().toString(16).padStart(4, '0'));

 * Deduplicate an array by a given key callback.
 * Item properties are merged recursively and with the preference for last defined values.
 * Of items with the same key, merged item takes the place of the last item,
 * others are omitted.
 * @param { any[] } items An array to deduplicate.
 * @param { (x: any) => string } getKey Callback to get a value that distinguishes unique items.
 * @returns { any[] }
function mergeDuplicatesPreferLast (items, getKey) {
  const map = new Map();
  for (let i = items.length; i-- > 0;) {
    const item = items[i];
    const key = getKey(item);
        ? merge(item, map.get(key), { arrayMerge: overwriteMerge })
        : item
  return [...map.values()].reverse();

const overwriteMerge = (acc, src, options) => [...src];

 * Get a nested property from an object.
 * @param   { object }   obj  The object to query for the value.
 * @param   { string[] } path The path to the property.
 * @returns { any }
function get (obj, path) {
  for (const key of path) {
    if (!obj) { return undefined; }
    obj = obj[key];
  return obj;

 * Convert a number into alphabetic sequence representation (Sequence without zeroes).
 * For example: `a, ..., z, aa, ..., zz, aaa, ...`.
 * @param   { number } num              Number to convert. Must be >= 1.
 * @param   { string } [baseChar = 'a'] Character for 1 in the sequence.
 * @param   { number } [base = 26]      Number of characters in the sequence.
 * @returns { string }
function numberToLetterSequence (num, baseChar = 'a', base = 26) {
  const digits = [];
  do {
    num -= 1;
    digits.push(num % base);
    num = (num / base) >> 0; // quick `floor`
  } while (num > 0);
  const baseCode = baseChar.charCodeAt(0);
  return digits
    .map(n => String.fromCharCode(baseCode + n))

const I = ['I', 'X', 'C', 'M'];
const V = ['V', 'L', 'D'];

 * Convert a number to it's Roman representation. No large numbers extension.
 * @param   { number } num Number to convert. `0 < num <= 3999`.
 * @returns { string }
function numberToRoman (num) {
  return [...(num) + '']
    .map(n => +n)
    .map((v, i) => ((v % 5 < 4)
      ? (v < 5 ? '' : V[i]) + I[i].repeat(v % 5)
      : I[i] + (v < 5 ? V[i] : I[i + 1])))

export {