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# vim-codeclimate

[![Code Climate](](

A vim plugin that runs the [Code Climate CLI][cli] & displays the results in vim.

![Demo gif](

## Requirements

The [Code Climate CLI][cli] must be installed and the `codeclimate` binary must be in your `PATH`.

## Installation

### Pathogen

$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/

### Vundle

Plugin 'wfleming/vim-codeclimate'

## Usage


The plugin exposes the three commands above.
By default, no shortcuts are bound to these commands to avoid interfering with other plugins, but you can easily add some in your `.vimrc` or `init.vim`:

nmap <Leader>aa :CodeClimateAnalyzeProject<CR>
nmap <Leader>ao :CodeClimateAnalyzeOpenFiles<CR>
nmap <Leader>af :CodeClimateAnalyzeCurrentFile<CR>

### Variables

`CodeClimateAnalyzeOpenFiles` & `CodeClimateAnalyzeCurrentFile` will both look for buffer-level `b:codeclimateflags` variables in the buffers they'll analyze, and include those in the invocation of the Code Climate CLI.

For example, in a large web project you're likely to have many different engines enabled (to cover your backend, styles, front-end, etc.), but for any given file you're editing most of those engines are probably not applicable.
By using `autocmd`, you can declare which engines you want run for specific filetypes, which can help analysis run noticeably faster. As a concrete example, I use the following configuration for a Ruby on Rails project:

autocmd FileType javascript let b:codeclimateflags="--engine eslint"
autocmd FileType ruby let b:codeclimateflags="--engine rubocop"
autocmd FileType scss let b:codeclimateflags="--engine scss-lint"

### Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts are available in the quickfix window, borrowed from the [ack.vim][ackvim] plugin.

?    a quick summary of these keys, repeat to close
o    to open (same as Enter)
O    to open and close the quickfix window
go   to preview file, open but maintain focus on results
t    to open in new tab
T    to open in new tab without moving to it
h    to open in horizontal split
H    to open in horizontal split, keeping focus on the results
v    to open in vertical split
gv   to open in vertical split, keeping focus on the results
q    to close the quickfix window

### Limitations

Because of how the CLI is run by the plugin, it expects to find the `.codeclimate.yml` configuration file in the current working directory.
So you'll generally need to start vim from the root of your repository for this plugin to work properly.
