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package wikipath

import (

// ErrStopped is returned when the visitor stops reading articles.
var ErrStopped = errors.New("visitor stopped reading")

// Redirect title of another article
type Redirect struct {
    Title string `xml:"title,attr"`

// Article is an article from the wiki archive XML file.
type Article struct {
    ID                int      `xml:"id"`
    Namespace         int      `xml:"ns"`
    Title             string   `xml:"title"`
    Redirect          Redirect `xml:"redirect"`
    Text              string   `xml:"revision>text"`
    RevisionID        int      `xml:"revision>id"`
    RevisionTimestamp string   `xml:"revision>timestamp"`
    RevisionFormat    string   `xml:"revision>format"`
    RevisionAuthor    string   `xml:"revision>contributor>username"`
    RevisionAuthorID  string   `xml:"revision>contributor>id"`

const chanSize int = 1024       // Buffers inbetween all channels
const readerBufSize int = 50000 // File buffers in front of OS

// LoadWikiCompressed loads a compressed wiki archive, calling `visitor` for each article it reads.
func LoadWikiCompressed(index io.Reader, source io.ReaderAt, visitor func(*Article) bool) error {
    ec := NewErrorContext()

    chunks := loadIndexChunks(ec, index)
    articles := make(chan *Article, chanSize)

    nWorkers := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1)

    for i := 0; i < nWorkers; i++ {
        decompressChunks(ec, source, chunks, articles)

    var done sync.WaitGroup
    go func() {
        for a := range articles {
            shouldCont := visitor(a)

            if !shouldCont {

    return ec.Err

func decompressChunks(ec *ErrorContext, archiveFile io.ReaderAt, chunks <-chan [2]int64, articles chan<- *Article) {
    go func() {
        for chunk := range chunks {
            chunkRaw := io.NewSectionReader(archiveFile, chunk[0], chunk[1]-chunk[0])
            chunkReader := bufio.NewReaderSize(chunkRaw, readerBufSize)
            chunkDecompressor := bzip2.NewReader(chunkReader)
            loadErr := LoadWiki(chunkDecompressor, func(a *Article) bool {
                select {
                case <-ec.Canceled:
                    // Load has been canceled
                    return false
                    articles <- a
                    // Still loading
                    return true

            if loadErr != nil {

func loadIndexChunks(ec *ErrorContext, indexRaw io.Reader) <-chan [2]int64 {
    chunks := make(chan [2]int64, chanSize)

    // Open a decompressing reader on indexPath
    indexBuf := bufio.NewReaderSize(indexRaw, readerBufSize)
    indexReader := bzip2.NewReader(indexBuf)
    indexScanner := bufio.NewScanner(indexReader)

    go func() {
        // Load the first line, get the first offset
        var offset int64 // = 0

        for indexScanner.Scan() {
            line := indexScanner.Text()
            chunk, _, _, parseErr := ParseIndexLine(line)
            if parseErr != nil {
            if chunk > offset {
                chunks <- [2]int64{offset, chunk}
                offset = chunk


        err := indexScanner.Err()
        if err != nil {

    return chunks

// LoadWiki loads articles from an `io.Reader` over wiki archive XML,
// calling `visitor` for each one and stopping if it returns false.
func LoadWiki(source io.Reader, visitor func(*Article) bool) error {
    // Open an XML decoder over the file.
    decoder := xml.NewDecoder(source)

    for {
        // Get the next token.
        tok, tokErr := decoder.Token()
        if tok == nil {
            return nil

        if tokErr != nil {
            return tokErr

        switch se := tok.(type) {
        case xml.StartElement:
            // Element is a starting element
            if se.Name.Local == "page" {
                var a Article
                decoder.DecodeElement(&a, &se)

                shouldCont := visitor(&a)

                if !shouldCont {
                    return ErrStopped

// linkRegex extracts links from wikitext.
// https://regex101.com/r/Q2bNwC/3
var linkRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?U)\[\[([^]:]+)([#/|].+)?\]\]`)

// ParseLinks Returns a list of strings, representing the titles of articles.
func ParseLinks(text string) []string {
    matches := linkRegex.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(text, -1)
    linkNames := make([]string, len(matches))
    for i, inds := range matches {
        start := inds[2]
        end := inds[3]
        linkNames[i] = text[start:end]
    return linkNames

// ParseIndexLine parses a line of the wiki multistream index,
// returning (byte offset, article id, article title) tuples.
func ParseIndexLine(line string) (int64, uint, string, error) {
    line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
    parts := strings.SplitN(line, ":", 3)

    offset, err0 := strconv.ParseInt(parts[0], 10, 64)
    if err0 != nil {
        return 0, 0, "", errors.New("Failed to parse offset")

    id64, err1 := strconv.ParseUint(parts[1], 10, 0)
    if err1 != nil {
        return 0, 0, "", errors.New("Failed to parse ID")
    id := uint(id64)

    name := parts[2]

    return offset, id, name, nil