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package org.usfirst.frc.team3695.robot;

/** where all the static final variables get set */
public class Constants {

    public static final double
        /// BOT SPECS
            DISTANCE_BETWEEN_WHEELS = 24, // inches between wheels; used for turn calculations
            WHEEL_DIAMETER          = 6, // wheel diameter in inches
        /// MANIPULATOR
            SPINNY_SPEED = 1,
        /// RAMPS
            DRIVETRAIN_RAMP = 1,
            REDLINE_START = 0,
            REDLINE_MID   = .125,
            REDLINE_END   = 1;
    public static final double
            LEFT_MAGIC_PER_INCHES = -214.560,
            RIGHT_MAGIC_PER_INCHES = 208.847,
            RECOVERY_SPEED = 0,
            DOCK_INHIBITOR = 1,
            TILT_ANGLE = 10,
            MAST_TIMEOUT = 3000; // timeout for HitTheDick in ms

    public static final int
        /// DRIVE MOTORS
            RIGHT_MASTER    = 6,
                RIGHT_SLAVE = 20,
            LEFT_MASTER     = 7,
                LEFT_SLAVE  = 2,
            LEFT_FLYWHEEL =  43,
            RIGHT_FLYWHEEL = 42,
        /// MAST MOTORS
            LEFT_PINION_MOTOR  = 1,
            RIGHT_PINION_MOTOR = 4,
            SCREW_MOTOR        = 5,
        /// PID
            RIGHT_PID = 0,
            LEFT_PID = 0,
            TIMEOUT_PID = 10000;

    public static final int
        /// I2C
            I2C_DEVICE_ADDRESS = 4,
        /// RPM'S
            REDLINE = 6000,
            IDLE    = 500;

    public static final int
        /// MANIPULATOR
            OPEN_ARMS  = 5,
            CLOSE_ARMS = 4,
        /// CANDY CANE
            RAISE_HOOK = 6,
            LOWER_HOOK = 7;
    public static class OOF {
        public static final boolean
            LEFT_MOTOR_INVERT         = false,
            RIGHT_MOTOR_INVERT        = false, 
            LEFT_PINION_MOTOR_INVERT  = false,
            RIGHT_PINION_MOTOR_INVERT = true,
            SCREW_MOTOR_INVERT        = false,
            LEFT_ARM_MOTOR_INVERT     = true,
            RIGHT_ARM_MOTOR_INVERT    = false,
            HOOK_MOTOR_INVERT          = false,

            SCREW_CAM_FLIP = false,
            FRAME_CAM_FLIP = false,

            LEFT_MASTER_INVERT = false,
            RIGHT_MASTER_INVERT = false,
            LEFT_SLAVE_INVERT = false,
            RIGHT_SLAVE_INVERT = false;

        public static final double
            P = 0.5,
            I = 0,
            D = 0,
            F = 0;
    public static class TEUFELSKIND {
        public static final boolean
            LEFT_MOTOR_INVERT         = false,
            RIGHT_MOTOR_INVERT        = true,
            LEFT_PINION_MOTOR_INVERT  = false,
            RIGHT_PINION_MOTOR_INVERT = true,
            SCREW_MOTOR_INVERT        = false,
            LEFT_ARM_MOTOR_INVERT     = true,
            RIGHT_ARM_MOTOR_INVERT    = false,
            HOOK_MOTOR_INVERT          = false,

            SCREW_CAM_FLIP = false,
            FRAME_CAM_FLIP = false,

            LEFT_MASTER_INVERT = false,
            RIGHT_MASTER_INVERT = false,
            LEFT_SLAVE_INVERT = false,
            RIGHT_SLAVE_INVERT = false;

        public static final double
                P = 0.5,
                I = 0,
                D = 0,
                F = 0;

    public static class AutonomousConstants {
        //Save distances in inches
        public static final int DIST_TO_SWITCH_FROM_SIDE = 168;
        public static final int DIST_PASS_PORTAL = 36;
        public static final int DIST_CENTER_LINE_SWITCH_ALIGN = 48;
        public static final int DIST_BLOCKS_TO_SWITCH = 42;
        public static final int DIST_WALL_TO_LINE = 120;
        public static final int DIST_WALL_TO_BLOCKS = 98;
        public static final int DIST_BLOCK_TO_MIDDLE_OF_SWITCH = 28;
        public static final int DIST_WALL_TO_ENEMY_BLOCKS = 463;
        public static final int DIST_WALL_TO_SWITCH_BLOCKS = 196;
        public static final int DIST_SWITCH_BLOCK_TO_SCALE = 128;
        public static final int DIST_WALL_TO_SCALE = 324; //Goes right in front of the scale
        public static final double DIST_WALL_TO_SWITCH_BLOCK_MID = 228.74;

        public static final int ROT_90_CLOCKWISE = 90;
        public static final int ROT_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE = -90;
        public static final int ROT_180 = 180;

        public static final int SPIT_LENGTH = 500;
        public static final int WAIT_TO_ADJUST_MAST = 300;

    public static class VisionConstants {
        public static final int CAM_HEIGHT = 1080;
        public static final int CAM_WIDTH  = 1920;

        public static final int SCREW_ID = 0;
        public static final int HOOK_ID = 1;
        public static final int    LEFT_ID = 2;
        public static final int RIGHT_ID = 3;


//    /** where all the static final variables for arduino get set */
//    public static class ArduinoPatterns {
//        public static final int
//                SOLID_RED =         1,
//                SOLID_BLUE =        2,
//                RUNNING_RED =       3,
//                RUNNING_BLUE =      4,
//                RAINBOW_SLOW =      5,
//                RAINBOW_FAST =      6,
//                RAINBOW_SONIC =     7, // plz yes
//                GOD_BLESS_AMERICA = 8;
//    }