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======== enum: Drift.java ======== 

package org.usfirst.frc.team3695.robot.enumeration;

public enum Drift {

======== this stuff goes in Constants ========

public static final double
        DRIFT_DEADZONE   = .1,
        DRIFT_TURNOVER   = .6,
        MAX_DRIFT_RADIUS = 120, // this is in inches
                                // min will be 1/10th of this
        MAX_DRIFT_OFFSET = 80,  // max angle to turn into drift

======== this stuff goes in SubsystemDrive ========
/// drift variables
    public static int     OFFSET,        // the degrees the bot is tilted inward
                          METADIRECTION; // on button down, this resets to 0; the angle relative to that initial angle (changes on physical rotation)
                                           // pretty much the cumulative angle since button down, minus offset
    public static double  ROT_SPEED,     // the speed of rotation (min 0, max 10.00)
                          ROT_RADIUS;    // turn radius in inches
    public static boolean IN_DRIFT,         // if the bot is currently in a drift
                          DRIFT_IS_CW;   // if the drift is turning right
public void driftDrive(Joystick joy) {
        double joyVal = Xbox.LEFT_X(joy);
        if (!IN_DRIFT) { // initiate drift if it hasn't been initiated already
            IN_DRIFT = true;
            if (joyVal > 0) { DRIFT_IS_CW = true; }
        if (DRIFT_IS_CW) { joyVal = -1 * joyVal; } // align joyVal to the write negative and positive values
        ROT_SPEED = (Xbox.LT(joy) + Xbox.LT(joy)) * 10d;
        Drift status = updateDriftStatus(joyVal);
         switch(status) {
             case DONUT:
                             ROT_RADIUS = (Xbox.LEFT_X(joy)) + Constants.DRIFT_DEADZONE; // put stick on a 0-0.9 scale
                                 ROT_RADIUS  = 1 - ROT_RADIUS; // flip it to a .1-1 scale, outermost being .1 and innermost being 1
                                 ROT_RADIUS *= Constants.MAX_DRIFT_RADIUS; // apply the .1-1 scale to the max radius
                             OFFSET = (int) (Constants.MAX_DRIFT_OFFSET * Math.abs(Xbox.LEFT_X(joy))); /// sets offset for max on tight radius
                             driveMecanumRot(ROT_RADIUS, ROT_SPEED, OFFSET);
             case DEAD:
                             // this will just continue the last known radius, offset, and speed
             case POWERSLIDE:
                             driveAngle(ROT_SPEED, 90 - OFFSET);
             case TURNOVER:            
                             DRIFT_IS_CW = !DRIFT_IS_CW;
    /** moved from inside driftDrive; sets up the status switch in driftDrive */
    private Drift updateDriftStatus(double joy) {
        Drift status;
             if (joy < (Constants.DRIFT_DEADZONE * -1)) { status = Drift.DONUT; }
        else if (joy < (Constants.DRIFT_DEADZONE))      { status = Drift.DEAD; }
        else if (joy < (Constants.DRIFT_TURNOVER))      { status = Drift.POWERSLIDE; }
        else                                             { status = Drift.TURNOVER; }
        return status;
     *  drives in an arc, partially strafing
     *  negative radius means left, positive radius means right
     *      (these still apply going backwards)
     *  speed is 0-10.0
     *  off is the degrees offset the front of the bot is
     *      (negative offset is pointed out, positive is pointed in)
     * */
    private void driveMecanumRot(double radius, double speed, int offset) {
        CANTalon FL = null, BL = null, FR = null, BR = null; // remove when CANTalons are instantiated
        double leftRotPower, rightRotPower;
        if (radius < 0) { // if turning left, give more power to right side
            rightRotPower = 1;
            leftRotPower  = calculateInnerRotPower(radius, Constants.DISTANCE_BETWEEN_WHEELS); }
        else { // if turning right, give more power to left side
            rightRotPower = calculateInnerRotPower(radius, Constants.DISTANCE_BETWEEN_WHEELS);
            leftRotPower  = 1; }
        /// standard mecanum code (but the front wheels are averaged with the values for rotation)
                    Math.cos(90 - (double) offset)
                    * speed) 
                    + leftRotPower) 
                    / 2);
                    Math.sin(90 - (double) offset) 
                    * speed) 
                    + rightRotPower) 
                    / 2);
            BL.set(Math.toRadians(Math.sin(90 - (double) offset)) * speed);
            BR.set(Math.toRadians(Math.cos(90 - (double) offset)) * speed);
     * strafes/moves at an angle 
     * speed should be -1.00 to 1.00
     * offset must be -90 to 90 degrees
     * */
    private void driveAngle(double speed, int angle) { // right = 0, up = 90, left = 180, down = 270 
        CANTalon FL = null, BL = null, FR = null, BR = null; // remove when CANTalons are instantiated
        /// standard mecanum strafing code
            FL.set(Math.toRadians(Math.cos(angle)) * speed);
            FR.set(Math.toRadians(Math.sin(angle)) * speed);
            BL.set(Math.toRadians(Math.sin(angle)) * speed);
            BR.set(Math.toRadians(Math.cos(angle)) * speed);
    /** calculates inner power in rotation, outer being max */
    private double calculateInnerRotPower(double radius, double botWidth) {
        return radius / (radius + botWidth);