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5 days
Test Coverage
'use strict';

angular.module('forms').config(['$translateProvider', function ($translateProvider) {

    $translateProvider.translations('en', {

        //Configure Form Tab View
        ADVANCED_SETTINGS: 'Advanced Settings',
        FORM_NAME: 'Form Name',
        FORM_STATUS: 'Form Status',
        PUBLIC: 'Public',
        PRIVATE: 'Private',
        GA_TRACKING_CODE: 'Google Analytics Tracking Code',
        DISPLAY_FOOTER: 'Display Form Footer?',
        SAVE_CHANGES: 'Save Changes',
        CANCEL: 'Cancel',
        DISPLAY_START_PAGE: 'Display Start Page?',
        DISPLAY_END_PAGE: 'Display Custom End Page?',

        //List Forms View
        CREATE_A_NEW_FORM: 'Create a new form',
        CREATE_FORM: 'Create form',
        CREATED_ON: 'Created on',
        MY_FORMS: 'My forms',
        NAME: 'Name',
        LANGUAGE: 'Language',
        FORM_PAUSED: 'Form paused',

        //Edit Field Modal
        EDIT_FIELD: 'Edit this Field',
        SAVE_FIELD: 'Save',
        ON: 'ON',
        OFF: 'OFF',
        REQUIRED_FIELD: 'Required',
        LOGIC_JUMP: 'Logic Jump',
        SHOW_BUTTONS: 'Additional Buttons',
        SAVE_START_PAGE: 'Save',

        //Admin Form View
        ARE_YOU_SURE: 'Are you ABSOLUTELY sure?',
        READ_WARNING: 'Unexpected bad things will happen if you don’t read this!',
        DELETE_WARNING1: 'This action CANNOT be undone. This will permanently delete the "',
        DELETE_WARNING2: '" form and remove all associated form submissions.',
        DELETE_CONFIRM: 'Please type in the name of the form to confirm.',
        I_UNDERSTAND: 'I understand the consequences, delete this form.',
        DELETE_FORM_SM: 'Delete',
        DELETE_FORM_MD: 'Delete Form',
        DELETE: 'Delete',
        FORM: 'Form',
        VIEW: 'View',
        LIVE: 'Live',
        PREVIEW: 'Preview',
        COPY: 'Copy',
        COPY_AND_PASTE: 'Copy and Paste this to add your TellForm to your website',
        CHANGE_WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT: 'Change the width and height values to suit you best',
        POWERED_BY: 'Powered by',
        TELLFORM_URL: 'Your TellForm is permanently at this URL',

        //Edit Form View
        DISABLED: 'Disabled',
        YES: 'YES',
        NO: 'NO',
        ADD_LOGIC_JUMP: 'Add Logic Jump',
        ADD_FIELD_LG: 'Click to Add New Field',
        ADD_FIELD_MD: 'Add New Field',
        ADD_FIELD_SM: 'Add Field',
        EDIT_START_PAGE: 'Edit Start Page',
        EDIT_END_PAGE: 'Edit End Page',
        WELCOME_SCREEN: 'Start Page',
        END_SCREEN: 'End Page',
        INTRO_TITLE: 'Title',
        INTRO_PARAGRAPH: 'Paragraph',
        INTRO_BTN: 'Start Button',
        TITLE: 'Title',
        PARAGRAPH: 'Paragraph',
        BTN_TEXT: 'Go Back Button',
        BUTTONS: 'Buttons',
        BUTTON_TEXT: 'Text',
        BUTTON_LINK: 'Link',
        ADD_BUTTON: 'Add Button',
        PREVIEW_FIELD: 'Preview Question',
        QUESTION_TITLE: 'Title',
        QUESTION_DESCRIPTION: 'Description',
        OPTIONS: 'Options',
        ADD_OPTION: 'Add Option',
        NUM_OF_STEPS: 'Number of Steps',
        CLICK_FIELDS_FOOTER: 'Click on fields to add them here',
        SHAPE: 'Shape',
        IF_THIS_FIELD: 'If this field',
        IS_EQUAL_TO: 'is equal to',
        IS_NOT_EQUAL_TO: 'is not equal to',
        IS_GREATER_THAN: 'is greater than',
        IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL_THAN: 'is greater or equal than',
        IS_SMALLER_THAN: 'is smaller than',
        IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL_THAN: 'is smaller or equal than',
        CONTAINS: 'contains',
        DOES_NOT_CONTAINS: 'does not contain',
        ENDS_WITH: 'ends with',
        DOES_NOT_END_WITH: 'does not end with',
        STARTS_WITH: 'starts with',
        DOES_NOT_START_WITH: 'does not start with',
        THEN_JUMP_TO: 'then jump to',

        //Edit Submissions View
        TOTAL_VIEWS: 'total unique visits',
        RESPONSES: 'responses',
        COMPLETION_RATE: 'completion rate',
        AVERAGE_TIME_TO_COMPLETE: 'avg. completion time',

        DESKTOP_AND_LAPTOP: 'Desktops',
        TABLETS: 'Tablets',
        PHONES: 'Phones',
        OTHER: 'Other',
        UNIQUE_VISITS: 'Unique Visits',

        FIELD_TITLE: 'Field Title',
        FIELD_VIEWS: 'Field Views',
        FIELD_DROPOFF: 'Field Completion',
        FIELD_RESPONSES: 'Field Responses',
        DELETE_SELECTED: 'Delete Selected',
        EXPORT_TO_EXCEL: 'Export to Excel',
        EXPORT_TO_CSV: 'Export to CSV',
        EXPORT_TO_JSON: 'Export to JSON',
        PERCENTAGE_COMPLETE: 'Percentage Complete',
        TIME_ELAPSED: 'Time Elapsed',
        DEVICE: 'Device',
        LOCATION: 'Location',
        IP_ADDRESS: 'IP Address',
        DATE_SUBMITTED: 'Date Submitted',

        //Design View
        BACKGROUND_COLOR: 'Background Color',
        DESIGN_HEADER: 'Change how your Form Looks',
        QUESTION_TEXT_COLOR: 'Question Text Color',
        ANSWER_TEXT_COLOR: 'Answer Text Color',
        BTN_BACKGROUND_COLOR: 'Button Background Color',
        BTN_TEXT_COLOR: 'Button Text Color',

        //Share View
        EMBED_YOUR_FORM: 'Embed your form',
        SHARE_YOUR_FORM: 'Share your form',

        //Admin Tabs
        CREATE_TAB: 'Create',
        DESIGN_TAB: 'Design',
        CONFIGURE_TAB: 'Configure',
        ANALYZE_TAB: 'Analyze',
        SHARE_TAB: 'Share',

        //Field Types
        SHORT_TEXT: 'Short Text',
        EMAIL: 'Email',
        MULTIPLE_CHOICE: 'Multiple Choice',
        DROPDOWN: 'Dropdown',
        DATE: 'Date',
        PARAGRAPH_T: 'Paragraph',
        YES_NO: 'Yes/No',
        LEGAL: 'Legal',
        RATING: 'Rating',
        NUMBERS: 'Numbers',
        SIGNATURE: 'Signature',
        FILE_UPLOAD: 'File upload',
        OPTION_SCALE: 'Option Scale',
        PAYMENT: 'Payment',
        STATEMENT: 'Statement',
        LINK: 'Link',

        //Form Preview
        FORM_SUCCESS: 'Form entry successfully submitted!',
        REVIEW: 'Review',
        BACK_TO_FORM: 'Go back to Form',
        EDIT_FORM: 'Edit this TellForm',
        ADVANCEMENT: '{{done}} out of {{total}} answered',
        CONTINUE_FORM: 'Continue to Form',
        REQUIRED: 'required',
        COMPLETING_NEEDED: '{{answers_not_completed}} answer(s) need completing',
        OPTIONAL: 'optional',
        ERROR_EMAIL_INVALID: 'Please enter a valid email address',
        ERROR_NOT_A_NUMBER: 'Please enter valid numbers only',
        ERROR_URL_INVALID: 'Please a valid url',
        OK: 'OK',
        ENTER: 'press ENTER',
        NEWLINE: 'press SHIFT+ENTER to create a newline',
        CONTINUE: 'Continue',
        LEGAL_ACCEPT: 'I accept',
        LEGAL_NO_ACCEPT: 'I don’t accept',
        SUBMIT: 'Submit',
        UPLOAD_FILE: 'Upload your File'