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'use strict';

angular.module('forms').directive('editFormDirective', ['$rootScope', 'FormFields', '$uibModal',
    function ($rootScope, FormFields, $uibModal) {
        return {
            templateUrl: 'modules/forms/admin/views/directiveViews/form/edit-form.client.view.html',
            restrict: 'E',
            transclude: true,
            scope: {
            controller: function($scope){

                **  Initialize scope with variables
                var newField;

                //Setup UI-Sortable
                $scope.sortableOptions = {
                    appendTo: '.dropzone',
                    //helper: 'clone',
                    forceHelperSize: true,
                    forcePlaceholderSize: true,
                    update: function(e, ui) {
                        $scope.update(false, $scope.myform, true, false, function(err){

                 ** EditModal Functions
                $scope.openEditModal = function(curr_field, isEdit, field_index){
                    $scope.editFieldModal = $uibModal.open({
                        animation: true,
                        templateUrl: 'editFieldModal.html',
                        windowClass: 'edit-modal-window',
                        controller:  function($uibModalInstance, $scope) {
                            $scope.field = curr_field;
                            $scope.showLogicJump = false;

                            $scope.isEdit = isEdit;

                            // decides whether field options block will be shown (true for dropdown and radio fields)
                            $scope.showAddOptions = function (field){
                                if($scope.field.fieldType === 'dropdown' || $scope.field.fieldType === 'checkbox' || $scope.field.fieldType === 'radio'){
                                    return true;
                                } else {
                                    return false;

                            $scope.validShapes =  [
                                'Check Circle',
                                'Smile Outlined',
                                'Paper Plane',

                            // add new option to the field
                            $scope.addOption = function(){
                                if($scope.field.fieldType === 'checkbox' || $scope.field.fieldType === 'dropdown' || $scope.field.fieldType === 'radio'){
                                        $scope.field.fieldOptions = [];

                                    var lastOptionID = $scope.field.fieldOptions.length+1;

                                    // new option's id

                                    var newOption = {
                                        'option_id' : Math.floor(100000*Math.random()),
                                        'option_title' : 'Option '+lastOptionID,
                                        'option_value' : 'Option ' +lastOptionID

                                    // put new option into fieldOptions array

                            // delete particular option
                            $scope.deleteOption = function (option){
                                if($scope.field.fieldType === 'checkbox' || $scope.field.fieldType === 'dropdown' || $scope.field.fieldType === 'radio'){
                                    for(var i = 0; i < $scope.field.fieldOptions.length; i++){
                                        if($scope.field.fieldOptions[i].option_id === option.option_id){

                                            $scope.field.fieldOptions.splice(i, 1);

                            //Populate Name to Font-awesomeName Conversion Map
                            $scope.select2FA = {
                                'Heart': 'Heart',
                                'Star': 'Star',
                                'thumbs-up': 'Thumbs Up',
                                'thumbs-down':'Thumbs Down',
                                'Circle': 'Circle',
                                'Check Circle': 'Checkmark',
                                'Smile Outlined': 'Smile',
                                'Hourglass': 'Hourglass',
                                'bell': 'Bell',
                                'Paper Plane': 'Paper Plane',
                                'Comment': 'Chat Bubble',
                                'Trash': 'Trash Can'

                            // decides whether field options block will be shown (true for dropdown and radio fields)
                            $scope.showRatingOptions = function (){
                                if($scope.field.fieldType === 'rating'){
                                    return true;
                                } else {
                                    return false;

                            $scope.saveField = function(){
                                    $scope.myform.form_fields[field_index] = $scope.field;
                                } else {

                                $scope.$parent.update(false, $scope.$parent.myform, true, true, function(){
                            $scope.cancel = function(){

                 ** EditStartPageModal Functions
                $scope.openEditStartPageModal = function(){
                    $scope.editStartPageModal = $uibModal.open({
                        animation: true,
                        templateUrl: 'editStartPageModal.html',
                        windowClass: 'edit-modal-window',
                        controller:  function($uibModalInstance, $scope) {

                             **  startPage Button Methods

                            $scope.showButtons = false;
                            $scope.lastButtonID = 0;

                            // add new Button to the startPage
                            $scope.addButton = function(){

                                var newButton = {};
                                newButton.bgColor = '#ddd';
                                newButton.color = '#ffffff';
                                newButton.text = 'Button';
                                newButton._id = Math.floor(100000*Math.random());


                            // delete particular Button from startPage
                            $scope.deleteButton = function(button){
                                var currID;
                                for(var i = 0; i < $scope.myform.startPage.buttons.length; i++){

                                    currID = $scope.myform.startPage.buttons[i]._id;

                                    if(currID === button._id){
                                        $scope.myform.startPage.buttons.splice(i, 1);

                            $scope.saveStartPage = function(){
                                $scope.$parent.update(false, $scope.$parent.myform, true, true, function(){
                            $scope.cancel = function(){

                 ** EditEndPageModal Functions
                $scope.openEditEndPageModal = function(){
                    $scope.editEndPageModal = $uibModal.open({
                        animation: true,
                        templateUrl: 'editEndPageModal.html',
                        windowClass: 'edit-modal-window',
                        controller:  function($uibModalInstance, $scope) {

                             **  startPage Button Methods

                            $scope.showButtons = false;
                            $scope.lastButtonID = 0;

                            // add new Button to the startPage
                            $scope.addButton = function(){

                                var newButton = {};
                                newButton.bgColor = '#ddd';
                                newButton.color = '#ffffff';
                                newButton.text = 'Button';
                                newButton._id = Math.floor(100000*Math.random());


                            // delete particular Button from startPage
                            $scope.deleteButton = function(button){
                                var currID;
                                for(var i = 0; i < $scope.myform.endPage.buttons.length; i++){

                                    currID = $scope.myform.endPage.buttons[i]._id;

                                    if(currID === button._id){
                                        $scope.myform.endPage.buttons.splice(i, 1);

                            $scope.saveEndPage = function(){
                                $scope.$parent.update(false, $scope.$parent.myform, true, true, function(){
                            $scope.cancel = function(){

                //Populate local scope with rootScope methods/variables
                $scope.update = $rootScope.update;

                ** FormFields (ui-sortable) drag-and-drop configuration
                $scope.dropzone = {
                    handle: '.handle',
                    containment: '.dropzoneContainer',
                    cursor: 'grabbing'

                **  Field CRUD Methods
                // Add a new field
                $scope.addNewField = function(fieldType){
                    // increment lastAddedID counter
                    var fieldTitle = fieldType;

                    for(var i = 0; i < $scope.addField.types.length; i++){
                        if($scope.addField.types[i].name === fieldType){
                            fieldTitle = $scope.addField.types[i].value+$scope.addField.types[i].lastAddedID;
                    newField = {
                        title: fieldTitle,
                        fieldType: fieldType,
                        fieldValue: '',
                        required: true,
                        disabled: false,
                        deletePreserved: false,
                        logicJump: {}

                    if(fieldType === 'rating'){
                        newField.ratingOptions = {
                            steps: 5,
                            shape: 'Heart'
                        newField.fieldValue = 0;

                        newField.fieldOptions = [];
                            'option_id' : Math.floor(100000*Math.random()), //Generate pseudo-random option id
                            'option_title' : 'Option 0',
                            'option_value' : 'Option 0'

                    $scope.openEditModal(newField, false,  $scope.myform.form_fields.length);

                // decides whether field options block will be shown (true for dropdown and radio fields)
                $scope.showAddOptions = function (field){
                    if(field.fieldType === 'dropdown' || field.fieldType === 'checkbox' || field.fieldType === 'radio'){
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return false;

                // decides whether field options block will be shown (true for dropdown and radio fields)
                $scope.showRatingOptions = function (field){
                    if(field.fieldType === 'rating'){
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        return false;

                // Delete particular field on button click
                $scope.deleteField = function (field_index) {
                    $scope.myform.form_fields.splice(field_index, 1);
                    $scope.update(false, $scope.myform, false, true, null);

                $scope.duplicateField = function(field_index){
                    var currField = angular.copy($scope.myform.form_fields[field_index]);
                    currField._id = 'cloned'+_.uniqueId();
                    currField.title += ' copy';

                    //Insert field at selected index
                    $scope.update(false, $scope.myform, false, true, null);

                //Populate AddField with all available form field types
                $scope.addField = {};
                $scope.addField.types = FormFields.types;

                    type.lastAddedID = 1;
                    return type;
