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 * Load composer's autoload
require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';

use whitemerry\phpkin\Tracer;
use whitemerry\phpkin\Endpoint;
use whitemerry\phpkin\Span;
use whitemerry\phpkin\Identifier\SpanIdentifier;
use whitemerry\phpkin\AnnotationBlock;
use whitemerry\phpkin\Logger\SimpleHttpLogger;
use whitemerry\phpkin\TracerInfo;

 * Initialize tracer, and setup info about you application
$endpoint = new Endpoint('Example frontend app', '', '1234');

 * Create logger to Zipkin, host is Zipkin's ip
 * Read more about loggers https://github.com/whitemerry/phpkin#why-do-i-prefer-filelogger
 * Make sure host is available with http:// and port because SimpleHttpLogger does not throw error on failure
 * For debug purposes you can disable muteErrors
$logger = new SimpleHttpLogger(['host' => '', 'muteErrors' => false]);

 * And create tracer object, if you want to have statically access just initialize TracerProxy
 * TracerProxy::init($tracer);
$tracer = new Tracer('frontend get /index.php', $endpoint, $logger);

 * Here is place for your application logic, we are making request to example REST API
$url = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1';
$requestStart = zipkin_timestamp();
$spanId = new SpanIdentifier();

// Context for file_get_contents for passing headers (B3 propagation)
$context = stream_context_create([
    'http' => [
        'method' => 'GET',
        'header' =>
            'X-B3-TraceId: ' . TracerInfo::getTraceId() . "\r\n" .
            'X-B3-SpanId: ' . ((string) $spanId) . "\r\n" .
            'X-B3-ParentSpanId: ' . TracerInfo::getTraceSpanId() . "\r\n" .
            'X-B3-Sampled: ' . ((int) TracerInfo::isSampled()) . "\r\n"

$request = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);

// Setup zipkin data for this request
$endpoint = new Endpoint('jsonplaceholder API', '', '80');
$annotationBlock = new AnnotationBlock($endpoint, $requestStart);
$span = new Span($spanId, 'get /posts/1', $annotationBlock);

// Add span to Zipkin

// Sleep as a placeholder for logic

// Again your application logic
echo 'Example data from rest api: <br>' . $request;

 * Send data to Zipkin! :)
 * You're done