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1 hr
Test Coverage
'use strict';

var clc = require('cli-color');

 * Suites are the top level data structure
 * they can contain sub-suites and/or tests
 * sub-suites, would therefore be able to
 * contain their own sub-suites and/or tests

// Global properties alphabetized
var clearScreenBeforeEveryRun = false;
var counter = 0;
var fileExtension;
var maxLines = 9999;
var removeTail = false;
var removeTheseLines = [];
var showBrowser = true;
var tab = 3;
var tabs = function(depth) {
  return clc.move.right(depth * tab + 1);

// Color variables
var colorBrowser = clc.xterm(205);
var colorFirstLine = clc.xterm(211);
var colorLoggedErrors = clc.xterm(250);
var colorTestName = clc.xterm(199);
var colorUnderline = clc.xterm(254);

var errorFormatterMethod = function(error) {
  return error.replace(/(\?.+?:)/, ':').trim();

// Exported methods alphabetized
exports.clearScreen = function() {

exports.clearScreenBeforeEveryRun = function() {
  clearScreenBeforeEveryRun = true;

exports.hideBrowser = function() {
  showBrowser = false;

exports.removeTail = function() {
  removeTail = true;

exports.resetCounter = function() {
  if (clearScreenBeforeEveryRun) {
  counter = 0;

exports.setColorOptions = function(colorSettings) {
  colorBrowser = clc.xterm(colorSettings.colorBrowser);
  colorFirstLine = clc.xterm(colorSettings.colorFirstLine);
  colorLoggedErrors = clc.xterm(colorSettings.colorLoggedErrors);
  colorTestName = clc.xterm(colorSettings.colorTestName);
  colorUnderline = clc.underline.xterm(colorSettings.colorUnderline);

exports.setErrorFormatterMethod = function(formatterMethod) {
  errorFormatterMethod = formatterMethod;

exports.setFileTypeToUnderline = function(fileType) {
  if (fileType) {
    fileExtension = fileType;

exports.setLinesToExclude = function(linesToExclude) {
  removeTheseLines = linesToExclude;

exports.setMaxLogLines = function(maxLogLines) {
  if (maxLogLines) {
    maxLines = maxLogLines;

 * Suite - Class
 * Stores info about the sub-suites and tests that
 * failed resulting from a test run.
 * Knows how to output itself to a string.

function Suite(name) {
  this.name = name.trim();
  this.depth = 0;
  this.suites = [];
  this.tests = [];

Suite.prototype.toString = function() {
  var out = [];

  if (this.depth === 0) {
    out.push(tabs(this.depth) + clc.white.underline(this.name));
  } else {
    out.push(tabs(this.depth) + clc.white(this.name));

  this.tests.forEach(function(test) {

  this.suites.forEach(function(suite) {


  out = out.join('\n');

  return out;

 * Test - Class
 * stores information about each tst failure
 * resulting from a test run.
 * Knows how to output itself to a string.

function Test(name) {
  this.name = name.trim();
  this.depth = 0;
  this.browsers = [];

Test.prototype.toString = function() {
  var out = [];

  out.push(tabs(this.depth) + colorTestName(this.name));

  this.browsers.forEach(function(browser) {

  return out.join('\n');

 * Browser - Class
 * stores information for each browser failure
 * resulting from a test run.
 * Knows how to output itself to a string.

function Browser(name) {
  this.name = name.trim();
  this.depth = 0;
  this.errors = [];

Browser.prototype.toString = function() {
  var depth = this.depth;
  var linesPrinted = 0;
  var out = [];

  if (showBrowser) {
    out.push(tabs(this.depth) + colorBrowser(this.name));
  } else {
    depth = depth - 1;

  this.errors.forEach(function(error, i) {

    error = error.trim();
    error = errorFormatterMethod(error).trim();

    if (linesPrinted < maxLines && error.length) {

      var excludeThisLine = false;

      removeTheseLines.forEach(function(element) {
        if (error.indexOf(element) > -1) {
          excludeThisLine = true

      if (!excludeThisLine) {

        if (removeTail) {
          error = error.replace(/(<-.*)/, '');

        if (fileExtension) {
          // match everything after the last '/' and the file extension
          var regExp = new RegExp('([^\/]*.' + fileExtension + ')');
          var matchingFile = error.match(regExp);
          if (matchingFile !== null) {
            error = error.replace(matchingFile[0], colorUnderline(matchingFile[0]));

        if (linesPrinted === 0) {
          out.push(tabs(depth + 1) + (++counter) + ') ' + colorFirstLine(error));
        } else {
          error = colorLoggedErrors(error);
          out.push(tabs(depth + 2) + error);

  return out.join('\n');

exports.Suite = Suite;
exports.Test = Test;
exports.Browser = Browser;