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<h1 align="center">The open standard for data logging

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   <a href="https://github.com/whylabs/whylogs#python-quickstart"><b>Python Quickstart</b></a> &bull;
   <a href="https://whylogs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/integrations/writers/Writing_to_WhyLabs.html"><b>WhyLabs Quickstart</b></a>

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## What is whylogs

whylogs is an open source library for logging any kind of data. With whylogs, users are able to generate summaries of their datasets (called _whylogs profiles_) which they can use to:

1. Track changes in their dataset
2. Create _data constraints_ to know whether their data looks the way it should
3. Quickly visualize key summary statistics about their datasets

These three functionalities enable a variety of use cases for data scientists, machine learning engineers, and data engineers:

- Detect data drift in model input features
- Detect training-serving skew, concept drift, and model performance degradation
- Validate data quality in model inputs or in a data pipeline
- Perform exploratory data analysis of massive datasets
- Track data distributions & data quality for ML experiments
- Enable data auditing and governance across the organization
- Standardize data documentation practices across the organization
- And more

## Quickstart

Install whylogs using the pip package manager in a terminal by running:

pip install whylogs

Then you can log data in python as simply as this:

import whylogs as why
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("path/to/file.csv")
results = why.log(df)

And voilĂ , you now have a whylogs profile. To learn more about what a whylogs profile is and what you can do with it, check out our [docs](https://whylogs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) and our [examples](https://github.com/whylabs/whylogs/tree/mainline/python/examples).