import itertools
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
from math import isinf, isnan
from typing import Any, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from whylogs.core.stubs import is_not_stub, np, pd
logger = logging.getLogger("whylogs.core.views")
import pandas.core.dtypes.common as pdc
except: # noqa
class ColumnProperties(Enum):
default = 0
homogeneous = 1
class ListView:
ints: Optional[List[int]] = None
floats: Optional[List[Union[float, Decimal]]] = None
strings: Optional[List[str]] = None
tensors: Optional[List[np.ndarray]] = None
objs: Optional[List[Any]] = None
def iterables(self) -> List[List[Any]]:
it_list = []
for lst in [self.ints, self.floats, self.strings, self.tensors, self.objs]:
if lst is not None and len(lst) > 0:
return it_list
class NumpyView:
ints: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
floats: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
strings: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
def iterables(self) -> List[np.ndarray]:
it_list = []
for lst in [self.ints, self.floats, self.strings]:
if lst is not None and len(lst) > 0:
return it_list
def len(self) -> int:
length = 0
if self.ints is not None:
length += len(self.ints)
if self.floats is not None:
length += len(self.floats)
if self.strings is not None:
length += len(self.strings)
return length
class PandasView:
strings: Optional[pd.Series] = None
tensors: Optional[pd.Series] = None
objs: Optional[pd.Series] = None
def iterables(self) -> List[pd.Series]:
it_list = []
for lst in [self.strings, self.tensors, self.objs]:
if lst is not None and len(lst) > 0:
return it_list
class PreprocessedColumn:
"""View of a column with data of various underlying storage.
If Pandas is available, we will use Pandas to handle batch processing.
If numpy is available, we will use ndarray for numerical values.
Otherwise, we preprocess values into typed lists for downstream consumers.
We also track the null count and ensure that processed lists/Series don't contain null values.
numpy: NumpyView
pandas: PandasView
list: ListView
# TODO: other data sources such as Apache Arrow here
null_count: int = 0
len: int = 0
original: Any = None
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.numpy = NumpyView()
self.pandas = PandasView()
self.list = ListView()
self.null_count = 0
self.nan_count = 0
self.inf_count = 0
self.bool_count = 0
self.bool_count_where_true = 0
self.len = -1
def _pandas_split(self, series: pd.Series, parse_numeric_string: bool = False) -> None:
Split a Pandas Series into numpy array and other Pandas series.
series: the original Pandas series
parse_numeric_string: if set, this will coerce values into integer using pands.to_numeric() method.
SplitSeries with multiple values, including numpy arrays for numbers, and strings as a Pandas Series.
if series is None:
return None
if pd.Series is None:
return None
null_series = series[series.isnull()]
non_null_series = series[series.notnull()]
self.null_count = len(null_series)
if pdc.is_numeric_dtype(series.dtype) and not pdc.is_bool_dtype(series.dtype):
if series.hasnans:
nan_mask = null_series.apply(lambda x: pdc.is_number(x))
self.nan_count = len(null_series[nan_mask])
if pdc.is_float_dtype(series.dtype):
floats = non_null_series.astype(float)
inf_mask = floats.apply(lambda x: np.isinf(x))
self.inf_count = len(floats[inf_mask])
self.numpy.floats = floats.to_numpy()
ints = non_null_series.astype(int)
self.numpy.ints = ints.to_numpy()
if series.hasnans:
na_number_mask = null_series.apply(lambda x: pdc.is_number(x))
if not null_series[na_number_mask].empty:
nan_floats = null_series[na_number_mask].astype(float)
self.nan_count = nan_floats.isna().sum()
# if non_null_series is empty, then early exit.
# this fixes a bug where empty columns produce masks of types other than bool
# and DatetimeArrays do not support | operator for example.
if non_null_series.empty:
if issubclass(series.dtype.type, str):
self.pandas.strings = non_null_series
if parse_numeric_string:
non_null_series = pd.to_numeric(non_null_series, errors="ignore")
# TODO: Do we want to parse numeric strings inside of tensors?
float_mask = non_null_series.apply(lambda x: pdc.is_float(x) or pdc.is_decimal(x))
bool_mask = non_null_series.apply(lambda x: pdc.is_bool(x))
bool_mask_where_true = non_null_series.apply(lambda x: pdc.is_bool(x) and x)
int_mask = non_null_series.apply(lambda x: pdc.is_number(x) and pdc.is_integer(x) and not pdc.is_bool(x))
str_mask = non_null_series.apply(lambda x: isinstance(x, str))
tensor_mask = non_null_series.apply(
lambda x: isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray)) and PreprocessedColumn._is_tensorable(x)
floats = non_null_series[float_mask]
if non_null_series[int_mask].empty:
ints = pd.Series(dtype=int)
ints = non_null_series[int_mask].astype(int)
bool_count = non_null_series[bool_mask].count()
bool_count_where_true = non_null_series[bool_mask_where_true].count()
strings = non_null_series[str_mask]
tensors = non_null_series[tensor_mask]
tensors = pd.Series([x if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else np.asarray(x) for x in tensors], dtype="object")
objs = non_null_series[~(float_mask | str_mask | int_mask | bool_mask | tensor_mask)]
# convert numeric types to float if they are considered
# Fractional types e.g. decimal.Decimal only if there are values
if not floats.empty:
floats = floats.astype(float)
inf_mask = floats.apply(lambda x: np.isinf(x))
self.inf_count = len(floats[inf_mask])
self.numpy = NumpyView(floats=floats.to_numpy(), ints=ints.to_numpy())
self.pandas.strings = strings
self.pandas.tensors = tensors
self.pandas.objs = objs
self.bool_count = bool_count
self.bool_count_where_true = bool_count_where_true
def raw_iterator(self) -> Iterator[Any]:
iterables = [
return itertools.chain(iterables)
def _process_scalar_value(value: Any) -> "PreprocessedColumn":
result = PreprocessedColumn()
result.original = value
result.len = 1
int_list = []
float_list = []
string_list = []
tensor_list = []
obj_list = []
int_types: Union[type, Tuple[type, type]] = (int, np.integer) if is_not_stub(np.integer) else int
if isinstance(value, int_types):
if isinstance(value, bool):
result.bool_count = 1
if value:
result.bool_count_where_true = 1
elif isinstance(value, (float, Decimal)):
if isinf(value):
result.inf_count = 1
elif isnan(value):
result.nan_count = 1
result.null_count = 1
elif isinstance(value, str):
elif isinstance(value, list) and PreprocessedColumn._is_tensorable(value):
elif is_not_stub(np.ndarray) and PreprocessedColumn._is_tensorable(value):
elif value is not None:
result.null_count = 1
if is_not_stub(np.ndarray):
ints = np.asarray(int_list, dtype=int)
floats = np.asarray(float_list, dtype=float)
if isinstance(value, np.bool_):
result.bool_count = 1
if value:
result.bool_count_where_true = 1
result.numpy = NumpyView(ints=ints, floats=floats)
result.list = ListView(strings=string_list, tensors=tensor_list, objs=obj_list)
result.list = ListView(
ints=int_list, floats=float_list, strings=string_list, tensors=tensor_list, objs=obj_list
return result
def _process_homogeneous_column(series: pd.Series) -> "PreprocessedColumn":
Column must be of homogeneous type. NaN, None, other missing data not allowed.
result = PreprocessedColumn()
result.original = series
result.len = len(series)
if series.empty:
return result
if pdc.is_numeric_dtype(series.dtype) and not pdc.is_bool_dtype(series.dtype):
if pdc.is_float_dtype(series.dtype):
result.numpy.floats = series.astype(float)
return result
result.numpy.ints = series.astype(int)
return result
# This code path is faster than _pandas_split() because it only does type
# checking on the first value of the column. It assumes all the values are
# the same type and none are missing.
value = series[0]
if isinstance(value, str):
result.pandas.strings = series
return result
elif pdc.is_bool(value):
bool_mask_where_true = series.apply(lambda x: x)
result.bool_count = series.count()
result.bool_count_where_true = series[bool_mask_where_true].count()
return result
elif isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)) and PreprocessedColumn._is_tensorable(value):
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
result.pandas.tensors = series
result.pandas.tensors = pd.Series([np.asarray(x) for x in series])
return result
result.pandas.objs = series
return result
def apply(data: Any) -> "PreprocessedColumn":
result = PreprocessedColumn()
result.original = data
if pd.Series is not None and isinstance(data, pd.Series):
result.len = len(data)
return result
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
result.len = len(data)
if issubclass(data.dtype.type, (np.number, np.str_)):
if issubclass(data.dtype.type, np.floating):
result.numpy = NumpyView(floats=data.astype(float))
elif issubclass(data.dtype.type, np.integer):
result.numpy = NumpyView(ints=data.astype(int))
elif issubclass(data.dtype.type, np.str_):
result.numpy = NumpyView(strings=data)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported numpy type: {data.dtype}")
return result
if isinstance(data, List):
result.len = len(data)
if is_not_stub(pd.Series):
return PreprocessedColumn.apply(pd.Series(data, dtype="object"))
int_list = []
float_list: List[Union[float, Decimal]] = []
string_list = []
tensor_list = []
obj_list = []
null_count = 0
for x in data:
if isinstance(x, int):
elif isinstance(x, float):
elif isinstance(x, str):
elif isinstance(x, list) and PreprocessedColumn._is_tensorable(x):
elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and PreprocessedColumn._is_tensorable(x):
elif x is not None:
null_count += 1
result.null_count = null_count
if is_not_stub(np.ndarray):
ints = np.asarray(int_list, dtype=int)
floats = np.asarray(float_list, dtype=float)
result.numpy = NumpyView(ints=ints, floats=floats)
result.list = ListView(strings=string_list, tensors=tensor_list, objs=obj_list)
return result
result.list = ListView(
ints=int_list, floats=float_list, strings=string_list, tensors=tensor_list, objs=obj_list
return result
if isinstance(data, Iterable) or isinstance(data, Iterator):
"Materializing an Iterable or Iterator into a list for processing. This could cause memory issue"
list_format = list(data)
return PreprocessedColumn.apply(list_format)
# scalars - when processing dictionary entries"Warning single value passed as column data, wrapping type: {type(data)} in list")
list_format = [data]
return PreprocessedColumn.apply(list_format)
def _is_tensorable(value: Union[np.ndarray, List[Any]]) -> bool:
if not is_not_stub(np.ndarray):
return False
maybe_tensor = value if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) else np.asarray(value)
return (
len(maybe_tensor.shape) > 0
and all([i > 0 for i in maybe_tensor.shape])
and np.issubdtype(maybe_tensor.dtype, np.number)