namespace Widmogrod\Monad\Free;
use FunctionalPHP\FantasyLand\Functor;
use FunctionalPHP\FantasyLand\Monad;
use function Widmogrod\Functional\curryN;
* A version of lift that can be used with just a Functor for f.
* ```
* liftF :: (Functor f, MonadFree f m) => f a -> m a
* ```
* @param Functor $f
* @return MonadFree
function liftF(Functor $f): MonadFree
return Free::of($f);
* The very definition of a free monad is that given a natural transformation you get a monad homomorphism.
* ```
* foldFree :: Monad m => (forall x . f x -> m x) -> Free f a -> m a
* foldFree _ (Pure a) = return a
* foldFree f (Free as) = f as >>= foldFree f
* ```
* @param callable $interpreter (f x => m x)
* @param MonadFree $free
* @param callable $return
* @return Monad|callable
function foldFree(callable $interpreter, ?MonadFree $free = null, ?callable $return = null)
return curryN(3, function (callable $interpreter, MonadFree $free, callable $return): Monad {
return $free->foldFree($interpreter, $return);