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namespace MediaWiki\OutputTransform\Stages;

use LogicException;
use MediaWiki\Config\ServiceOptions;
use MediaWiki\Context\RequestContext;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use MediaWiki\Html\HtmlHelper;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\OutputTransform\ContentTextTransformStage;
use MediaWiki\Parser\ParserOutput;
use MediaWiki\Parser\ParserOutputFlags;
use MediaWiki\Parser\Sanitizer;
use MediaWiki\Title\TitleFactory;
use ParserOptions;
use Skin;

 * Add anchors and other heading formatting, and replace the section link placeholders.
 * @internal
class HandleSectionLinks extends ContentTextTransformStage {
    private const EDITSECTION_REGEX = '#<mw:editsection page="(.*?)" section="(.*?)">(.*?)</mw:editsection>#s';
    private const HEADING_REGEX =
        '/<H(?P<level>[1-6])(?P<attrib>(?:[^\'">]*|"([^"]*)"|\'([^\']*)\')*>)(?P<header>[\s\S]*?)<\/H[1-6] *>/i';

    private ServiceOptions $options;
    private TitleFactory $titleFactory;

    public function __construct(
        ServiceOptions $options,
        TitleFactory $titleFactory
    ) {
        $this->options = $options;
        $this->titleFactory = $titleFactory;

    public function shouldRun( ParserOutput $po, ?ParserOptions $popts, array $options = [] ): bool {
        $isParsoid = $options['isParsoidContent'] ?? false;
        return !$isParsoid;

    protected function transformText( string $text, ParserOutput $po, ?ParserOptions $popts, array &$options ): string {
        $text = $this->replaceHeadings( $text, $options );

        if (
            ( $options['enableSectionEditLinks'] ?? true ) &&
            !$po->getOutputFlag( ParserOutputFlags::NO_SECTION_EDIT_LINKS )
        ) {
            return $this->addSectionLinks( $text, $po, $options );
        } else {
            return preg_replace( self::EDITSECTION_REGEX, '', $text );

    private function replaceHeadings( string $text, array $options ): string {
        $skin = $this->resolveSkin( $options );
        $useLegacyHeading = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::ParserEnableLegacyHeadingDOM );
        if ( $skin && !$skin->getOptions()['supportsMwHeading'] ) {
            $useLegacyHeading = true;
        $needToCheckExistingWrappers = preg_match( '/class="[^"]*\bmw-heading\b[^"]*"/', $text );

        return preg_replace_callback( self::HEADING_REGEX, function ( $m ) use (
            $useLegacyHeading, $needToCheckExistingWrappers, $text
        ) {
            // Parse attributes out of the <h#> tag. Do not actually use HtmlHelper's output,
            // because EDITSECTION_REGEX is sensitive to quotes in HTML serialization.
            $attrs = [];
                static fn ( $node ) => in_array( $node->name, [ 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6' ] ),
                static function ( $node ) use ( &$attrs ) {
                    $attrs = $node->attrs->getValues();
                    return $node;

            if ( !isset( $attrs['data-mw-anchor'] ) ) {
                return $m[0][0];

            $anchor = $attrs['data-mw-anchor'];
            $fallbackAnchor = $attrs['data-mw-fallback-anchor'] ?? false;
            unset( $attrs['data-mw-anchor'] );
            unset( $attrs['data-mw-fallback-anchor'] );

            // Split the heading content from the section edit link placeholder
            $editlink = '';
            $contents = preg_replace_callback( self::EDITSECTION_REGEX, static function ( $mm ) use ( &$editlink ) {
                $editlink = $mm[0];
                return '';
            }, $m['header'][0] );

            if ( !$useLegacyHeading ) {
                $wrapperType = 'mwheading';

                // Do not add another wrapper if an existing wrapper if present.
                // This is to support DiscussionTools adding wrappers itself.
                // TODO: This is obviously bad and unreliable. One day, this code will use DOM transforms,
                // and can just check ->parentNode like in HandleParsoidSectionLinks.
                if ( $needToCheckExistingWrappers ) {
                    $textBeforeMatch = substr( $text, 0, $m[0][1] );
                    $openOffset = strrpos( $textBeforeMatch, '<div class="mw-heading' );
                    if ( $openOffset !== false ) {
                        $closeOffset = strpos( $textBeforeMatch, '</div>', $openOffset );
                        if ( $closeOffset === false ) {
                            // Looks like we're already inside a wrapper
                            $wrapperType = 'none';

                // Do not add the wrapper if the heading has attributes generated from wikitext (T353489).
                // In this case it's also guaranteed that there's no edit link, so we don't need wrappers.
                foreach ( $attrs as $name => $value ) {
                    if ( !Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute( $name ) ) {
                        $wrapperType = 'none';

            } else {
                $wrapperType = 'legacy';

            return $this->makeHeading(
        }, $text, -1, $count, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE );

     * @param int $level The level of the headline (1-6)
     * @param array $attrs HTML attributes
     * @param string $anchor The anchor to give the headline (the bit after the #)
     * @param string $html HTML for the text of the header
     * @param string $link HTML to add for the section edit link
     * @param string|false $fallbackAnchor A second, optional anchor to give for
     *   backward compatibility (false to omit)
     * @param string $wrapperType 'legacy', 'mwheading' or 'none'
     * @return string HTML headline
    private function makeHeading( $level, $attrs, $anchor, $html,
        $link, $fallbackAnchor, string $wrapperType
    ) {
        $anchorEscaped = htmlspecialchars( $anchor, ENT_COMPAT );
        $fallback = '';
        if ( $fallbackAnchor !== false && $fallbackAnchor !== $anchor ) {
            $fallbackAnchor = htmlspecialchars( $fallbackAnchor, ENT_COMPAT );
            $fallback = "<span id=\"$fallbackAnchor\"></span>";

        switch ( $wrapperType ) {
            case 'legacy':
                return "<h$level" . Html::expandAttributes( $attrs ) . ">"
                    . "$fallback<span class=\"mw-headline\" id=\"$anchorEscaped\">$html</span>"
                    . $link
                    . "</h$level>";
            case 'mwheading':
                return "<div class=\"mw-heading mw-heading$level\">"
                    . "<h$level id=\"$anchorEscaped\"" . Html::expandAttributes( $attrs ) . ">$fallback$html</h$level>"
                    . $link
                    . "</div>";
            case 'none':
                return "<h$level id=\"$anchorEscaped\"" . Html::expandAttributes( $attrs ) . ">$fallback$html</h$level>"
                    . $link;
                throw new LogicException( "Bad wrapper type: $wrapperType" );

    private function addSectionLinks( string $text, ParserOutput $po, array $options ): string {
        $skin = $this->resolveSkin( $options );
        if ( !$skin ) {
            // Should be unreachable
            return $text;
        $titleText = $po->getTitleText();
        return preg_replace_callback( self::EDITSECTION_REGEX, function ( $m ) use ( $skin, $titleText ) {
            $editsectionPage = $this->titleFactory->newFromTextThrow( htmlspecialchars_decode( $m[1] ) );
            $editsectionSection = htmlspecialchars_decode( $m[2] );
            $editsectionContent = Sanitizer::decodeCharReferences( $m[3] );
            return $skin->doEditSectionLink( $editsectionPage, $editsectionSection, $editsectionContent,
                $skin->getLanguage() );
        }, $text );

     * Extracts the skin from the $options array, with a fallback on request context skin
     * @param array $options
     * @return ?Skin
    private function resolveSkin( array $options ): ?Skin {
        $skin = $options[ 'skin' ] ?? null;
        if ( !$skin ) {
            if ( defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION' ) ) {
                return null;
            // T348853 passing $skin will be mandatory in the future
            $skin = RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin();
        return $skin;