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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file
 * @author Roan Kattouw

namespace MediaWiki\ResourceLoader;

use DOMDocument;
use DOMElement;
use DOMNode;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Wikimedia\RemexHtml\DOM\DOMBuilder;
use Wikimedia\RemexHtml\HTMLData;
use Wikimedia\RemexHtml\Serializer\HtmlFormatter;
use Wikimedia\RemexHtml\Serializer\Serializer;
use Wikimedia\RemexHtml\Serializer\SerializerNode;
use Wikimedia\RemexHtml\Tokenizer\Attributes;
use Wikimedia\RemexHtml\Tokenizer\Tokenizer;
use Wikimedia\RemexHtml\TreeBuilder\Dispatcher;
use Wikimedia\RemexHtml\TreeBuilder\TreeBuilder;
use Wikimedia\Zest\Zest;

 * Parser for Vue single file components (.vue files). See parse() for usage.
 * @ingroup ResourceLoader
 * @internal For use within FileModule.
class VueComponentParser {
     * Parse a Vue single file component, and extract the script, template and style parts.
     * Returns an associative array with the following keys:
     * - 'script': The JS code in the <script> tag
     * - 'template': The HTML in the <template> tag
     * - 'style': The CSS/LESS styles in the <style> tag, or null if the <style> tag was missing
     * - 'styleLang': The language used for 'style'; either 'css' or 'less', or null if no <style> tag
     * The following options can be passed in the $options parameter:
     * - 'minifyTemplate': Whether to minify the HTML in the template tag. This removes
     *                     HTML comments and strips whitespace. Default: false
     * @param string $html HTML with <script>, <template> and <style> tags at the top level
     * @param array $options Associative array of options
     * @return array
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the input is invalid
    public function parse( string $html, array $options = [] ): array {
        $dom = $this->parseHTML( $html );
        // Remex wraps everything in <html><head>, unwrap that
        $head = Zest::getElementsByTagName( $dom, 'head' )[ 0 ];

        // Find the <script>, <template> and <style> tags. They can appear in any order, but they
        // must be at the top level, and there can only be one of each.
        if ( !$head ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Parsed DOM did not contain a <head> tag' );
        $nodes = $this->findUniqueTags( $head, [ 'script', 'template', 'style' ] );

        // Throw an error if we didn't find a <script> or <template> tag. <style> is optional.
        foreach ( [ 'script', 'template' ] as $requiredTag ) {
            if ( !isset( $nodes[ $requiredTag ] ) ) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException( "No <$requiredTag> tag found" );

        $this->validateAttributes( $nodes['script'], [] );
        $this->validateAttributes( $nodes['template'], [] );
        if ( isset( $nodes['style'] ) ) {
            $this->validateAttributes( $nodes['style'], [ 'lang' ] );

        $styleData = isset( $nodes['style'] ) ? $this->getStyleAndLang( $nodes['style'] ) : null;
        $template = $this->getTemplateHtml( $html, $options['minifyTemplate'] ?? false );

        return [
            'script' => trim( $nodes['script']->nodeValue ?? '' ),
            'template' => $template,
            'style' => $styleData ? $styleData['style'] : null,
            'styleLang' => $styleData ? $styleData['lang'] : null

     * Parse HTML to DOM using RemexHtml
     * @param string $html
     * @return DOMDocument
    private function parseHTML( $html ): DOMDocument {
        $domBuilder = new DOMBuilder( [ 'suppressHtmlNamespace' => true ] );
        $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder( $domBuilder, [ 'ignoreErrors' => true ] );
        $tokenizer = new Tokenizer( new Dispatcher( $treeBuilder ), $html, [ 'ignoreErrors' => true ] );
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchReturnSuperType
        return $domBuilder->getFragment();

     * Find occurrences of specified tags in a DOM node, expecting at most one occurrence of each.
     * This method only looks at the top-level children of $rootNode, it doesn't descend into them.
     * @param DOMNode $rootNode Node whose children to look at
     * @param string[] $tagNames Tag names to look for (must be all lowercase)
     * @return DOMElement[] Associative arrays whose keys are tag names and values are DOM nodes
    private function findUniqueTags( DOMNode $rootNode, array $tagNames ): array {
        $nodes = [];
        foreach ( $rootNode->childNodes as $node ) {
            $tagName = strtolower( $node->nodeName );
            if ( in_array( $tagName, $tagNames ) ) {
                if ( isset( $nodes[ $tagName ] ) ) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException( "More than one <$tagName> tag found" );
                $nodes[ $tagName ] = $node;
        return $nodes;

     * Verify that a given node only has a given set of attributes, and no others.
     * @param DOMNode $node Node to check
     * @param array $allowedAttributes Attributes the node is allowed to have
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the node has an attribute it's not allowed to have
    private function validateAttributes( DOMNode $node, array $allowedAttributes ): void {
        if ( $allowedAttributes ) {
            foreach ( $node->attributes as $attr ) {
                if ( !in_array( $attr->name, $allowedAttributes ) ) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException( "<{$node->nodeName}> may not have the " .
                        "{$attr->name} attribute" );
        } elseif ( $node->attributes->length > 0 ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( "<{$node->nodeName}> may not have any attributes" );

     * Get the contents and language of the <style> tag. The language can be 'css' or 'less'.
     * @param DOMElement $styleNode The <style> tag.
     * @return array [ 'style' => string, 'lang' => string ]
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException If an invalid language is used, or if the 'scoped' attribute is set.
    private function getStyleAndLang( DOMElement $styleNode ): array {
        $style = trim( $styleNode->nodeValue ?? '' );
        $styleLang = $styleNode->hasAttribute( 'lang' ) ?
            $styleNode->getAttribute( 'lang' ) : 'css';
        if ( $styleLang !== 'css' && $styleLang !== 'less' ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( "<style lang=\"$styleLang\"> is invalid," .
                " lang must be \"css\" or \"less\"" );
        return [
            'style' => $style,
            'lang' => $styleLang,

     * Get the HTML contents of the <template> tag, optionally minifed.
     * To work around a bug in PHP's DOMDocument where attributes like @click get mangled,
     * we re-parse the entire file using a Remex parse+serialize pipeline, with a custom dispatcher
     * to zoom in on just the contents of the <template> tag, and a custom formatter for minification.
     * Keeping everything in Remex and never converting it to DOM avoids the attribute mangling issue.
     * @param string $html HTML that contains a <template> tag somewhere
     * @param bool $minify Whether to minify the output (remove comments, strip whitespace)
     * @return string HTML contents of the template tag
    private function getTemplateHtml( $html, $minify ) {
        $serializer = new Serializer( $this->newTemplateFormatter( $minify ) );
        $tokenizer = new Tokenizer(
                new TreeBuilder( $serializer, [ 'ignoreErrors' => true ] ),
            $html, [ 'ignoreErrors' => true ]
        $tokenizer->execute( [ 'fragmentNamespace' => HTMLData::NS_HTML, 'fragmentName' => 'template' ] );
        return trim( $serializer->getResult() );

     * Custom HtmlFormatter subclass that optionally removes comments and strips whitespace.
     * If $minify=false, this formatter falls through to HtmlFormatter for everything (except that
     * it strips the <!doctype html> tag).
     * @param bool $minify If true, remove comments and strip whitespace
     * @return HtmlFormatter
    private function newTemplateFormatter( $minify ) {
        return new class( $minify ) extends HtmlFormatter {
            private $minify;

            public function __construct( $minify ) {
                $this->minify = $minify;

            public function startDocument( $fragmentNamespace, $fragmentName ) {
                // Remove <!doctype html>
                return '';

            public function comment( SerializerNode $parent, $text ) {
                if ( $this->minify ) {
                    // Remove all comments
                    return '';
                return parent::comment( $parent, $text );

            public function characters( SerializerNode $parent, $text, $start, $length ) {
                if (
                    $this->minify && (
                        // Don't touch <pre>/<listing>/<textarea> nodes
                        $parent->namespace !== HTMLData::NS_HTML ||
                        !isset( $this->prefixLfElements[ $parent->name ] )
                ) {
                    $text = substr( $text, $start, $length );
                    // Collapse runs of adjacent whitespace, and convert all whitespace to spaces
                    $text = preg_replace( '/[ \r\n\t]+/', ' ', $text );
                    $start = 0;
                    $length = strlen( $text );
                return parent::characters( $parent, $text, $start, $length );

            public function element( SerializerNode $parent, SerializerNode $node, $contents ) {
                if (
                    $this->minify && (
                        // Don't touch <pre>/<listing>/<textarea> nodes
                        $node->namespace !== HTMLData::NS_HTML ||
                        !isset( $this->prefixLfElements[ $node->name ] )
                    ) &&
                    $contents !== null
                ) {
                    // Remove leading and trailing whitespace
                    $contents = preg_replace( '/(^[ \r\n\t]+)|([\r\n\t ]+$)/', '', $contents );
                return parent::element( $parent, $node, $contents );

     * Custom Dispatcher subclass that only dispatches tree events inside a tag with a certain name.
     * This effectively filters the tree to only the contents of that tag.
     * @param TreeBuilder $treeBuilder
     * @param string $nodeName Tag name to filter for
     * @return Dispatcher
    private function newFilteringDispatcher( TreeBuilder $treeBuilder, $nodeName ) {
        return new class( $treeBuilder, $nodeName ) extends Dispatcher {
            private $nodeName;
            private $nodeDepth = 0;
            private $seenTag = false;

            public function __construct( TreeBuilder $treeBuilder, $nodeName ) {
                $this->nodeName = $nodeName;
                parent::__construct( $treeBuilder );

            public function startTag( $name, Attributes $attrs, $selfClose, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) {
                if ( $this->nodeDepth ) {
                    parent::startTag( $name, $attrs, $selfClose, $sourceStart, $sourceLength );

                if ( $name === $this->nodeName ) {
                    if ( $this->nodeDepth === 0 && $this->seenTag ) {
                        // This is the second opening tag, not nested in the first one
                        throw new InvalidArgumentException( "More than one <{$this->nodeName}> tag found" );
                    $this->seenTag = true;

            public function endTag( $name, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) {
                if ( $name === $this->nodeName ) {
                if ( $this->nodeDepth ) {
                    parent::endTag( $name, $sourceStart, $sourceLength );

            public function characters( $text, $start, $length, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) {
                if ( $this->nodeDepth ) {
                    parent::characters( $text, $start, $length, $sourceStart, $sourceLength );

            public function comment( $text, $sourceStart, $sourceLength ) {
                if ( $this->nodeDepth ) {
                    parent::comment( $text, $sourceStart, $sourceLength );