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 * Value object representing the set of slots belonging to a revision.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

namespace MediaWiki\Revision;

use Content;
use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
use Wikimedia\NonSerializable\NonSerializableTrait;

 * Value object representing the set of slots belonging to a revision.
 * @note RevisionSlots provides "raw" access to the slots and does not apply audience checks.
 * If audience checks are desired, use RevisionRecord::getSlot() or RevisionRecord::getContent()
 * instead.
 * @newable
 * @since 1.31
 * @since 1.32 Renamed from MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionSlots
class RevisionSlots {
    use NonSerializableTrait;

    /** @var SlotRecord[]|callable */
    protected $slots;

     * @stable to call.
     * @param SlotRecord[]|callable $slots SlotRecords,
     *        or a callback that returns such a structure.
    public function __construct( $slots ) {
        Assert::parameterType( [ 'array', 'callable' ], $slots, '$slots' );

        if ( is_callable( $slots ) ) {
            $this->slots = $slots;
        } else {
            $this->setSlotsInternal( $slots );

     * @param SlotRecord[] $slots
    private function setSlotsInternal( array $slots ): void {
        Assert::parameterElementType( SlotRecord::class, $slots, '$slots' );

        $this->slots = [];

        // re-key the slot array
        foreach ( $slots as $slot ) {
            $role = $slot->getRole();
            $this->slots[$role] = $slot;

     * Returns the Content of the given slot.
     * Call getSlotNames() to get a list of available slots.
     * Note that for mutable Content objects, each call to this method will return a
     * fresh clone.
     * @see SlotRecord::getContent()
     * @param string $role The role name of the desired slot
     * @throws RevisionAccessException if the slot does not exist or slot data
     *        could not be lazy-loaded. See SlotRecord::getContent() for details.
     * @return Content
    public function getContent( $role ): Content {
        // Return a copy to be safe. Immutable content objects return $this from copy().
        return $this->getSlot( $role )->getContent()->copy();

     * Returns the SlotRecord of the given slot.
     * Call getSlotNames() to get a list of available slots.
     * @param string $role The role name of the desired slot
     * @throws RevisionAccessException if the slot does not exist or slot data
     *        could not be lazy-loaded.
     * @return SlotRecord
    public function getSlot( $role ): SlotRecord {
        $slots = $this->getSlots();

        if ( isset( $slots[$role] ) ) {
            return $slots[$role];
        } else {
            throw new RevisionAccessException(
                'No such slot: {role}',
                [ 'role' => $role ]

     * Returns whether the given slot is set.
     * @param string $role The role name of the desired slot
     * @return bool
    public function hasSlot( $role ): bool {
        $slots = $this->getSlots();

        return isset( $slots[$role] );

     * Returns the slot names (roles) of all slots present in this revision.
     * getContent() will succeed only for the names returned by this method.
     * @return string[]
    public function getSlotRoles(): array {
        $slots = $this->getSlots();
        return array_keys( $slots );

     * Computes the total nominal size of the revision's slots, in bogo-bytes.
     * @warning This is potentially expensive! It may cause some slots' content to be loaded
     * and deserialized.
     * @return int
    public function computeSize(): int {
        return array_reduce( $this->getPrimarySlots(), static function ( $accu, SlotRecord $slot ) {
            return $accu + $slot->getSize();
        }, 0 );

     * Returns an associative array that maps role names to SlotRecords. Each SlotRecord
     * represents the content meta-data of a slot, together they define the content of
     * a revision.
     * @note This may cause the content meta-data for the revision to be lazy-loaded.
     * @return SlotRecord[] revision slot/content rows, keyed by slot role name.
    public function getSlots(): array {
        if ( is_callable( $this->slots ) ) {
            $slots = call_user_func( $this->slots );

                is_array( $slots ),
                'Slots info callback should return an array of objects'

            $this->setSlotsInternal( $slots );

        return $this->slots;

     * Computes the combined hash of the revisions's slots.
     * @note For backwards compatibility, the combined hash of a single slot
     * is that slot's hash. For consistency, the combined hash of an empty set of slots
     * is the hash of the empty string.
     * @warning This is potentially expensive! It may cause some slots' content to be loaded
     * and deserialized, then re-serialized and hashed.
     * @return string
    public function computeSha1(): string {
        $slots = $this->getPrimarySlots();
        ksort( $slots );

        if ( !$slots ) {
            return SlotRecord::base36Sha1( '' );

        return array_reduce( $slots, static function ( $accu, SlotRecord $slot ) {
            return $accu === null
                ? $slot->getSha1()
                : SlotRecord::base36Sha1( $accu . $slot->getSha1() );
        }, null );

     * Return all slots that belong to the revision they originate from (that is,
     * they are not inherited from some other revision).
     * @note This may cause the slot meta-data for the revision to be lazy-loaded.
     * @return SlotRecord[]
    public function getOriginalSlots(): array {
        return array_filter(
            static function ( SlotRecord $slot ) {
                return !$slot->isInherited();

     * Return all slots that are not originate in the revision they belong to (that is,
     * they are inherited from some other revision).
     * @note This may cause the slot meta-data for the revision to be lazy-loaded.
     * @return SlotRecord[]
    public function getInheritedSlots(): array {
        return array_filter(
            static function ( SlotRecord $slot ) {
                return $slot->isInherited();

     * Return all primary slots (those that are not derived).
     * @return SlotRecord[]
     * @since 1.36
    public function getPrimarySlots(): array {
        return array_filter(
            static function ( SlotRecord $slot ) {
                return !$slot->isDerived();

     * Checks whether the other RevisionSlots instance has the same content
     * as this instance. Note that this does not mean that the slots have to be the same:
     * they could for instance belong to different revisions.
     * @param RevisionSlots $other
     * @return bool
    public function hasSameContent( RevisionSlots $other ): bool {
        if ( $other === $this ) {
            return true;

        $aSlots = $this->getSlots();
        $bSlots = $other->getSlots();

        ksort( $aSlots );
        ksort( $bSlots );

        if ( array_keys( $aSlots ) !== array_keys( $bSlots ) ) {
            return false;

        foreach ( $aSlots as $role => $s ) {
            $t = $bSlots[$role];

            if ( !$s->hasSameContent( $t ) ) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * Find roles for which the $other RevisionSlots object has different content
     * as this RevisionSlots object, including any roles that are present in one
     * but not the other.
     * @param RevisionSlots $other
     * @return string[] a list of slot roles that are different.
    public function getRolesWithDifferentContent( RevisionSlots $other ): array {
        if ( $other === $this ) {
            return [];

        $aSlots = $this->getSlots();
        $bSlots = $other->getSlots();

        ksort( $aSlots );
        ksort( $bSlots );

        $different = array_keys( array_merge(
            array_diff_key( $aSlots, $bSlots ),
            array_diff_key( $bSlots, $aSlots )
        ) );

        /** @var SlotRecord[] $common */
        $common = array_intersect_key( $aSlots, $bSlots );

        foreach ( $common as $role => $s ) {
            $t = $bSlots[$role];

            if ( !$s->hasSameContent( $t ) ) {
                $different[] = $role;

        return $different;
