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namespace MediaWiki\Settings\Source;

use DnsSrvDiscoverer;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri;
use MediaWiki\Settings\Cache\CacheableSource;
use MediaWiki\Settings\SettingsBuilderException;
use MediaWiki\Settings\Source\Format\JsonFormat;
use Stringable;
use UnexpectedValueException;

 * Settings loaded from an etcd server.
 * @since 1.38
class EtcdSource implements Stringable, CacheableSource {
     * Default HTTP client connection and request timeout (2 seconds).
    private const TIMEOUT = 2;

     * Cache expiry TTL for etcd sources (10 seconds).
     * @see getExpiryTtl()
     * @see CacheableSource::getExpiryTtl()
    private const EXPIRY_TTL = 10;

     * Early expiry weight. This value influences the margin by which
     * processes are selected to expire cached etcd settings early to avoid
     * cache stampedes.
     * @see getExpiryWeight()
     * @see CacheableSource::getExpiryWeight()
    private const EXPIRY_WEIGHT = 1.0;

    /** @var Client */
    private $client;

    /** @var Uri */
    private $uri;

    /** @var callable */
    private $mapper;

    /** @var callable */
    private $resolver;

    /** @var JsonFormat */
    private $format;

     * Constructs a new EtcdSource for the given etcd server details.
     * @param array $params Parameter map:
     *   - host: Etcd server host/domain. Note that an empty host value will
     *     result in SRV discovery relative to the host's configured search
     *     domain.
     *   - port: Etcd server port. Defaults to 2379.
     *   - protocol: Endpoint protocol (http/https). Defaults to 'https'.
     *   - directory: Top level etcd directory to query for settings.
     *   - discover: Whether to perform SRV discovery on the given
     *     host/domain. Defaults to true.
     *   - service: service name used in SRV discovery of the default
     *     <code>$resolver</code>. Defaults to 'etcd-client-ssl' or
     *     'etcd-client' when protocol is 'https' or 'http' respectively.
     * @param ?callable $mapper Function that maps etcd entries to valid
     *  MediaWiki config/schema/php-ini values. Defaults to simply returning
     *  the structure stored in etcd.
     *  Signature: function ( array $settings ): array
     * @param ?Client $client Guzzle HTTP client used to query etcd.
     * @param ?callable $resolver Function that must return an array of server
     *  hostname/port pairs to try. The default resolver will either:
     *   - use an explicitly given hostname/port if both are provided
     *   - otherwise attempt DNS SRV discovery at <code>_etcd._tcp.$host</code>
     *   - fallback to using the host as the etcd server directly
     *  Signature: function (): array
     * @throws SettingsBuilderException if the given host is invalid.
    public function __construct(
        array $params = [],
        ?callable $mapper = null,
        ?Client $client = null,
        ?callable $resolver = null
    ) {
        $params += [
            'host' => '',
            'port' => 2379,
            'protocol' => 'https',
            'directory' => 'mediawiki',
            'discover' => true,
            'service' => null,

        $service =
            $params['service'] ??
            $params['protocol'] == 'https'
            ? 'etcd-client-ssl'
            : 'etcd-client';

        $this->mapper = $mapper ?? static function ( $settings ) {
            return $settings;

        $this->client = $client ?? new Client( [
            'timeout' => self::TIMEOUT,
            'connect_timeout' => self::TIMEOUT,
        ] );

        $this->uri = ( new Uri() )
            ->withHost( $params['host'] )
            ->withPort( $params['port'] )
            ->withPath( '/v2/keys/' . trim( $params['directory'], '/' ) . '/' )
            ->withScheme( $params['protocol'] )
            ->withQuery( 'recursive=true' );

        if ( $resolver !== null ) {
            $this->resolver = $resolver;
        } elseif ( $params['discover'] ) {
            $discoverer = new DnsSrvDiscoverer( $service, 'tcp', $params['host'] );
            $this->uri = $this->uri->withHost( $discoverer->getSrvName() )->withPort( null );
            $this->resolver = static function () use ( $discoverer ) {
                return $discoverer->getServers();
        } else {
            $this->resolver = static function () use ( $params ) {
                return [ [ $params['host'], $params['port'] ] ];

        $this->format = new JsonFormat();

     * Allow stale results from etcd sources in case all servers become
     * temporarily unavailable.
     * @return bool
    public function allowsStaleLoad(): bool {
        return true;

     * Loads and returns settings from the etcd server.
     * @throws SettingsBuilderException
     * @return array
    public function load(): array {
        $lastException = false;

        foreach ( ( $this->resolver )() as [ $host, $port ] ) {
            try {
                return $this->loadFromEtcdServer( $host, $port );
            } catch ( ConnectException | ServerException $e ) {
                $lastException = $e;

        throw new SettingsBuilderException(
            'failed to load settings from etcd source: {source}: {message}',
                'source' => $this,
                'message' => $lastException ? $lastException->getMessage() : '',

     * The cache expiry TTL (in seconds) for this source.
     * @return int
    public function getExpiryTtl(): int {
        return self::EXPIRY_TTL;

     * Coefficient used in determining early expiration of cached settings to
     * avoid stampedes.
     * @return float
    public function getExpiryWeight(): float {
        return self::EXPIRY_WEIGHT;

     * Returns a naive hash key for use in caching based on an etcd request
     * URL constructed using the etcd request URL. In the case where SRV
     * discovery is performed, the host in the URL will be the SRV record
     * name.
     * @return string
    public function getHashKey(): string {
        return (string)$this->uri;

     * Returns this etcd source as a string.
     * @return string
    public function __toString(): string {
        return (string)$this->uri;

     * @param string $host
     * @param int $port
     * @throws SettingsBuilderException
     * @return array
    private function loadFromEtcdServer( string $host, int $port ): array {
        $uri = $this->uri->withHost( $host )->withPort( $port );

        try {
            $response = $this->client->get( $uri, [ 'http_errors' => true ] );
        } catch ( ClientException $e ) {
            throw new SettingsBuilderException(
                'bad request made to etcd server: {message}: uri {uri}',
                [ 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'uri' => $uri ]

        $settings = [];

        try {
            $resp = $this->format->decode( $response->getBody()->getContents() );

            if (
                !isset( $resp['node'] ) || !is_array( $resp['node'] )
                || !isset( $resp['node']['dir'] ) || !$resp['node']['dir']
            ) {
                throw new SettingsBuilderException(
                    'etcd request to {uri} did not return a valid directory node',
                    [ 'uri' => $uri ]

                strlen( $resp['node']['key'] ) + 1,
        } catch ( UnexpectedValueException $e ) {
            throw new SettingsBuilderException(
                'failed to parse etcd response body: {message}',
                [ 'message' => $e->getMessage() ]

        return ( $this->mapper )( $settings );

     * @param array $dir Directory node.
     * @param int $prefix Length of the directory prefix to remove.
     * @param array &$settings Flattened settings array to which to write.
    private function parseDirectory( array $dir, int $prefix, array &$settings ) {
        foreach ( $dir['nodes'] as $node ) {
            if ( isset( $node['dir'] ) && $node['dir'] ) {
                $this->parseDirectory( $node, $prefix, $settings );
            } else {
                $key = substr( $node['key'], $prefix );
                $value = $this->format->decode( $node['value'] );
                $settings[$key] = $value['val'];