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Test Coverage
 * The setup for all MediaWiki processes (both web-based and CLI).
 * The entry point (such as WebStart.php and doMaintenance.php) has these responsibilities:
 * - The entry point MUST:
 *   - define the 'MEDIAWIKI' constant.
 * - The entry point SHOULD:
 *   - define the 'MW_ENTRY_POINT' constant.
 *   - display an error if MW_CONFIG_CALLBACK is not defined and the
 *     file specified in MW_CONFIG_FILE (or the LocalSettings.php default location)
 *     does not exist. The error should either be sent before and instead
 *     of the Setup.php inclusion, or (if it needs classes and dependencies
 *     from core) the error can be displayed via a MW_CONFIG_CALLBACK,
 *     which must then abort the process to prevent the rest of Setup.php
 *     from executing.
 * This file does:
 * - run-time environment checks,
 * - define MW_INSTALL_PATH, $IP, and $wgBaseDirectory,
 * - load autoloaders, constants, default settings, and global functions,
 * - load the site configuration (e.g. LocalSettings.php),
 * - load the enabled extensions (via ExtensionRegistry),
 * - trivial expansion of site configuration defaults and shortcuts
 *   (no calls to MediaWikiServices or other parts of MediaWiki),
 * - initialization of:
 *   - PHP run-time (setlocale, memory limit, default date timezone)
 *   - the debug logger (MWDebug)
 *   - the service container (MediaWikiServices)
 *   - the exception handler (MWExceptionHandler)
 *   - the session manager (SessionManager)
 * - complex expansion of site configuration defaults (those that require
 *   calling into MediaWikiServices, global functions, or other classes.).
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

// phpcs:disable MediaWiki.Usage.DeprecatedGlobalVariables
use MediaWiki\Config\SiteConfiguration;
use MediaWiki\Context\RequestContext;
use MediaWiki\Debug\MWDebug;
use MediaWiki\Deferred\DeferredUpdates;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\FauxGlobalHookArray;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner;
use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigSchema;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Message\Message;
use MediaWiki\Registration\ExtensionRegistry;
use MediaWiki\Registration\MissingExtensionException;
use MediaWiki\Request\HeaderCallback;
use MediaWiki\Settings\DynamicDefaultValues;
use MediaWiki\Settings\LocalSettingsLoader;
use MediaWiki\Settings\SettingsBuilder;
use MediaWiki\Settings\Source\PhpSettingsSource;
use MediaWiki\Settings\Source\ReflectionSchemaSource;
use MediaWiki\Settings\WikiFarmSettingsLoader;
use MediaWiki\StubObject\StubGlobalUser;
use MediaWiki\StubObject\StubUserLang;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\User\User;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\RequestTimeout;

 * Environment checks
 * These are inline checks done before we include any source files,
 * and thus these conditions may be assumed by all source code.

// This file must be included from a valid entry point (e.g. WebStart.php, Maintenance.php)
if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
    exit( 1 );

// PHP must not be configured to overload mbstring functions. (T5782, T122807)
// This was deprecated by upstream in PHP 7.2 and was removed in PHP 8.0.
if ( ini_get( 'mbstring.func_overload' ) ) {
    die( 'MediaWiki does not support installations where mbstring.func_overload is non-zero.' );

// The MW_ENTRY_POINT constant must always exists, to make it safe to access.
// For compat, we do support older and custom MW entrypoints that don't set this,
// in which case we assign a default here.
if ( !defined( 'MW_ENTRY_POINT' ) ) {
     * The entry point, which may be either the script filename without the
     * file extension, or "cli" for maintenance scripts, or "unknown" for any
     * entry point that does not set the constant.
    define( 'MW_ENTRY_POINT', 'unknown' );

// The $IP variable is defined for use by LocalSettings.php.
// It is made available as a global variable for backwards compatibility.
// Source code should instead use the MW_INSTALL_PATH constant, or the
// MainConfigNames::BaseDirectory setting. The BaseDirectory setting is set further
// down in Setup.php to the value of MW_INSTALL_PATH.
global $IP;
$IP = wfDetectInstallPath(); // ensure MW_INSTALL_PATH is defined

 * Pre-config setup: Before loading LocalSettings.php
 * These are changes and additions to runtime that don't vary on site configuration.
require_once MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/includes/AutoLoader.php';
require_once MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/includes/Defines.php';

// Assert that composer dependencies were successfully loaded
if ( !interface_exists( LoggerInterface::class ) ) {
    $message = (
        'MediaWiki requires the <a href="">PSR-3 logging ' .
        "library</a> to be present. This library is not embedded directly in MediaWiki's " .
        "git repository and must be installed separately by the end user.\n\n" .
        'Please see the <a href="' .
        '#Fetch_external_libraries">instructions for installing libraries</a> on ' .
        'for help on installing the required components.'
    echo $message;
    trigger_error( $message, E_USER_ERROR );

// Deprecated global variable for backwards-compatibility.
// New code should check MW_ENTRY_POINT directly.
$wgCommandLineMode = MW_ENTRY_POINT === 'cli';

 * $wgConf hold the site configuration.
 * Not used for much in a default install.
 * @since 1.5
$wgConf = new SiteConfiguration;

$wgAutoloadClasses ??= [];

$wgSettings = SettingsBuilder::getInstance();

if ( defined( 'MW_USE_CONFIG_SCHEMA_CLASS' ) ) {
    // Load config schema from MainConfigSchema. Useful for running scripts that
    // generate other representations of the config schema. This is slow, so it
    // should not be used for serving web traffic.
    $wgSettings->load( new ReflectionSchemaSource( MainConfigSchema::class ) );
} else {
    $wgSettings->load( new PhpSettingsSource( MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/includes/config-schema.php' ) );

require_once MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/includes/GlobalFunctions.php';


// Set the encoding used by PHP for reading HTTP input, and writing output.
// This is also the default for mbstring functions.
mb_internal_encoding( 'UTF-8' );

 * Load LocalSettings.php

// Initialize some config settings with dynamic defaults, and
// make default settings available in globals for use in LocalSettings.php.
$wgSettings->putConfigValues( [
    MainConfigNames::BaseDirectory => MW_INSTALL_PATH,
    MainConfigNames::ExtensionDirectory => MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/extensions',
    MainConfigNames::StyleDirectory => MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/skins',
    MainConfigNames::ServiceWiringFiles => [ MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/includes/ServiceWiring.php' ],
    'Version' => MW_VERSION,
] );

// $wgSettings->apply() puts all configuration into global variables.
// If we are not in global scope, make all relevant globals available
// in this file's scope as well.
$wgScopeTest = 'MediaWiki Setup.php scope test';
if ( !isset( $GLOBALS['wgScopeTest'] ) || $GLOBALS['wgScopeTest'] !== $wgScopeTest ) {
    foreach ( $wgSettings->getConfigSchema()->getDefinedKeys() as $key ) {
        $var = "wg$key";
        // phpcs:ignore MediaWiki.NamingConventions.ValidGlobalName.allowedPrefix
        global $$var;
    unset( $key, $var );
unset( $wgScopeTest );

try {
    if ( defined( 'MW_CONFIG_CALLBACK' ) ) {
        call_user_func( MW_CONFIG_CALLBACK, $wgSettings );
    } else {
        wfDetectLocalSettingsFile( MW_INSTALL_PATH );

        if ( getenv( 'MW_USE_LOCAL_SETTINGS_LOADER' ) ) {
            // NOTE: This will not work for configuration variables that use a prefix
            //       other than "wg".
            $localSettingsLoader = new LocalSettingsLoader( $wgSettings, MW_INSTALL_PATH );
            $localSettingsLoader->loadLocalSettingsFile( MW_CONFIG_FILE );
            unset( $localSettingsLoader );
        } else {
            if ( str_ends_with( MW_CONFIG_FILE, '.php' ) ) {
                // make defaults available as globals
                require_once MW_CONFIG_FILE;
            } else {
                $wgSettings->loadFile( MW_CONFIG_FILE );

    // Make settings loaded by LocalSettings.php available in globals for use here
} catch ( MissingExtensionException $e ) {
    // Make a common mistake give a friendly error

// If in a wiki-farm, load site-specific settings
if ( $wgSettings->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::WikiFarmSettingsDirectory ) ) {
    $wikiFarmSettingsLoader = new WikiFarmSettingsLoader( $wgSettings );
    unset( $wikiFarmSettingsLoader );

// All settings should be loaded now.

 * Customization point after most things are loaded (constants, functions, classes,
 * LocalSettings.
 * Note that this runs before extensions are registered, and before most singletons become
 * available, and before MediaWikiServices is initialized.

if ( defined( 'MW_SETUP_CALLBACK' ) ) {
    call_user_func( MW_SETUP_CALLBACK, $wgSettings );
    // Make any additional settings available in globals for use here

// Apply dynamic defaults declared in config schema callbacks.
$dynamicDefaults = new DynamicDefaultValues( $wgSettings->getConfigSchema() );
$dynamicDefaults->applyDynamicDefaults( $wgSettings->getConfigBuilder() );

// Make updated config available in global scope.

// Apply dynamic defaults implemented in SetupDynamicConfig.php.
// Ideally, all logic in SetupDynamicConfig would be converted to
// callbacks in the config schema.
require __DIR__ . '/SetupDynamicConfig.php';

if ( defined( 'MW_AUTOLOAD_TEST_CLASSES' ) ) {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/../tests/common/TestsAutoLoader.php';

if ( $wgBaseDirectory !== MW_INSTALL_PATH ) {
    throw new FatalError(
        '$wgBaseDirectory must not be modified in settings files! ' .
        'Use the MW_INSTALL_PATH environment variable to override the installation root directory.'

// Start time limit
if ( $wgRequestTimeLimit && MW_ENTRY_POINT !== 'cli' ) {
    RequestTimeout::singleton()->setWallTimeLimit( $wgRequestTimeLimit );

 * Load queued extensions
if ( defined( 'MW_AUTOLOAD_TEST_CLASSES' ) ) {
    ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->setLoadTestClassesAndNamespaces( true );

ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->setSettingsBuilder( $wgSettings );
// Don't let any other extensions load

 * Customization point after ALL loading (constants, functions, classes,
 * LocalSettings, extensions, dynamic defaults).
 * Note that this runs before MediaWikiServices is initialized.
if ( defined( 'MW_FINAL_SETUP_CALLBACK' ) ) {
    call_user_func( MW_FINAL_SETUP_CALLBACK, $wgSettings );
    // Make any additional settings available in globals for use below

// Config can no longer be changed.

// Set an appropriate locale (T291234)
// setlocale() will return the locale name actually set.
// The putenv() is meant to propagate the choice of locale to shell commands
// so that they will interpret UTF-8 correctly. If you have a problem with a
// shell command and need to send a special locale, you can override the locale
// with Command::environment().
putenv( "LC_ALL=" . setlocale( LC_ALL, 'C.UTF-8', 'C' ) );

// Set PHP runtime to the desired timezone
date_default_timezone_set( $wgLocaltimezone );


// Enable the global service locator.
// Trivial expansion of site configuration should go before this point.
// Any non-trivial expansion that requires calling into MediaWikiServices or other parts of MW.

// Define a constant that indicates that the bootstrapping of the service locator
// is complete.

MWExceptionRenderer::setShowExceptionDetails( $wgShowExceptionDetails );
if ( !defined( 'MW_PHPUNIT_TEST' ) ) {
    // Never install the handler in PHPUnit tests, otherwise PHPUnit's own handler will be unset and things
    // like convertWarningsToExceptions won't work.
    MWExceptionHandler::installHandler( $wgLogExceptionBacktrace, $wgPropagateErrors );
Profiler::init( $wgProfiler );

// Non-trivial validation of: $wgServer
// The FatalError page only renders cleanly after MWExceptionHandler is installed.
if ( $wgServer === false ) {
    // T30798: $wgServer must be explicitly set
    throw new FatalError(
        '$wgServer must be set in LocalSettings.php. ' .
        'See <a href="$wgServer">' .

// Set up a fake $wgHooks array.
// XXX: It would be nice if we could still get the originally configured hook handlers
//      using the MainConfigNames::Hooks setting, but it's not really needed,
//      since we need the HookContainer to be initialized first anyway.

global $wgHooks;
$wgHooks = new FauxGlobalHookArray(

// Non-trivial expansion of: $wgCanonicalServer, $wgServerName.
// These require calling global functions.
// Also here are other settings that further depend on these two.
if ( $wgCanonicalServer === false ) {
    $wgCanonicalServer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUrlUtils()->getCanonicalServer();
$wgVirtualRestConfig['global']['domain'] = $wgCanonicalServer;

if ( $wgServerName !== false ) {
    wfWarn( '$wgServerName should be derived from $wgCanonicalServer, '
        . 'not customized. Overwriting $wgServerName.' );
$wgServerName = parse_url( $wgCanonicalServer, PHP_URL_HOST );

// $wgEmergencyContact and $wgPasswordSender may be false or empty string (T104142)
if ( !$wgEmergencyContact ) {
    $wgEmergencyContact = 'wikiadmin@' . $wgServerName;
if ( !$wgPasswordSender ) {
    $wgPasswordSender = 'apache@' . $wgServerName;
if ( !$wgNoReplyAddress ) {
    $wgNoReplyAddress = $wgPasswordSender;

// Non-trivial expansion of: $wgSecureLogin
// (due to calling wfWarn).
if ( $wgSecureLogin && substr( $wgServer, 0, 2 ) !== '//' ) {
    $wgSecureLogin = false;
    wfWarn( 'Secure login was enabled on a server that only supports '
        . 'HTTP or HTTPS. Disabling secure login.' );

// Now that GlobalFunctions is loaded, set defaults that depend on it.
if ( $wgTmpDirectory === false ) {
    $wgTmpDirectory = wfTempDir();

if ( $wgSharedDB && $wgSharedTables ) {
    // Apply $wgSharedDB table aliases for the local LB (all non-foreign DB connections)
                'dbname' => $wgSharedDB,
                'schema' => $wgSharedSchema,
                'prefix' => $wgSharedPrefix

// Raise the memory limit if it's too low
// NOTE: This use wfDebug, and must remain after the MWDebug::setup() call.
wfMemoryLimit( $wgMemoryLimit );

// Explicit globals, so this works with bootstrap.php
global $wgRequest, $wgInitialSessionId;

// Initialize the request object in $wgRequest
$wgRequest = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest(); // BackCompat

// Make sure that object caching does not undermine the ChronologyProtector improvements
if ( $wgRequest->getCookie( 'UseDC', '' ) === 'master' ) {
    // The user is pinned to the primary DC, meaning that they made recent changes which should
    // be reflected in their subsequent web requests. Avoid the use of interim cache keys because
    // they use a blind TTL and could be stale if an object changes twice in a short time span.
    MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainWANObjectCache()->useInterimHoldOffCaching( false );

// Useful debug output
( static function () {
    global $wgRequest;

    $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'wfDebug' );
    if ( MW_ENTRY_POINT === 'cli' ) {
        $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?? '';
        $logger->debug( "\n\nStart command line script $self" );
    } else {
        $debug = "\n\nStart request {$wgRequest->getMethod()} {$wgRequest->getRequestURL()}\n";
        $debug .= "IP: " . $wgRequest->getIP() . "\n";
        $debug .= "HTTP HEADERS:\n";
        foreach ( $wgRequest->getAllHeaders() as $name => $value ) {
            $debug .= "$name: $value\n";
        $debug .= "(end headers)";
        $logger->debug( $debug );
} )();

// Most of the config is out, some might want to run hooks here.
( new HookRunner( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer() ) )->onSetupAfterCache();

// Now that variant lists may be available, parse any action paths and article paths
// as query parameters.
// Skip title interpolation on API queries where it is useless and sometimes harmful (T18019).
// Optimization: Skip on load.php and all other entrypoints besides index.php to save time.
// TODO: Figure out if this can be safely done after everything else in Setup.php (e.g. any
// hooks or other state that would miss this?). If so, move to wfIndexMain or MediaWiki::run.
if ( MW_ENTRY_POINT === 'index' ) {

 * @var MediaWiki\Session\SessionId|null $wgInitialSessionId The persistent session ID (if any) loaded at startup
$wgInitialSessionId = null;
if ( !defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION' ) && MW_ENTRY_POINT !== 'cli' ) {
    // If session.auto_start is there, we can't touch session name
    if ( $wgPHPSessionHandling !== 'disable' && !wfIniGetBool( 'session.auto_start' ) ) {
        session_name( $wgSessionName ?: $wgCookiePrefix . '_session' );

    // Create the SessionManager singleton and set up our session handler,
    // unless we're specifically asked not to.
    if ( !defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION_HANDLER' ) ) {

    $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage();

    // Initialize the session
    try {
        $session = MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::getGlobalSession();
    } catch ( MediaWiki\Session\SessionOverflowException $ex ) {
        // The exception is because the request had multiple possible
        // sessions tied for top priority. Report this to the user.
        $list = [];
        foreach ( $ex->getSessionInfos() as $info ) {
            $list[] = $info->getProvider()->describe( $contLang );
        $list = $contLang->listToText( $list );
        throw new HttpError( 400,
            Message::newFromKey( 'sessionmanager-tie', $list )->inLanguage( $contLang )

    unset( $contLang );

    if ( $session->isPersistent() ) {
        $wgInitialSessionId = $session->getSessionId();

    if ( MediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandler::isEnabled() &&
        ( $session->isPersistent() || $session->shouldRememberUser() ) &&
        session_id() !== $session->getId()
    ) {
        // Start the PHP-session for backwards compatibility
        if ( session_id() !== '' ) {
            wfDebugLog( 'session', 'PHP session {old_id} was already started, changing to {new_id}', 'all', [
                'old_id' => session_id(),
                'new_id' => $session->getId(),
            ] );
        session_id( $session->getId() );

    unset( $session );
} else {
    // Even if we didn't set up a global Session, still install our session
    // handler unless specifically requested not to.
    if ( !defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION_HANDLER' ) ) {

// Explicit globals, so this works with bootstrap.php
global $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgOut, $wgTitle;

 * @var User $wgUser
 * @deprecated since 1.35, use an available context source when possible, or, as a backup,
 * RequestContext::getMain()
$wgUser = new StubGlobalUser( RequestContext::getMain()->getUser() ); // BackCompat
register_shutdown_function( static function () {
    StubGlobalUser::$destructorDeprecationDisarmed = true;
} );

 * @var Language|StubUserLang $wgLang
$wgLang = new StubUserLang;

 * @var MediaWiki\Output\OutputPage $wgOut
$wgOut = RequestContext::getMain()->getOutput(); // BackCompat

 * @var Title|null $wgTitle
$wgTitle = null;

// Explicit globals, so this works with bootstrap.php
global $wgFullyInitialised, $wgExtensionFunctions;

// Extension setup functions
// Entries should be added to this variable during the inclusion
// of the extension file. This allows the extension to perform
// any necessary initialisation in the fully initialised environment
foreach ( $wgExtensionFunctions as $func ) {
    call_user_func( $func );
unset( $func ); // no global pollution; destroy reference

// If the session user has a 0 id but a valid name, that means we need to
// autocreate it.
if ( !defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION' ) && MW_ENTRY_POINT !== 'cli' ) {
    $sessionUser = MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::getGlobalSession()->getUser();
    if ( $sessionUser->getId() === 0 &&
        MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserNameUtils()->isValid( $sessionUser->getName() )
    ) {
        $res = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getAuthManager()->autoCreateUser(
        $firstMessage = $res->getMessages( 'error' )[0] ?? $res->getMessages( 'warning' )[0] ?? null;
        \MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'authevents' )->info( 'Autocreation attempt', [
            'event' => 'autocreate',
            'successful' => $res->isGood(),
            'status' => $firstMessage ? $firstMessage->getKey() : '-',
        ] );
        unset( $res );
        unset( $firstMessage );
    unset( $sessionUser );

// Optimization: Avoid overhead from DeferredUpdates and Pingback deps when turned off.
if ( MW_ENTRY_POINT !== 'cli' && $wgPingback ) {
    // NOTE: Do not refactor to inject Config or otherwise make unconditional service call.
    // On a plain install of MediaWiki, Pingback is likely the *only* feature
    // involving DeferredUpdates or DB_PRIMARY on a regular page view.
    // To allow for error recovery and fault isolation, let admins turn this
    // off completely. (T269516)
    DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( static function () {
    } );

$settingsWarnings = $wgSettings->getWarnings();
if ( $settingsWarnings ) {
    $logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Settings' );
    foreach ( $settingsWarnings as $msg ) {
        $logger->warning( $msg );
    unset( $logger );

unset( $settingsWarnings );

// Explicit globals, so this works with bootstrap.php
global $wgFullyInitialised;
$wgFullyInitialised = true;

// T264370
if ( !defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION' ) && MW_ENTRY_POINT !== 'cli' ) {