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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": [
            "Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry",
            "Dreamy Jazz",
    "apihelp-main-param-errorsuselocal": "If given, error texts will use locally-customised messages from the {{ns:MediaWiki}} namespace.",
    "apihelp-block-param-watchuser": "Watch the user and talk pages of the user or IP address.",
    "apihelp-compare-summary": "Get the difference between 2 pages.",
    "apihelp-compare-extended-description": "A revision number, a page title, or a page ID for both \"from\" and \"to\" must be passed.",
    "apihelp-compare-param-fromcontentformat-{slot}": "Content serialisation format of <var>fromtext-&#x7B;slot}</var>.",
    "apihelp-compare-param-tocontentformat-{slot}": "Content serialisation format of <var>totext-&#x7B;slot}</var>.",
    "apihelp-delete-example-simple": "Delete <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.",
    "apihelp-delete-example-reason": "Delete <kbd>Main Page</kbd> with the reason <kbd>Preparing for move</kbd>.",
    "apihelp-edit-param-contentformat": "Content serialisation format used for the input text.",
    "apihelp-import-summary": "Import a page from another wiki, or an XML file.",
    "apihelp-parse-param-contentformat": "Content serialisation format used for the input text. Only valid when used with $1text.",
    "apihelp-protect-param-expiry": "Expiry timestamps. If only one timestamp is set, it will be used for all protections. Use <kbd>infinite</kbd>, <kbd>indefinite</kbd>, <kbd>infinity</kbd>, or <kbd>never</kbd>, for a never-expiring protection.",
    "apihelp-query+allcategories-example-generator": "Retrieve information about the category page for categories beginning <kbd>List</kbd>.",
    "apihelp-query+backlinks-param-limit": "How many total pages to return. If <var>$1redirect</var> is enabled, limit applies to each level separately (which means up to 2 * <var>$1limit</var> results may be returned).",
    "apihelp-query+blocks-param-ip": "Get all blocks applying to this IP or CIDR range, including range blocks.\nThis cannot be used together with <var>$3users</var>. CIDR ranges broader than IPv4/$1 or IPv6/$2 will not be not accepted.",
    "apihelp-query+categorymembers-param-endhexsortkey": "Sortkey to end listing from, as returned by <kbd>$1prop=sortkey</kbd>. Can only be used with <kbd>$1sort=sortkey</kbd>.",
    "apihelp-query+info-paramvalue-prop-linkclasses": "Gives the additional CSS classes (e.g. link colours) used for links to this page if they were to appear on the page named by <var>$1linkcontext</var>.",
    "apihelp-query+info-param-linkcontext": "The context title to use when determining extra CSS classes (e.g. link colours) when <var>$1prop</var> contains <var>linkclasses</var>.",
    "apihelp-query+revisions+base-param-contentformat": "Serialisation format used for <var>$1difftotext</var> and expected for output of content.",
    "apihelp-query+search-example-generator": "Get page information about the pages returned for a search for <kbd>meaning</kbd>.",
    "apihelp-query+siteinfo-paramvalue-prop-rightsinfo": "Returns wiki rights (licence) information if available.",
    "apihelp-query+siteinfo-paramvalue-prop-uploaddialog": "Returns the upload dialogue configuration.",
    "apihelp-query+watchlist-example-simple": "List the top revision for recently changed pages on the watchlist of the current user.",
    "apihelp-query+watchlistraw-example-simple": "List pages on the watchlist of the current user.",
    "apihelp-stashedit-param-contentformat": "Content serialisation format used for the input text.",
    "apihelp-php-summary": "Output data in serialised PHP format.",
    "apihelp-phpfm-summary": "Output data in serialised PHP format (pretty-print in HTML).",
    "api-help-license": "Licence: [[$1|$2]]",
    "api-help-license-unknown": "Licence: <span class=\"apihelp-unknown\">unknown</span>",
    "api-help-datatypes-top": "Input to MediaWiki should be NFC-normalised UTF-8. MediaWiki may attempt to convert other input, but this may cause some operations (such as [[Special:ApiHelp/edit|edits]] with MD5 checks) to fail.\n\nParameters that take multiple values are normally submitted with the values separated using the pipe character, e.g. <kbd>param=value1|value2</kbd> or <kbd>param=value1%7Cvalue2</kbd>. If a value must contain the pipe character, use U+001F (Unit Separator) as the separator ''and'' prefix the value with U+001F, e.g. <kbd>param=%1Fvalue1%1Fvalue2</kbd>.\n\nSome parameter types in API requests need further explanation:",
    "apierror-contentserializationexception": "Content serialisation failed: $1",
    "apierror-unknownaction": "The action specified, <kbd>$1</kbd>, is not recognised.",
    "apierror-unknownformat": "Unrecognised format \"$1\".",
    "apierror-unrecognizedparams": "Unrecognised {{PLURAL:$2|parameter|parameters}}: $1.",
    "apierror-unrecognizedvalue": "Unrecognised value for parameter <var>$1</var>: $2.",
    "apierror-urlparamnormal": "Could not normalise image parameters for $1.",
    "apiwarn-badutf8": "The value passed for <var>$1</var> contains invalid or non-normalised data. Textual data should be valid, NFC-normalised Unicode without C0 control characters other than HT (\\t), LF (\\n), and CR (\\r).",
    "apiwarn-unrecognizedvalues": "Unrecognised {{PLURAL:$3|value|values}} for parameter <var>$1</var>: $2."