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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

namespace MediaWiki\Config;

 * Configuration holder, particularly for multi-wiki sites.
 * A basic synopsis:
 * Consider a wikifarm having three sites: two production sites, one in English
 * and one in German, and one testing site. You can assign them easy-to-remember
 * identifiers - ISO 639 codes 'en' and 'de' for language wikis, and 'beta' for
 * the testing wiki.
 * You would thus initialize the site configuration by specifying the wiki
 * identifiers:
 * @code
 * $conf = new SiteConfiguration;
 * $conf->wikis = [ 'de', 'en', 'beta' ];
 * @endcode
 * When configuring the MediaWiki global settings (the $wg variables),
 * the identifiers will be available to specify settings on a per wiki basis.
 * @code
 * $conf->settings = [
 *    'wgSomeSetting' => [
 *        # production:
 *        'de'     => false,
 *        'en'     => false,
 *        # test:
 *        'beta    => true,
 *    ],
 * ];
 * @endcode
 * With three wikis, that is easy to manage. But what about a farm with
 * hundreds of wikis? Site configuration provides a special keyword named
 * 'default' which is the value used when a wiki is not found. Hence
 * the above code could be written:
 * @code
 * $conf->settings = [
 *    'wgSomeSetting' => [
 *        'default' => false,
 *        # Enable feature on test
 *        'beta'    => true,
 *    ],
 * ];
 * @endcode
 * Since settings can contain arrays, site configuration provides a way
 * to merge an array with the default. This is very useful to avoid
 * repeating settings again and again while still maintaining specific changes
 * on a per wiki basis.
 * @code
 * $conf->settings = [
 *    'wgMergeSetting' = [
 *        # Value that will be shared among all wikis:
 *        'default' => [ NS_USER => true ],
 *        # Leading '+' means merging the array of value with the defaults
 *        '+beta' => [ NS_HELP => true ],
 *    ],
 * ];
 * # Get configuration for the German site:
 * $conf->get( 'wgMergeSetting', 'de' );
 * // --> [ NS_USER => true ];
 * # Get configuration for the testing site:
 * $conf->get( 'wgMergeSetting', 'beta' );
 * // --> [ NS_USER => true, NS_HELP => true ];
 * @endcode
 * Finally, to load all configuration settings, extract them in global context:
 * @code
 * # Name / identifier of the wiki as set in $conf->wikis
 * $wikiID = 'beta';
 * $globals = $conf->getAll( $wikiID );
 * extract( $globals );
 * @endcode
 * Simple suffix system where "pt_brwiki" becomes lang="pt-br", site="wiki":
 * @code
 * $conf->suffixes[] = 'wiki';
 * @endcode
 * Suffix is resolved as an alias, so "dewiki" becomes lang="de", site="wikipedia":
 * @code
 * $conf->suffixes['wikipedia'] = 'wiki';
 * @endcode
 * @note For WikiMap to function, the configuration must define string values for
 *  $wgServer (or $wgCanonicalServer) and $wgArticlePath, even if these are the
 *  same for all wikis or can be correctly determined by the logic in
 *  Setup.php.
class SiteConfiguration {

     * Array of suffixes, for self::siteFromDB()
    public $suffixes = [];

     * Array of wikis, should be the same as $wgLocalDatabases
    public $wikis = [];

     * The whole array of settings.
     * If the key "@replaceableSettings" exists, it contains a list of setting
     * names that are subject to string replacement of $params.
    public $settings = [];

     * Optional callback to load full configuration data.
     * @var string|array
    public $fullLoadCallback = null;

    /** Whether or not all data has been loaded */
    public $fullLoadDone = false;

     * A callback function that returns an array with the following keys (all
     * optional):
     * - suffix: site's suffix
     * - lang: site's lang
     * - tags: array of wiki tags
     * - params: array of parameters to be replaced
     * The function will receive the SiteConfiguration instance in the first
     * argument and the wiki in the second one.
     * if suffix and lang are passed they will be used for the return value of
     * self::siteFromDB() and self::$suffixes will be ignored
     * @var callable|null
    public $siteParamsCallback = null;

     * Configuration cache for getConfig()
     * @var array
    protected $cfgCache = [];

     * Retrieves a configuration setting for a given wiki.
     * @param string $settingName ID of the setting name to retrieve
     * @param string $wiki Wiki ID of the wiki in question.
     * @param string|null $site The site from ::siteFromDB(), or db suffix.
     * @param array $params List of parameters. $.'key' is replaced by $value in all returned data.
     * @param array $wikiTags The tags assigned to the wiki.
     * @return mixed The value of the setting requested.
    public function get(
        $site = null,
        $params = [],
        $wikiTags = []
    ) {
        $params = $this->mergeParams( $wiki, $site, $params, $wikiTags );
        $overrides = $this->settings[$settingName] ?? null;
        $value = $overrides ? $this->processSetting( $overrides, $wiki, $params['tags'] ) : null;
        if ( !array_key_exists( '@replaceableSettings', $this->settings )
            || in_array( $settingName, $this->settings['@replaceableSettings'] )
        ) {
            $this->doReplacements( $value, $params['replacements'] );
        return $value;

     * Retrieve the configuration setting for a given wiki, based on an overrides array.
     * General order of precedence:
     * 1. Wiki ID, an override specific to the given wiki.
     * 2. Tag, an override specific to a group of wikis (e.g. wiki family, or db
     *    shard). It is unsupported for the same setting to be set for multiple
     *    tags of which the wiki groups overlap. In that case, whichever is
     *    iterated and matched first wins, where the tag iteration order
     *    is NOT guaranteed.
     * 3. Default, the default value for all wikis in this wiki farm.
     * If the "+" operator is used, with any of these, then the merges will follow the
     * following order (earlier entries have precedence on clashing sub keys):
     * 1. "+wiki"
     * 2. "tag"
     *    Only one may match here. And upon match, the merge cascade stops.
     * 3. "+tag"
     *    These are only considered if there was no "tag" match.
     *    Multiple matches are allowed here, although the array values from
     *    multiple tags that contain the same wiki must not overlap, as it is
     *    undocumented how key conflicts among them would be handled.
     * 4. "default"
     * @param array $thisSetting An array of overrides for a given setting.
     * @param string $wiki Wiki ID of the wiki in question.
     * @param string[] $tags Array of tags.
     * @return mixed The value of the setting requested.
    private function processSetting( $thisSetting, $wiki, $tags ) {
        // Optimization: Avoid native type hint on private method called by hot getAll()
        // <>

        $retval = null;

        if ( array_key_exists( $wiki, $thisSetting ) ) {
            // Found override by Wiki ID.
            $retval = $thisSetting[$wiki];
        } else {
            if ( array_key_exists( "+$wiki", $thisSetting ) ) {
                // Found mergable override by Wiki ID.
                // We continue to look for more merge candidates.
                $retval = $thisSetting["+$wiki"];

            foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
                if ( array_key_exists( $tag, $thisSetting ) ) {
                    if ( is_array( $retval ) && is_array( $thisSetting[$tag] ) ) {
                        // Found a mergable override by Tag, without "+" operator.
                        // Merge it with any "+wiki" match from before, and stop the cascade.
                        $retval = self::arrayMerge( $retval, $thisSetting[$tag] );
                    } else {
                        // Found a non-mergable override by Tag.
                        // This could in theory replace a "+wiki" match, but it should never happen
                        // that a setting uses both mergable array values and non-array values.
                        $retval = $thisSetting[$tag];
                    return $retval;
                } elseif ( array_key_exists( "+$tag", $thisSetting ) ) {
                    // Found a mergable override by Tag with "+" operator.
                    // Merge it with any "+wiki" or "+tag" matches from before,
                    // and keep looking for more merge candidates.
                    $retval = self::arrayMerge( $retval ?? [], $thisSetting["+$tag"] );

            if ( array_key_exists( 'default', $thisSetting ) ) {
                if ( is_array( $retval ) && is_array( $thisSetting['default'] ) ) {
                    // Found a mergable default
                    // Merge it with any "+wiki" or "+tag" matches from before.
                    $retval = self::arrayMerge( $retval, $thisSetting['default'] );
                } else {
                    // Found a default
                    // If any array-based values were built up via "+wiki" or "+tag" matches,
                    // these are thrown away here. We don't support merging array values into
                    // non-array values, and the fallback here is to use the default.
                    $retval = $thisSetting['default'];
        return $retval;

     * Do string replacements
     * @param string &$value
     * @param array $replacements
    private function doReplacements( &$value, $replacements ) {
        // Optimization: Avoid native type hint on private method called by hot getAll()
        // <>

        if ( is_string( $value ) ) {
            $value = strtr( $value, $replacements );
        } elseif ( is_array( $value ) ) {
            foreach ( $value as &$val ) {
                if ( is_string( $val ) ) {
                    $val = strtr( $val, $replacements );

     * Gets all settings for a wiki
     * @param string $wiki Wiki ID of the wiki in question.
     * @param string|null $site The site from ::siteFromDB(), or db suffix.
     * @param array $params List of parameters. $.'key' is replaced by $value in all returned data.
     * @param array $wikiTags The tags assigned to the wiki.
     * @return array Array of settings requested.
    public function getAll( $wiki, $site = null, $params = [], $wikiTags = [] ) {
        $params = $this->mergeParams( $wiki, $site, $params, $wikiTags );
        $tags = $params['tags'];
        $localSettings = [];
        foreach ( $this->settings as $varname => $overrides ) {
            $value = $this->processSetting( $overrides, $wiki, $tags );
            if ( $varname[0] === '+' ) {
                $varname = substr( $varname, 1 );
                if ( is_array( $value ) && is_array( $GLOBALS[$varname] ) ) {
                    $value = self::arrayMerge( $value, $GLOBALS[$varname] );
            if ( $value !== null ) {
                $localSettings[$varname] = $value;

        $replacements = $params['replacements'];
        if ( array_key_exists( '@replaceableSettings', $this->settings ) ) {
            foreach ( $this->settings['@replaceableSettings'] as $varname ) {
                if ( array_key_exists( $varname, $localSettings ) ) {
                    $this->doReplacements( $localSettings[$varname], $replacements );
        } else {
            foreach ( $localSettings as &$value ) {
                $this->doReplacements( $value, $replacements );
        return $localSettings;

     * Retrieves a configuration setting for a given wiki, forced to a boolean.
     * @param string $setting ID of the setting name to retrieve
     * @param string $wiki Wiki ID of the wiki in question.
     * @param string|null $site The site from ::siteFromDB(), or db suffix.
     * @param array $wikiTags The tags assigned to the wiki.
     * @return bool The value of the setting requested.
    public function getBool( $setting, $wiki, $site = null, $wikiTags = [] ) {
        return (bool)$this->get( $setting, $wiki, $site, [], $wikiTags );

     * Retrieves an array of local databases
     * @return array
    public function getLocalDatabases() {
        return $this->wikis;

     * Retrieves the value of a given setting, and places it in a variable passed by reference.
     * @deprecated since 1.41 Use SiteConfiguration::get() instead.
     * @param string $setting ID of the setting name to retrieve
     * @param string $wiki Wiki ID of the wiki in question.
     * @param string|null $site The site from ::siteFromDB(), or db suffix.
     * @param array &$var Reference The variable to insert the value into.
     * @param array $params List of parameters. $.'key' is replaced by $value in all returned data.
     * @param array $wikiTags The tags assigned to the wiki.
    public function extractVar(
        $params = [],
        $wikiTags = []
    ) {
        wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.41' );
        $value = $this->get( $setting, $wiki, $site, $params, $wikiTags );
        if ( $value !== null ) {
            $var = $value;

     * Retrieves the value of a given setting, and places it in its corresponding global variable.
     * @deprecated since 1.41 Use SiteConfiguration::get() instead.
     * @param string $setting ID of the setting name to retrieve
     * @param string $wiki Wiki ID of the wiki in question.
     * @param string|null $site The site from ::siteFromDB(), or db suffix.
     * @param array $params List of parameters. $.'key' is replaced by $value in all returned data.
     * @param array $wikiTags The tags assigned to the wiki.
    public function extractGlobal(
        $site = null,
        $params = [],
        $wikiTags = []
    ) {
        wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.41' );
        $params = $this->mergeParams( $wiki, $site, $params, $wikiTags );
        $this->extractGlobalSetting( $setting, $wiki, $params );

     * @param string $setting
     * @param string $wiki
     * @param array $params
    public function extractGlobalSetting( $setting, $wiki, $params ) {
        $overrides = $this->settings[$setting] ?? null;
        $value = $overrides ? $this->processSetting( $overrides, $wiki, $params['tags'] ) : null;
        if ( !array_key_exists( '@replaceableSettings', $this->settings )
            || in_array( $setting, $this->settings['@replaceableSettings'] )
        ) {
            $this->doReplacements( $value, $params['replacements'] );
        if ( $value !== null ) {
            if ( substr( $setting, 0, 1 ) == '+' && is_array( $value ) ) {
                $setting = substr( $setting, 1 );
                if ( is_array( $GLOBALS[$setting] ) ) {
                    $GLOBALS[$setting] = self::arrayMerge( $GLOBALS[$setting], $value );
                } else {
                    $GLOBALS[$setting] = $value;
            } else {
                $GLOBALS[$setting] = $value;

     * Retrieves the values of all settings, and places them in their corresponding global variables.
     * @param string $wiki Wiki ID of the wiki in question.
     * @param string|null $site The site from ::siteFromDB(), or db suffix.
     * @param array $params List of parameters. $.'key' is replaced by $value in all returned data.
     * @param array $wikiTags The tags assigned to the wiki.
    public function extractAllGlobals(
        $site = null,
        $params = [],
        $wikiTags = []
    ) {
        $params = $this->mergeParams( $wiki, $site, $params, $wikiTags );
        foreach ( $this->settings as $varName => $setting ) {
            $this->extractGlobalSetting( $varName, $wiki, $params );

     * Return specific settings for $wiki
     * See the documentation of self::$siteParamsCallback for more in-depth
     * documentation about this function
     * @param string $wiki
     * @return array
    protected function getWikiParams( $wiki ) {
        static $default = [
            'suffix' => null,
            'lang' => null,
            'tags' => [],
            'params' => [],

        if ( !is_callable( $this->siteParamsCallback ) ) {
            return $default;

        $ret = ( $this->siteParamsCallback )( $this, $wiki );
        # Validate the returned value
        if ( !is_array( $ret ) ) {
            return $default;

        foreach ( $default as $name => $def ) {
            if ( !isset( $ret[$name] ) || ( is_array( $def ) && !is_array( $ret[$name] ) ) ) {
                $ret[$name] = $def;

        return $ret;

     * Merge params between the ones passed to the function and the ones given
     * by self::$siteParamsCallback for backward compatibility
     * Values returned by self::getWikiParams() have the priority.
     * @param string $wiki Wiki ID of the wiki in question.
     * @param string|null $site The site from ::siteFromDB(), or db suffix.
     * @param array $params List of parameters. $.'key' is replaced by $value in
     *   all returned data.
     * @param array $wikiTags The tags assigned to the wiki.
     * @return array
    protected function mergeParams( $wiki, $site, array $params, array $wikiTags ) {
        $ret = $this->getWikiParams( $wiki );

        $ret['suffix'] ??= $site;

        // Make tags based on the db suffix (e.g. wiki family) automatically
        // available for use in wgConf. The user does not have to maintain
        // wiki tag lookups (e.g. dblists at WMF) for the wiki family.
        $wikiTags[] = $ret['suffix'];

        $ret['tags'] = array_unique( array_merge( $ret['tags'], $wikiTags ) );

        $ret['params'] += $params;

        // Make the $lang and $site parameters automatically available if they
        // were provided by `siteParamsCallback` via getWikiParams()
        if ( !isset( $ret['params']['lang'] ) && $ret['lang'] !== null ) {
            $ret['params']['lang'] = $ret['lang'];
        if ( !isset( $ret['params']['site'] ) && $ret['suffix'] !== null ) {
            $ret['params']['site'] = $ret['suffix'];

        // Optimization: For hot getAll() code path, precompute replacements to re-use
        // over hundreds of processSetting() calls.
        $ret['replacements'] = [];
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset False positive
        foreach ( $ret['params'] as $key => $value ) {
            $ret['replacements']['$' . $key] = $value;

        return $ret;

     * Work out the site and language name from a database name
     * @param string $wiki Wiki ID
     * @return array [ string|null $site, string|null $languageCode ]
    public function siteFromDB( $wiki ) {
        // Allow override
        $def = $this->getWikiParams( $wiki );
        if ( $def['suffix'] !== null && $def['lang'] !== null ) {
            return [ $def['suffix'], $def['lang'] ];

        $languageCode = str_replace( '_', '-', $wiki );
        foreach ( $this->suffixes as $altSite => $suffix ) {
            if ( $suffix === '' ) {
                return [ '', $languageCode ];
            } elseif ( str_ends_with( $wiki, $suffix ) ) {
                $site = is_string( $altSite ) ? $altSite : $suffix;
                $languageCode = substr( $languageCode, 0, -strlen( $suffix ) );
                return [ $site, $languageCode ];

        return [ null, null ];

     * Merge multiple arrays together.
     * On encountering duplicate keys, merge the two, but ONLY if they're arrays.
     * PHP's array_merge_recursive() merges ANY duplicate values into arrays,
     * which is not fun
     * @param array $array1
     * @param array $array2
     * @return array
    private static function arrayMerge( array $array1, array $array2 ) {
        $out = $array1;
        foreach ( $array2 as $key => $value ) {
            if ( isset( $out[$key] ) ) {
                if ( is_array( $out[$key] ) && is_array( $value ) ) {
                    // Merge the new array into the existing one
                    $out[$key] = self::arrayMerge( $out[$key], $value );
                } elseif ( is_numeric( $key ) ) {
                    // A numerical key is taken, append the value at the end instead.
                    // It is important that we generally preserve numerical keys and only
                    // fallback to appending values if there are conflicts. This is needed
                    // by configuration variables that hold associative arrays with
                    // meaningful numerical keys, such as $wgNamespacesWithSubpages,
                    // $wgNamespaceProtection, $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault, etc.
                    $out[] = $value;
                } elseif ( $out[$key] === false ) {
                    // A non-numerical key is taken and holds a false value,
                    // allow it to be overridden always. This exists mainly for the purpose
                    // merging permissions arrays, such as $wgGroupPermissions.
                    $out[$key] = $value;
                // Else: The key is already taken and we keep the current value

            } else {
                // Add a new key.
                $out[$key] = $value;

        return $out;

    public function loadFullData() {
        if ( $this->fullLoadCallback && !$this->fullLoadDone ) {
            ( $this->fullLoadCallback )( $this );
            $this->fullLoadDone = true;

/** @deprecated class alias since 1.41 */
class_alias( SiteConfiguration::class, 'SiteConfiguration' );