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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use MediaWiki\WikiMap\WikiMap;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

 * Redis-backed job queue storage.
 * This is a faster and less resource-intensive job queue than JobQueueDB.
 * All data for a queue using this class is placed into one redis server.
 * When used on a wiki farm, you can optionally use the  `redisJobRunnerService` background
 * service from the `mediawiki/services/jobrunner.git` repository, to run jobs from a central
 * system rather than per-wiki via one of the default job runners (e.g. maintenance/runJobs.php).
 * There are eight main redis keys (per queue) used to track jobs:
 *   - l-unclaimed  : A list of job IDs used for ready unclaimed jobs
 *   - z-claimed    : A sorted set of (job ID, UNIX timestamp as score) used for job retries
 *   - z-abandoned  : A sorted set of (job ID, UNIX timestamp as score) used for broken jobs
 *   - z-delayed    : A sorted set of (job ID, UNIX timestamp as score) used for delayed jobs
 *   - h-idBySha1   : A hash of (SHA1 => job ID) for unclaimed jobs used for de-duplication
 *   - h-sha1ById   : A hash of (job ID => SHA1) for unclaimed jobs used for de-duplication
 *   - h-attempts   : A hash of (job ID => attempt count) used for job claiming/retries
 *   - h-data       : A hash of (job ID => serialized blobs) for job storage
 * A job ID can be in only one of z-delayed, l-unclaimed, z-claimed, and z-abandoned.
 * If an ID appears in any of those lists, it should have a h-data entry for its ID.
 * If a job has a SHA1 de-duplication value and its ID is in l-unclaimed or z-delayed, then
 * there should be no other such jobs with that SHA1. Every h-idBySha1 entry has an h-sha1ById
 * entry and every h-sha1ById must refer to an ID that is l-unclaimed. If a job has its
 * ID in z-claimed or z-abandoned, then it must also have an h-attempts entry for its ID.
 * The following keys are used to track queue states:
 *   - s-queuesWithJobs : A set of all queues with non-abandoned jobs
 * The background service takes care of undelaying, recycling, and pruning jobs as well as
 * removing s-queuesWithJobs entries as queues empty.
 * Additionally, "rootjob:* keys track "root jobs" used for additional de-duplication.
 * Aside from root job keys, all keys have no expiry, and are only removed when jobs are run.
 * All the keys are prefixed with the relevant wiki ID information.
 * This class requires Redis 2.6 or later as it uses Lua scripting for fast atomic operations.
 * Additionally, it should be noted that redis has different persistence modes, such
 * as rdb snapshots, journaling, or no persistence. Appropriate configuration should be
 * made on the servers based on what queues are using it and what tolerance they have.
 * @since 1.22
 * @ingroup JobQueue
 * @ingroup Redis
class JobQueueRedis extends JobQueue {
    /** @var RedisConnectionPool */
    protected $redisPool;
    /** @var LoggerInterface */
    protected $logger;

    /** @var string Server address */
    protected $server;
    /** @var string Compression method to use */
    protected $compression;

    private const MAX_PUSH_SIZE = 25; // avoid tying up the server

     * @param array $params Possible keys:
     *   - redisConfig : An array of parameters to RedisConnectionPool::__construct().
     *                   Note that the serializer option is ignored as "none" is always used.
     *   - redisServer : A hostname/port combination or the absolute path of a UNIX socket.
     *                   If a hostname is specified but no port, the standard port number
     *                   6379 will be used. Required.
     *   - compression : The type of compression to use; one of (none,gzip).
     *   - daemonized  : Set to true if the redisJobRunnerService runs in the background.
     *                   This will disable job recycling/undelaying from the MediaWiki side
     *                   to avoid redundancy and out-of-sync configuration.
    public function __construct( array $params ) {
        parent::__construct( $params );
        $params['redisConfig']['serializer'] = 'none'; // make it easy to use Lua
        $this->server = $params['redisServer'];
        $this->compression = $params['compression'] ?? 'none';
        $this->redisPool = RedisConnectionPool::singleton( $params['redisConfig'] );
        if ( empty( $params['daemonized'] ) ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                "Non-daemonized mode is no longer supported. Please install the " .
                "mediawiki/services/jobrunner service and update \$wgJobTypeConf as needed." );
        $this->logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'redis' );

    protected function supportedOrders() {
        return [ 'timestamp', 'fifo' ];

    protected function optimalOrder() {
        return 'fifo';

    protected function supportsDelayedJobs() {
        return true;

     * @see JobQueue::doIsEmpty()
     * @return bool
     * @throws JobQueueError
    protected function doIsEmpty() {
        return $this->doGetSize() == 0;

     * @see JobQueue::doGetSize()
     * @return int
     * @throws JobQueueError
    protected function doGetSize() {
        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            return $conn->lLen( $this->getQueueKey( 'l-unclaimed' ) );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

     * @see JobQueue::doGetAcquiredCount()
     * @return int
     * @throws JobQueueError
    protected function doGetAcquiredCount() {
        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            $conn->multi( Redis::PIPELINE );
            $conn->zCard( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-claimed' ) );
            $conn->zCard( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-abandoned' ) );

            return array_sum( $conn->exec() );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

     * @see JobQueue::doGetDelayedCount()
     * @return int
     * @throws JobQueueError
    protected function doGetDelayedCount() {
        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            return $conn->zCard( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-delayed' ) );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

     * @see JobQueue::doGetAbandonedCount()
     * @return int
     * @throws JobQueueError
    protected function doGetAbandonedCount() {
        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            return $conn->zCard( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-abandoned' ) );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

     * @see JobQueue::doBatchPush()
     * @param IJobSpecification[] $jobs
     * @param int $flags
     * @return void
     * @throws JobQueueError
    protected function doBatchPush( array $jobs, $flags ) {
        // Convert the jobs into field maps (de-duplicated against each other)
        $items = []; // (job ID => job fields map)
        foreach ( $jobs as $job ) {
            $item = $this->getNewJobFields( $job );
            if ( strlen( $item['sha1'] ) ) { // hash identifier => de-duplicate
                $items[$item['sha1']] = $item;
            } else {
                $items[$item['uuid']] = $item;

        if ( $items === [] ) {
            return; // nothing to do

        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            // Actually push the non-duplicate jobs into the queue...
            if ( $flags & self::QOS_ATOMIC ) {
                $batches = [ $items ]; // all or nothing
            } else {
                $batches = array_chunk( $items, self::MAX_PUSH_SIZE );
            $failed = 0;
            $pushed = 0;
            foreach ( $batches as $itemBatch ) {
                $added = $this->pushBlobs( $conn, $itemBatch );
                if ( is_int( $added ) ) {
                    $pushed += $added;
                } else {
                    $failed += count( $itemBatch );
            $this->incrStats( 'inserts', $this->type, count( $items ) );
            $this->incrStats( 'inserts_actual', $this->type, $pushed );
            $this->incrStats( 'dupe_inserts', $this->type,
                count( $items ) - $failed - $pushed );
            if ( $failed > 0 ) {
                $err = "Could not insert {$failed} {$this->type} job(s).";
                wfDebugLog( 'JobQueue', $err );
                throw new RedisException( $err );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

     * @param RedisConnRef $conn
     * @param array[] $items List of results from JobQueueRedis::getNewJobFields()
     * @return int Number of jobs inserted (duplicates are ignored)
     * @throws RedisException
    protected function pushBlobs( RedisConnRef $conn, array $items ) {
        $args = [ $this->encodeQueueName() ];
        // Next args come in 4s ([id, sha1, rtime, blob [, id, sha1, rtime, blob ... ] ] )
        foreach ( $items as $item ) {
            $args[] = (string)$item['uuid'];
            $args[] = (string)$item['sha1'];
            $args[] = (string)$item['rtimestamp'];
            $args[] = (string)$this->serialize( $item );
        static $script =
        /** @lang Lua */
        local kUnclaimed, kSha1ById, kIdBySha1, kDelayed, kData, kQwJobs = unpack(KEYS)
        -- First argument is the queue ID
        local queueId = ARGV[1]
        -- Next arguments all come in 4s (one per job)
        local variadicArgCount = #ARGV - 1
        if variadicArgCount % 4 ~= 0 then
            return redis.error_reply('Unmatched arguments')
        -- Insert each job into this queue as needed
        local pushed = 0
        for i = 2,#ARGV,4 do
            local id,sha1,rtimestamp,blob = ARGV[i],ARGV[i+1],ARGV[i+2],ARGV[i+3]
            if sha1 == '' or'hExists',kIdBySha1,sha1) == 0 then
                if 1*rtimestamp > 0 then
                    -- Insert into delayed queue (release time as score)
                    -- Insert into unclaimed queue
                if sha1 ~= '' then
                pushed = pushed + 1
        -- Mark this queue as having jobs'sAdd',kQwJobs,queueId)
        return pushed
        return $conn->luaEval( $script,
                    $this->getQueueKey( 'l-unclaimed' ), # KEYS[1]
                    $this->getQueueKey( 'h-sha1ById' ), # KEYS[2]
                    $this->getQueueKey( 'h-idBySha1' ), # KEYS[3]
                    $this->getQueueKey( 'z-delayed' ), # KEYS[4]
                    $this->getQueueKey( 'h-data' ), # KEYS[5]
                    $this->getGlobalKey( 's-queuesWithJobs' ), # KEYS[6]
            6 # number of first argument(s) that are keys

     * @see JobQueue::doPop()
     * @return RunnableJob|false
     * @throws JobQueueError
    protected function doPop() {
        $job = false;

        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            do {
                $blob = $this->popAndAcquireBlob( $conn );
                if ( !is_string( $blob ) ) {
                    break; // no jobs; nothing to do

                $this->incrStats( 'pops', $this->type );
                $item = $this->unserialize( $blob );
                if ( $item === false ) {
                    wfDebugLog( 'JobQueue', "Could not unserialize {$this->type} job." );

                // If $item is invalid, the runner loop recycling will cleanup as needed
                $job = $this->getJobFromFields( $item ); // may be false
            } while ( !$job ); // job may be false if invalid
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

        return $job;

     * @param RedisConnRef $conn
     * @return array Serialized string or false
     * @throws RedisException
    protected function popAndAcquireBlob( RedisConnRef $conn ) {
        static $script =
        /** @lang Lua */
        local kUnclaimed, kSha1ById, kIdBySha1, kClaimed, kAttempts, kData = unpack(KEYS)
        local rTime = unpack(ARGV)
        -- Pop an item off the queue
        local id ='rPop',kUnclaimed)
        if not id then
            return false
        -- Allow new duplicates of this job
        local sha1 ='hGet',kSha1ById,id)
        if sha1 then'hDel',kIdBySha1,sha1) end'hDel',kSha1ById,id)
        -- Mark the jobs as claimed and return it'zAdd',kClaimed,rTime,id)'hIncrBy',kAttempts,id,1)
        return $conn->luaEval( $script,
                $this->getQueueKey( 'l-unclaimed' ), # KEYS[1]
                $this->getQueueKey( 'h-sha1ById' ), # KEYS[2]
                $this->getQueueKey( 'h-idBySha1' ), # KEYS[3]
                $this->getQueueKey( 'z-claimed' ), # KEYS[4]
                $this->getQueueKey( 'h-attempts' ), # KEYS[5]
                $this->getQueueKey( 'h-data' ), # KEYS[6]
                time(), # ARGV[1] (injected to be replication-safe)
            6 # number of first argument(s) that are keys

     * @see JobQueue::doAck()
     * @param RunnableJob $job
     * @return RunnableJob|bool
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
     * @throws JobQueueError
    protected function doAck( RunnableJob $job ) {
        $uuid = $job->getMetadata( 'uuid' );
        if ( $uuid === null ) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Job of type '{$job->getType()}' has no UUID." );

        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            static $script =
            /** @lang Lua */
            local kClaimed, kAttempts, kData = unpack(KEYS)
            local id = unpack(ARGV)
            -- Unmark the job as claimed
            local removed ='zRem',kClaimed,id)
            -- Check if the job was recycled
            if removed == 0 then
                return 0
            -- Delete the retry data
            -- Delete the job data itself
            $res = $conn->luaEval( $script,
                    $this->getQueueKey( 'z-claimed' ), # KEYS[1]
                    $this->getQueueKey( 'h-attempts' ), # KEYS[2]
                    $this->getQueueKey( 'h-data' ), # KEYS[3]
                    $uuid # ARGV[1]
                3 # number of first argument(s) that are keys

            if ( !$res ) {
                wfDebugLog( 'JobQueue', "Could not acknowledge {$this->type} job $uuid." );

                return false;

            $this->incrStats( 'acks', $this->type );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

        return true;

     * @see JobQueue::doDeduplicateRootJob()
     * @param IJobSpecification $job
     * @return bool
     * @throws JobQueueError
    protected function doDeduplicateRootJob( IJobSpecification $job ) {
        if ( !$job->hasRootJobParams() ) {
            throw new LogicException( "Cannot register root job; missing parameters." );
        $params = $job->getRootJobParams();

        $key = $this->getRootJobCacheKey( $params['rootJobSignature'], $job->getType() );

        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            $timestamp = $conn->get( $key ); // last known timestamp of such a root job
            if ( $timestamp && $timestamp >= $params['rootJobTimestamp'] ) {
                return true; // a newer version of this root job was enqueued

            // Update the timestamp of the last root job started at the location...
            return $conn->set( $key, $params['rootJobTimestamp'], self::ROOTJOB_TTL ); // 2 weeks
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

     * @see JobQueue::doIsRootJobOldDuplicate()
     * @param IJobSpecification $job
     * @return bool
     * @throws JobQueueError
    protected function doIsRootJobOldDuplicate( IJobSpecification $job ) {
        if ( !$job->hasRootJobParams() ) {
            return false; // job has no de-duplication info
        $params = $job->getRootJobParams();

        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            // Get the last time this root job was enqueued
            $timestamp = $conn->get( $this->getRootJobCacheKey( $params['rootJobSignature'], $job->getType() ) );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

        // Check if a new root job was started at the location after this one's...
        return ( $timestamp && $timestamp > $params['rootJobTimestamp'] );

     * @see JobQueue::doDelete()
     * @return bool
     * @throws JobQueueError
    protected function doDelete() {
        static $props = [ 'l-unclaimed', 'z-claimed', 'z-abandoned',
            'z-delayed', 'h-idBySha1', 'h-sha1ById', 'h-attempts', 'h-data' ];

        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            $keys = [];
            foreach ( $props as $prop ) {
                $keys[] = $this->getQueueKey( $prop );

            $ok = ( $conn->del( $keys ) !== false );
            $conn->sRem( $this->getGlobalKey( 's-queuesWithJobs' ), $this->encodeQueueName() );

            return $ok;
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

     * @see JobQueue::getAllQueuedJobs()
     * @return Iterator<RunnableJob>
     * @throws JobQueueError
    public function getAllQueuedJobs() {
        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            $uids = $conn->lRange( $this->getQueueKey( 'l-unclaimed' ), 0, -1 );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

        return $this->getJobIterator( $conn, $uids );

     * @see JobQueue::getAllDelayedJobs()
     * @return Iterator<RunnableJob>
     * @throws JobQueueError
    public function getAllDelayedJobs() {
        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            $uids = $conn->zRange( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-delayed' ), 0, -1 );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

        return $this->getJobIterator( $conn, $uids );

     * @see JobQueue::getAllAcquiredJobs()
     * @return Iterator<RunnableJob>
     * @throws JobQueueError
    public function getAllAcquiredJobs() {
        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            $uids = $conn->zRange( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-claimed' ), 0, -1 );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

        return $this->getJobIterator( $conn, $uids );

     * @see JobQueue::getAllAbandonedJobs()
     * @return Iterator<RunnableJob>
     * @throws JobQueueError
    public function getAllAbandonedJobs() {
        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            $uids = $conn->zRange( $this->getQueueKey( 'z-abandoned' ), 0, -1 );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

        return $this->getJobIterator( $conn, $uids );

     * @param RedisConnRef $conn
     * @param array $uids List of job UUIDs
     * @return MappedIterator<RunnableJob>
    protected function getJobIterator( RedisConnRef $conn, array $uids ) {
        return new MappedIterator(
            function ( $uid ) use ( $conn ) {
                return $this->getJobFromUidInternal( $uid, $conn );
            [ 'accept' => static function ( $job ) {
                return is_object( $job );
            } ]

    public function getCoalesceLocationInternal() {
        return "RedisServer:" . $this->server;

    protected function doGetSiblingQueuesWithJobs( array $types ) {
        return array_keys( array_filter( $this->doGetSiblingQueueSizes( $types ) ) );

    protected function doGetSiblingQueueSizes( array $types ) {
        $sizes = []; // (type => size)
        $types = array_values( $types ); // reindex
        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            $conn->multi( Redis::PIPELINE );
            foreach ( $types as $type ) {
                $conn->lLen( $this->getQueueKey( 'l-unclaimed', $type ) );
            $res = $conn->exec();
            if ( is_array( $res ) ) {
                foreach ( $res as $i => $size ) {
                    $sizes[$types[$i]] = $size;
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

        return $sizes;

     * This function should not be called outside JobQueueRedis
     * @param string $uid
     * @param RedisConnRef|Redis $conn
     * @return RunnableJob|false Returns false if the job does not exist
     * @throws JobQueueError
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
    public function getJobFromUidInternal( $uid, $conn ) {
        try {
            $data = $conn->hGet( $this->getQueueKey( 'h-data' ), $uid );
            if ( $data === false ) {
                return false; // not found
            $item = $this->unserialize( $data );
            if ( !is_array( $item ) ) { // this shouldn't happen
                throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Could not unserialize job with ID '$uid'." );

            $params = $item['params'];
            $params += [ 'namespace' => $item['namespace'], 'title' => $item['title'] ];
            $job = $this->factoryJob( $item['type'], $params );
            $job->setMetadata( 'uuid', $item['uuid'] );
            $job->setMetadata( 'timestamp', $item['timestamp'] );
            // Add in attempt count for debugging at showJobs.php
            $job->setMetadata( 'attempts',
                $conn->hGet( $this->getQueueKey( 'h-attempts' ), $uid ) );

            return $job;
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

     * @return array List of (wiki,type) tuples for queues with non-abandoned jobs
     * @throws JobQueueConnectionError
     * @throws JobQueueError
    public function getServerQueuesWithJobs() {
        $queues = [];

        $conn = $this->getConnection();
        try {
            $set = $conn->sMembers( $this->getGlobalKey( 's-queuesWithJobs' ) );
            foreach ( $set as $queue ) {
                $queues[] = $this->decodeQueueName( $queue );
        } catch ( RedisException $e ) {
            throw $this->handleErrorAndMakeException( $conn, $e );

        return $queues;

     * @param IJobSpecification $job
     * @return array
    protected function getNewJobFields( IJobSpecification $job ) {
        return [
            // Fields that describe the nature of the job
            'type' => $job->getType(),
            'namespace' => $job->getParams()['namespace'] ?? NS_SPECIAL,
            'title' => $job->getParams()['title'] ?? '',
            'params' => $job->getParams(),
            // Some jobs cannot run until a "release timestamp"
            'rtimestamp' => $job->getReleaseTimestamp() ?: 0,
            // Additional job metadata
            'uuid' => $this->idGenerator->newRawUUIDv4(),
            'sha1' => $job->ignoreDuplicates()
                ? Wikimedia\base_convert( sha1( serialize( $job->getDeduplicationInfo() ) ), 16, 36, 31 )
                : '',
            'timestamp' => time() // UNIX timestamp

     * @param array $fields
     * @return RunnableJob|false
    protected function getJobFromFields( array $fields ) {
        $params = $fields['params'];
        $params += [ 'namespace' => $fields['namespace'], 'title' => $fields['title'] ];

        $job = $this->factoryJob( $fields['type'], $params );
        $job->setMetadata( 'uuid', $fields['uuid'] );
        $job->setMetadata( 'timestamp', $fields['timestamp'] );

        return $job;

     * @param array $fields
     * @return string Serialized and possibly compressed version of $fields
    protected function serialize( array $fields ) {
        $blob = serialize( $fields );
        if ( $this->compression === 'gzip'
            && strlen( $blob ) >= 1024
            && function_exists( 'gzdeflate' )
        ) {
            $object = (object)[ 'blob' => gzdeflate( $blob ), 'enc' => 'gzip' ];
            $blobz = serialize( $object );

            return ( strlen( $blobz ) < strlen( $blob ) ) ? $blobz : $blob;
        } else {
            return $blob;

     * @param string $blob
     * @return array|false Unserialized version of $blob or false
    protected function unserialize( $blob ) {
        $fields = unserialize( $blob );
        if ( is_object( $fields ) ) {
            if ( $fields->enc === 'gzip' && function_exists( 'gzinflate' ) ) {
                $fields = unserialize( gzinflate( $fields->blob ) );
            } else {
                $fields = false;

        return is_array( $fields ) ? $fields : false;

     * Get a connection to the server that handles all sub-queues for this queue
     * @return RedisConnRef|Redis
     * @throws JobQueueConnectionError
    protected function getConnection() {
        $conn = $this->redisPool->getConnection( $this->server, $this->logger );
        if ( !$conn ) {
            throw new JobQueueConnectionError(
                "Unable to connect to redis server {$this->server}." );

        return $conn;

     * @param RedisConnRef $conn
     * @param RedisException $e
     * @return JobQueueError
    protected function handleErrorAndMakeException( RedisConnRef $conn, $e ) {
        $this->redisPool->handleError( $conn, $e );
        return new JobQueueError( "Redis server error: {$e->getMessage()}\n" );

     * @return string JSON
    private function encodeQueueName() {
        return json_encode( [ $this->type, $this->domain ] );

     * @param string $name JSON
     * @return array (type, wiki)
    private function decodeQueueName( $name ) {
        return json_decode( $name );

     * @param string $name
     * @return string
    private function getGlobalKey( $name ) {
        $parts = [ 'global', 'jobqueue', $name ];
        foreach ( $parts as $part ) {
            if ( !preg_match( '/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/', $part ) ) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Key part characters are out of range." );

        return implode( ':', $parts );

     * @param string $prop
     * @param string|null $type Override this for sibling queues
     * @return string
    private function getQueueKey( $prop, $type = null ) {
        $type = is_string( $type ) ? $type : $this->type;

        // Use wiki ID for b/c
        $keyspace = WikiMap::getWikiIdFromDbDomain( $this->domain );

        $parts = [ $keyspace, 'jobqueue', $type, $prop ];

        // Parts are typically ASCII, but encode to escape ":"
        return implode( ':', array_map( 'rawurlencode', $parts ) );