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namespace Wikimedia\ParamValidator;

use DomainException;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
use Wikimedia\Message\DataMessageValue;
use Wikimedia\Message\MessageValue;
use Wikimedia\Message\ParamType;
use Wikimedia\Message\ScalarParam;
use Wikimedia\ObjectFactory\ObjectFactory;

 * Service for formatting and validating API parameters
 * A settings array is simply an array with keys being the relevant PARAM_*
 * constants from this class, TypeDef, and its subclasses.
 * As a general overview of the architecture here:
 *  - ParamValidator handles some general validation of the parameter,
 *    then hands off to a TypeDef subclass to validate the specific representation
 *    based on the parameter's type.
 *  - TypeDef subclasses handle conversion between the string representation
 *    submitted by the client and the output PHP data types, validating that the
 *    strings are valid representations of the intended type as they do so.
 *  - ValidationException is used to report fatal errors in the validation back
 *    to the caller, since the return value represents the successful result of
 *    the validation and might be any type or class.
 *  - The Callbacks interface allows ParamValidator to reach out and fetch data
 *    it needs to perform the validation. Currently that includes:
 *    - Fetching the value of the parameter being validated (largely since a generic
 *      caller cannot know whether it needs to fetch a string from $_GET/$_POST or
 *      an array from $_FILES).
 *    - Reporting of non-fatal warnings back to the caller.
 *    - Fetching the "high limits" flag when necessary, to avoid the need for loading
 *      the user unnecessarily.
 * @since 1.34
 * @unstable
class ParamValidator {

    // region    Constants for parameter settings arrays
    /** @name    Constants for parameter settings arrays
     * These constants are keys in the settings array that define how the
     * parameters coming in from the request are to be interpreted.
     * If a constant is associated with a failure code, the failure code
     * and data are described. ValidationExceptions are typically thrown, but
     * those indicated as "non-fatal" are instead passed to
     * Callbacks::recordCondition().
     * Additional constants may be defined by TypeDef subclasses, or by other
     * libraries for controlling things like auto-generated parameter documentation.
     * For purposes of namespacing the constants, the values of all constants
     * defined by this library begin with 'param-'.
     * @{

     * (mixed) Default value of the parameter. If omitted, null is the default.
     * TypeDef::validate() will be informed when the default value was used by the presence of
     * 'is-default' in $options.
    public const PARAM_DEFAULT = 'param-default';

     * (string|array) Type of the parameter.
     * Must be a registered type or an array of enumerated values (in which case the "enum"
     * type must be registered). If omitted, the default is the PHP type of the default value
     * (see PARAM_DEFAULT).
    public const PARAM_TYPE = 'param-type';

     * (bool) Indicate that the parameter is required.
     * Failure codes:
     *  - 'missingparam': The parameter is omitted/empty (and no default was set). No data.
    public const PARAM_REQUIRED = 'param-required';

     * (bool) Indicate that the parameter is multi-valued.
     * A multi-valued parameter may be submitted in one of several formats. All
     * of the following result in a value of `[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]`.
     *  - "a|b|c", i.e. pipe-separated.
     *  - "\x1Fa\x1Fb\x1Fc", i.e. separated by U+001F, with a signalling U+001F at the start.
     *  - As a string[], e.g. from a query string like "foo[]=a&foo[]=b&foo[]=c".
     * Each of the multiple values is passed individually to the TypeDef.
     * $options will contain a 'values-list' key holding the entire list.
     * By default duplicates are removed from the resulting parameter list. Use
     * PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES to override that behavior.
     * Failure codes:
     *  - 'toomanyvalues': More values were supplied than are allowed. See
     *    PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1, PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2, and constructor option
     *    'ismultiLimits'. Data:
     *     - 'limit': The limit currently in effect.
     *     - 'lowlimit': The limit when high limits are not allowed.
     *     - 'highlimit': The limit when high limits are allowed.
     *  - 'unrecognizedvalues': Non-fatal. Invalid values were passed and
     *     - 'values': The unrecognized values.
    public const PARAM_ISMULTI = 'param-ismulti';

     * (int) Maximum number of multi-valued parameter values allowed
     * @see PARAM_ISMULTI
    public const PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 = 'param-ismulti-limit1';

     * (int) Maximum number of multi-valued parameter values allowed for users
     * allowed high limits.
     * @see PARAM_ISMULTI
    public const PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 = 'param-ismulti-limit2';

     * (bool|string) Whether a magic "all values" value exists for multi-valued
     * enumerated types, and if so what that value is.
     * When PARAM_TYPE has a defined set of values and PARAM_ISMULTI is true,
     * this allows for an asterisk ('*') to be passed in place of a pipe-separated list of
     * every possible value. If a string is set, it will be used in place of the asterisk.
    public const PARAM_ALL = 'param-all';

     * (bool) Allow the same value to be set more than once when PARAM_ISMULTI is true?
     * If not truthy, the set of values will be passed through
     * `array_values( array_unique() )`. The default is falsey.
    public const PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES = 'param-allow-duplicates';

     * (bool) Indicate that the parameter's value should not be logged.
     * Failure codes: (non-fatal)
     *  - 'param-sensitive': Always recorded when the parameter is used.
    public const PARAM_SENSITIVE = 'param-sensitive';

     * (bool) Indicate that a deprecated parameter was used.
     * Failure codes: (non-fatal)
     *  - 'param-deprecated': Always recorded when the parameter is used.
    public const PARAM_DEPRECATED = 'param-deprecated';

     * (bool) Whether to downgrade "badvalue" errors to non-fatal when validating multi-valued
     * parameters.
     * @see PARAM_ISMULTI
    public const PARAM_IGNORE_UNRECOGNIZED_VALUES = 'param-ignore-unrecognized-values';

    /** @} */
    // endregion -- end of Constants for parameter settings arrays

     * @see TypeDef::OPT_ENFORCE_JSON_TYPES

    /** Magic "all values" value when PARAM_ALL is true. */
    public const ALL_DEFAULT_STRING = '*';

    /** A list of standard type names and types that may be passed as `$typeDefs` to __construct(). */
    public const STANDARD_TYPES = [
        'boolean' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\BooleanDef::class ],
        'checkbox' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\PresenceBooleanDef::class ],
        'integer' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\IntegerDef::class ],
        'limit' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\LimitDef::class ],
        'float' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\FloatDef::class ],
        'double' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\FloatDef::class ],
        'string' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\StringDef::class ],
        'password' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\PasswordDef::class ],
        'NULL' => [
            'class' => TypeDef\StringDef::class,
            'args' => [ [
                TypeDef\StringDef::OPT_ALLOW_EMPTY => true,
            ] ],
        'timestamp' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\TimestampDef::class ],
        'upload' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\UploadDef::class ],
        'enum' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\EnumDef::class ],
        'expiry' => [ 'class' => TypeDef\ExpiryDef::class ],

    /** @var Callbacks */
    private $callbacks;

    /** @var ObjectFactory */
    private $objectFactory;

    /** @var (TypeDef|array)[] Map parameter type names to TypeDef objects or ObjectFactory specs */
    private $typeDefs = [];

    /** @var int Default values for PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 */
    private $ismultiLimit1;

    /** @var int Default values for PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 */
    private $ismultiLimit2;

     * @param Callbacks $callbacks
     * @param ObjectFactory $objectFactory To turn specs into TypeDef objects
     * @param array $options Associative array of additional settings
     *  - 'typeDefs': (array) As for addTypeDefs(). If omitted, self::STANDARD_TYPES will be used.
     *    Pass an empty array if you want to start with no registered types.
     *  - 'ismultiLimits': (int[]) Two ints, being the default values for PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 and
     *    PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2. If not given, defaults to `[ 50, 500 ]`.
    public function __construct(
        Callbacks $callbacks,
        ObjectFactory $objectFactory,
        array $options = []
    ) {
        $this->callbacks = $callbacks;
        $this->objectFactory = $objectFactory;

        $this->addTypeDefs( $options['typeDefs'] ?? self::STANDARD_TYPES );
        $this->ismultiLimit1 = $options['ismultiLimits'][0] ?? 50;
        $this->ismultiLimit2 = $options['ismultiLimits'][1] ?? 500;

     * List known type names
     * @return string[]
    public function knownTypes() {
        return array_keys( $this->typeDefs );

     * Register multiple type handlers
     * @see addTypeDef()
     * @param array $typeDefs Associative array mapping `$name` to `$typeDef`.
    public function addTypeDefs( array $typeDefs ) {
        foreach ( $typeDefs as $name => $def ) {
            $this->addTypeDef( $name, $def );

     * Register a type handler
     * To allow code to omit PARAM_TYPE in settings arrays to derive the type
     * from PARAM_DEFAULT, it is strongly recommended that the following types be
     * registered: "boolean", "integer", "double", "string", "NULL", and "enum".
     * When using ObjectFactory specs, the following extra arguments are passed:
     * - The Callbacks object for this ParamValidator instance.
     * @param string $name Type name
     * @param TypeDef|array $typeDef Type handler or ObjectFactory spec to create one.
    public function addTypeDef( $name, $typeDef ) {
            [ TypeDef::class, 'array' ],

        if ( isset( $this->typeDefs[$name] ) ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Type '$name' is already registered" );
        $this->typeDefs[$name] = $typeDef;

     * Register a type handler, overriding any existing handler
     * @see addTypeDef
     * @param string $name Type name
     * @param TypeDef|array|null $typeDef As for addTypeDef, or null to unregister a type.
    public function overrideTypeDef( $name, $typeDef ) {
            [ TypeDef::class, 'array', 'null' ],

        if ( $typeDef === null ) {
            unset( $this->typeDefs[$name] );
        } else {
            $this->typeDefs[$name] = $typeDef;

     * Test if a type is registered
     * @param string $name Type name
     * @return bool
    public function hasTypeDef( $name ) {
        return isset( $this->typeDefs[$name] );

     * Get the TypeDef for a type
     * @param string|array $type Any array is considered equivalent to the string "enum".
     * @return TypeDef|null
    public function getTypeDef( $type ) {
        if ( is_array( $type ) ) {
            $type = 'enum';

        if ( !isset( $this->typeDefs[$type] ) ) {
            return null;

        $def = $this->typeDefs[$type];
        if ( !$def instanceof TypeDef ) {
            $def = $this->objectFactory->createObject( $def, [
                'extraArgs' => [ $this->callbacks ],
                'assertClass' => TypeDef::class,
            ] );
            $this->typeDefs[$type] = $def;

        return $def;

     * Logic shared by normalizeSettings() and checkSettings()
     * @param array|mixed $settings
     * @return array
    private function normalizeSettingsInternal( $settings ) {
        // Shorthand
        if ( !is_array( $settings ) ) {
            $settings = [
                self::PARAM_DEFAULT => $settings,

        // When type is not given, determine it from the type of the PARAM_DEFAULT
        if ( !isset( $settings[self::PARAM_TYPE] ) ) {
            $settings[self::PARAM_TYPE] = gettype( $settings[self::PARAM_DEFAULT] ?? null );

        return $settings;

     * Normalize a parameter settings array
     * @param array|mixed $settings Default value or an array of settings
     *  using PARAM_* constants.
     * @return array
    public function normalizeSettings( $settings ) {
        $settings = $this->normalizeSettingsInternal( $settings );

        $typeDef = $this->getTypeDef( $settings[self::PARAM_TYPE] );
        if ( $typeDef ) {
            $settings = $typeDef->normalizeSettings( $settings );

        return $settings;

     * Validate a parameter settings array
     * This is intended for validation of parameter settings during unit or
     * integration testing, and should implement strict checks.
     * The rest of the code should generally be more permissive.
     * @param string $name Parameter name
     * @param array|mixed $settings Default value or an array of settings
     *  using PARAM_* constants.
     * @param array $options Options array, passed through to the TypeDef and Callbacks.
     * @return array
     *  - 'issues': (string[]) Errors detected in $settings, as English text. If the settings
     *    are valid, this will be the empty array.
     *  - 'allowedKeys': (string[]) ParamValidator keys that are allowed in `$settings`.
     *  - 'messages': (MessageValue[]) Messages to be checked for existence.
    public function checkSettings( string $name, $settings, array $options ): array {
        $settings = $this->normalizeSettingsInternal( $settings );
        $issues = [];
        $allowedKeys = [
            self::PARAM_TYPE, self::PARAM_DEFAULT, self::PARAM_REQUIRED, self::PARAM_ISMULTI,
        $messages = [];

        $type = $settings[self::PARAM_TYPE];
        $typeDef = null;
        if ( !is_string( $type ) && !is_array( $type ) ) {
            $issues[self::PARAM_TYPE] = 'PARAM_TYPE must be a string or array, got ' . gettype( $type );
        } else {
            $typeDef = $this->getTypeDef( $settings[self::PARAM_TYPE] );
            if ( !$typeDef ) {
                if ( is_array( $type ) ) {
                    $type = 'enum';
                $issues[self::PARAM_TYPE] = "Unknown/unregistered PARAM_TYPE \"$type\"";

        if ( isset( $settings[self::PARAM_DEFAULT] ) ) {
            try {
                    $name, $settings[self::PARAM_DEFAULT], $settings, [ 'is-default' => true ] + $options
            } catch ( ValidationException $ex ) {
                $issues[self::PARAM_DEFAULT] = 'Value for PARAM_DEFAULT does not validate (code '
                    . $ex->getFailureMessage()->getCode() . ')';

        if ( !is_bool( $settings[self::PARAM_REQUIRED] ?? false ) ) {
            $issues[self::PARAM_REQUIRED] = 'PARAM_REQUIRED must be boolean, got '
                . gettype( $settings[self::PARAM_REQUIRED] );

        if ( !is_bool( $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI] ?? false ) ) {
            $issues[self::PARAM_ISMULTI] = 'PARAM_ISMULTI must be boolean, got '
                . gettype( $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI] );

        if ( !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI] ) ) {
            $allowedKeys = array_merge( $allowedKeys, [
                self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1, self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2,
                self::PARAM_ALL, self::PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES
            ] );

            $limit1 = $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1] ?? $this->ismultiLimit1;
            $limit2 = $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2] ?? $this->ismultiLimit2;
            if ( !is_int( $limit1 ) ) {
                $issues[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1] = 'PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 must be an integer, got '
                    . gettype( $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1] );
            } elseif ( $limit1 <= 0 ) {
                $issues[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1] =
                    "PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 must be greater than 0, got $limit1";
            if ( !is_int( $limit2 ) ) {
                $issues[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2] = 'PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 must be an integer, got '
                    . gettype( $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2] );
            } elseif ( $limit2 < $limit1 ) {
                $issues[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2] =
                    'PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2 must be greater than or equal to PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1, but '
                    . "$limit2 < $limit1";

            $all = $settings[self::PARAM_ALL] ?? false;
            if ( !is_string( $all ) && !is_bool( $all ) ) {
                $issues[self::PARAM_ALL] = 'PARAM_ALL must be a string or boolean, got ' . gettype( $all );
            } elseif ( $all !== false && $typeDef ) {
                if ( $all === true ) {
                    $all = self::ALL_DEFAULT_STRING;
                $values = $typeDef->getEnumValues( $name, $settings, $options );
                if ( !is_array( $values ) ) {
                    $issues[self::PARAM_ALL] = 'PARAM_ALL cannot be used with non-enumerated types';
                } elseif ( in_array( $all, $values, true ) ) {
                    $issues[self::PARAM_ALL] = 'Value for PARAM_ALL conflicts with an enumerated value';

            if ( !is_bool( $settings[self::PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES] ?? false ) ) {
                $issues[self::PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES] = 'PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES must be boolean, got '
                    . gettype( $settings[self::PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES] );

        if ( !is_bool( $settings[self::PARAM_SENSITIVE] ?? false ) ) {
            $issues[self::PARAM_SENSITIVE] = 'PARAM_SENSITIVE must be boolean, got '
                . gettype( $settings[self::PARAM_SENSITIVE] );

        if ( !is_bool( $settings[self::PARAM_DEPRECATED] ?? false ) ) {
            $issues[self::PARAM_DEPRECATED] = 'PARAM_DEPRECATED must be boolean, got '
                . gettype( $settings[self::PARAM_DEPRECATED] );

        if ( !is_bool( $settings[self::PARAM_IGNORE_UNRECOGNIZED_VALUES] ?? false ) ) {
                . 'boolean, got ' . gettype( $settings[self::PARAM_IGNORE_UNRECOGNIZED_VALUES] );

        $ret = [ 'issues' => $issues, 'allowedKeys' => $allowedKeys, 'messages' => $messages ];
        if ( $typeDef ) {
            $ret = $typeDef->checkSettings( $name, $settings, $options, $ret );

        return $ret;

     * Fetch and validate a parameter value using a settings array
     * @param string $name Parameter name
     * @param array|mixed $settings Default value or an array of settings
     *  using PARAM_* constants.
     * @param array $options Options array, passed through to the TypeDef and Callbacks.
     *  - An additional option, 'is-default', will be set when the value comes from PARAM_DEFAULT.
     * @return mixed Validated parameter value
     * @throws ValidationException if the value is invalid
    public function getValue( $name, $settings, array $options = [] ) {
        $settings = $this->normalizeSettings( $settings );

        $typeDef = $this->getTypeDef( $settings[self::PARAM_TYPE] );
        if ( !$typeDef ) {
            throw new DomainException(
                "Param $name's type is unknown - {$settings[self::PARAM_TYPE]}"

        $value = $typeDef->getValue( $name, $settings, $options );

        if ( $value !== null ) {
            if ( !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_SENSITIVE] ) ) {
                $strValue = $typeDef->stringifyValue( $name, $value, $settings, $options );
                    DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-param-sensitive', [], 'param-sensitive' )
                        ->plaintextParams( $name, $strValue ),
                    $name, $value, $settings, $options

            // Set a warning if a deprecated parameter has been passed
            if ( !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_DEPRECATED] ) ) {
                $strValue = $typeDef->stringifyValue( $name, $value, $settings, $options );
                    DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-param-deprecated', [], 'param-deprecated' )
                        ->plaintextParams( $name, $strValue ),
                    $name, $value, $settings, $options
        } elseif ( isset( $settings[self::PARAM_DEFAULT] ) ) {
            $value = $settings[self::PARAM_DEFAULT];
            $options['is-default'] = true;

        return $this->validateValue( $name, $value, $settings, $options );

     * Validate a parameter value using a settings array
     * @param string $name Parameter name
     * @param null|mixed $value Parameter value
     * @param array|mixed $settings Default value or an array of settings
     *  using PARAM_* constants.
     * @param array $options Options array, passed through to the TypeDef and Callbacks.
     *  - An additional option, 'values-list', will be set when processing the
     *    values of a multi-valued parameter.
     * @return mixed Validated parameter value(s)
     * @throws ValidationException if the value is invalid
    public function validateValue( $name, $value, $settings, array $options = [] ) {
        $settings = $this->normalizeSettings( $settings );

        $typeDef = $this->getTypeDef( $settings[self::PARAM_TYPE] );
        if ( !$typeDef ) {
            throw new DomainException(
                "Param $name's type is unknown - {$settings[self::PARAM_TYPE]}"

        if ( $value === null ) {
            if ( !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_REQUIRED] ) ) {
                throw new ValidationException(
                    DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-missingparam', [], 'missingparam' )
                        ->plaintextParams( $name ),
                    $name, $value, $settings
            return null;

        // Non-multi
        if ( empty( $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI] ) ) {
            if ( is_string( $value ) && substr( $value, 0, 1 ) === "\x1f" ) {
                throw new ValidationException(
                    DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-notmulti', [], 'badvalue' )
                        ->plaintextParams( $name, $value ),
                    $name, $value, $settings

            // T326764: If the type of the actual param value is different from
            // the type that is defined via getParamSettings(), throw an exception
            // because this is a type to value mismatch.
            if ( is_array( $value ) && !$typeDef->supportsArrays() ) {
                throw new ValidationException(
                    DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-notmulti', [], 'badvalue' )
                        ->plaintextParams( $name, gettype( $value ) ),
                    $name, $value, $settings

            return $typeDef->validate( $name, $value, $settings, $options );

        // Split the multi-value and validate each parameter
        $limit1 = $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1] ?? $this->ismultiLimit1;
        $limit2 = max( $limit1, $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2] ?? $this->ismultiLimit2 );

        if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
            $valuesList = $value;
        } elseif ( $options[ self::OPT_ENFORCE_JSON_TYPES ] ?? false ) {
            throw new ValidationException(
                )->plaintextParams( $name ),
                $name, $value, $settings
        } else {
            $valuesList = self::explodeMultiValue( $value, $limit2 + 1 );

        // Handle PARAM_ALL
        $enumValues = $typeDef->getEnumValues( $name, $settings, $options );
        if ( is_array( $enumValues ) && isset( $settings[self::PARAM_ALL] ) &&
            count( $valuesList ) === 1
        ) {
            $allValue = is_string( $settings[self::PARAM_ALL] )
                ? $settings[self::PARAM_ALL]
                : self::ALL_DEFAULT_STRING;
            if ( $valuesList[0] === $allValue ) {
                return $enumValues;

        // Avoid checking useHighLimits() unless it's actually necessary
        $sizeLimit = (
            $limit2 > $limit1 && count( $valuesList ) > $limit1 &&
            $this->callbacks->useHighLimits( $options )
        ) ? $limit2 : $limit1;
        if ( count( $valuesList ) > $sizeLimit ) {
            throw new ValidationException(
                DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-toomanyvalues', [], 'toomanyvalues', [
                    'parameter' => $name,
                    'limit' => $sizeLimit,
                    'lowlimit' => $limit1,
                    'highlimit' => $limit2,
                ] )->plaintextParams( $name )->numParams( $sizeLimit ),
                $name, $valuesList, $settings

        $options['values-list'] = $valuesList;
        $validValues = [];
        $invalidValues = [];
        foreach ( $valuesList as $v ) {
            try {
                $validValues[] = $typeDef->validate( $name, $v, $settings, $options );
            } catch ( ValidationException $ex ) {
                if ( $ex->getFailureMessage()->getCode() !== 'badvalue' ||
                    empty( $settings[self::PARAM_IGNORE_UNRECOGNIZED_VALUES] )
                ) {
                    throw $ex;
                $invalidValues[] = $v;
        if ( $invalidValues ) {
            if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
                $value = self::implodeMultiValue( $value );
                DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-unrecognizedvalues', [], 'unrecognizedvalues', [
                    'values' => $invalidValues,
                ] )
                    ->plaintextParams( $name, $value )
                    ->commaListParams( array_map( static function ( $v ) {
                        return new ScalarParam( ParamType::PLAINTEXT, $v );
                    }, $invalidValues ) )
                    ->numParams( count( $invalidValues ) ),
                $name, $value, $settings, $options

        // Throw out duplicates if requested
        if ( empty( $settings[self::PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES] ) ) {
            $validValues = array_values( array_unique( $validValues ) );

        return $validValues;

     * Describe parameter settings in a machine-readable format.
     * @param string $name Parameter name.
     * @param array|mixed $settings Default value or an array of settings
     *  using PARAM_* constants.
     * @param array $options Options array.
     * @return array
    public function getParamInfo( $name, $settings, array $options ) {
        $settings = $this->normalizeSettings( $settings );
        $typeDef = $this->getTypeDef( $settings[self::PARAM_TYPE] );
        $info = [];

        $info['type'] = $settings[self::PARAM_TYPE];
        $info['required'] = !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_REQUIRED] );
        if ( !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_DEPRECATED] ) ) {
            $info['deprecated'] = true;
        if ( !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_SENSITIVE] ) ) {
            $info['sensitive'] = true;
        if ( isset( $settings[self::PARAM_DEFAULT] ) ) {
            $info['default'] = $settings[self::PARAM_DEFAULT];
        $info['multi'] = !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI] );
        if ( $info['multi'] ) {
            $info['lowlimit'] = $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1] ?? $this->ismultiLimit1;
            $info['highlimit'] = max(
                $info['lowlimit'], $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2] ?? $this->ismultiLimit2
            $info['limit'] =
                $info['highlimit'] > $info['lowlimit'] && $this->callbacks->useHighLimits( $options )
                    ? $info['highlimit']
                    : $info['lowlimit'];

            if ( !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES] ) ) {
                $info['allowsduplicates'] = true;

            $allSpecifier = $settings[self::PARAM_ALL] ?? false;
            if ( $allSpecifier !== false ) {
                if ( !is_string( $allSpecifier ) ) {
                    $allSpecifier = self::ALL_DEFAULT_STRING;
                $info['allspecifier'] = $allSpecifier;

        if ( $typeDef ) {
            $info = array_merge( $info, $typeDef->getParamInfo( $name, $settings, $options ) );

        // Filter out nulls (strictly)
        return array_filter( $info, static function ( $v ) {
            return $v !== null;
        } );

     * Describe parameter settings in human-readable format
     * @param string $name Parameter name being described.
     * @param array|mixed $settings Default value or an array of settings
     *  using PARAM_* constants.
     * @param array $options Options array.
     * @return MessageValue[]
    public function getHelpInfo( $name, $settings, array $options ) {
        $settings = $this->normalizeSettings( $settings );
        $typeDef = $this->getTypeDef( $settings[self::PARAM_TYPE] );

        // Define ordering. Some are overwritten below, some expected from the TypeDef
        $info = [
            self::PARAM_DEPRECATED => null,
            self::PARAM_REQUIRED => null,
            self::PARAM_SENSITIVE => null,
            self::PARAM_TYPE => null,
            self::PARAM_ISMULTI => null,
            self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1 => null,
            self::PARAM_ALL => null,
            self::PARAM_DEFAULT => null,

        if ( !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_DEPRECATED] ) ) {
            $info[self::PARAM_DEPRECATED] = MessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-help-deprecated' );

        if ( !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_REQUIRED] ) ) {
            $info[self::PARAM_REQUIRED] = MessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-help-required' );

        if ( !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI] ) ) {
            $info[self::PARAM_ISMULTI] = MessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-help-multi-separate' );

            $lowcount = $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1] ?? $this->ismultiLimit1;
            $highcount = max( $lowcount, $settings[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT2] ?? $this->ismultiLimit2 );
            $values = $typeDef ? $typeDef->getEnumValues( $name, $settings, $options ) : null;
            if (
                // Only mention the limits if they're likely to matter.
                $values === null || count( $values ) > $lowcount ||
                !empty( $settings[self::PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES] )
            ) {
                if ( $highcount > $lowcount ) {
                    $info[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1] = MessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-help-multi-max' )
                        ->numParams( $lowcount, $highcount );
                } else {
                    $info[self::PARAM_ISMULTI_LIMIT1] = MessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-help-multi-max-simple' )
                        ->numParams( $lowcount );

            $allSpecifier = $settings[self::PARAM_ALL] ?? false;
            if ( $allSpecifier !== false ) {
                if ( !is_string( $allSpecifier ) ) {
                    $allSpecifier = self::ALL_DEFAULT_STRING;
                $info[self::PARAM_ALL] = MessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-help-multi-all' )
                    ->plaintextParams( $allSpecifier );

        if ( isset( $settings[self::PARAM_DEFAULT] ) && $typeDef ) {
            $value = $typeDef->stringifyValue( $name, $settings[self::PARAM_DEFAULT], $settings, $options );
            if ( $value === '' ) {
                $info[self::PARAM_DEFAULT] = MessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-help-default-empty' );
            } elseif ( $value !== null ) {
                $info[self::PARAM_DEFAULT] = MessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-help-default' )
                    ->plaintextParams( $value );

        if ( $typeDef ) {
            $info = array_merge( $info, $typeDef->getHelpInfo( $name, $settings, $options ) );

        // Put the default at the very end (the TypeDef may have added extra messages)
        $default = $info[self::PARAM_DEFAULT];
        unset( $info[self::PARAM_DEFAULT] );
        $info[self::PARAM_DEFAULT] = $default;

        // Filter out nulls
        return array_filter( $info );

     * Split a multi-valued parameter string, like explode()
     * Note that, unlike explode(), this will return an empty array when given
     * an empty string.
     * @param string $value
     * @param int $limit
     * @return string[]
    public static function explodeMultiValue( $value, $limit ) {
        if ( $value === '' || $value === "\x1f" ) {
            return [];

        if ( substr( $value, 0, 1 ) === "\x1f" ) {
            $sep = "\x1f";
            $value = substr( $value, 1 );
        } else {
            $sep = '|';

        return explode( $sep, $value, $limit );

     * Implode an array as a multi-valued parameter string, like implode()
     * @param array $value
     * @return string
    public static function implodeMultiValue( array $value ) {
        if ( $value === [ '' ] ) {
            // There's no value that actually returns a single empty string.
            // Best we can do is this that returns two, which will be deduplicated to one.
            return '|';

        foreach ( $value as $v ) {
            if ( strpos( $v, '|' ) !== false ) {
                return "\x1f" . implode( "\x1f", $value );
        return implode( '|', $value );
