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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": [

    "paramvalidator-badbool": "Invalid value \"$2\" for boolean parameter \"$1\". Pass $3 for true, or $5 for false.",
    "paramvalidator-badexpiry": "Invalid value \"$2\" for expiry parameter \"$1\".",
    "paramvalidator-badexpiry-duration": "Given value \"$2\" for parameter <var>$1</var> exceeds the maximum of \"$3\".",
    "paramvalidator-badexpiry-duration-max": "Given value \"$2\" for parameter <var>$1</var> exceeds the maximum of \"$3\". Using maximum instead.",
    "paramvalidator-badexpiry-past": "Value \"$2\" for expiry parameter \"$1\" is in the past.",
    "paramvalidator-badfloat": "Invalid value \"$2\" for float parameter \"$1\".",
    "paramvalidator-badfloat-notfinite": "Value \"$2\" for float parameter \"$1\" is too large or is not a number.",
    "paramvalidator-badinteger": "Invalid value \"$2\" for integer parameter \"$1\".",
    "paramvalidator-badtimestamp": "Invalid value \"$2\" for timestamp parameter \"$1\".",
    "paramvalidator-badupload-cantwrite": "The file for \"$1\" could not be stored for processing due to a server misconfiguration (write failed).",
    "paramvalidator-badupload-formsize": "The uploaded file for \"$1\" exceeds the client-specified maximum.",
    "paramvalidator-badupload-inisize": "The uploaded file for \"$1\" exceeds the server's maximum of $3.",
    "paramvalidator-badupload-nofile": "No file was provided for upload parameter \"$1\".",
    "paramvalidator-badupload-notmpdir": "The file for \"$1\" could not be stored for processing due to a server misconfiguration (no temporary directory).",
    "paramvalidator-badupload-notupload": "File upload parameter \"$1\" is not a file upload; be sure to use multipart/form-data for your POST and include a filename in the Content-Disposition header.",
    "paramvalidator-badupload-partial": "The file for \"$1\" was only partially uploaded.",
    "paramvalidator-badupload-phpext": "A PHP extension prevented the upload of the file for \"$1\".",
    "paramvalidator-badvalue-enummulti": "Invalid value \"$2\" for parameter \"$1\". {{PLURAL:$4|Only \"$3\" is allowed.|Allowed values are $3.}}",
    "paramvalidator-badvalue-enumnotmulti": "Unrecognized value for parameter \"$1\": $2.",
    "paramvalidator-deprecated-value": "The value \"$2\" to parameter \"$1\" has been deprecated.",
    "paramvalidator-emptystring": "the empty string",
    "paramvalidator-maxbytes": "The value for parameter \"$1\" cannot be longer than $3 {{PLURAL:$3|byte|bytes}} (was $4).",
    "paramvalidator-maxchars": "The value for parameter \"$1\" cannot be longer than $3 {{PLURAL:$3|character|characters}} (was $4).",
    "paramvalidator-missingparam": "The \"$1\" parameter must be set.",
    "paramvalidator-notmulti": "Parameter \"$1\" accepts only a single value. U+001F multi-value separation may only be used for multi-valued parameters.",
    "paramvalidator-outofrange-max": "The value \"$2\" for parameter \"$1\" must be no greater than $4.",
    "paramvalidator-outofrange-minmax": "The value \"$2\" for parameter \"$1\" must be between $3 and $4.",
    "paramvalidator-outofrange-min": "The value \"$2\" for parameter \"$1\" must be no less than $3.",
    "paramvalidator-param-deprecated": "The parameter \"$1\" has been deprecated.",
    "paramvalidator-param-sensitive": "",
    "paramvalidator-toomanyvalues": "Too many values supplied for parameter \"$1\". The limit is $2.",
    "paramvalidator-unclearnowtimestamp": "Passing \"$2\" for timestamp parameter \"$1\" has been deprecated. If for some reason you need to explicitly specify the current time without calculating it client-side, use \"now\".",
    "paramvalidator-unrecognizedvalues": "Unrecognized {{PLURAL:$4|value|values}} for parameter \"$1\": $3",

    "paramvalidator-help-default": "Default: $1",
    "paramvalidator-help-default-empty": "Default: (empty)",
    "paramvalidator-help-deprecated": "This parameter is deprecated.",
    "paramvalidator-help-multi-separate": "Separate values with \"|\", or prefix the list with U+001F and separate with U+001F.",
    "paramvalidator-help-multi-max": "Maximum number of values is {{PLURAL:$1|$1}} ({{PLURAL:$2|$2}} for clients that are allowed higher limits).",
    "paramvalidator-help-multi-max-simple": "Maximum number of values is {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}.",
    "paramvalidator-help-multi-all": "To specify all values, use <kbd>$1</kbd>.",
    "paramvalidator-help-required": "This parameter is required.",

    "paramvalidator-help-type-boolean": "Type: {{PLURAL:$1|1=boolean|2=list of booleans}}",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-enum-can-be-empty": "{{PLURAL:$2|0=Must be empty|Can be empty, or $1}}",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-enum": "{{PLURAL:$1|1=One of the following values|2=Values (separate with U+007C (pipe), or prefix the list with U+001F and separate with U+001F)}}: $2",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-expiry": "Type: {{PLURAL:$1|1=expiry|2=list of expiries}}.\n\nMay be relative (e.g. <kbd>5 months</kbd> or <kbd>2 weeks</kbd>) or absolute (e.g. <kbd>2014-09-18T12:34:56Z</kbd>). For no expiry, use $2.",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-float": "Type: {{PLURAL:$1|1=float|2=list of floats}}",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-integer": "Type: {{PLURAL:$1|1=integer|2=list of integers}}",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-limit": "Type: integer or \"max\"",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-number-max": "The {{PLURAL:$1|1=value|2=values}} must be no greater than $3.",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-number-minmax": "The {{PLURAL:$1|1=value|2=values}} must be between $2 and $3.",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-number-min": "The {{PLURAL:$1|1=value|2=values}} must be no less than $2.",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-presenceboolean": "Type: boolean",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-string-maxbytes": "Cannot be longer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|byte|bytes}}.",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-string-maxchars": "Cannot be longer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}}.",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-timestamp": "Type: {{PLURAL:$1|1=timestamp|2=list of timestamps}}",
    "paramvalidator-help-type-upload": "Must be posted as a file upload using multipart/form-data."
