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 * Utility for parsing a HTTP Accept header value into a weight map. May also be used with
 * other, similar headers like Accept-Language, Accept-Encoding, etc.
 * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
 * @author Daniel Kinzler

namespace Wikimedia\Http;

class HttpAcceptParser {

     * Parse media types from an Accept header and sort them by q-factor.
     * Note that his was mostly ported from,
     * @param string $accept
     * @return array[]
     *  - type: (string)
     *  - subtype: (string)
     *  - q: (float) q-factor weighting
     *  - i: (int) index
     *  - params: (array)
    public function parseAccept( $accept ): array {
        $accepts = explode( ',', $accept );  // FIXME: Allow commas in quotes
        $ret = [];

        foreach ( $accepts as $i => $a ) {
            if ( !preg_match( '!^([^\s/;]+)/([^;\s]+)\s*(?:;(.*))?$!D', trim( $a ), $matches ) ) {

            $q = 1;
            $params = [];
            if ( isset( $matches[3] ) ) {
                $kvps = explode( ';', $matches[3] );  // FIXME: Allow semi-colon in quotes
                foreach ( $kvps as $kv ) {
                    [ $key, $val ] = explode( '=', trim( $kv ), 2 );
                    $key = strtolower( trim( $key ) );
                    $val = trim( $val );
                    if ( $key === 'q' ) {
                        $q = (float)$val;  // FIXME: Spec is stricter about this
                    } else {
                        if ( $val && $val[0] === '"' && $val[ strlen( $val ) - 1 ] === '"' ) {
                            $val = substr( $val, 1, strlen( $val ) - 2 );
                        $params[$key] = $val;
            $ret[] = [
                'type' => $matches[1],
                'subtype' => $matches[2],
                'q' => $q,
                'i' => $i,
                'params' => $params,

        // Sort list. First by q values, then by order
        usort( $ret, static function ( $a, $b ) {
            if ( $b['q'] > $a['q'] ) {
                return 1;
            } elseif ( $b['q'] === $a['q'] ) {
                return $a['i'] - $b['i'];
            } else {
                return -1;
        } );

        return $ret;

     * Parses an HTTP header into a weight map, that is an associative array
     * mapping values to their respective weights. Any header name preceding
     * weight spec is ignored for convenience.
     * Note that type parameters and accept extension like the "level" parameter
     * are not supported, weights are derived from "q" values only.
     * See RFC 7231 section 5.3.2 for details.
     * @param string $rawHeader
     * @return array
    public function parseWeights( $rawHeader ) {
        // first, strip header name
        $rawHeader = preg_replace( '/^[-\w]+:\s*/', '', $rawHeader );

        // Return values in lower case
        $rawHeader = strtolower( $rawHeader );

        $accepts = $this->parseAccept( $rawHeader );

        // Create a list like "en" => 0.8
        return array_reduce( $accepts, static function ( $prev, $next ) {
            $type = "{$next['type']}/{$next['subtype']}";
            $prev[$type] = $next['q'];
            return $prev;
        }, [] );
