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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
use Wikimedia\LightweightObjectStore\ExpirationAwareness;
use Wikimedia\LightweightObjectStore\StorageAwareness;
use Wikimedia\ObjectCache\BagOStuff;
use Wikimedia\ObjectCache\EmptyBagOStuff;
use Wikimedia\ObjectCache\IStoreKeyEncoder;
use Wikimedia\Stats\StatsFactory;

 * Multi-datacenter aware caching interface
 * ### Using WANObjectCache
 * %WANObjectCache (known as **WANCache**, pronounced whan-cache) improves performance
 * by reducing database load, increasing web server capacity (fewer repeated computations) and
 * providing faster access to data. The data cached here follows a "cache-aside" strategy, with
 * data potentially derived from database rows. Generally speaking, cache data should be treated
 * as equally up-to-date to data from a replica database, and is thus essentially subject to the
 * same replication lag.
 * The primary way to interact with this class is via the getWithSetCallback() method.
 * Each data center has its own cache cluster, with web servers in a given datacenter
 * populating and reading from the local datacenter only. The exceptions are methods delete(),
 * touchCheckKey(), and resetCheckKey(), which also asynchronously broadcast the equivalent
 * purge to other datacenters.
 * To learn how this is used and configured at Wikimedia Foundation,
 * refer to <>.
 * For broader guidance on how to approach caching in MediaWiki at scale,
 * refer to <>.
 * For your code to "see" new values in a timely manner, you need to follow either the
 * validation strategy, or the purge strategy.
 * #### Strategy 1: Validation
 * The validation strategy refers to the natural avoidance of stale data
 * by one of the following means:
 *   - A) The cached value is immutable.
 *        If you can obtain all the information needed to uniquely describe the value,
 *        then the value never has to change or be purged. Instead, the key changes,
 *        which naturally creates a miss where you can compute the right value.
 *        For example, a transformation like parsing or transforming some input,
 *        could have a cache key like `example-myparser, option-xyz, v2, hash1234`
 *        which would describe the transformation, the version/parameters, and a hash
 *        of the exact input.
 *        This also naturally avoids oscillation or corruption in the context of multiple
 *        servers and data centers, where your code may not always be running the same version
 *        everywhere at the same time. Newer code would have its own set of cache keys,
 *        ensuring a deterministic outcome.
 *   - B) The value is cached with a low TTL.
 *        If you can tolerate a few seconds or minutes of delay before changes are reflected
 *        in the way your data is used, and if re-computation is quick, you can consider
 *        caching it with a "blind" TTL – using the value's age as your method of validation.
 *   - C) Validity is checked against an external source.
 *        Perhaps you prefer to utilize the old data as fallback or to help compute the new
 *        value, or for other reasons you need to have a stable key across input changes
 *        (e.g. cache by page title instead of revision ID). If you put the variable identifier
 *        (e.g. input hash, or revision ID) in the cache value, and validate this on retrieval
 *        then you don't need purging or expiration.
 *        After calling get() you can validate the ID inside the cached value against what
 *        you know. When needed, recompute the value and call set().
 * #### Strategy 2: Purge
 * The purge strategy refers to the approach whereby your application knows that source
 * data has changed and can react by purging the relevant cache keys.
 * The simplest purge method is delete().
 * Note that cache updates and purges are not immediately visible to all application servers in
 * all data centers. The cache should be treated like a replica database in this regard.
 * If immediate synchronization is required, then solutions must be sought outside WANCache.
 * Write operations like delete() and the "set" part of getWithSetCallback(), may return true as
 * soon as the command has been sent or buffered to an open connection to the cache cluster.
 * It will be processed and/or broadcasted asynchronously.
 * @anchor wanobjectcache-deployment
 * ### Deploying WANObjectCache
 * There are two supported ways for sysadmins to set up multi-DC cache purging:
 *   - A) Set up mcrouter as the cache backend, with a memcached BagOStuff class for the 'cache'
 *        parameter, and a wildcard routing prefix for the 'broadcastRoutingPrefix' parameter.
 *        Configure mcrouter as follows:
 *          - Define a "<datacenter>" pool of memcached servers for each datacenter.
 *          - Define a "<datacenter>/wan" route to each datacenter, using "AllSyncRoute" for the
 *            routes that go to the local datacenter pool and "AllAsyncRoute" for the routes that
 *            go to remote datacenter pools. The child routes should use "HashRoute|<datacenter>".
 *            This allows for the use of a wildcard route for 'broadcastRoutingPrefix'. See
 *   and
 *          - In order to reroute operations from "down" servers to spare ("gutter") servers, use
 *            "FailoverWithExptimeRoute" (failover_exptime=60) instead of "HashRoute|<datacenter>"
 *            in the "AllSyncRoute"/"AllAsyncRoute" child routes.
 *            The "gutter" pool is a set of memcached servers that only handle failover traffic.
 *            Such servers should be carefully spread over different rows and racks. See
 *   - B) Set up dynomite as the cache backend, using a memcached BagOStuff class for the 'cache'
 *        parameter. Note that with this setup, all key setting operations will be broadcasted,
 *        rather than just purges. Writes will be eventually consistent via the Dynamo replication
 *        model. See
 * Broadcasted operations like delete() and touchCheckKey() are intended to run
 * immediately in the local datacenter and asynchronously in remote datacenters.
 * This means that callers in all datacenters may see older values for however many
 * milliseconds that the purge took to reach that datacenter. As with any cache, this
 * should not be relied on for cases where reads are used to determine writes to source
 * (e.g. non-cache) data stores, except when reading immutable data.
 * Internally, access to a given key actually involves the use of one or more "sister" keys.
 * A sister key is constructed by prefixing the base key with "WANCache:" (used to distinguish
 * WANObjectCache formatted keys) and suffixing a colon followed by a single-character sister
 * key type. The sister key types include the following:
 * - `v`: used to store "regular" values (metadata-wrapped) and temporary purge "tombstones".
 * - `t`: used to store "last purge" timestamps for "check" keys.
 * - `m`: used to store temporary mutex locks to avoid cache stampedes.
 * - `i`: used to store temporary interim values (metadata-wrapped) for tombstoned keys.
 * - `c`: used to store temporary "cool-off" indicators, which specify a period during which
 *        values cannot be stored, neither regularly nor using interim keys.
 * @ingroup Cache
 * @newable
 * @since 1.26
class WANObjectCache implements
    /** @var BagOStuff The local datacenter cache */
    protected $cache;
    /** @var MapCacheLRU[] Map of group PHP instance caches */
    protected $processCaches = [];
    /** @var LoggerInterface */
    protected $logger;
    /** @var StatsFactory */
    protected $stats;
    /** @var callable|null Function that takes a WAN cache callback and runs it later */
    protected $asyncHandler;

     * Routing prefix for operations that should be broadcasted to all data centers.
     * If null, the there is only one datacenter or a backend proxy broadcasts everything.
     * @var string|null
    protected $broadcastRoute;
    /** @var bool Whether to use "interim" caching while keys are tombstoned */
    protected $useInterimHoldOffCaching = true;
    /** @var float Unix timestamp of the oldest possible valid values */
    protected $epoch;
    /** @var string Stable secret used for hashing long strings into key components */
    protected $secret;
    /** @var int Scheme to use for key coalescing (Hash Tags or Hash Stops) */
    protected $coalesceScheme;

    /** @var array<int,array> List of (key, UNIX timestamp) tuples for get() cache misses */
    private $missLog;

    /** @var int Callback stack depth for getWithSetCallback() */
    private $callbackDepth = 0;
    /** @var mixed[] Temporary warm-up cache */
    private $warmupCache = [];
    /** @var int Key fetched */
    private $warmupKeyMisses = 0;

    /** @var float|null */
    private $wallClockOverride;

    /** Max expected seconds to pass between delete() and DB commit finishing */
    private const MAX_COMMIT_DELAY = 3;
    /** Max expected seconds of combined lag from replication and "view snapshots" */
    private const MAX_READ_LAG = 7;
    /** Seconds to tombstone keys on delete() and to treat keys as volatile after purges */
    public const HOLDOFF_TTL = self::MAX_COMMIT_DELAY + self::MAX_READ_LAG + 1;

    /** Consider regeneration if the key will expire within this many seconds */
    private const LOW_TTL = 60;
    /** Max TTL, in seconds, to store keys when a data source has high replication lag */
    public const TTL_LAGGED = 30;

    /** Expected time-till-refresh, in seconds, if the key is accessed once per second */
    private const HOT_TTR = 900;
    /** Minimum key age, in seconds, for expected time-till-refresh to be considered */
    private const AGE_NEW = 60;

    /** Idiom for getWithSetCallback() meaning "no cache stampede mutex" */
    private const TSE_NONE = -1;

    /** Idiom for set()/getWithSetCallback() meaning "no post-expiration persistence" */
    public const STALE_TTL_NONE = 0;
    /** Idiom for set()/getWithSetCallback() meaning "no post-expiration grace period" */
    public const GRACE_TTL_NONE = 0;
    /** Idiom for delete()/touchCheckKey() meaning "no hold-off period" */
    public const HOLDOFF_TTL_NONE = 0;

    /** @var float Idiom for getWithSetCallback() meaning "no minimum required as-of timestamp" */
    public const MIN_TIMESTAMP_NONE = 0.0;

    /** Default process cache name and max key count */
    private const PC_PRIMARY = 'primary:1000';

    /** Idiom for get()/getMulti() to return extra information by reference */
    public const PASS_BY_REF = [];

    /** Use twemproxy-style Hash Tag key scheme (e.g. "{...}") */
    private const SCHEME_HASH_TAG = 1;
    /** Use mcrouter-style Hash Stop key scheme (e.g. "...|#|") */
    private const SCHEME_HASH_STOP = 2;

    /** Seconds to keep dependency purge keys around */
    private const CHECK_KEY_TTL = self::TTL_YEAR;
    /** Seconds to keep interim value keys for tombstoned keys around */
    private const INTERIM_KEY_TTL = 2;

    /** Seconds to keep lock keys around */
    private const LOCK_TTL = 10;
    /** Seconds to ramp up the chance of regeneration due to expected time-till-refresh */
    private const RAMPUP_TTL = 30;

    /** @var float Tiny negative float to use when CTL comes up >= 0 due to clock skew */
    private const TINY_NEGATIVE = -0.000001;
    /** @var float Tiny positive float to use when using "minTime" to assert an inequality */
    private const TINY_POSITIVE = 0.000001;

    /** Min millisecond set() backoff during hold-off (far less than INTERIM_KEY_TTL) */
    private const RECENT_SET_LOW_MS = 50;
    /** Max millisecond set() backoff during hold-off (far less than INTERIM_KEY_TTL) */
    private const RECENT_SET_HIGH_MS = 100;

    /** Consider value generation somewhat high if it takes this many seconds or more */
    private const GENERATION_HIGH_SEC = 0.2;

    /** Key to the tombstone entry timestamp */
    private const PURGE_TIME = 0;
    /** Key to the tombstone entry hold-off TTL */
    private const PURGE_HOLDOFF = 1;

    /** Cache format version number */
    private const VERSION = 1;

    /** Version number attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36) */
    public const KEY_VERSION = 'version';
    /** Generation completion timestamp attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36) */
    public const KEY_AS_OF = 'asOf';
    /** Logical TTL attribute for a key */
    public const KEY_TTL = 'ttl';
    /** Remaining TTL attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36) */
    public const KEY_CUR_TTL = 'curTTL';
    /** Tomstone timestamp attribute for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36) */
    public const KEY_TOMB_AS_OF = 'tombAsOf';
    /** Highest "check" key timestamp for a key; keep value for b/c (< 1.36) */
    public const KEY_CHECK_AS_OF = 'lastCKPurge';

    /** Value for a key */
    private const RES_VALUE = 0;
    /** Version number attribute for a key */
    private const RES_VERSION = 1;
    /** Generation completion timestamp attribute for a key */
    private const RES_AS_OF = 2;
    /** Logical TTL attribute for a key */
    private const RES_TTL = 3;
    /** Tomstone timestamp attribute for a key */
    private const RES_TOMB_AS_OF = 4;
    /** Highest "check" key timestamp for a key */
    private const RES_CHECK_AS_OF = 5;
    /** Highest "touched" timestamp for a key */
    private const RES_TOUCH_AS_OF = 6;
    /** Remaining TTL attribute for a key */
    private const RES_CUR_TTL = 7;

    /** Key to WAN cache version number; stored in blobs */
    private const FLD_FORMAT_VERSION = 0;
    /** Key to the cached value; stored in blobs */
    private const FLD_VALUE = 1;
    /** Key to the original TTL; stored in blobs */
    private const FLD_TTL = 2;
    /** Key to the cache timestamp; stored in blobs */
    private const FLD_TIME = 3;
    /** Key to the flags bit field (reserved number) */
    private const /** @noinspection PhpUnusedPrivateFieldInspection */ FLD_FLAGS = 4;
    /** Key to collection cache version number; stored in blobs */
    private const FLD_VALUE_VERSION = 5;
    private const /** @noinspection PhpUnusedPrivateFieldInspection */ FLD_GENERATION_TIME = 6;

    /** Single character component for value keys */
    private const TYPE_VALUE = 'v';
    /** Single character component for timestamp check keys */
    private const TYPE_TIMESTAMP = 't';
    /** Single character component for mutex lock keys */
    private const TYPE_MUTEX = 'm';
    /** Single character component for interim value keys */
    private const TYPE_INTERIM = 'i';

    /** Value prefix of purge values */
    private const PURGE_VAL_PREFIX = 'PURGED';

     * @stable to call
     * @param array $params
     *   - cache    : BagOStuff object for a persistent cache
     *   - logger   : LoggerInterface object
     *   - stats    : StatsFactory object. Since 1.43, constructing a WANObjectCache object
     *       with an IBufferingStatsdDataFactory stats collector will emit a warning.
     *   - asyncHandler : A function that takes a callback and runs it later. If supplied,
     *       whenever a preemptive refresh would be triggered in getWithSetCallback(), the
     *       current cache value is still used instead. However, the async-handler function
     *       receives a WAN cache callback that, when run, will execute the value generation
     *       callback supplied by the getWithSetCallback() caller. The result will be saved
     *       as normal. The handler is expected to call the WAN cache callback at an opportune
     *       time (e.g. HTTP post-send), though generally within a few 100ms. [optional]
     *   - broadcastRoutingPrefix: a routing prefix used to broadcast certain operations to all
     *       datacenters; See also <>.
     *       This prefix takes the form `/<datacenter>/<name of wan route>/`, where `datacenter`
     *       is usually a wildcard to select all matching routes (e.g. the WAN cluster in all DCs).
     *       See also <>.
     *       This is required when using mcrouter as a multi-region backing store proxy. [optional]
     *   - epoch: lowest UNIX timestamp a value/tombstone must have to be valid. [optional]
     *   - secret: stable secret used for hashing long strings into key components. [optional]
     *   - coalesceScheme: which key scheme to use in order to encourage the backend to place any
     *       "helper" keys for a "value" key within the same cache server. This reduces network
     *       overhead and reduces the chance the single downed cache server causes disruption.
     *       Use "hash_stop" with mcrouter and "hash_tag" with dynomite. [default: "hash_stop"]
    public function __construct( array $params ) {
        $this->cache = $params['cache'];
        $this->broadcastRoute = $params['broadcastRoutingPrefix'] ?? null;
        $this->epoch = $params['epoch'] ?? 0;
        $this->secret = $params['secret'] ?? (string)$this->epoch;
        if ( ( $params['coalesceScheme'] ?? '' ) === 'hash_tag' ) {
            $this->coalesceScheme = self::SCHEME_HASH_TAG;
        } else {
            $this->coalesceScheme = self::SCHEME_HASH_STOP;

        $this->setLogger( $params['logger'] ?? new NullLogger() );

        if ( isset( $params['stats'] ) && $params['stats'] instanceof IBufferingStatsdDataFactory ) {
                'Use of StatsdDataFactory is deprecated in 1.43. Use StatsFactory instead.'
            $params['stats'] = null;
        $this->stats = $params['stats'] ?? StatsFactory::newNull();

        $this->asyncHandler = $params['asyncHandler'] ?? null;
        $this->missLog = array_fill( 0, 10, [ '', 0.0 ] );

     * @param LoggerInterface $logger
    public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) {
        $this->logger = $logger;

     * Get an instance that wraps EmptyBagOStuff
     * @return WANObjectCache
    public static function newEmpty() {
        return new static( [ 'cache' => new EmptyBagOStuff() ] );

     * Fetch the value of a key from cache
     * If supplied, $curTTL is set to the remaining TTL (current time left):
     *   - a) INF; if $key exists, has no TTL, and is not purged by $checkKeys
     *   - b) float (>=0); if $key exists, has a TTL, and is not purged by $checkKeys
     *   - c) float (<0); if $key is tombstoned, stale, or existing but purged by $checkKeys
     *   - d) null; if $key does not exist and is not tombstoned
     * If a key is tombstoned, $curTTL will reflect the time since delete().
     * The timestamp of $key will be checked against the last-purge timestamp
     * of each of $checkKeys. Those $checkKeys not in cache will have the last-purge
     * initialized to the current timestamp. If any of $checkKeys have a timestamp
     * greater than that of $key, then $curTTL will reflect how long ago $key
     * became invalid. Callers can use $curTTL to know when the value is stale.
     * The $checkKeys parameter allow mass key purges by updating a single key:
     *   - a) Each "check" key represents "last purged" of some source data
     *   - b) Callers pass in relevant "check" keys as $checkKeys in get()
     *   - c) When the source data that "check" keys represent changes,
     *        the touchCheckKey() method is called on them
     * Source data entities might exist in a DB that uses snapshot isolation
     * (e.g. the default REPEATABLE-READ in innoDB). Even for mutable data, that
     * isolation can largely be maintained by doing the following:
     *   - a) Calling delete() on entity change *and* creation, before DB commit
     *   - b) Keeping transaction duration shorter than the delete() hold-off TTL
     *   - c) Disabling interim key caching via useInterimHoldOffCaching() before get() calls
     * However, pre-snapshot values might still be seen if an update was made
     * in a remote datacenter but the purge from delete() didn't relay yet.
     * Consider using getWithSetCallback(), which has cache slam avoidance and key
     * versioning features, instead of bare get()/set() calls.
     * Do not use this method on versioned keys accessed via getWithSetCallback().
     * When using the $info parameter, it should be passed in as WANObjectCache::PASS_BY_REF.
     * In that case, it becomes a key metadata map. Otherwise, for backwards compatibility,
     * $info becomes the value generation timestamp (null if the key is nonexistant/tombstoned).
     * Key metadata map fields include:
     *   - WANObjectCache::KEY_VERSION: value version number; null if key is nonexistant
     *   - WANObjectCache::KEY_AS_OF: value generation timestamp (UNIX); null if key is nonexistant
     *   - WANObjectCache::KEY_TTL: assigned TTL (seconds); null if key is nonexistant/tombstoned
     *   - WANObjectCache::KEY_CUR_TTL: remaining TTL (seconds); null if key is nonexistant
     *   - WANObjectCache::KEY_TOMB_AS_OF: tombstone timestamp (UNIX); null if key is not tombstoned
     *   - WANObjectCache::KEY_CHECK_AS_OF: highest "check" key timestamp (UNIX); null if none
     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param float|null &$curTTL Seconds of TTL left [returned]
     * @param string[] $checkKeys Map of (integer or cache key => "check" key(s));
     *  "check" keys must also be made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param array &$info Metadata map [returned]
     * @return mixed Value of cache key; false on failure
    final public function get( $key, &$curTTL = null, array $checkKeys = [], &$info = [] ) {
        // Note that an undeclared variable passed as $info starts as null (not the default).
        // Also, if no $info parameter is provided, then it doesn't matter how it changes here.
        $legacyInfo = ( $info !== self::PASS_BY_REF );

        $now = $this->getCurrentTime();
        $res = $this->fetchKeys( [ $key ], $checkKeys, $now )[$key];

        $curTTL = $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL];
        $info = $legacyInfo
            ? $res[self::RES_AS_OF]
            : [
                self::KEY_VERSION => $res[self::RES_VERSION],
                self::KEY_AS_OF => $res[self::RES_AS_OF],
                self::KEY_TTL => $res[self::RES_TTL],
                self::KEY_CUR_TTL => $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL],
                self::KEY_TOMB_AS_OF => $res[self::RES_TOMB_AS_OF],
                self::KEY_CHECK_AS_OF => $res[self::RES_CHECK_AS_OF]

        if ( $curTTL === null || $curTTL <= 0 ) {
            // Log the timestamp in case a corresponding set() call does not provide "walltime"
            unset( $this->missLog[array_key_first( $this->missLog )] );
            $this->missLog[] = [ $key, $this->getCurrentTime() ];

        return $res[self::RES_VALUE];

     * Fetch the value of several keys from cache
     * $curTTLs becomes a map of only present/tombstoned $keys to their current time-to-live.
     * $checkKeys holds the "check" keys used to validate values of applicable keys. The
     * integer indexes hold "check" keys that apply to all of $keys while the string indexes
     * hold "check" keys that only apply to the cache key with that name. The logic of "check"
     * keys otherwise works the same as in WANObjectCache::get().
     * When using the $info parameter, it should be passed in as WANObjectCache::PASS_BY_REF.
     * In that case, it becomes a mapping of all the $keys to their metadata maps, each in the
     * style of WANObjectCache::get(). Otherwise, for backwards compatibility, $info becomes a
     * map of only present/tombstoned $keys to their value generation timestamps.
     * @see WANObjectCache::get()
     * @param string[] $keys List/map with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey() cache keys as values
     * @param array<string,float> &$curTTLs Map of (key => seconds of TTL left) [returned]
     * @param string[]|string[][] $checkKeys Map of (integer or cache key => "check" key(s));
     *  "check" keys must also be made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param array<string,array> &$info Map of (key => metadata map) [returned]
     * @return array<string,mixed> Map of (key => value) for existing values in order of $keys
    final public function getMulti(
        array $keys,
        &$curTTLs = [],
        array $checkKeys = [],
        &$info = []
    ) {
        // Note that an undeclared variable passed as $info starts as null (not the default).
        // Also, if no $info parameter is provided, then it doesn't matter how it changes here.
        $legacyInfo = ( $info !== self::PASS_BY_REF );

        $curTTLs = [];
        $info = [];
        $valuesByKey = [];

        $now = $this->getCurrentTime();
        $resByKey = $this->fetchKeys( $keys, $checkKeys, $now );
        foreach ( $resByKey as $key => $res ) {
            if ( $res[self::RES_VALUE] !== false ) {
                $valuesByKey[$key] = $res[self::RES_VALUE];

            if ( $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL] !== null ) {
                $curTTLs[$key] = $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL];
            $info[$key] = $legacyInfo
                ? $res[self::RES_AS_OF]
                : [
                    self::KEY_VERSION => $res[self::RES_VERSION],
                    self::KEY_AS_OF => $res[self::RES_AS_OF],
                    self::KEY_TTL => $res[self::RES_TTL],
                    self::KEY_CUR_TTL => $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL],
                    self::KEY_TOMB_AS_OF => $res[self::RES_TOMB_AS_OF],
                    self::KEY_CHECK_AS_OF => $res[self::RES_CHECK_AS_OF]

        return $valuesByKey;

     * Fetch the value and key metadata of several keys from cache
     * $checkKeys holds the "check" keys used to validate values of applicable keys.
     * The integer indexes hold "check" keys that apply to all of $keys while the string
     * indexes hold "check" keys that only apply to the cache key with that name.
     * @param string[] $keys List/map with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey() cache keys as values
     * @param string[]|string[][] $checkKeys Map of (integer or cache key => "check" key(s));
     *  "check" keys must also be made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param float $now The current UNIX timestamp
     * @param callable|null $touchedCb Callback yielding a UNIX timestamp from a value, or null
     * @return array<string,array> Map of (key => WANObjectCache::RESULT_* map) in order of $keys
     * @note Callable type hints are not used to avoid class-autoloading
    protected function fetchKeys( array $keys, array $checkKeys, float $now, $touchedCb = null ) {
        $resByKey = [];

        // List of all sister keys that need to be fetched from cache
        $allSisterKeys = [];
        // Order-corresponding value sister key list for the base key list ($keys)
        $valueSisterKeys = [];
        // List of "check" sister keys to compare all value sister keys against
        $checkSisterKeysForAll = [];
        // Map of (base key => additional "check" sister key(s) to compare against)
        $checkSisterKeysByKey = [];

        foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
            $sisterKey = $this->makeSisterKey( $key, self::TYPE_VALUE );
            $allSisterKeys[] = $sisterKey;
            $valueSisterKeys[] = $sisterKey;

        foreach ( $checkKeys as $i => $checkKeyOrKeyGroup ) {
            // Note: avoid array_merge() inside loop in case there are many keys
            if ( is_int( $i ) ) {
                // Single "check" key that applies to all base keys
                $sisterKey = $this->makeSisterKey( $checkKeyOrKeyGroup, self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP );
                $allSisterKeys[] = $sisterKey;
                $checkSisterKeysForAll[] = $sisterKey;
            } else {
                // List of "check" keys that apply to a specific base key
                foreach ( (array)$checkKeyOrKeyGroup as $checkKey ) {
                    $sisterKey = $this->makeSisterKey( $checkKey, self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP );
                    $allSisterKeys[] = $sisterKey;
                    $checkSisterKeysByKey[$i][] = $sisterKey;

        if ( $this->warmupCache ) {
            // Get the wrapped values of the sister keys from the warmup cache
            $wrappedBySisterKey = $this->warmupCache;
            $sisterKeysMissing = array_diff( $allSisterKeys, array_keys( $wrappedBySisterKey ) );
            if ( $sisterKeysMissing ) {
                $this->warmupKeyMisses += count( $sisterKeysMissing );
                $wrappedBySisterKey += $this->cache->getMulti( $sisterKeysMissing );
        } else {
            // Fetch the wrapped values of the sister keys from the backend
            $wrappedBySisterKey = $this->cache->getMulti( $allSisterKeys );

        // List of "check" sister key purge timestamps to compare all value sister keys against
        $ckPurgesForAll = $this->processCheckKeys(
        // Map of (base key => extra "check" sister key purge timestamp(s) to compare against)
        $ckPurgesByKey = [];
        foreach ( $checkSisterKeysByKey as $keyWithCheckKeys => $checkKeysForKey ) {
            $ckPurgesByKey[$keyWithCheckKeys] = $this->processCheckKeys(

        // Unwrap and validate any value found for each base key (under the value sister key)
        reset( $keys );
        foreach ( $valueSisterKeys as $valueSisterKey ) {
            // Get the corresponding base key for this value sister key
            $key = current( $keys );
            next( $keys );

            if ( array_key_exists( $valueSisterKey, $wrappedBySisterKey ) ) {
                // Key exists as either a live value or tombstone value
                $wrapped = $wrappedBySisterKey[$valueSisterKey];
            } else {
                // Key does not exist
                $wrapped = false;

            $res = $this->unwrap( $wrapped, $now );
            $value = $res[self::RES_VALUE];

            foreach ( array_merge( $ckPurgesForAll, $ckPurgesByKey[$key] ?? [] ) as $ckPurge ) {
                $res[self::RES_CHECK_AS_OF] = max(
                // Timestamp marking the end of the hold-off period for this purge
                $holdoffDeadline = $ckPurge[self::PURGE_TIME] + $ckPurge[self::PURGE_HOLDOFF];
                // Check if the value was generated during the hold-off period
                if ( $value !== false && $holdoffDeadline >= $res[self::RES_AS_OF] ) {
                    // How long ago this value was purged by *this* "check" key
                    $ago = min( $ckPurge[self::PURGE_TIME] - $now, self::TINY_NEGATIVE );
                    // How long ago this value was purged by *any* known "check" key
                    $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL] = min( $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL], $ago );

            if ( $touchedCb !== null && $value !== false ) {
                $touched = $touchedCb( $value );
                if ( $touched !== null && $touched >= $res[self::RES_AS_OF] ) {
                    $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL] = min(
                        $res[self::RES_AS_OF] - $touched,
            } else {
                $touched = null;

            $res[self::RES_TOUCH_AS_OF] = max( $res[self::RES_TOUCH_AS_OF], $touched );

            $resByKey[$key] = $res;

        return $resByKey;

     * @param string[] $checkSisterKeys List of "check" sister keys
     * @param mixed[] $wrappedBySisterKey Preloaded map of (sister key => wrapped value)
     * @param float $now UNIX timestamp
     * @return array[] List of purge value arrays
    private function processCheckKeys(
        array $checkSisterKeys,
        array $wrappedBySisterKey,
        float $now
    ) {
        $purges = [];

        foreach ( $checkSisterKeys as $timeKey ) {
            $purge = isset( $wrappedBySisterKey[$timeKey] )
                ? $this->parsePurgeValue( $wrappedBySisterKey[$timeKey] )
                : null;

            if ( $purge === null ) {
                // No holdoff when lazy creating a check key, use cache right away (T344191)
                $wrapped = $this->makeCheckPurgeValue( $now, self::HOLDOFF_TTL_NONE, $purge );

            $purges[] = $purge;

        return $purges;

     * Set the value of a key in cache
     * Simply calling this method when source data changes is not valid because
     * the changes do not replicate to the other WAN sites. In that case, delete()
     * should be used instead. This method is intended for use on cache misses.
     * If data was read using "view snapshots" (e.g. innodb REPEATABLE-READ),
     * use 'since' to avoid the following race condition:
     *   - a) T1 starts
     *   - b) T2 updates a row, calls delete(), and commits
     *   - c) The HOLDOFF_TTL passes, expiring the delete() tombstone
     *   - d) T1 reads the row and calls set() due to a cache miss
     *   - e) Stale value is stuck in cache
     * Setting 'lag' and 'since' help avoids keys getting stuck in stale states.
     * Be aware that this does not update the process cache for getWithSetCallback()
     * callers. Keys accessed via that method are not generally meant to also be set
     * using this primitive method.
     * Consider using getWithSetCallback(), which has cache slam avoidance and key
     * versioning features, instead of bare get()/set() calls.
     * Do not use this method on versioned keys accessed via getWithSetCallback().
     * Example usage:
     * @code
     *     $dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
     *     $setOpts = Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
     *     // Fetch the row from the DB
     *     $row = $dbr->selectRow( ... );
     *     $key = $cache->makeKey( 'building', $buildingId );
     *     $cache->set( $key, $row, $cache::TTL_DAY, $setOpts );
     * @endcode
     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param mixed $value Value to set for the cache key
     * @param int $ttl Seconds to live. Special values are:
     *   - WANObjectCache::TTL_INDEFINITE: Cache forever (default)
     *   - WANObjectCache::TTL_UNCACHEABLE: Do not cache (if the key exists, it is not deleted)
     * @param array $opts Options map:
     *   - lag: Highest seconds of replication lag potentially affecting reads used to generate
     *      the value. This should not be affected by the duration of transaction "view snapshots"
     *      (e.g. innodb REPEATABLE-READ) nor the time elapsed since the first read (though both
     *      increase staleness). For reads using view snapshots, only the replication lag during
     *      snapshot initialization matters. Use false if replication is stopped/broken on a
     *      replica server involved in the reads.
     *      Default: 0 seconds
     *   - since: UNIX timestamp indicative of the highest possible staleness caused by the
     *      duration of transaction "view snapshots" (e.g. innodb REPEATABLE-READ) and the time
     *      elapsed since the first read. This should not be affected by replication lag.
     *      Default: 0 seconds
     *   - pending: Whether this data is possibly from an uncommitted write transaction.
     *      Generally, other threads should not see values from the future and
     *      they certainly should not see ones that ended up getting rolled back.
     *      Default: false
     *   - lockTSE: If excessive replication/snapshot lag is detected, then store the value
     *      with this TTL and flag it as stale. This is only useful if the reads for this key
     *      use getWithSetCallback() with "lockTSE" set. Note that if "staleTTL" is set
     *      then it will still add on to this TTL in the excessive lag scenario.
     *      Default: WANObjectCache::TSE_NONE
     *   - staleTTL: Seconds to keep the key around if it is stale. The get()/getMulti()
     *      methods return such stale values with a $curTTL of 0, and getWithSetCallback()
     *      will call the generation callback in such cases, passing in the old value
     *      and its as-of time to the callback. This is useful if adaptiveTTL() is used
     *      on the old value's as-of time when it is verified as still being correct.
     *      Default: WANObjectCache::STALE_TTL_NONE
     *   - segmentable: Allow partitioning of the value if it is a large string.
     *      Default: false.
     *   - creating: Optimize for the case where the key does not already exist.
     *      Default: false
     *   - version: Integer version number signifying the format of the value.
     *      Default: null
     *   - walltime: How long the value took to generate in seconds. Default: null
     * @phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength
     * @phan-param array{lag?:float|int,since?:float|int,pending?:bool,lockTSE?:int,staleTTL?:int,creating?:bool,version?:int,walltime?:int|float,segmentable?:bool} $opts
     * @note Options added in 1.28: staleTTL
     * @note Options added in 1.33: creating
     * @note Options added in 1.34: version, walltime
     * @note Options added in 1.40: segmentable
     * @return bool Success
    final public function set( $key, $value, $ttl = self::TTL_INDEFINITE, array $opts = [] ) {
        $keygroup = $this->determineKeyGroupForStats( $key );

        $ok = $this->setMainValue(
            $opts['version'] ?? null,
            $opts['walltime'] ?? null,
            $opts['lag'] ?? 0,
            $opts['since'] ?? null,
            $opts['pending'] ?? false,
            $opts['lockTSE'] ?? self::TSE_NONE,
            $opts['staleTTL'] ?? self::STALE_TTL_NONE,
            $opts['segmentable'] ?? false,
            $opts['creating'] ?? false

        $this->stats->getCounter( 'wanobjectcache_set_total' )
            ->setLabel( 'keygroup', $keygroup )
            ->setLabel( 'result', ( $ok ? 'ok' : 'error' ) )
            ->copyToStatsdAt( "wanobjectcache.$keygroup.set." . ( $ok ? 'ok' : 'error' ) )

        return $ok;

     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param int|float $ttl
     * @param int|null $version
     * @param float|null $walltime
     * @param float|int|bool $dataReplicaLag
     * @param float|int|null $dataReadSince
     * @param bool $dataPendingCommit
     * @param int $lockTSE
     * @param int $staleTTL
     * @param bool $segmentable
     * @param bool $creating
     * @return bool Success
    private function setMainValue(
        ?int $version,
        ?float $walltime,
        bool $dataPendingCommit,
        int $lockTSE,
        int $staleTTL,
        bool $segmentable,
        bool $creating
    ) {
        if ( $ttl < 0 ) {
            // not cacheable
            return true;

        $now = $this->getCurrentTime();
        $ttl = (int)$ttl;
        $walltime ??= $this->timeSinceLoggedMiss( $key, $now );
        $dataSnapshotLag = ( $dataReadSince !== null ) ? max( 0, $now - $dataReadSince ) : 0;
        $dataCombinedLag = $dataReplicaLag + $dataSnapshotLag;

        // Forbid caching data that only exists within an uncommitted transaction. Also, lower
        // the TTL when the data has a "since" time so far in the past that a delete() tombstone,
        // made after that time, could have already expired (the key is no longer write-holed).
        // The mitigation TTL depends on whether this data lag is assumed to systemically effect
        // regeneration attempts in the near future. The TTL also reflects regeneration wall time.
        if ( $dataPendingCommit ) {
            // Case A: data comes from an uncommitted write transaction
            $mitigated = 'pending writes';
            // Data might never be committed; rely on a less problematic regeneration attempt
            $mitigationTTL = self::TTL_UNCACHEABLE;
        } elseif ( $dataSnapshotLag > self::MAX_READ_LAG ) {
            // Case B: high snapshot lag
            $pregenSnapshotLag = ( $walltime !== null ) ? ( $dataSnapshotLag - $walltime ) : 0;
            if ( ( $pregenSnapshotLag + self::GENERATION_HIGH_SEC ) > self::MAX_READ_LAG ) {
                // Case B1: generation started when transaction duration was already long
                $mitigated = 'snapshot lag (late generation)';
                // Probably non-systemic; rely on a less problematic regeneration attempt
                $mitigationTTL = self::TTL_UNCACHEABLE;
            } else {
                // Case B2: slow generation made transaction duration long
                $mitigated = 'snapshot lag (high generation time)';
                // Probably systemic; use a low TTL to avoid stampedes/uncacheability
                $mitigationTTL = self::TTL_LAGGED;
        } elseif ( $dataReplicaLag === false || $dataReplicaLag > self::MAX_READ_LAG ) {
            // Case C: low/medium snapshot lag with high replication lag
            $mitigated = 'replication lag';
            // Probably systemic; use a low TTL to avoid stampedes/uncacheability
            $mitigationTTL = self::TTL_LAGGED;
        } elseif ( $dataCombinedLag > self::MAX_READ_LAG ) {
            $pregenCombinedLag = ( $walltime !== null ) ? ( $dataCombinedLag - $walltime ) : 0;
            // Case D: medium snapshot lag with medium replication lag
            if ( ( $pregenCombinedLag + self::GENERATION_HIGH_SEC ) > self::MAX_READ_LAG ) {
                // Case D1: generation started when read lag was too high
                $mitigated = 'read lag (late generation)';
                // Probably non-systemic; rely on a less problematic regeneration attempt
                $mitigationTTL = self::TTL_UNCACHEABLE;
            } else {
                // Case D2: slow generation made read lag too high
                $mitigated = 'read lag (high generation time)';
                // Probably systemic; use a low TTL to avoid stampedes/uncacheability
                $mitigationTTL = self::TTL_LAGGED;
        } else {
            // Case E: new value generated with recent data
            $mitigated = null;
            // Nothing to mitigate
            $mitigationTTL = null;

        if ( $mitigationTTL === self::TTL_UNCACHEABLE ) {
                "Rejected set() for {cachekey} due to $mitigated.",
                    'cachekey' => $key,
                    'lag' => $dataReplicaLag,
                    'age' => $dataSnapshotLag,
                    'walltime' => $walltime

            // no-op the write for being unsafe
            return true;

        // TTL to use in staleness checks (does not effect persistence layer TTL)
        $logicalTTL = null;

        if ( $mitigationTTL !== null ) {
            // New value was generated from data that is old enough to be risky
            if ( $lockTSE >= 0 ) {
                // Persist the value as long as normal, but make it count as stale sooner
                $logicalTTL = min( $ttl ?: INF, $mitigationTTL );
            } else {
                // Persist the value for a shorter duration
                $ttl = min( $ttl ?: INF, $mitigationTTL );

                "Lowered set() TTL for {cachekey} due to $mitigated.",
                    'cachekey' => $key,
                    'lag' => $dataReplicaLag,
                    'age' => $dataSnapshotLag,
                    'walltime' => $walltime

        // Wrap that value with time/TTL/version metadata
        $wrapped = $this->wrap( $value, $logicalTTL ?: $ttl, $version, $now );
        $storeTTL = $ttl + $staleTTL;

        $flags = $this->cache::WRITE_BACKGROUND;
        if ( $segmentable ) {
            $flags |= $this->cache::WRITE_ALLOW_SEGMENTS;

        if ( $creating ) {
            $ok = $this->cache->add(
                $this->makeSisterKey( $key, self::TYPE_VALUE ),
        } else {
            $ok = $this->cache->merge(
                $this->makeSisterKey( $key, self::TYPE_VALUE ),
                static function ( $cache, $key, $cWrapped ) use ( $wrapped ) {
                    // A string value means that it is a tombstone; do nothing in that case
                    return ( is_string( $cWrapped ) ) ? false : $wrapped;

        return $ok;

     * Purge a key from all datacenters
     * This should only be called when the underlying data (being cached)
     * changes in a significant way. This deletes the key and starts a hold-off
     * period where the key cannot be written to for a few seconds (HOLDOFF_TTL).
     * This is done to avoid the following race condition:
     *   - a) Some DB data changes and delete() is called on a corresponding key
     *   - b) A request refills the key with a stale value from a lagged DB
     *   - c) The stale value is stuck there until the key is expired/evicted
     * This is implemented by storing a special "tombstone" value at the cache
     * key that this class recognizes; get() calls will return false for the key
     * and any set() calls will refuse to replace tombstone values at the key.
     * For this to always avoid stale value writes, the following must hold:
     *   - a) Replication lag is bounded to being less than HOLDOFF_TTL; or
     *   - b) If lag is higher, the DB will have gone into read-only mode already
     * Note that set() can also be lag-aware and lower the TTL if it's high.
     * Be aware that this does not clear the process cache. Even if it did, callbacks
     * used by getWithSetCallback() might still return stale data in the case of either
     * uncommitted or not-yet-replicated changes (callback generally use replica DBs).
     * When using potentially long-running ACID transactions, a good pattern is
     * to use a pre-commit hook to issue the delete(). This means that immediately
     * after commit, callers will see the tombstone in cache upon purge relay.
     * It also avoids the following race condition:
     *   - a) T1 begins, changes a row, and calls delete()
     *   - b) The HOLDOFF_TTL passes, expiring the delete() tombstone
     *   - c) T2 starts, reads the row and calls set() due to a cache miss
     *   - d) T1 finally commits
     *   - e) Stale value is stuck in cache
     * Example usage:
     * @code
     *     $dbw->startAtomic( __METHOD__ ); // start of request
     *     ... <execute some stuff> ...
     *     // Update the row in the DB
     *     $dbw->update( ... );
     *     $key = $cache->makeKey( 'homes', $homeId );
     *     // Purge the corresponding cache entry just before committing
     *     $dbw->onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle( function() use ( $cache, $key ) {
     *         $cache->delete( $key );
     *     } );
     *     ... <execute some stuff> ...
     *     $dbw->endAtomic( __METHOD__ ); // end of request
     * @endcode
     * The $ttl parameter can be used when purging values that have not actually changed
     * recently. For example, user-requested purges or cache cleanup scripts might not need
     * to invoke a hold-off period on cache backfills, so they can use HOLDOFF_TTL_NONE.
     * Note that $ttl limits the effective range of 'lockTSE' for getWithSetCallback().
     * If called twice on the same key, then the last hold-off TTL takes precedence. For
     * idempotence, the $ttl should not vary for different delete() calls on the same key.
     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param int $ttl Tombstone TTL; Default: WANObjectCache::HOLDOFF_TTL
     * @return bool True if the item was purged or not found, false on failure
    final public function delete( $key, $ttl = self::HOLDOFF_TTL ) {
        // Purge values must be stored under the value key so that WANObjectCache::set()
        // can atomically merge values without accidentally undoing a recent purge and thus
        // violating the holdoff TTL restriction.
        $valueSisterKey = $this->makeSisterKey( $key, self::TYPE_VALUE );

        if ( $ttl <= 0 ) {
            // A client or cache cleanup script is requesting a cache purge, so there is no
            // volatility period due to replica DB lag. Any recent change to an entity cached
            // in this key should have triggered an appropriate purge event.
            $ok = $this->relayNonVolatilePurge( $valueSisterKey );
        } else {
            // A cacheable entity recently changed, so there might be a volatility period due
            // to replica DB lag. Clients usually expect their actions to be reflected in any
            // of their subsequent web request. This is attainable if (a) purge relay lag is
            // lower than the time it takes for subsequent request by the client to arrive,
            // and, (b) DB replica queries have "read-your-writes" consistency due to DB lag
            // mitigation systems.
            $now = $this->getCurrentTime();
            // Set the key to the purge value in all datacenters
            $purge = $this->makeTombstonePurgeValue( $now );
            $ok = $this->relayVolatilePurge( $valueSisterKey, $purge, $ttl );

        $keygroup = $this->determineKeyGroupForStats( $key );

        $this->stats->getCounter( 'wanobjectcache_delete_total' )
            ->setLabel( 'keygroup', $keygroup )
            ->setLabel( 'result', ( $ok ? 'ok' : 'error' ) )
            ->copyToStatsdAt( "wanobjectcache.$keygroup.delete." . ( $ok ? 'ok' : 'error' ) )

        return $ok;

     * Fetch the value of a timestamp "check" key
     * The key will be *initialized* to the current time if not set,
     * so only call this method if this behavior is actually desired
     * The timestamp can be used to check whether a cached value is valid.
     * Callers should not assume that this returns the same timestamp in
     * all datacenters due to relay delays.
     * The level of staleness can roughly be estimated from this key, but
     * if the key was evicted from cache, such calculations may show the
     * time since expiry as ~0 seconds.
     * Note that "check" keys won't collide with other regular keys.
     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @return float UNIX timestamp
    final public function getCheckKeyTime( $key ) {
        return $this->getMultiCheckKeyTime( [ $key ] )[$key];

     * Fetch the values of each timestamp "check" key
     * This works like getCheckKeyTime() except it takes a list of keys
     * and returns a map of timestamps instead of just that of one key
     * This might be useful if both:
     *   - a) a class of entities each depend on hundreds of other entities
     *   - b) these other entities are depended upon by millions of entities
     * The later entities can each use a "check" key to purge their dependee entities.
     * However, it is expensive for the former entities to verify against all of the relevant
     * "check" keys during each getWithSetCallback() call. A less expensive approach is to do
     * these verifications only after a "time-till-verify" (TTV) has passed. This is a middle
     * ground between using blind TTLs and using constant verification. The adaptiveTTL() method
     * can be used to dynamically adjust the TTV. Also, the initial TTV can make use of the
     * last-modified times of the dependent entities (either from the DB or the "check" keys).
     * Example usage:
     * @code
     *     $value = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
     *         $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'wikibase-item', $id ),
     *         self::INITIAL_TTV, // initial time-till-verify
     *         function ( $oldValue, &$ttv, &$setOpts, $oldAsOf ) use ( $checkKeys, $cache ) {
     *             $now = microtime( true );
     *             // Use $oldValue if it passes max ultimate age and "check" key comparisons
     *             if ( $oldValue &&
     *                 $oldAsOf > max( $cache->getMultiCheckKeyTime( $checkKeys ) ) &&
     *                 ( $now - $oldValue['ctime'] ) <= self::MAX_CACHE_AGE
     *             ) {
     *                 // Increase time-till-verify by 50% of last time to reduce overhead
     *                 $ttv = $cache->adaptiveTTL( $oldAsOf, self::MAX_TTV, self::MIN_TTV, 1.5 );
     *                 // Unlike $oldAsOf, "ctime" is the ultimate age of the cached data
     *                 return $oldValue;
     *             }
     *             $mtimes = []; // dependency last-modified times; passed by reference
     *             $value = [ 'data' => $this->fetchEntityData( $mtimes ), 'ctime' => $now ];
     *             // Guess time-till-change among the dependencies, e.g. 1/(total change rate)
     *             $ttc = 1 / array_sum( array_map(
     *                 function ( $mtime ) use ( $now ) {
     *                     return 1 / ( $mtime ? ( $now - $mtime ) : 900 );
     *                 },
     *                 $mtimes
     *             ) );
     *             // The time-to-verify should not be overly pessimistic nor optimistic
     *             $ttv = min( max( $ttc, self::MIN_TTV ), self::MAX_TTV );
     *             return $value;
     *         },
     *         [ 'staleTTL' => $cache::TTL_DAY ] // keep around to verify and re-save
     *     );
     * @endcode
     * @see WANObjectCache::getCheckKeyTime()
     * @see WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback()
     * @param string[] $keys Cache keys made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @return float[] Map of (key => UNIX timestamp)
     * @since 1.31
    final public function getMultiCheckKeyTime( array $keys ) {
        $checkSisterKeysByKey = [];
        foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
            $checkSisterKeysByKey[$key] = $this->makeSisterKey( $key, self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP );

        $wrappedBySisterKey = $this->cache->getMulti( $checkSisterKeysByKey );
        $wrappedBySisterKey += array_fill_keys( $checkSisterKeysByKey, false );

        $now = $this->getCurrentTime();
        $times = [];
        foreach ( $checkSisterKeysByKey as $key => $checkSisterKey ) {
            $purge = $this->parsePurgeValue( $wrappedBySisterKey[$checkSisterKey] );
            if ( $purge === null ) {
                $wrapped = $this->makeCheckPurgeValue( $now, self::HOLDOFF_TTL_NONE, $purge );

            $times[$key] = $purge[self::PURGE_TIME];

        return $times;

     * Increase the last-purge timestamp of a "check" key in all datacenters
     * This method should only be called when some heavily referenced data changes in
     * a significant way, such that it is impractical to call delete() on all the cache
     * keys that should be purged. The get*() method calls used to fetch these keys must
     * include the given "check" key in the relevant "check" keys argument/option.
     * A "check" key essentially represents a last-modified time of an entity. When the
     * key is touched, the timestamp will be updated to the current time. Keys fetched
     * using get*() calls, that include the "check" key, will be seen as purged.
     * The timestamp of the "check" key is treated as being HOLDOFF_TTL seconds in the
     * future by get*() methods in order to avoid race conditions where keys are updated
     * with stale values (e.g. from a lagged replica DB). A high TTL is set on the "check"
     * key, making it possible to know the timestamp of the last change to the corresponding
     * entities in most cases. This might use more cache space than resetCheckKey().
     * When a few important keys get a large number of hits, a high cache time is usually
     * desired as well as "lockTSE" logic. The resetCheckKey() method is less appropriate
     * in such cases since the "time since expiry" cannot be inferred, causing any get()
     * after the reset to treat the key as being "hot", resulting in more stale value usage.
     * Note that "check" keys won't collide with other regular keys.
     * @see WANObjectCache::get()
     * @see WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback()
     * @see WANObjectCache::resetCheckKey()
     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param int $holdoff HOLDOFF_TTL or HOLDOFF_TTL_NONE constant
     * @return bool True if the item was purged or not found, false on failure
    final public function touchCheckKey( $key, $holdoff = self::HOLDOFF_TTL ) {
        $checkSisterKey = $this->makeSisterKey( $key, self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP );

        $now = $this->getCurrentTime();
        $purge = $this->makeCheckPurgeValue( $now, $holdoff );
        $ok = $this->relayVolatilePurge( $checkSisterKey, $purge, self::CHECK_KEY_TTL );

        $keygroup = $this->determineKeyGroupForStats( $key );

        $this->stats->getCounter( 'wanobjectcache_check_total' )
            ->setLabel( 'keygroup', $keygroup )
            ->setLabel( 'result', ( $ok ? 'ok' : 'error' ) )
            ->copyToStatsdAt( "wanobjectcache.$keygroup.ck_touch." . ( $ok ? 'ok' : 'error' ) )

        return $ok;

     * Clear the last-purge timestamp of a "check" key in all datacenters
     * Similar to touchCheckKey(), in that keys fetched using get*() calls, that include
     * the given "check" key, will be seen as purged. However, there are some differences:
     *   - a) The "check" key will be deleted from all caches and lazily
     *        re-initialized when accessed (rather than set everywhere)
     *   - b) Thus, dependent keys will be known to be stale, but not
     *        for how long (they are treated as "just" purged), which
     *        effects any lockTSE logic in getWithSetCallback()
     *   - c) Since "check" keys are initialized only on the server the key hashes
     *        to, any temporary ejection of that server will cause the value to be
     *        seen as purged as a new server will initialize the "check" key.
     * The advantage over touchCheckKey() is that the "check" keys, which have high TTLs,
     * will only be created when a get*() method actually uses those keys. This is better
     * when a large number of "check" keys must be changed in a short period of time.
     * Note that "check" keys won't collide with other regular keys.
     * @see WANObjectCache::get()
     * @see WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback()
     * @see WANObjectCache::touchCheckKey()
     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @return bool True if the item was purged or not found, false on failure
    final public function resetCheckKey( $key ) {
        $checkSisterKey = $this->makeSisterKey( $key, self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP );
        $ok = $this->relayNonVolatilePurge( $checkSisterKey );

        $keygroup = $this->determineKeyGroupForStats( $key );

        $this->stats->getCounter( 'wanobjectcache_reset_total' )
            ->setLabel( 'keygroup', $keygroup )
            ->setLabel( 'result', ( $ok ? 'ok' : 'error' ) )
            ->copyToStatsdAt( "wanobjectcache.$keygroup.ck_reset." . ( $ok ? 'ok' : 'error' ) )

        return $ok;

     * Method to fetch/regenerate a cache key
     * On cache miss, the key will be set to the callback result via set()
     * (unless the callback returns false) and that result will be returned.
     * The arguments supplied to the callback are:
     *   - $oldValue: prior cache value or false if none was present
     *   - &$ttl: alterable reference to the TTL to be assigned to the new value
     *   - &$setOpts: alterable reference to the set() options to be used with the new value
     *   - $oldAsOf: generation UNIX timestamp of $oldValue or null if not present (since 1.28)
     *   - $params: custom field/value map as defined by $cbParams (since 1.35)
     * It is strongly recommended to set the 'lag' and 'since' fields to avoid race conditions
     * that can cause stale values to get stuck at keys. Usually, callbacks ignore the current
     * value, but it can be used to maintain "most recent X" values that come from time or
     * sequence based source data, provided that the "as of" id/time is tracked. Note that
     * preemptive regeneration and $checkKeys can result in a non-false current value.
     * Usage of $checkKeys is similar to get() and getMulti(). However, rather than the caller
     * having to inspect a "current time left" variable (e.g. $curTTL, $curTTLs), a cache
     * regeneration will automatically be triggered using the callback.
     * The $ttl argument and "hotTTR" option (in $opts) use time-dependent randomization
     * to avoid stampedes. Keys that are slow to regenerate and either heavily used
     * or subject to explicit (unpredictable) purges, may need additional mechanisms.
     * The simplest way to avoid stampedes for such keys is to use 'lockTSE' (in $opts).
     * If explicit purges are needed, also:
     *   - a) Pass $key into $checkKeys
     *   - b) Use touchCheckKey( $key ) instead of delete( $key )
     * This applies cache server I/O stampede protection against duplicate cache sets.
     * This is important when the callback is slow and/or yields large values for a key.
     * Example usage (typical key):
     * @code
     *     $catInfo = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
     *         // Key to store the cached value under
     *         $cache->makeKey( 'cat-attributes', $catId ),
     *         // Time-to-live (in seconds)
     *         $cache::TTL_MINUTE,
     *         // Function that derives the new key value
     *         function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
     *             $dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
     *             // Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
     *             $setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
     *             return $dbr->selectRow( ... );
     *        }
     *     );
     * @endcode
     * Example usage (key that is expensive and hot):
     * @code
     *     $catConfig = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
     *         // Key to store the cached value under
     *         $cache->makeKey( 'site-cat-config' ),
     *         // Time-to-live (in seconds)
     *         $cache::TTL_DAY,
     *         // Function that derives the new key value
     *         function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
     *             $dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
     *             // Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
     *             $setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
     *             return CatConfig::newFromRow( $dbr->selectRow( ... ) );
     *         },
     *         [
     *             // Calling touchCheckKey() on this key purges the cache
     *             'checkKeys' => [ $cache->makeKey( 'site-cat-config' ) ],
     *             // Try to only let one datacenter thread manage cache updates at a time
     *             'lockTSE' => 30,
     *             // Avoid querying cache servers multiple times in a web request
     *             'pcTTL' => $cache::TTL_PROC_LONG
     *         ]
     *     );
     * @endcode
     * Example usage (key with dynamic dependencies):
     * @code
     *     $catState = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
     *         // Key to store the cached value under
     *         $cache->makeKey( 'cat-state', $cat->getId() ),
     *         // Time-to-live (seconds)
     *         $cache::TTL_HOUR,
     *         // Function that derives the new key value
     *         function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
     *             // Determine new value from the DB
     *             $dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
     *             // Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
     *             $setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
     *             return CatState::newFromResults( $dbr->select( ... ) );
     *         },
     *         [
     *              // The "check" keys that represent things the value depends on;
     *              // Calling touchCheckKey() on any of them purges the cache
     *             'checkKeys' => [
     *                 $cache->makeKey( 'sustenance-bowls', $cat->getRoomId() ),
     *                 $cache->makeKey( 'people-present', $cat->getHouseId() ),
     *                 $cache->makeKey( 'cat-laws', $cat->getCityId() ),
     *             ]
     *         ]
     *     );
     * @endcode
     * Example usage (key that is expensive with too many DB dependencies for "check" keys):
     * @code
     *     $catToys = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
     *         // Key to store the cached value under
     *         $cache->makeKey( 'cat-toys', $catId ),
     *         // Time-to-live (seconds)
     *         $cache::TTL_HOUR,
     *         // Function that derives the new key value
     *         function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
     *             // Determine new value from the DB
     *             $dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
     *             // Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
     *             $setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
     *             return CatToys::newFromResults( $dbr->select( ... ) );
     *         },
     *         [
     *              // Get the highest timestamp of any of the cat's toys
     *             'touchedCallback' => function ( $value ) use ( $catId ) {
     *                 $dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
     *                 $ts = $dbr->selectField( 'cat_toys', 'MAX(ct_touched)', ... );
     *                 return wfTimestampOrNull( TS_UNIX, $ts );
     *             },
     *             // Avoid DB queries for repeated access
     *             'pcTTL' => $cache::TTL_PROC_SHORT
     *         ]
     *     );
     * @endcode
     * Example usage (hot key holding most recent 100 events):
     * @code
     *     $lastCatActions = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
     *         // Key to store the cached value under
     *         $cache->makeKey( 'cat-last-actions', 100 ),
     *         // Time-to-live (in seconds)
     *         10,
     *         // Function that derives the new key value
     *         function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
     *             $dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
     *             // Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
     *             $setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
     *             // Start off with the last cached list
     *             $list = $oldValue ?: [];
     *             // Fetch the last 100 relevant rows in descending order;
     *             // only fetch rows newer than $list[0] to reduce scanning
     *             $rows = iterator_to_array( $dbr->select( ... ) );
     *             // Merge them and get the new "last 100" rows
     *             return array_slice( array_merge( $new, $list ), 0, 100 );
     *        },
     *        [
     *             // Try to only let one datacenter thread manage cache updates at a time
     *             'lockTSE' => 30,
     *             // Use a magic value when no cache value is ready rather than stampeding
     *             'busyValue' => 'computing'
     *        ]
     *     );
     * @endcode
     * Example usage (key holding an LRU subkey:value map; this can avoid flooding cache with
     * keys for an unlimited set of (constraint,situation) pairs, thereby avoiding elevated
     * cache evictions and wasted memory):
     * @code
     *     $catSituationTolerabilityCache = $this->cache->getWithSetCallback(
     *         // Group by constraint ID/hash, cat family ID/hash, or something else useful
     *         $this->cache->makeKey( 'cat-situation-tolerability-checks', $groupKey ),
     *         WANObjectCache::TTL_DAY, // rarely used groups should fade away
     *         // The $scenarioKey format is $constraintId:<ID/hash of $situation>
     *         function ( $cacheMap ) use ( $scenarioKey, $constraintId, $situation ) {
     *             $lruCache = MapCacheLRU::newFromArray( $cacheMap ?: [], self::CACHE_SIZE );
     *             $result = $lruCache->get( $scenarioKey ); // triggers LRU bump if present
     *             if ( $result === null || $this->isScenarioResultExpired( $result ) ) {
     *                 $result = $this->checkScenarioTolerability( $constraintId, $situation );
     *                 $lruCache->set( $scenarioKey, $result, 3 / 8 );
     *             }
     *             // Save the new LRU cache map and reset the map's TTL
     *             return $lruCache->toArray();
     *         },
     *         [
     *             // Once map is > 1 sec old, consider refreshing
     *             'ageNew' => 1,
     *             // Update within 5 seconds after "ageNew" given a 1hz cache check rate
     *             'hotTTR' => 5,
     *             // Avoid querying cache servers multiple times in a request; this also means
     *             // that a request can only alter the value of any given constraint key once
     *             'pcTTL' => WANObjectCache::TTL_PROC_LONG
     *         ]
     *     );
     *     $tolerability = isset( $catSituationTolerabilityCache[$scenarioKey] )
     *         ? $catSituationTolerabilityCache[$scenarioKey]
     *         : $this->checkScenarioTolerability( $constraintId, $situation );
     * @endcode
     * @see WANObjectCache::get()
     * @see WANObjectCache::set()
     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param int $ttl Nominal seconds-to-live for newly computed values. Special values are:
     *   - WANObjectCache::TTL_INDEFINITE: Cache forever (subject to LRU-style evictions)
     *   - WANObjectCache::TTL_UNCACHEABLE: Do not cache (if the key exists, it is not deleted)
     * @param callable $callback Value generation function
     * @param array $opts Options map:
     *   - checkKeys: List of "check" keys. The key at $key will be seen as stale when either
     *      touchCheckKey() or resetCheckKey() is called on any of the keys in this list. This
     *      is useful if thousands or millions of keys depend on the same entity. The entity can
     *      simply have its "check" key updated whenever the entity is modified.
     *      Default: [].
     *   - graceTTL: If the key is stale due to a purge (by "checkKeys" or "touchedCallback")
     *      less than this many seconds ago, consider reusing the stale value. The odds of a
     *      refresh become more likely over time, becoming certain once the grace period is
     *      reached. This can reduce traffic spikes when millions of keys are compared to the
     *      same  "check" key and touchCheckKey() or resetCheckKey() is called on that "check" key.
     *      This option is not useful for avoiding traffic spikes in the case of the key simply
     *      expiring on account of its TTL (use "lowTTL" instead).
     *      Default: WANObjectCache::GRACE_TTL_NONE.
     *   - lockTSE: If the value is stale and the "time since expiry" (TSE) is less than the given
     *      number of seconds ago, then reuse the stale value if another such thread is already
     *      regenerating the value. The TSE of the key is influenced by purges (e.g. via delete(),
     *      "checkKeys", "touchedCallback"), and various other options (e.g. "staleTTL"). A low
     *      enough TSE is assumed to indicate a high enough key access rate to justify stampede
     *      avoidance. Note that no cache value exists after deletion, expiration, or eviction
     *      at the storage-layer; to prevent stampedes during these cases, use "busyValue".
     *      Default: WANObjectCache::TSE_NONE.
     *   - busyValue: Specify a placeholder value to use when no value exists and another thread
     *      is currently regenerating it. This assures that cache stampedes cannot happen if the
     *      value falls out of cache. This also mitigates stampedes when value regeneration
     *      becomes very slow (greater than $ttl/"lowTTL"). If this is a closure, then it will
     *      be invoked to get the placeholder when needed.
     *      Default: null.
     *   - pcTTL: Process cache the value in this PHP instance for this many seconds. This avoids
     *      network I/O when a key is read several times. This will not cache when the callback
     *      returns false, however. Note that any purges will not be seen while process cached;
     *      since the callback should use replica DBs and they may be lagged or have snapshot
     *      isolation anyway, this should not typically matter.
     *      Default: WANObjectCache::TTL_UNCACHEABLE.
     *   - pcGroup: Process cache group to use instead of the primary one. If set, this must be
     *      of the format ALPHANUMERIC_NAME:MAX_KEY_SIZE, e.g. "mydata:10". Use this for storing
     *      large values, small yet numerous values, or some values with a high cost of eviction.
     *      It is generally preferable to use a class constant when setting this value.
     *      This has no effect unless pcTTL is used.
     *      Default: WANObjectCache::PC_PRIMARY.
     *   - version: Integer version number. This lets callers make breaking changes to the format
     *      of cached values without causing problems for sites that use non-instantaneous code
     *      deployments. Old and new code will recognize incompatible versions and purges from
     *      both old and new code will been seen by each other. When this method encounters an
     *      incompatibly versioned value at the provided key, a "variant key" will be used for
     *      reading from and saving to cache. The variant key is specific to the key and version
     *      number provided to this method. If the variant key value is older than that of the
     *      provided key, or the provided key is non-existant, then the variant key will be seen
     *      as non-existant. Therefore, delete() calls purge the provided key's variant keys.
     *      The "checkKeys" and "touchedCallback" options still apply to variant keys as usual.
     *      Avoid storing class objects, as this reduces compatibility (due to serialization).
     *      Default: null.
     *   - minAsOf: Reject values if they were generated before this UNIX timestamp.
     *      This is useful if the source of a key is suspected of having possibly changed
     *      recently, and the caller wants any such changes to be reflected.
     *      Default: WANObjectCache::MIN_TIMESTAMP_NONE.
     *   - hotTTR: Expected time-till-refresh (TTR) in seconds for keys that average ~1 hit per
     *      second (e.g. 1Hz). Keys with a hit rate higher than 1Hz will refresh sooner than this
     *      TTR and vise versa. Such refreshes won't happen until keys are "ageNew" seconds old.
     *      This uses randomization to avoid triggering cache stampedes. The TTR is useful at
     *      reducing the impact of missed cache purges, since the effect of a heavily referenced
     *      key being stale is worse than that of a rarely referenced key. Unlike simply lowering
     *      $ttl, seldomly used keys are largely unaffected by this option, which makes it
     *      possible to have a high hit rate for the "long-tail" of less-used keys.
     *      Default: WANObjectCache::HOT_TTR.
     *   - lowTTL: Consider pre-emptive updates when the current TTL (seconds) of the key is less
     *      than this. It becomes more likely over time, becoming certain once the key is expired.
     *      This helps avoid cache stampedes that might be triggered due to the key expiring.
     *      Default: WANObjectCache::LOW_TTL.
     *   - ageNew: Consider popularity refreshes only once a key reaches this age in seconds.
     *      Default: WANObjectCache::AGE_NEW.
     *   - staleTTL: Seconds to keep the key around if it is stale. This means that on cache
     *      miss the callback may get $oldValue/$oldAsOf values for keys that have already been
     *      expired for this specified time. This is useful if adaptiveTTL() is used on the old
     *      value's as-of time when it is verified as still being correct.
     *      Default: WANObjectCache::STALE_TTL_NONE
     *   - touchedCallback: A callback that takes the current value and returns a UNIX timestamp
     *      indicating the last time a dynamic dependency changed. Null can be returned if there
     *      are no relevant dependency changes to check. This can be used to check against things
     *      like last-modified times of files or DB timestamp fields. This should generally not be
     *      used for small and easily queried values in a DB if the callback itself ends up doing
     *      a similarly expensive DB query to check a timestamp. Usages of this option makes the
     *      most sense for values that are moderately to highly expensive to regenerate and easy
     *      to query for dependency timestamps. The use of "pcTTL" reduces timestamp queries.
     *      Default: null.
     * @param array $cbParams Custom field/value map to pass to the callback (since 1.35)
     * @phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength
     * @phan-param array{checkKeys?:string[],graceTTL?:int,lockTSE?:int,busyValue?:mixed,pcTTL?:int,pcGroup?:string,version?:int,minAsOf?:float|int,hotTTR?:int,lowTTL?:int,ageNew?:int,staleTTL?:int,touchedCallback?:callable} $opts
     * @return mixed Value found or written to the key
     * @note Options added in 1.28: version, busyValue, hotTTR, ageNew, pcGroup, minAsOf
     * @note Options added in 1.31: staleTTL, graceTTL
     * @note Options added in 1.33: touchedCallback
     * @note Callable type hints are not used to avoid class-autoloading
    final public function getWithSetCallback(
        $key, $ttl, $callback, array $opts = [], array $cbParams = []
    ) {
        $version = $opts['version'] ?? null;
        $pcTTL = $opts['pcTTL'] ?? self::TTL_UNCACHEABLE;
        $pCache = ( $pcTTL >= 0 )
            ? $this->getProcessCache( $opts['pcGroup'] ?? self::PC_PRIMARY )
            : null;

        // Use the process cache if requested as long as no outer cache callback is running.
        // Nested callback process cache use is not lag-safe with regard to HOLDOFF_TTL since
        // process cached values are more lagged than persistent ones as they are not purged.
        if ( $pCache && $this->callbackDepth == 0 ) {
            $cached = $pCache->get( $key, $pcTTL, false );
            if ( $cached !== false ) {
                $this->logger->debug( "getWithSetCallback($key): process cache hit" );
                return $cached;

        [ $value, $valueVersion, $curAsOf ] = $this->fetchOrRegenerate( $key, $ttl, $callback, $opts, $cbParams );
        if ( $valueVersion !== $version ) {
            // Current value has a different version; use the variant key for this version.
            // Regenerate the variant value if it is not newer than the main value at $key
            // so that purges to the main key propagate to the variant value.
            $this->logger->debug( "getWithSetCallback($key): using variant key" );
            [ $value ] = $this->fetchOrRegenerate(
                $this->makeGlobalKey( 'WANCache-key-variant', md5( $key ), (string)$version ),
                [ 'version' => null, 'minAsOf' => $curAsOf ] + $opts,

        // Update the process cache if enabled
        if ( $pCache && $value !== false ) {
            $pCache->set( $key, $value );

        return $value;

     * Do the actual I/O for getWithSetCallback() when needed
     * @see WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback()
     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param int $ttl
     * @param callable $callback
     * @param array $opts
     * @param array $cbParams
     * @return array Ordered list of the following:
     *   - Cached or regenerated value
     *   - Cached or regenerated value version number or null if not versioned
     *   - Timestamp of the current cached value at the key or null if there is no value
     * @note Callable type hints are not used to avoid class-autoloading
    private function fetchOrRegenerate( $key, $ttl, $callback, array $opts, array $cbParams ) {
        $checkKeys = $opts['checkKeys'] ?? [];
        $graceTTL = $opts['graceTTL'] ?? self::GRACE_TTL_NONE;
        $minAsOf = $opts['minAsOf'] ?? self::MIN_TIMESTAMP_NONE;
        $hotTTR = $opts['hotTTR'] ?? self::HOT_TTR;
        $lowTTL = $opts['lowTTL'] ?? min( self::LOW_TTL, $ttl );
        $ageNew = $opts['ageNew'] ?? self::AGE_NEW;
        $touchedCb = $opts['touchedCallback'] ?? null;
        $startTime = $this->getCurrentTime();

        $keygroup = $this->determineKeyGroupForStats( $key );

        // Get the current key value and its metadata
        $curState = $this->fetchKeys( [ $key ], $checkKeys, $startTime, $touchedCb )[$key];
        $curValue = $curState[self::RES_VALUE];

        // Use the cached value if it exists and is not due for synchronous regeneration
        if ( $this->isAcceptablyFreshValue( $curState, $graceTTL, $minAsOf ) ) {
            if ( !$this->isLotteryRefreshDue( $curState, $lowTTL, $ageNew, $hotTTR, $startTime ) ) {
                $this->stats->getTiming( 'wanobjectcache_getwithset_seconds' )
                    ->setLabel( 'keygroup', $keygroup )
                    ->setLabel( 'result', 'hit' )
                    ->setLabel( 'reason', 'good' )
                    ->copyToStatsdAt( "wanobjectcache.$keygroup.hit.good" )
                    ->observe( 1e3 * ( $this->getCurrentTime() - $startTime ) );

                return [ $curValue, $curState[self::RES_VERSION], $curState[self::RES_AS_OF] ];
            } elseif ( $this->scheduleAsyncRefresh( $key, $ttl, $callback, $opts, $cbParams ) ) {
                $this->logger->debug( "fetchOrRegenerate($key): hit with async refresh" );

                $this->stats->getTiming( 'wanobjectcache_getwithset_seconds' )
                    ->setLabel( 'keygroup', $keygroup )
                    ->setLabel( 'result', 'hit' )
                    ->setLabel( 'reason', 'refresh' )
                    ->copyToStatsdAt( "wanobjectcache.$keygroup.hit.refresh" )
                    ->observe( 1e3 * ( $this->getCurrentTime() - $startTime ) );

                return [ $curValue, $curState[self::RES_VERSION], $curState[self::RES_AS_OF] ];
            } else {
                $this->logger->debug( "fetchOrRegenerate($key): hit with sync refresh" );

        $isKeyTombstoned = ( $curState[self::RES_TOMB_AS_OF] !== null );
        // Use the interim key as a temporary alternative if the key is tombstoned
        if ( $isKeyTombstoned ) {
            $volState = $this->getInterimValue( $key, $minAsOf, $startTime, $touchedCb );
            $volValue = $volState[self::RES_VALUE];
        } else {
            $volState = $curState;
            $volValue = $curValue;

        // During the volatile "hold-off" period that follows a purge of the key, the value
        // will be regenerated many times if frequently accessed. This is done to mitigate
        // the effects of backend replication lag as soon as possible. However, throttle the
        // overhead of locking and regeneration by reusing values recently written to cache
        // tens of milliseconds ago. Verify the "as of" time against the last purge event.
        $lastPurgeTime = max(
            // RES_TOUCH_AS_OF depends on the value (possibly from the interim key)
        $safeMinAsOf = max( $minAsOf, $lastPurgeTime + self::TINY_POSITIVE );
        if ( $this->isExtremelyNewValue( $volState, $safeMinAsOf, $startTime ) ) {
            $this->logger->debug( "fetchOrRegenerate($key): volatile hit" );

            $this->stats->getTiming( 'wanobjectcache_getwithset_seconds' )
                ->setLabel( 'keygroup', $keygroup )
                ->setLabel( 'result', 'hit' )
                ->setLabel( 'reason', 'volatile' )
                ->copyToStatsdAt( "wanobjectcache.$keygroup.hit.volatile" )
                ->observe( 1e3 * ( $this->getCurrentTime() - $startTime ) );

            return [ $volValue, $volState[self::RES_VERSION], $curState[self::RES_AS_OF] ];

        $lockTSE = $opts['lockTSE'] ?? self::TSE_NONE;
        $busyValue = $opts['busyValue'] ?? null;
        $staleTTL = $opts['staleTTL'] ?? self::STALE_TTL_NONE;
        $segmentable = $opts['segmentable'] ?? false;
        $version = $opts['version'] ?? null;

        // Determine whether one thread per datacenter should handle regeneration at a time
        $useRegenerationLock =
            // Note that since tombstones no-op set(), $lockTSE and $curTTL cannot be used to
            // deduce the key hotness because |$curTTL| will always keep increasing until the
            // tombstone expires or is overwritten by a new tombstone. Also, even if $lockTSE
            // is not set, constant regeneration of a key for the tombstone lifetime might be
            // very expensive. Assume tombstoned keys are possibly hot in order to reduce
            // the risk of high regeneration load after the delete() method is called.
            $isKeyTombstoned ||
            // Assume a key is hot if requested soon ($lockTSE seconds) after purge.
            // This avoids stampedes when timestamps from $checkKeys/$touchedCb bump.
                $curState[self::RES_CUR_TTL] !== null &&
                $curState[self::RES_CUR_TTL] <= 0 &&
                abs( $curState[self::RES_CUR_TTL] ) <= $lockTSE
            ) ||
            // Assume a key is hot if there is no value and a busy fallback is given.
            // This avoids stampedes on eviction or preemptive regeneration taking too long.
            ( $busyValue !== null && $volValue === false );

        // If a regeneration lock is required, threads that do not get the lock will try to use
        // the stale value, the interim value, or the $busyValue placeholder, in that order. If
        // none of those are set then all threads will bypass the lock and regenerate the value.
        $hasLock = $useRegenerationLock && $this->claimStampedeLock( $key );
        if ( $useRegenerationLock && !$hasLock ) {
            // Determine if there is stale or volatile cached value that is still usable
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable False positive
            if ( $this->isValid( $volValue, $volState[self::RES_AS_OF], $minAsOf ) ) {
                $this->logger->debug( "fetchOrRegenerate($key): returning stale value" );

                $this->stats->getTiming( 'wanobjectcache_getwithset_seconds' )
                    ->setLabel( 'keygroup', $keygroup )
                    ->setLabel( 'result', 'hit' )
                    ->setLabel( 'reason', 'stale' )
                    ->copyToStatsdAt( "wanobjectcache.$keygroup.hit.stale" )
                    ->observe( 1e3 * ( $this->getCurrentTime() - $startTime ) );

                return [ $volValue, $volState[self::RES_VERSION], $curState[self::RES_AS_OF] ];
            } elseif ( $busyValue !== null ) {
                $miss = is_infinite( $minAsOf ) ? 'renew' : 'miss';
                $this->logger->debug( "fetchOrRegenerate($key): busy $miss" );

                $this->stats->getTiming( 'wanobjectcache_getwithset_seconds' )
                    ->setLabel( 'keygroup', $keygroup )
                    ->setLabel( 'result', $miss )
                    ->setLabel( 'reason', 'busy' )
                    ->copyToStatsdAt( "wanobjectcache.$keygroup.$miss.busy" )
                    ->observe( 1e3 * ( $this->getCurrentTime() - $startTime ) );

                $placeholderValue = $this->resolveBusyValue( $busyValue );

                return [ $placeholderValue, $version, $curState[self::RES_AS_OF] ];

        // Generate the new value given any prior value with a matching version
        $setOpts = [];
        $preCallbackTime = $this->getCurrentTime();
        $value = null;
        try {
            $value = $callback(
                ( $curState[self::RES_VERSION] === $version ) ? $curValue : false,
                ( $curState[self::RES_VERSION] === $version ) ? $curState[self::RES_AS_OF] : null,
        } finally {
        $postCallbackTime = $this->getCurrentTime();

        // How long it took to generate the value
        $walltime = max( $postCallbackTime - $preCallbackTime, 0.0 );

        $this->stats->getTiming( 'wanobjectcache_regen_seconds' )
            ->setLabel( 'keygroup', $keygroup )
            ->copyToStatsdAt( "wanobjectcache.$keygroup.regen_walltime" )
            ->observe( 1e3 * $walltime );

        // Attempt to save the newly generated value if applicable
        if (
            // Callback yielded a cacheable value
            ( $value !== false && $ttl >= 0 ) &&
            // Current thread was not raced out of a regeneration lock or key is tombstoned
            ( !$useRegenerationLock || $hasLock || $isKeyTombstoned )
        ) {
            // If the key is write-holed then use the (volatile) interim key as an alternative
            if ( $isKeyTombstoned ) {
            } else {
                    // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanCoalescingAlwaysNull
                    $setOpts['lag'] ?? 0,
                    // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanCoalescingAlwaysNull
                    $setOpts['since'] ?? $preCallbackTime,
                    // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanCoalescingAlwaysNull
                    $setOpts['pending'] ?? false,
                    ( $curValue === false )

        $this->yieldStampedeLock( $key, $hasLock );

        $miss = is_infinite( $minAsOf ) ? 'renew' : 'miss';
        $this->logger->debug( "fetchOrRegenerate($key): $miss, new value computed" );

        $this->stats->getTiming( 'wanobjectcache_getwithset_seconds' )
            ->setLabel( 'keygroup', $keygroup )
            ->setLabel( 'result', $miss )
            ->setLabel( 'reason', 'compute' )
            ->copyToStatsdAt( "wanobjectcache.$keygroup.$miss.compute" )
            ->observe( 1e3 * ( $this->getCurrentTime() - $startTime ) );

        return [ $value, $version, $curState[self::RES_AS_OF] ];

     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @return bool Success
    private function claimStampedeLock( $key ) {
        $checkSisterKey = $this->makeSisterKey( $key, self::TYPE_MUTEX );
        // Note that locking is not bypassed due to I/O errors; this avoids stampedes
        return $this->cache->add( $checkSisterKey, 1, self::LOCK_TTL );

     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param bool $hasLock
    private function yieldStampedeLock( $key, $hasLock ) {
        if ( $hasLock ) {
            $checkSisterKey = $this->makeSisterKey( $key, self::TYPE_MUTEX );
            $this->cache->delete( $checkSisterKey, $this->cache::WRITE_BACKGROUND );

     * Get sister keys that should be collocated with their corresponding base cache keys
     * The key will bear the WANCache prefix and use the configured coalescing scheme
     * @param string[] $baseKeys Cache keys made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param string $type Consistent hashing agnostic suffix character matching [a-zA-Z]
     * @param string|null $route Routing prefix (optional)
     * @return string[] Order-corresponding list of sister keys
    private function makeSisterKeys( array $baseKeys, string $type, string $route = null ) {
        $sisterKeys = [];
        foreach ( $baseKeys as $baseKey ) {
            $sisterKeys[] = $this->makeSisterKey( $baseKey, $type, $route );

        return $sisterKeys;

     * Get a sister key that should be collocated with a base cache key
     * The keys will bear the WANCache prefix and use the configured coalescing scheme
     * @param string $baseKey Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param string $typeChar Consistent hashing agnostic suffix character matching [a-zA-Z]
     * @param string|null $route Routing prefix (optional)
     * @return string Sister key
    private function makeSisterKey( string $baseKey, string $typeChar, string $route = null ) {
        if ( $this->coalesceScheme === self::SCHEME_HASH_STOP ) {
            // Key style: "WANCache:<base key>|#|<character>"
            $sisterKey = 'WANCache:' . $baseKey . '|#|' . $typeChar;
        } else {
            // Key style: "WANCache:{<base key>}:<character>"
            $sisterKey = 'WANCache:{' . $baseKey . '}:' . $typeChar;

        if ( $route !== null ) {
            $sisterKey = $this->prependRoute( $sisterKey, $route );

        return $sisterKey;

     * Check if a key value is non-false, new enough, and has an "as of" time almost equal to now
     * If the value was just written to cache, and it did not take an unusually long time to
     * generate, then it is probably not worth regenerating yet. For example, replica databases
     * might still return lagged pre-purge values anyway.
     * @param array $res Current value WANObjectCache::RES_* data map
     * @param float $minAsOf Minimum acceptable value "as of" UNIX timestamp
     * @param float $now Current UNIX timestamp
     * @return bool Whether the age of a volatile value is negligible
    private function isExtremelyNewValue( $res, $minAsOf, $now ) {
        if ( $res[self::RES_VALUE] === false || $res[self::RES_AS_OF] < $minAsOf ) {
            return false;

        $age = $now - $res[self::RES_AS_OF];

        return ( $age < mt_rand( self::RECENT_SET_LOW_MS, self::RECENT_SET_HIGH_MS ) / 1e3 );

     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param float $minAsOf Minimum acceptable value "as of" UNIX timestamp
     * @param float $now Fetch time to determine "age" metadata
     * @param callable|null $touchedCb Function to find the max "dependency touched" UNIX timestamp
     * @return array<int,mixed> Result map/n-tuple from unwrap()
     * @phan-return array{0:mixed,1:mixed,2:?float,3:?int,4:?float,5:?float,6:?float,7:?float}
     * @note Callable type hints are not used to avoid class-autoloading
    private function getInterimValue( $key, $minAsOf, $now, $touchedCb ) {
        if ( $this->useInterimHoldOffCaching ) {
            $interimSisterKey = $this->makeSisterKey( $key, self::TYPE_INTERIM );
            $wrapped = $this->cache->get( $interimSisterKey );
            $res = $this->unwrap( $wrapped, $now );
            if ( $res[self::RES_VALUE] !== false && $res[self::RES_AS_OF] >= $minAsOf ) {
                if ( $touchedCb !== null ) {
                    // Update "last purge time" since the $touchedCb timestamp depends on $value
                    // Get the new "touched timestamp", accounting for callback-checked dependencies
                    $res[self::RES_TOUCH_AS_OF] = max(
                        $touchedCb( $res[self::RES_VALUE] ),

                return $res;

        return $this->unwrap( false, $now );

     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param int|float $ttl
     * @param int|null $version Value version number
     * @param bool $segmentable
     * @return bool Success
    private function setInterimValue(
        ?int $version,
        bool $segmentable
    ) {
        $now = $this->getCurrentTime();
        $ttl = max( self::INTERIM_KEY_TTL, (int)$ttl );

        // Wrap that value with time/TTL/version metadata
        $wrapped = $this->wrap( $value, $ttl, $version, $now );

        $flags = $this->cache::WRITE_BACKGROUND;
        if ( $segmentable ) {
            $flags |= $this->cache::WRITE_ALLOW_SEGMENTS;

        return $this->cache->set(
            $this->makeSisterKey( $key, self::TYPE_INTERIM ),

     * @param mixed $busyValue
     * @return mixed
    private function resolveBusyValue( $busyValue ) {
        return ( $busyValue instanceof Closure ) ? $busyValue() : $busyValue;

     * Method to fetch multiple cache keys at once with regeneration
     * This works the same as getWithSetCallback() except:
     *   - a) The $keys argument must be the result of WANObjectCache::makeMultiKeys()
     *   - b) The $callback argument expects a function that returns an entity value, using
     *        boolean "false" if it does not exist. The callback takes the following arguments:
     *         - $id: ID of the entity to query
     *         - $oldValue: prior cache value or false if none was present
     *         - &$ttl: reference to the TTL to be assigned to the new value (alterable)
     *         - &$setOpts: reference to the new value set() options (alterable)
     *         - $oldAsOf: generation UNIX timestamp of $oldValue or null if not present
     *   - c) The return value is a map of (cache key => value) in the order of $keyedIds
     * @see WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback()
     * @see WANObjectCache::getMultiWithUnionSetCallback()
     * Example usage:
     * @code
     *     $rows = $cache->getMultiWithSetCallback(
     *         // Map of cache keys to entity IDs
     *         $cache->makeMultiKeys(
     *             $this->fileVersionIds(),
     *             function ( $id, $cache ) {
     *                 return $cache->makeKey( 'file-version', $id );
     *             }
     *         ),
     *         // Time-to-live (in seconds)
     *         $cache::TTL_DAY,
     *         // Function that derives the new key value
     *         function ( $id, $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts ) {
     *             $dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
     *             // Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
     *             $setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
     *             // Load the row for this file
     *             $queryInfo = File::getQueryInfo();
     *             $row = $dbr->selectRow(
     *                 $queryInfo['tables'],
     *                 $queryInfo['fields'],
     *                 [ 'id' => $id ],
     *                 __METHOD__,
     *                 [],
     *                 $queryInfo['joins']
     *             );
     *             return $row ? (array)$row : false;
     *         },
     *         [
     *             // Process cache for 30 seconds
     *             'pcTTL' => 30,
     *             // Use a dedicated 500 item cache (initialized on-the-fly)
     *             'pcGroup' => 'file-versions:500'
     *         ]
     *     );
     *     $files = array_map( [ __CLASS__, 'newFromRow' ], $rows );
     * @endcode
     * @param ArrayIterator $keyedIds Result of WANObjectCache::makeMultiKeys()
     * @param int $ttl Seconds to live for key updates
     * @param callable $callback Callback that yields entity generation callbacks
     * @param array $opts Options map similar to that of getWithSetCallback()
     * @return mixed[] Map of (cache key => value) in the same order as $keyedIds
     * @since 1.28
    final public function getMultiWithSetCallback(
        ArrayIterator $keyedIds, $ttl, callable $callback, array $opts = []
    ) {
        // Batch load required keys into the in-process warmup cache
        $this->warmupCache = $this->fetchWrappedValuesForWarmupCache(
            $this->getNonProcessCachedMultiKeys( $keyedIds, $opts ),
            $opts['checkKeys'] ?? []
        $this->warmupKeyMisses = 0;

        // The required callback signature includes $id as the first argument for convenience
        // to distinguish different items. To reuse the code in getWithSetCallback(), wrap the
        // callback with a proxy callback that has the standard getWithSetCallback() signature.
        // This is defined only once per batch to avoid closure creation overhead.
        $proxyCb = static function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, &$setOpts, $oldAsOf, $params )
            use ( $callback )
            return $callback( $params['id'], $oldValue, $ttl, $setOpts, $oldAsOf );

        // Get the order-preserved result map using the warm-up cache
        $values = [];
        foreach ( $keyedIds as $key => $id ) {
            $values[$key] = $this->getWithSetCallback(
                [ 'id' => $id ]

        $this->warmupCache = [];

        return $values;

     * Method to fetch/regenerate multiple cache keys at once
     * This works the same as getWithSetCallback() except:
     *   - a) The $keys argument expects the result of WANObjectCache::makeMultiKeys()
     *   - b) The $callback argument expects a function that returns a map of (ID => new value),
     *        using boolean "false" for entities that could not be found, for all entity IDs in
     *        $ids. The callback takes the following arguments:
     *          - $ids: list of entity IDs that require value generation
     *          - &$ttls: reference to the (entity ID => new TTL) map (alterable)
     *          - &$setOpts: reference to the new value set() options (alterable)
     *   - c) The return value is a map of (cache key => value) in the order of $keyedIds
     *   - d) The "lockTSE" and "busyValue" options are ignored
     * @see WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback()
     * @see WANObjectCache::getMultiWithSetCallback()
     * Example usage:
     * @code
     *     $rows = $cache->getMultiWithUnionSetCallback(
     *         // Map of cache keys to entity IDs
     *         $cache->makeMultiKeys(
     *             $this->fileVersionIds(),
     *             function ( $id ) use ( $cache ) {
     *                 return $cache->makeKey( 'file-version', $id );
     *             }
     *         ),
     *         // Time-to-live (in seconds)
     *         $cache::TTL_DAY,
     *         // Function that derives the new key value
     *         function ( array $ids, array &$ttls, array &$setOpts ) {
     *             $dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();
     *             // Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
     *             $setOpts += Database::getCacheSetOptions( $dbr );
     *             // Load the rows for these files
     *             $rows = array_fill_keys( $ids, false );
     *             $queryInfo = File::getQueryInfo();
     *             $res = $dbr->select(
     *                 $queryInfo['tables'],
     *                 $queryInfo['fields'],
     *                 [ 'id' => $ids ],
     *                 __METHOD__,
     *                 [],
     *                 $queryInfo['joins']
     *             );
     *             foreach ( $res as $row ) {
     *                 $rows[$row->id] = $row;
     *                 $mtime = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $row->timestamp );
     *                 $ttls[$row->id] = $this->adaptiveTTL( $mtime, $ttls[$row->id] );
     *             }
     *             return $rows;
     *         },
     *         ]
     *     );
     *     $files = array_map( [ __CLASS__, 'newFromRow' ], $rows );
     * @endcode
     * @param ArrayIterator $keyedIds Result of WANObjectCache::makeMultiKeys()
     * @param int $ttl Seconds to live for key updates
     * @param callable $callback Callback that yields entity generation callbacks
     * @param array $opts Options map similar to that of getWithSetCallback()
     * @return mixed[] Map of (cache key => value) in the same order as $keyedIds
     * @since 1.30
    final public function getMultiWithUnionSetCallback(
        ArrayIterator $keyedIds, $ttl, callable $callback, array $opts = []
    ) {
        $checkKeys = $opts['checkKeys'] ?? [];
        $minAsOf = $opts['minAsOf'] ?? self::MIN_TIMESTAMP_NONE;

        // unset incompatible keys
        unset( $opts['lockTSE'] );
        unset( $opts['busyValue'] );

        // Batch load required keys into the in-process warmup cache
        $keysByIdGet = $this->getNonProcessCachedMultiKeys( $keyedIds, $opts );
        $this->warmupCache = $this->fetchWrappedValuesForWarmupCache( $keysByIdGet, $checkKeys );
        $this->warmupKeyMisses = 0;

        // IDs of entities known to be in need of generation
        $idsRegen = [];

        // Find out which keys are missing/deleted/stale
        $now = $this->getCurrentTime();
        $resByKey = $this->fetchKeys( $keysByIdGet, $checkKeys, $now );
        foreach ( $keysByIdGet as $id => $key ) {
            $res = $resByKey[$key];
            if (
                $res[self::RES_VALUE] === false ||
                $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL] < 0 ||
                $res[self::RES_AS_OF] < $minAsOf
            ) {
                $idsRegen[] = $id;

        // Run the callback to populate the generation value map for all required IDs
        $newSetOpts = [];
        $newTTLsById = array_fill_keys( $idsRegen, $ttl );
        $newValsById = $idsRegen ? $callback( $idsRegen, $newTTLsById, $newSetOpts ) : [];

        $method = __METHOD__;
        // The required callback signature includes $id as the first argument for convenience
        // to distinguish different items. To reuse the code in getWithSetCallback(), wrap the
        // callback with a proxy callback that has the standard getWithSetCallback() signature.
        // This is defined only once per batch to avoid closure creation overhead.
        $proxyCb = function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, &$setOpts, $oldAsOf, $params )
            use ( $callback, $newValsById, $newTTLsById, $newSetOpts, $method )
            $id = $params['id'];

            if ( array_key_exists( $id, $newValsById ) ) {
                // Value was already regenerated as expected, so use the value in $newValsById
                $newValue = $newValsById[$id];
                $ttl = $newTTLsById[$id];
                $setOpts = $newSetOpts;
            } else {
                // Pre-emptive/popularity refresh and version mismatch cases are not detected
                // above and thus $newValsById has no entry. Run $callback on this single entity.
                $ttls = [ $id => $ttl ];
                $result = $callback( [ $id ], $ttls, $setOpts );
                if ( !isset( $result[$id] ) ) {
                    // T303092
                        $method . ' failed due to {id} not set in result {result}', [
                            'id' => $id,
                            'result' => json_encode( $result )
                        ] );
                $newValue = $result[$id];
                $ttl = $ttls[$id];

            return $newValue;

        // Get the order-preserved result map using the warm-up cache
        $values = [];
        foreach ( $keyedIds as $key => $id ) {
            $values[$key] = $this->getWithSetCallback(
                [ 'id' => $id ]

        $this->warmupCache = [];

        return $values;

     * @see BagOStuff::makeGlobalKey()
     * @since 1.27
     * @param string $keygroup Key group component, should be under 48 characters.
     * @param string|int ...$components Additional, ordered, key components for entity IDs
     * @return string Colon-separated, keyspace-prepended, ordered list of encoded components
    public function makeGlobalKey( $keygroup, ...$components ) {
        return $this->cache->makeGlobalKey( $keygroup, ...$components );

     * @see BagOStuff::makeKey()
     * @since 1.27
     * @param string $keygroup Key group component, should be under 48 characters.
     * @param string|int ...$components Additional, ordered, key components for entity IDs
     * @return string Colon-separated, keyspace-prepended, ordered list of encoded components
    public function makeKey( $keygroup, ...$components ) {
        return $this->cache->makeKey( $keygroup, ...$components );

     * Hash a possibly long string into a suitable component for makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param string $component A raw component used in building a cache key
     * @return string 64 character HMAC using a stable secret for public collision resistance
     * @since 1.34
    public function hash256( $component ) {
        return hash_hmac( 'sha256', $component, $this->secret );

     * Get an iterator of (cache key => entity ID) for a list of entity IDs
     * The $callback argument expects a function that returns the key for an entity ID via
     * makeKey()/makeGlobalKey(). There should be no network nor filesystem I/O used in the
     * callback. The entity ID/key mapping must be 1:1 or an exception will be thrown. Use
     * the hash256() method for any hashing. The callback takes the following arguments:
     *   - $id: An entity ID
     *   - $cache: This WANObjectCache instance
     * Example usage for the default keyspace:
     * @code
     *     $keyedIds = $cache->makeMultiKeys(
     *         $modules,
     *         function ( $module, $cache ) {
     *             return $cache->makeKey( 'example-module', $module );
     *         }
     *     );
     * @endcode
     * Example usage for mixed default and global keyspace:
     * @code
     *     $keyedIds = $cache->makeMultiKeys(
     *         $filters,
     *         function ( $filter, $cache ) {
     *             return self::isCentral( $filter )
     *                 ? $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'example-filter', $filter )
     *                 : $cache->makeKey( 'example-filter', $filter )
     *         }
     *     );
     * @endcode
     * Example usage with hashing:
     * @code
     *     $keyedIds = $cache->makeMultiKeys(
     *         $urls,
     *         function ( $url, $cache ) {
     *             return $cache->makeKey( 'example-url', $cache->hash256( $url ) );
     *         }
     *     );
     * @endcode
     * @see WANObjectCache::makeKey()
     * @see WANObjectCache::makeGlobalKey()
     * @see WANObjectCache::hash256()
     * @param string[]|int[] $ids List of entity IDs
     * @param callable $keyCallback Function returning makeKey()/makeGlobalKey() on the input ID
     * @return ArrayIterator Iterator of (cache key => ID); order of $ids is preserved
     * @since 1.28
    final public function makeMultiKeys( array $ids, $keyCallback ) {
        $idByKey = [];
        foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
            // Discourage triggering of automatic makeKey() hashing in some backends
            if ( strlen( $id ) > 64 ) {
                $this->logger->warning( __METHOD__ . ": long ID '$id'; use hash256()" );
            $key = $keyCallback( $id, $this );
            // Edge case: ignore key collisions due to duplicate $ids like "42" and 42
            if ( !isset( $idByKey[$key] ) ) {
                $idByKey[$key] = $id;
            } elseif ( (string)$id !== (string)$idByKey[$key] ) {
                throw new UnexpectedValueException(
                    "Cache key collision; IDs ('$id','{$idByKey[$key]}') map to '$key'"

        return new ArrayIterator( $idByKey );

     * Get an (ID => value) map from (i) a non-unique list of entity IDs, and (ii) the list
     * of corresponding entity values by first appearance of each ID in the entity ID list
     * For use with getMultiWithSetCallback() and getMultiWithUnionSetCallback().
     * *Only* use this method if the entity ID/key mapping is trivially 1:1 without exception.
     * Key generation method must utilize the *full* entity ID in the key (not a hash of it).
     * Example usage:
     * @code
     *     $poems = $cache->getMultiWithSetCallback(
     *         $cache->makeMultiKeys(
     *             $uuids,
     *             function ( $uuid ) use ( $cache ) {
     *                 return $cache->makeKey( 'poem', $uuid );
     *             }
     *         ),
     *         $cache::TTL_DAY,
     *         function ( $uuid ) use ( $url ) {
     *             return $this->http->run( [ 'method' => 'GET', 'url' => "$url/$uuid" ] );
     *         }
     *     );
     *     $poemsByUUID = $cache->multiRemap( $uuids, $poems );
     * @endcode
     * @see WANObjectCache::makeMultiKeys()
     * @see WANObjectCache::getMultiWithSetCallback()
     * @see WANObjectCache::getMultiWithUnionSetCallback()
     * @param string[]|int[] $ids Entity ID list makeMultiKeys()
     * @param mixed[] $res Result of getMultiWithSetCallback()/getMultiWithUnionSetCallback()
     * @return mixed[] Map of (ID => value); order of $ids is preserved
     * @since 1.34
    final public function multiRemap( array $ids, array $res ) {
        if ( count( $ids ) !== count( $res ) ) {
            // If makeMultiKeys() is called on a list of non-unique IDs, then the resulting
            // ArrayIterator will have less entries due to "first appearance" de-duplication
            $ids = array_keys( array_fill_keys( $ids, true ) );
            if ( count( $ids ) !== count( $res ) ) {
                throw new UnexpectedValueException( "Multi-key result does not match ID list" );

        return array_combine( $ids, $res );

     * Get a "watch point" token that can be used to get the "last error" to occur after now
     * @return int A token that the current error event
     * @since 1.38
    public function watchErrors() {
        return $this->cache->watchErrors();

     * Get the "last error" registry
     * The method should be invoked by a caller as part of the following pattern:
     *   - The caller invokes watchErrors() to get a "since token"
     *   - The caller invokes a sequence of cache operation methods
     *   - The caller invokes getLastError() with the "since token"
     * External callers can also invoke this method as part of the following pattern:
     *   - The caller invokes clearLastError()
     *   - The caller invokes a sequence of cache operation methods
     *   - The caller invokes getLastError()
     * @param int $watchPoint Only consider errors from after this "watch point" [optional]
     * @return int BagOStuff:ERR_* constant for the "last error" registry
     * @note Parameters added in 1.38: $watchPoint
    final public function getLastError( $watchPoint = 0 ) {
        $code = $this->cache->getLastError( $watchPoint );
        switch ( $code ) {
            case self::ERR_NONE:
                return self::ERR_NONE;
            case self::ERR_NO_RESPONSE:
                return self::ERR_NO_RESPONSE;
            case self::ERR_UNREACHABLE:
                return self::ERR_UNREACHABLE;
                return self::ERR_UNEXPECTED;

     * Clear the "last error" registry
     * @deprecated Since 1.38, hard deprecated in 1.43
    final public function clearLastError() {
        wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.38' );

     * Clear the in-process caches; useful for testing
     * @since 1.27
    public function clearProcessCache() {
        $this->processCaches = [];

     * Enable or disable the use of brief caching for tombstoned keys
     * When a key is purged via delete(), there normally is a period where caching
     * is hold-off limited to an extremely short time. This method will disable that
     * caching, forcing the callback to run for any of:
     *   - WANObjectCache::getWithSetCallback()
     *   - WANObjectCache::getMultiWithSetCallback()
     *   - WANObjectCache::getMultiWithUnionSetCallback()
     * This is useful when both:
     *   - a) the database used by the callback is known to be up-to-date enough
     *        for some particular purpose (e.g. replica DB has applied transaction X)
     *   - b) the caller needs to exploit that fact, and therefore needs to avoid the
     *        use of inherently volatile and possibly stale interim keys
     * @see WANObjectCache::delete()
     * @param bool $enabled Whether to enable interim caching
     * @since 1.31
    final public function useInterimHoldOffCaching( $enabled ) {
        $this->useInterimHoldOffCaching = $enabled;

     * @param int $flag ATTR_* class constant
     * @return int QOS_* class constant
     * @since 1.28
    public function getQoS( $flag ) {
        return $this->cache->getQoS( $flag );

     * Get a TTL that is higher for objects that have not changed recently
     * This is useful for keys that get explicit purges and DB or purge relay
     * lag is a potential concern (especially how it interacts with CDN cache)
     * Example usage:
     * @code
     *     // Last-modified time of page
     *     $mtime = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $page->getTimestamp() );
     *     // Get adjusted TTL. If $mtime is 3600 seconds ago and $minTTL/$factor left at
     *     // defaults, then $ttl is 3600 * .2 = 720. If $minTTL was greater than 720, then
     *     // $ttl would be $minTTL. If $maxTTL was smaller than 720, $ttl would be $maxTTL.
     *     $ttl = $cache->adaptiveTTL( $mtime, $cache::TTL_DAY );
     * @endcode
     * Another use case is when there are no applicable "last modified" fields in the DB,
     * and there are too many dependencies for explicit purges to be viable, and the rate of
     * change to relevant content is unstable, and it is highly valued to have the cached value
     * be as up-to-date as possible.
     * Example usage:
     * @code
     *     $query = "<some complex query>";
     *     $idListFromComplexQuery = $cache->getWithSetCallback(
     *         $cache->makeKey( 'complex-graph-query', $hashOfQuery ),
     *         GraphQueryClass::STARTING_TTL,
     *         function ( $oldValue, &$ttl, array &$setOpts, $oldAsOf ) use ( $query, $cache ) {
     *             $gdb = $this->getReplicaGraphDbConnection();
     *             // Account for any snapshot/replica DB lag
     *             $setOpts += GraphDatabase::getCacheSetOptions( $gdb );
     *             $newList = iterator_to_array( $gdb->query( $query ) );
     *             sort( $newList, SORT_NUMERIC ); // normalize
     *             $minTTL = GraphQueryClass::MIN_TTL;
     *             $maxTTL = GraphQueryClass::MAX_TTL;
     *             if ( $oldValue !== false ) {
     *                 // Note that $oldAsOf is the last time this callback ran
     *                 $ttl = ( $newList === $oldValue )
     *                     // No change: cache for 150% of the age of $oldValue
     *                     ? $cache->adaptiveTTL( $oldAsOf, $maxTTL, $minTTL, 1.5 )
     *                     // Changed: cache for 50% of the age of $oldValue
     *                     : $cache->adaptiveTTL( $oldAsOf, $maxTTL, $minTTL, .5 );
     *             }
     *             return $newList;
     *        },
     *        [
     *             // Keep stale values around for doing comparisons for TTL calculations.
     *             // High values improve long-tail keys hit-rates, though might waste space.
     *             'staleTTL' => GraphQueryClass::GRACE_TTL
     *        ]
     *     );
     * @endcode
     * @param int|float|string|null $mtime UNIX timestamp; null if none
     * @param int $maxTTL Maximum TTL (seconds)
     * @param int $minTTL Minimum TTL (seconds); Default: 30
     * @param float $factor Value in the range (0,1); Default: .2
     * @return int Adaptive TTL
     * @since 1.28
    public function adaptiveTTL( $mtime, $maxTTL, $minTTL = 30, $factor = 0.2 ) {
        // handle fractional seconds and string integers
        $mtime = (int)$mtime;
        if ( $mtime <= 0 ) {
            // no last-modified time provided
            return $minTTL;

        $age = (int)$this->getCurrentTime() - $mtime;

        return (int)min( $maxTTL, max( $minTTL, $factor * $age ) );

     * @internal For use by unit tests only
     * @return int
     * @since 1.30
    final public function getWarmupKeyMisses() {
        // Number of misses in $this->warmupCache during the last call to certain methods
        return $this->warmupKeyMisses;

     * Set a sister key to a purge value in all datacenters
     * This method should not wait for the operation to complete on remote datacenters
     * Since older purge values can sometimes arrive after newer ones, use a relative expiry
     * so that even if the older value replaces the newer value, the TTL will greater than the
     * remaining TTL on the older value (assuming that all purges for a key use the same TTL).
     * @param string $sisterKey A value key or "check" key
     * @param string $purgeValue Result of makeTombstonePurgeValue()/makeCheckKeyPurgeValue()
     * @param int $ttl Seconds to keep the purge value around
     * @return bool Success
    protected function relayVolatilePurge( string $sisterKey, string $purgeValue, int $ttl ) {
        if ( $this->broadcastRoute !== null ) {
            $routeKey = $this->prependRoute( $sisterKey, $this->broadcastRoute );
        } else {
            $routeKey = $sisterKey;

        return $this->cache->set(

     * Remove a sister key from all datacenters
     * This method should not wait for the operation to complete on remote datacenters
     * @param string $sisterKey A value key or "check" key
     * @return bool Success
    protected function relayNonVolatilePurge( string $sisterKey ) {
        if ( $this->broadcastRoute !== null ) {
            $routeKey = $this->prependRoute( $sisterKey, $this->broadcastRoute );
        } else {
            $routeKey = $sisterKey;

        return $this->cache->delete( $routeKey, $this->cache::WRITE_BACKGROUND );

     * @param string $sisterKey
     * @param string $route Key routing prefix
     * @return string
    protected function prependRoute( string $sisterKey, string $route ) {
        if ( $sisterKey[0] === '/' ) {
            throw new RuntimeException( "Sister key '$sisterKey' already contains a route." );

        return $route . $sisterKey;

     * Schedule a deferred cache regeneration if possible
     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param int $ttl Seconds to live
     * @param callable $callback
     * @param array $opts
     * @param array $cbParams
     * @return bool Success
     * @note Callable type hints are not used to avoid class-autoloading
    private function scheduleAsyncRefresh( $key, $ttl, $callback, array $opts, array $cbParams ) {
        if ( !$this->asyncHandler ) {
            return false;
        // Update the cache value later, such during post-send of an HTTP request. This forces
        // cache regeneration by setting "minAsOf" to infinity, meaning that no existing value
        // is considered valid. Furthermore, note that preemptive regeneration is not applicable
        // to invalid values, so there is no risk of infinite preemptive regeneration loops.
        $func = $this->asyncHandler;
        $func( function () use ( $key, $ttl, $callback, $opts, $cbParams ) {
            $opts['minAsOf'] = INF;
            try {
                $this->fetchOrRegenerate( $key, $ttl, $callback, $opts, $cbParams );
            } catch ( Exception $e ) {
                // Log some context for easier debugging
                $this->logger->error( 'Async refresh failed for {key}', [
                    'key' => $key,
                    'ttl' => $ttl,
                    'exception' => $e
                ] );
                throw $e;
        } );

        return true;

     * Check if a key value is non-false, new enough, and either fresh or "gracefully" stale
     * @param array $res Current value WANObjectCache::RES_* data map
     * @param int $graceTTL Consider using stale values if $curTTL is greater than this
     * @param float $minAsOf Minimum acceptable value "as of" UNIX timestamp
     * @return bool
    private function isAcceptablyFreshValue( $res, $graceTTL, $minAsOf ) {
        if ( !$this->isValid( $res[self::RES_VALUE], $res[self::RES_AS_OF], $minAsOf ) ) {
            // Value does not exists or is too old
            return false;

        $curTTL = $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL];
        if ( $curTTL > 0 ) {
            // Value is definitely still fresh
            return true;

        // Remaining seconds during which this stale value can be used
        $curGraceTTL = $graceTTL + $curTTL;

        return ( $curGraceTTL > 0 )
            // Chance of using the value decreases as $curTTL goes from 0 to -$graceTTL
            ? !$this->worthRefreshExpiring( $curGraceTTL, $graceTTL, $graceTTL )
            // Value is too stale to fall in the grace period
            : false;

     * Check if a key is due for randomized regeneration due to near-expiration/popularity
     * @param array $res Current value WANObjectCache::RES_* data map
     * @param float $lowTTL Consider a refresh when $curTTL is less than this; the "low" threshold
     * @param int $ageNew Age of key when this might recommend refreshing (seconds)
     * @param int $hotTTR Age of key when it should be refreshed if popular (seconds)
     * @param float $now The current UNIX timestamp
     * @return bool
    protected function isLotteryRefreshDue( $res, $lowTTL, $ageNew, $hotTTR, $now ) {
        $curTTL = $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL];
        $logicalTTL = $res[self::RES_TTL];
        $asOf = $res[self::RES_AS_OF];

        return (
            $this->worthRefreshExpiring( $curTTL, $logicalTTL, $lowTTL ) ||
            $this->worthRefreshPopular( $asOf, $ageNew, $hotTTR, $now )

     * Check if a key is due for randomized regeneration due to its popularity
     * This is used so that popular keys can preemptively refresh themselves for higher
     * consistency (especially in the case of purge loss/delay). Unpopular keys can remain
     * in cache with their high nominal TTL. This means popular keys keep good consistency,
     * whether the data changes frequently or not, and long-tail keys get to stay in cache
     * and get hits too. Similar to worthRefreshExpiring(), randomization is used.
     * @param float $asOf UNIX timestamp of the value
     * @param int $ageNew Age of key when this might recommend refreshing (seconds)
     * @param int $timeTillRefresh Age of key when it should be refreshed if popular (seconds)
     * @param float $now The current UNIX timestamp
     * @return bool
    protected function worthRefreshPopular( $asOf, $ageNew, $timeTillRefresh, $now ) {
        if ( $ageNew < 0 || $timeTillRefresh <= 0 ) {
            return false;

        $age = $now - $asOf;
        $timeOld = $age - $ageNew;
        if ( $timeOld <= 0 ) {
            return false;

        $popularHitsPerSec = 1;
        // Lifecycle is: new, ramp-up refresh chance, full refresh chance.
        // Note that the "expected # of refreshes" for the ramp-up time range is half
        // of what it would be if P(refresh) was at its full value during that time range.
        $refreshWindowSec = max( $timeTillRefresh - $ageNew - self::RAMPUP_TTL / 2, 1 );
        // P(refresh) * (# hits in $refreshWindowSec) = (expected # of refreshes)
        // P(refresh) * ($refreshWindowSec * $popularHitsPerSec) = 1 (by definition)
        // P(refresh) = 1/($refreshWindowSec * $popularHitsPerSec)
        $chance = 1 / ( $popularHitsPerSec * $refreshWindowSec );
        // Ramp up $chance from 0 to its nominal value over RAMPUP_TTL seconds to avoid stampedes
        $chance *= ( $timeOld <= self::RAMPUP_TTL ) ? $timeOld / self::RAMPUP_TTL : 1;

        return ( mt_rand( 1, 1_000_000_000 ) <= 1_000_000_000 * $chance );

     * Check if a key is nearing expiration and thus due for randomized regeneration
     * If $curTTL is greater than the "low" threshold (e.g. not nearing expiration) then this
     * returns false. If $curTTL <= 0 (e.g. value already expired), then this returns false.
     * Otherwise, the chance of this returning true increases steadily from 0% to 100% as
     * $curTTL moves from the "low" threshold down to 0 seconds.
     * The logical TTL will be used as the "low" threshold if it is less than $lowTTL.
     * This method uses deadline-aware randomization in order to handle wide variations
     * of cache access traffic without the need for configuration or expensive state.
     * @param float $curTTL Approximate TTL left on the key
     * @param float $logicalTTL Full logical TTL assigned to the key; 0 for "infinite"
     * @param float $lowTTL Consider a refresh when $curTTL is less than this; the "low" threshold
     * @return bool
    protected function worthRefreshExpiring( $curTTL, $logicalTTL, $lowTTL ) {
        if ( $lowTTL <= 0 ) {
            return false;
        // T264787: avoid having keys start off with a high chance of being refreshed;
        // the point where refreshing becomes possible cannot precede the key lifetime.
        $effectiveLowTTL = min( $lowTTL, $logicalTTL ?: INF );

        // How long the value was in the "low TTL" phase
        $timeOld = $effectiveLowTTL - $curTTL;
        if ( $timeOld <= 0 || $timeOld >= $effectiveLowTTL ) {
            return false;

        // Ratio of the low TTL phase that has elapsed (r)
        $ttrRatio = $timeOld / $effectiveLowTTL;
        // Use p(r) as the monotonically increasing "chance of refresh" function,
        // having p(0)=0 and p(1)=1. The value expires at the nominal expiry.
        $chance = $ttrRatio ** 4;

        return ( mt_rand( 1, 1_000_000_000 ) <= 1_000_000_000 * $chance );

     * Check that a wrapper value exists and has an acceptable age
     * @param array|false $value Value wrapper or false
     * @param float $asOf Value generation "as of" timestamp
     * @param float $minAsOf Minimum acceptable value "as of" UNIX timestamp
     * @return bool
    protected function isValid( $value, $asOf, $minAsOf ) {
        return ( $value !== false && $asOf >= $minAsOf );

     * @param mixed $value
     * @param int $ttl Seconds to live or zero for "indefinite"
     * @param int|null $version Value version number or null if not versioned
     * @param float $now Unix Current timestamp just before calling set()
     * @return array
    private function wrap( $value, $ttl, $version, $now ) {
        // Returns keys in ascending integer order for PHP7 array packing:
        $wrapped = [
            self::FLD_FORMAT_VERSION => self::VERSION,
            self::FLD_VALUE => $value,
            self::FLD_TTL => $ttl,
            self::FLD_TIME => $now
        if ( $version !== null ) {
            $wrapped[self::FLD_VALUE_VERSION] = $version;

        return $wrapped;

     * @param array|string|false $wrapped The entry at a cache key (false if key is nonexistant)
     * @param float $now Unix Current timestamp (preferably pre-query)
     * @return array<int,mixed> Result map/n-tuple that includes the following:
     *   - WANObjectCache::RES_VALUE: value or false if absent/tombstoned/malformed
     *   - WANObjectCache::KEY_VERSION: value version number; null if there is no value
     *   - WANObjectCache::KEY_AS_OF: value generation timestamp (UNIX); null if there is no value
     *   - WANObjectCache::KEY_TTL: assigned logical TTL (seconds); null if there is no value
     *   - WANObjectCache::KEY_TOMB_AS_OF: tombstone timestamp (UNIX); null if not tombstoned
     *   - WANObjectCache::RES_CHECK_AS_OF: null placeholder for highest "check" key timestamp
     *   - WANObjectCache::RES_TOUCH_AS_OF: null placeholder for highest "touched" timestamp
     *   - WANObjectCache::KEY_CUR_TTL: remaining logical TTL (seconds) (negative if tombstoned)
     * @phan-return array{0:mixed,1:mixed,2:?float,3:?int,4:?float,5:?float,6:?float,7:?float}
    private function unwrap( $wrapped, $now ) {
        $res = [
            // Attributes that only depend on the fetched key value
            self::RES_VALUE => false,
            self::RES_VERSION => null,
            self::RES_AS_OF => null,
            self::RES_TTL => null,
            self::RES_TOMB_AS_OF => null,
            // Attributes that depend on caller-specific "check" keys or "touched callbacks"
            self::RES_CHECK_AS_OF => null,
            self::RES_TOUCH_AS_OF => null,
            self::RES_CUR_TTL => null

        if ( is_array( $wrapped ) ) {
            // Entry expected to be a cached value; validate it
            if (
                ( $wrapped[self::FLD_FORMAT_VERSION] ?? null ) === self::VERSION &&
                $wrapped[self::FLD_TIME] >= $this->epoch
            ) {
                if ( $wrapped[self::FLD_TTL] > 0 ) {
                    // Get the approximate time left on the key
                    $age = $now - $wrapped[self::FLD_TIME];
                    $curTTL = max( $wrapped[self::FLD_TTL] - $age, 0.0 );
                } else {
                    // Key had no TTL, so the time left is unbounded
                    $curTTL = INF;
                $res[self::RES_VALUE] = $wrapped[self::FLD_VALUE];
                $res[self::RES_VERSION] = $wrapped[self::FLD_VALUE_VERSION] ?? null;
                $res[self::RES_AS_OF] = $wrapped[self::FLD_TIME];
                $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL] = $curTTL;
                $res[self::RES_TTL] = $wrapped[self::FLD_TTL];
        } else {
            // Entry expected to be a tombstone; parse it
            $purge = $this->parsePurgeValue( $wrapped );
            if ( $purge !== null ) {
                // Tombstoned keys should always have a negative "current TTL"
                $curTTL = min( $purge[self::PURGE_TIME] - $now, self::TINY_NEGATIVE );
                $res[self::RES_CUR_TTL] = $curTTL;
                $res[self::RES_TOMB_AS_OF] = $purge[self::PURGE_TIME];

        return $res;

     * @param string $key Cache key in the format `<keyspace>:<keygroup>[:<other components>]...`
     *  as formatted by WANObjectCache::makeKey() or ::makeKeyGlobal.
     * @return string The key group of this cache key
    private function determineKeyGroupForStats( $key ) {
        $parts = explode( ':', $key, 3 );
        // Fallback in case the key was not made by makeKey.
        // Replace dots because they are special in StatsD (T232907)
        return strtr( $parts[1] ?? $parts[0], '.', '_' );

     * Extract purge metadata from cached value if it is a valid purge value
     * Valid purge values come from makeTombstonePurgeValue()/makeCheckKeyPurgeValue()
     * @param mixed $value Cached value
     * @return array|null Tuple of (UNIX timestamp, hold-off seconds); null if value is invalid
    private function parsePurgeValue( $value ) {
        if ( !is_string( $value ) ) {
            return null;

        $segments = explode( ':', $value, 3 );
        $prefix = $segments[0];
        if ( $prefix !== self::PURGE_VAL_PREFIX ) {
            // Not a purge value
            return null;

        $timestamp = (float)$segments[1];
        // makeTombstonePurgeValue() doesn't store hold-off TTLs
        $holdoff = isset( $segments[2] ) ? (int)$segments[2] : self::HOLDOFF_TTL;

        if ( $timestamp < $this->epoch ) {
            // Purge value is too old
            return null;

        return [ self::PURGE_TIME => $timestamp, self::PURGE_HOLDOFF => $holdoff ];

     * @param float $timestamp UNIX timestamp
     * @return string Wrapped purge value; format is "PURGED:<timestamp>"
    private function makeTombstonePurgeValue( float $timestamp ) {
        return self::PURGE_VAL_PREFIX . ':' . (int)$timestamp;

     * @param float $timestamp UNIX timestamp
     * @param int $holdoff In seconds
     * @param array|null &$purge Unwrapped purge value array [returned]
     * @return string Wrapped purge value; format is "PURGED:<timestamp>:<holdoff>"
    private function makeCheckPurgeValue( float $timestamp, int $holdoff, array &$purge = null ) {
        $normalizedTime = (int)$timestamp;
        // Purge array that matches what parsePurgeValue() would have returned
        $purge = [ self::PURGE_TIME => (float)$normalizedTime, self::PURGE_HOLDOFF => $holdoff ];

        return self::PURGE_VAL_PREFIX . ":$normalizedTime:$holdoff";

     * @param string $group
     * @return MapCacheLRU
    private function getProcessCache( $group ) {
        if ( !isset( $this->processCaches[$group] ) ) {
            [ , $size ] = explode( ':', $group );
            $this->processCaches[$group] = new MapCacheLRU( (int)$size );
            if ( $this->wallClockOverride !== null ) {
                $this->processCaches[$group]->setMockTime( $this->wallClockOverride );

        return $this->processCaches[$group];

     * @param ArrayIterator $keys
     * @param array $opts
     * @return string[] Map of (ID => cache key)
    private function getNonProcessCachedMultiKeys( ArrayIterator $keys, array $opts ) {
        $pcTTL = $opts['pcTTL'] ?? self::TTL_UNCACHEABLE;

        $keysMissing = [];
        if ( $pcTTL > 0 && $this->callbackDepth == 0 ) {
            $pCache = $this->getProcessCache( $opts['pcGroup'] ?? self::PC_PRIMARY );
            foreach ( $keys as $key => $id ) {
                if ( !$pCache->has( $key, $pcTTL ) ) {
                    $keysMissing[$id] = $key;

        return $keysMissing;

     * @param string[] $keys Cache keys made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param string[]|string[][] $checkKeys Map of (integer or cache key => "check" key(s));
     *  "check" keys must also be made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @return array<string,mixed> Map of (sister key => value, or, false if not found)
    private function fetchWrappedValuesForWarmupCache( array $keys, array $checkKeys ) {
        if ( !$keys ) {
            return [];

        // Get all the value keys to fetch...
        $sisterKeys = $this->makeSisterKeys( $keys, self::TYPE_VALUE );
        // Get all the "check" keys to fetch...
        foreach ( $checkKeys as $i => $checkKeyOrKeyGroup ) {
            // Note: avoid array_merge() inside loop in case there are many keys
            if ( is_int( $i ) ) {
                // Single "check" key that applies to all value keys
                $sisterKeys[] = $this->makeSisterKey( $checkKeyOrKeyGroup, self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP );
            } else {
                // List of "check" keys that apply to a specific value key
                foreach ( (array)$checkKeyOrKeyGroup as $checkKey ) {
                    $sisterKeys[] = $this->makeSisterKey( $checkKey, self::TYPE_TIMESTAMP );

        $wrappedBySisterKey = $this->cache->getMulti( $sisterKeys );
        $wrappedBySisterKey += array_fill_keys( $sisterKeys, false );

        return $wrappedBySisterKey;

     * @param string $key Cache key made with makeKey()/makeGlobalKey()
     * @param float $now Current UNIX timestamp
     * @return float|null Seconds since the last logged get() miss for this key, or, null
    private function timeSinceLoggedMiss( $key, $now ) {
        // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.Found
        for ( end( $this->missLog ); $miss = current( $this->missLog ); prev( $this->missLog ) ) {
            if ( $miss[0] === $key ) {
                return ( $now - $miss[1] );

        return null;

     * @return float UNIX timestamp
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    protected function getCurrentTime() {
        return $this->wallClockOverride ?: microtime( true );

     * @param float|null &$time Mock UNIX timestamp for testing
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public function setMockTime( &$time ) {
        $this->wallClockOverride =& $time;
        $this->cache->setMockTime( $time );
        foreach ( $this->processCaches as $pCache ) {
            $pCache->setMockTime( $time );