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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file
namespace Wikimedia\Rdbms;

use InvalidArgumentException;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
use Throwable;
use Wikimedia\ObjectCache\HashBagOStuff;
use Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\CriticalSectionProvider;

 * Constructs Database objects
 * @since 1.39
 * @ingroup Database
class DatabaseFactory {
    /** @var string Agent name for query profiling */
    private $agent;
    /** @var callable Deprecation logger */
    private $deprecationLogger;
     * @var callable|null An optional callback that returns a ScopedCallback instance,
     * meant to profile the actual query execution in {@see Database::doQuery}
    private $profiler;
    /** @var CriticalSectionProvider|null */
    private $csProvider;
    /** @var bool Whether this PHP instance is for a CLI script */
    private $cliMode;
    /** @var bool Log SQL queries in debug toolbar if set to true */
    private $debugSql;

    public function __construct( array $params = [] ) {
        $this->agent = $params['agent'] ?? '';
        $this->deprecationLogger = $params['deprecationLogger'] ?? static function ( $msg ) {
            trigger_error( $msg, E_USER_DEPRECATED );
        $this->csProvider = $params['criticalSectionProvider'] ?? null;
        $this->profiler = $params['profiler'] ?? null;
        $this->cliMode = $params['cliMode'] ?? ( PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || PHP_SAPI === 'phpdbg' );
        $this->debugSql = $params['debugSql'] ?? false;

     * Construct a Database subclass instance given a database type and parameters
     * This also connects to the database immediately upon object construction
     * @param string $type A possible DB type (sqlite, mysql, postgres,...)
     * @param array $params Parameter map with keys:
     *   - host : The hostname of the DB server
     *   - user : The name of the database user the client operates under
     *   - password : The password for the database user
     *   - dbname : The name of the database to use where queries do not specify one.
     *      The database must exist or an error might be thrown. Setting this to the empty string
     *      will avoid any such errors and make the handle have no implicit database scope. This is
     *      useful for queries like SHOW STATUS, CREATE DATABASE, or DROP DATABASE. Note that a
     *      "database" in Postgres is rougly equivalent to an entire MySQL server. This the domain
     *      in which user names and such are defined, e.g. users are database-specific in Postgres.
     *   - schema : The database schema to use (if supported). A "schema" in Postgres is roughly
     *      equivalent to a "database" in MySQL. Note that MySQL and SQLite do not use schemas.
     *   - tablePrefix : Optional table prefix that is implicitly added on to all table names
     *      recognized in queries. This can be used in place of schemas for handle site farms.
     *   - flags : Optional bit field of DBO_* constants that define connection, protocol,
     *      buffering, and transaction behavior. It is STRONGLY adviced to leave the DBO_DEFAULT
     *      flag in place UNLESS this this database simply acts as a key/value store.
     *   - ssl : Whether to use TLS connections.
     *   - strictWarnings: Whether to check for warnings and throw an exception if an unacceptable
     *       warning is found.
     *   - driver: Optional name of a specific DB client driver. For MySQL, there is only the
     *      'mysqli' driver; the old one 'mysql' has been removed.
     *   - variables: Optional map of session variables to set after connecting. This can be
     *      used to adjust lock timeouts or encoding modes and the like.
     *   - topologyRole: Optional IDatabase::ROLE_* constant for the server.
     *   - lbInfo: Optional map of field/values for the managing load balancer instance.
     *      The "master" and "replica" fields are used to flag the replication role of this
     *      database server and whether methods like getLag() should actually issue queries.
     *   - connectTimeout: Optional timeout, in seconds, for connection attempts.
     *   - receiveTimeout: Optional timeout, in seconds, for receiving query results.
     *   - logger: Optional PSR-3 logger interface instance.
     *   - profiler : Optional callback that takes a section name argument and returns
     *      a ScopedCallback instance that ends the profile section in its destructor.
     *      These will be called in query(), using a simplified version of the SQL that
     *      also includes the agent as a SQL comment.
     *   - trxProfiler: Optional TransactionProfiler instance.
     *   - errorLogger: Optional callback that takes an Exception and logs it.
     *   - deprecationLogger: Optional callback that takes a string and logs it.
     *   - cliMode: Whether to consider the execution context that of a CLI script.
     *   - agent: Optional name used to identify the end-user in query profiling/logging.
     *   - serverName: Optional human-readable server name
     *   - srvCache: Optional BagOStuff instance to an APC-style cache.
     *   - nonNativeInsertSelectBatchSize: Optional batch size for non-native INSERT SELECT.
     * @param int $connect One of the class constants (NEW_CONNECTED, NEW_UNCONNECTED) [optional]
     * @return Database|null If the database driver or extension cannot be found
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the database driver or extension cannot be found
    public function create( $type, $params = [], $connect = Database::NEW_CONNECTED ) {
        $class = $this->getClass( $type, $params['driver'] ?? null );

        if ( class_exists( $class ) && is_subclass_of( $class, IDatabase::class ) ) {
            $params += [
                // Default configuration
                'host' => null,
                'user' => null,
                'password' => null,
                'dbname' => null,
                'schema' => null,
                'tablePrefix' => '',
                'variables' => [],
                'lbInfo' => [],
                'serverName' => null,
                'topologyRole' => null,
                // Objects and callbacks
                'srvCache' => $params['srvCache'] ?? new HashBagOStuff(),
                'trxProfiler' => $params['trxProfiler'] ?? new TransactionProfiler(),
                'logger' => $params['logger'] ?? new NullLogger(),
                'errorLogger' => $params['errorLogger'] ?? static function ( Throwable $e ) {
                    trigger_error( get_class( $e ) . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING );

            $params['flags'] ??= 0;
            if ( $this->debugSql ) {
                $params['flags'] |= DBO_DEBUG;

            $overrides = [
                'flags' => $this->initConnectionFlags( $params['flags'] ),
                'cliMode' => $this->cliMode,
                'agent' => $this->agent,
                'profiler' => $this->profiler,
                'deprecationLogger' => $this->deprecationLogger,
                'criticalSectionProvider' => $this->csProvider,

            /** @var Database $conn */
            $conn = new $class( array_merge( $params, $overrides ) );
            if ( $connect === Database::NEW_CONNECTED ) {
        } else {
            $conn = null;

        return $conn;

     * @param string $dbType A possible DB type (sqlite, mysql, postgres,...)
     * @param string|null $driver Optional name of a specific DB client driver
     * @return array Map of (Database::ATTR_* constant => value) for all such constants
     * @throws DBUnexpectedError
    public function attributesFromType( $dbType, $driver = null ) {
        static $defaults = [
            Database::ATTR_DB_IS_FILE => false,
            Database::ATTR_DB_LEVEL_LOCKING => false,
            Database::ATTR_SCHEMAS_AS_TABLE_GROUPS => false

        $class = $this->getClass( $dbType, $driver );
        if ( class_exists( $class ) ) {
            return call_user_func( [ $class, 'getAttributes' ] ) + $defaults;
        } else {
            throw new DBUnexpectedError( null, "$dbType is not a supported database type." );

     * @param string $dbType A possible DB type (sqlite, mysql, postgres,...)
     * @param string|null $driver Optional name of a specific DB client driver
     * @return string Database subclass name to use
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    protected function getClass( $dbType, $driver = null ) {
        // For database types with built-in support, the below maps type to IDatabase
        // implementations. For types with multiple driver implementations (PHP extensions),
        // an array can be used, keyed by extension name. In case of an array, the
        // optional 'driver' parameter can be used to force a specific driver. Otherwise,
        // we auto-detect the first available driver. For types without built-in support,
        // a class named "Database<Type>" is used, eg. DatabaseFoo for type 'foo'.
        static $builtinTypes = [
            'mysql' => [ 'mysqli' => DatabaseMySQL::class ],
            'sqlite' => DatabaseSqlite::class,
            'postgres' => DatabasePostgres::class,

        $dbType = strtolower( $dbType );

        if ( !isset( $builtinTypes[$dbType] ) ) {
            // Not a built in type, assume standard naming scheme
            return 'Database' . ucfirst( $dbType );

        $class = false;
        $possibleDrivers = $builtinTypes[$dbType];
        if ( is_string( $possibleDrivers ) ) {
            $class = $possibleDrivers;
        } elseif ( (string)$driver !== '' ) {
            if ( !isset( $possibleDrivers[$driver] ) ) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ .
                    " type '$dbType' does not support driver '{$driver}'" );

            $class = $possibleDrivers[$driver];
        } else {
            foreach ( $possibleDrivers as $posDriver => $possibleClass ) {
                if ( extension_loaded( $posDriver ) ) {
                    $class = $possibleClass;

        if ( $class === false ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ .
                " no viable database extension found for type '$dbType'" );

        return $class;

     * @see IDatabase::DBO_DEFAULT
     * @param int $flags Bit field of IDatabase::DBO_* constants from configuration
     * @return int Bit field of IDatabase::DBO_* constants to use with Database::factory()
    private function initConnectionFlags( int $flags ) {
        if ( self::fieldHasBit( $flags, IDatabase::DBO_DEFAULT ) ) {
            // Server is configured to participate in transaction rounds in non-CLI mode
            if ( $this->cliMode ) {
                $flags &= ~IDatabase::DBO_TRX;
            } else {
                $flags |= IDatabase::DBO_TRX;
        return $flags;

     * @param int $flags A bitfield of flags
     * @param int $bit Bit flag constant
     * @return bool Whether the bit field has the specified bit flag set
    private function fieldHasBit( int $flags, int $bit ) {
        return ( ( $flags & $bit ) === $bit );