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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

namespace MediaWiki\Pager;

use HtmlArmor;
use MediaWiki\Context\ContextSource;
use MediaWiki\Context\IContextSource;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use MediaWiki\Linker\LinkRenderer;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Navigation\PagerNavigationBuilder;
use MediaWiki\Request\WebRequest;
use stdClass;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IReadableDatabase;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IResultWrapper;

 * Efficient paging for SQL queries that use a (roughly unique) index.
 * This is for paging through data sets stored in tables with a unique
 * index, instead of a naive "LIMIT offset,limit" clause.
 * In MySQL, such a limit/offset clause requires counting through the
 * specified number of offset rows to find the desired data, which can be
 * expensive for large offsets.
 * ReverseChronologicalPager is a child class of the abstract IndexPager, and
 * contains  some formatting and display code which is specific to the use of
 * timestamps as  indexes. Here is a synopsis of its operation:
 *    * The query is specified by the offset, limit and direction (dir)
 *      parameters, in addition to any subclass-specific parameters.
 *    * The offset is the non-inclusive start of the DB query. A row with an
 *      index value equal to the offset will never be shown.
 *    * The query may either be done backwards, where the rows are returned by
 *      the database in the opposite order to which they are displayed to the
 *      user, or forwards. This is specified by the "dir" parameter, dir=prev
 *      means backwards, anything else means forwards. The offset value
 *      specifies the start of the database result set, which may be either
 *      the start or end of the displayed data set. This allows "previous"
 *      links to be implemented without knowledge of the index value at the
 *      start of the previous page.
 *    * An additional row beyond the user-specified limit is always requested.
 *      This allows us to tell whether we should display a "next" link in the
 *      case of forwards mode, or a "previous" link in the case of backwards
 *      mode. Determining whether to display the other link (the one for the
 *      page before the start of the database result set) can be done
 *      heuristically by examining the offset.
 *    * An empty offset indicates that the offset condition should be omitted
 *      from the query. This naturally produces either the first page or the
 *      last page depending on the dir parameter.
 * Subclassing the pager to implement concrete functionality should be fairly
 * simple, please see the examples in HistoryAction.php and
 * SpecialBlockList.php. You just need to override formatRow(),
 * getQueryInfo() and getIndexField(). Don't forget to call the parent
 * constructor if you override it.
 * @stable to extend
 * @ingroup Pager
abstract class IndexPager extends ContextSource implements Pager {

    /** Backwards-compatible constant for $mDefaultDirection field (do not change) */
    public const DIR_ASCENDING = false;
    /** Backwards-compatible constant for $mDefaultDirection field (do not change) */
    public const DIR_DESCENDING = true;

    /** Backwards-compatible constant for reallyDoQuery() (do not change) */
    public const QUERY_ASCENDING = true;
    /** Backwards-compatible constant for reallyDoQuery() (do not change) */
    public const QUERY_DESCENDING = false;

    /** @var WebRequest */
    public $mRequest;
    /** @var int[] List of default entry limit options to be presented to clients */
    public $mLimitsShown = [ 20, 50, 100, 250, 500 ];
    /** @var int The default entry limit choosen for clients */
    public $mDefaultLimit = 50;
    /** @var mixed The starting point to enumerate entries */
    public $mOffset;
    /** @var int The maximum number of entries to show */
    public $mLimit;
    /** @var bool Whether the listing query completed */
    public $mQueryDone = false;
    /** @var IReadableDatabase */
    public $mDb;
    /** @var stdClass|bool|null Extra row fetched at the end to see if the end was reached */
    public $mPastTheEndRow;

     * The index to actually be used for ordering. This can be a single column,
     * an array of single columns, or an array of arrays of columns. See getIndexField
     * for more details.
     * @var string|string[]
    protected $mIndexField;
     * An array of secondary columns to order by. These fields are not part of the offset.
     * This is a column list for one ordering, even if multiple orderings are supported.
     * @var string[]
    protected $mExtraSortFields;
    /** For pages that support multiple types of ordering, which one to use.
     * @var string|null
    protected $mOrderType;
     * $mDefaultDirection gives the direction to use when sorting results:
     * DIR_ASCENDING or DIR_DESCENDING. If $mIsBackwards is set, we start from
     * the opposite end, but we still sort the page itself according to
     * $mDefaultDirection. For example, if $mDefaultDirection is DIR_ASCENDING
     * but we're going backwards, we'll display the last page of results, but
     * the last result will be at the bottom, not the top.
     * Like $mIndexField, $mDefaultDirection will be a single value even if the
     * class supports multiple default directions for different order types.
     * @var bool
    public $mDefaultDirection;
    /** @var bool */
    public $mIsBackwards;

    /** @var bool True if the current result set is the first one */
    public $mIsFirst;
    /** @var bool */
    public $mIsLast;

    /** @var array */
    protected $mLastShown;
    /** @var array */
    protected $mFirstShown;
    /** @var array */
    protected $mPastTheEndIndex;
    /** @var array */
    protected $mDefaultQuery;
    /** @var string */
    protected $mNavigationBar;

     * Whether to include the offset in the query
     * @var bool
    protected $mIncludeOffset = false;

     * Result object for the query. Warning: seek before use.
     * @var IResultWrapper
    public $mResult;

    /** @var LinkRenderer */
    private $linkRenderer;

     * @stable to call
     * @param IContextSource|null $context
     * @param LinkRenderer|null $linkRenderer
    public function __construct( IContextSource $context = null, LinkRenderer $linkRenderer = null ) {
        if ( $context ) {
            $this->setContext( $context );

        $this->mRequest = $this->getRequest();

        # NB: the offset is quoted, not validated. It is treated as an
        # arbitrary string to support the widest variety of index types. Be
        # careful outputting it into HTML!
        $this->mOffset = $this->mRequest->getText( 'offset' );

        # Use consistent behavior for the limit options
        $this->mDefaultLimit = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
            ->getIntOption( $this->getUser(), 'rclimit' );
        if ( !$this->mLimit ) {
            // Don't override if a subclass calls $this->setLimit() in its constructor.
            [ $this->mLimit, /* $offset */ ] = $this->mRequest
                ->getLimitOffsetForUser( $this->getUser() );

        $this->mIsBackwards = ( $this->mRequest->getVal( 'dir' ) == 'prev' );
        // Let the subclass set the DB here; otherwise use a replica DB for the current wiki
        if ( !$this->mDb ) {
            $this->mDb = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConnectionProvider()->getReplicaDatabase();

        $index = $this->getIndexField(); // column to sort on
        $extraSort = $this->getExtraSortFields(); // extra columns to sort on for query planning
        $order = $this->mRequest->getVal( 'order' );

        if ( is_array( $index ) && isset( $index[$order] ) ) {
            $this->mOrderType = $order;
            $this->mIndexField = $index[$order];
            $this->mExtraSortFields = isset( $extraSort[$order] )
                ? (array)$extraSort[$order]
                : [];
        } elseif ( is_array( $index ) ) {
            # First element is the default
            $this->mIndexField = reset( $index );
            $this->mOrderType = key( $index );
            $this->mExtraSortFields = isset( $extraSort[$this->mOrderType] )
                ? (array)$extraSort[$this->mOrderType]
                : [];
        } else {
            # $index is not an array
            $this->mOrderType = null;
            $this->mIndexField = $index;
            $isSortAssociative = array_values( $extraSort ) !== $extraSort;
            if ( $isSortAssociative ) {
                $this->mExtraSortFields = isset( $extraSort[$index] )
                    ? (array)$extraSort[$index]
                    : [];
            } else {
                $this->mExtraSortFields = (array)$extraSort;

        if ( !isset( $this->mDefaultDirection ) ) {
            $dir = $this->getDefaultDirections();
            $this->mDefaultDirection = is_array( $dir )
                ? $dir[$this->mOrderType]
                : $dir;
        $this->linkRenderer = $linkRenderer;

     * Get the Database object in use
     * @since 1.20
     * @return IReadableDatabase
    public function getDatabase() {
        return $this->mDb;

     * Do the query, using information from the object context. This function
     * has been kept minimal to make it overridable if necessary, to allow for
     * result sets formed from multiple DB queries.
     * @stable to override
    public function doQuery() {
        $defaultOrder = ( $this->mDefaultDirection === self::DIR_ASCENDING )
            ? self::QUERY_ASCENDING
            : self::QUERY_DESCENDING;
        $order = $this->mIsBackwards ? self::oppositeOrder( $defaultOrder ) : $defaultOrder;

        # Plus an extra row so that we can tell the "next" link should be shown
        $queryLimit = $this->mLimit + 1;
        if ( $this->mOffset == '' ) {
            $isFirst = true;
        } else {
            // If there's an offset, we may or may not be at the first entry.
            // The only way to tell is to run the query in the opposite
            // direction see if we get a row.
            $oldIncludeOffset = $this->mIncludeOffset;
            $this->mIncludeOffset = !$this->mIncludeOffset;
            $oppositeOrder = self::oppositeOrder( $order );
            $isFirst = !$this->reallyDoQuery( $this->mOffset, 1, $oppositeOrder )->numRows();
            $this->mIncludeOffset = $oldIncludeOffset;

        $this->mResult = $this->reallyDoQuery(

        $this->extractResultInfo( $isFirst, $queryLimit, $this->mResult );
        $this->mQueryDone = true;

        $this->preprocessResults( $this->mResult );
        $this->mResult->rewind(); // Paranoia

     * @param bool $order One of the IndexPager::QUERY_* class constants
     * @return bool The opposite query order as an IndexPager::QUERY_ constant
    final protected static function oppositeOrder( $order ) {
        return ( $order === self::QUERY_ASCENDING )
            ? self::QUERY_DESCENDING
            : self::QUERY_ASCENDING;

     * @return IResultWrapper The result wrapper.
    public function getResult() {
        return $this->mResult;

     * @return int The current offset into the result. Valid during formatRow().
    public function getResultOffset() {
        return $this->mResult->key();

     * Set the offset from an other source than the request
     * @param int|string $offset
    public function setOffset( $offset ) {
        $this->mOffset = $offset;

     * Set the limit from an other source than the request
     * Verifies limit is between 1 and 5000
     * @stable to override
     * @param int|string $limit
    public function setLimit( $limit ) {
        $limit = (int)$limit;
        // WebRequest::getLimitOffsetForUser() puts a cap of 5000, so do same here.
        if ( $limit > 5000 ) {
            $limit = 5000;
        if ( $limit > 0 ) {
            $this->mLimit = $limit;

     * Get the current limit
     * @return int
    public function getLimit() {
        return $this->mLimit;

     * Set whether a row matching exactly the offset should be also included
     * in the result or not. By default this is not the case, but when the
     * offset is user-supplied this might be wanted.
     * @param bool $include
    public function setIncludeOffset( $include ) {
        $this->mIncludeOffset = $include;

     * Extract some useful data from the result object for use by
     * the navigation bar, put it into $this
     * @stable to override
     * @param bool $isFirst False if there are rows before those fetched (i.e.
     *     if a "previous" link would make sense)
     * @param int $limit Exact query limit
     * @param IResultWrapper $res
    protected function extractResultInfo( $isFirst, $limit, IResultWrapper $res ) {
        $numRows = $res->numRows();

        $firstIndex = [];
        $lastIndex = [];
        $this->mPastTheEndIndex = [];
        $this->mPastTheEndRow = null;

        if ( $numRows ) {
            $indexColumns = array_map( static function ( $v ) {
                // Remove any table prefix from index field
                $parts = explode( '.', $v );
                return end( $parts );
            }, (array)$this->mIndexField );

            $row = $res->fetchRow();
            foreach ( $indexColumns as $indexColumn ) {
                $firstIndex[] = $row[$indexColumn];

            # Discard the extra result row if there is one
            if ( $numRows > $this->mLimit && $numRows > 1 ) {
                $res->seek( $numRows - 1 );
                $this->mPastTheEndRow = $res->fetchObject();
                foreach ( $indexColumns as $indexColumn ) {
                    $this->mPastTheEndIndex[] = $this->mPastTheEndRow->$indexColumn;
                $res->seek( $numRows - 2 );
                $row = $res->fetchRow();
                foreach ( $indexColumns as $indexColumn ) {
                    $lastIndex[] = $row[$indexColumn];
            } else {
                $this->mPastTheEndRow = null;
                $res->seek( $numRows - 1 );
                $row = $res->fetchRow();
                foreach ( $indexColumns as $indexColumn ) {
                    $lastIndex[] = $row[$indexColumn];

        if ( $this->mIsBackwards ) {
            $this->mIsFirst = ( $numRows < $limit );
            $this->mIsLast = $isFirst;
            $this->mLastShown = $firstIndex;
            $this->mFirstShown = $lastIndex;
        } else {
            $this->mIsFirst = $isFirst;
            $this->mIsLast = ( $numRows < $limit );
            $this->mLastShown = $lastIndex;
            $this->mFirstShown = $firstIndex;

     * Get some text to go in brackets in the "function name" part of the SQL comment
     * @stable to override
     * @return string
    protected function getSqlComment() {
        return static::class;

     * Do a query with specified parameters, rather than using the object context
     * @note For b/c, query direction is true for ascending and false for descending
     * @stable to override
     * @param string $offset Index offset, inclusive
     * @param int $limit Exact query limit
     * @param bool $order IndexPager::QUERY_ASCENDING or IndexPager::QUERY_DESCENDING
     * @return IResultWrapper
    public function reallyDoQuery( $offset, $limit, $order ) {
        [ $tables, $fields, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ] =
            $this->buildQueryInfo( $offset, $limit, $order );

        return $this->mDb->newSelectQueryBuilder()
            ->rawTables( $tables )
            ->fields( $fields )
            ->conds( $conds )
            ->caller( $fname )
            ->options( $options )
            ->joinConds( $join_conds )

     * Build variables to use by the database wrapper.
     * @note For b/c, query direction is true for ascending and false for descending
     * @stable to override
     * @param int|string|null $offset Index offset, inclusive
     * @param int $limit Exact query limit
     * @param bool $order IndexPager::QUERY_ASCENDING or IndexPager::QUERY_DESCENDING
     * @return array
    protected function buildQueryInfo( $offset, $limit, $order ) {
        $fname = __METHOD__ . ' (' . $this->getSqlComment() . ')';
        $info = $this->getQueryInfo();
        $tables = $info['tables'];
        $fields = $info['fields'];
        $conds = $info['conds'] ?? [];
        $options = $info['options'] ?? [];
        $join_conds = $info['join_conds'] ?? [];
        $indexColumns = (array)$this->mIndexField;
        $sortColumns = array_merge( $indexColumns, $this->mExtraSortFields );

        if ( $order === self::QUERY_ASCENDING ) {
            $options['ORDER BY'] = $sortColumns;
            $operator = $this->mIncludeOffset ? '>=' : '>';
        } else {
            $orderBy = [];
            foreach ( $sortColumns as $col ) {
                $orderBy[] = $col . ' DESC';
            $options['ORDER BY'] = $orderBy;
            $operator = $this->mIncludeOffset ? '<=' : '<';
        if ( $offset ) {
            $offsets = explode( '|', $offset, /* Limit to max of indices */ count( $indexColumns ) );

            $conds[] = $this->buildOffsetConds(
        $options['LIMIT'] = intval( $limit );
        return [ $tables, $fields, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ];

     * Build the conditions for the offset, given that we may be paginating on a
     * single column or multiple columns. Where we paginate on multiple columns,
     * the sort order is defined by the order of the columns in $mIndexField.
     * @param string[] $offsets The offset for each index field
     * @param string[] $columns The name of each index field
     * @param string $operator Operator for the final part of each inner
     *  condition. This will be '>' if the query order is ascending, or '<' if
     *  the query order is descending. If the offset should be included, it will
     *  also have '=' appended.
     * @return string The conditions for getting results from the offset
    private function buildOffsetConds( $offsets, $columns, $operator ) {
        // $offsets may be shorter than $columns, in which case the remaining columns should be ignored
        // (T318080)
        $columns = array_slice( $columns, 0, count( $offsets ) );
        $conds = array_combine( $columns, $offsets );
        return $this->mDb->buildComparison( $operator, $conds );

     * Pre-process results; useful for performing batch existence checks, etc.
     * @stable to override
     * @param IResultWrapper $result
    protected function preprocessResults( $result ) {

     * Get the HTML of a pager row.
     * @stable to override
     * @since 1.38
     * @param stdClass $row
     * @return string
    protected function getRow( $row ): string {
        return $this->formatRow( $row );

     * Get the formatted result list. Calls getStartBody(), formatRow() and
     * getEndBody(), concatenates the results and returns them.
     * @stable to override
     * @return string
    public function getBody() {
        $this->getOutput()->addModuleStyles( $this->getModuleStyles() );
        if ( !$this->mQueryDone ) {

        if ( $this->mResult->numRows() ) {
            # Do any special query batches before display

        # Don't use any extra rows returned by the query
        $numRows = min( $this->mResult->numRows(), $this->mLimit );

        $s = $this->getStartBody();
        if ( $numRows ) {
            if ( $this->mIsBackwards ) {
                for ( $i = $numRows - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
                    $this->mResult->seek( $i );
                    $row = $this->mResult->fetchObject();
                    $s .= $this->getRow( $row );
            } else {
                $this->mResult->seek( 0 );
                for ( $i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++ ) {
                    $row = $this->mResult->fetchObject();
                    $s .= $this->getRow( $row );
            $s .= $this->getFooter();
        } else {
            $s .= $this->getEmptyBody();
        $s .= $this->getEndBody();
        return $s;

     * ResourceLoader modules that must be loaded to provide correct styling for this pager
     * @stable to override
     * @since 1.38
     * @return string[]
    public function getModuleStyles() {
        return [ 'mediawiki.pager.styles' ];

     * Classes can extend to output a footer at the bottom of the pager list.
     * @since 1.38
     * @return string
    protected function getFooter(): string {
        return '';

     * Make a self-link
     * @stable to call (since 1.39)
     * @param string $text Text displayed on the link
     * @param array|null $query Associative array of parameter to be in the query string.
     *  If null, no link is generated.
     * @param string|null $type Link type used to create additional attributes, like "rel", "class" or
     *  "title". Valid values (non-exhaustive list): 'first', 'last', 'prev', 'next', 'asc', 'desc'.
     * @return string HTML fragment
    protected function makeLink( $text, array $query = null, $type = null ) {
        $attrs = [];
        if ( $query !== null && in_array( $type, [ 'prev', 'next' ] ) ) {
            $attrs['rel'] = $type;

        if ( in_array( $type, [ 'asc', 'desc' ] ) ) {
            $attrs['title'] = $this->msg( $type == 'asc' ? 'sort-ascending' : 'sort-descending' )->text();

        if ( $type ) {
            $attrs['class'] = "mw-{$type}link";

        if ( $query !== null ) {
            return $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink(
                new HtmlArmor( $text ),
                $query + $this->getDefaultQuery()
        } else {
            return Html::rawElement( 'span', $attrs, $text );

     * Called from getBody(), before getStartBody() is called and
     * after doQuery() was called. This will be called only if there
     * are rows in the result set.
     * @stable to override
     * @return void
    protected function doBatchLookups() {

     * Hook into getBody(), allows text to be inserted at the start. This
     * will be called even if there are no rows in the result set.
     * @return string
    protected function getStartBody() {
        return '';

     * Hook into getBody() for the end of the list
     * @stable to override
     * @return string
    protected function getEndBody() {
        return '';

     * Hook into getBody(), for the bit between the start and the
     * end when there are no rows
     * @stable to override
     * @return string
    protected function getEmptyBody() {
        return '';

     * Get an array of query parameters that should be put into self-links.
     * By default, all parameters passed in the URL are used, apart from a
     * few exceptions.
     * @stable to override
     * @return array Associative array
    public function getDefaultQuery() {
        if ( !isset( $this->mDefaultQuery ) ) {
            $this->mDefaultQuery = $this->getRequest()->getQueryValues();
            unset( $this->mDefaultQuery['title'] );
            unset( $this->mDefaultQuery['dir'] );
            unset( $this->mDefaultQuery['offset'] );
            unset( $this->mDefaultQuery['limit'] );
            unset( $this->mDefaultQuery['order'] );
            unset( $this->mDefaultQuery['month'] );
            unset( $this->mDefaultQuery['year'] );
        return $this->mDefaultQuery;

     * Get the number of rows in the result set
     * @return int
    public function getNumRows() {
        if ( !$this->mQueryDone ) {
        return $this->mResult->numRows();

     * Get a URL query array for the prev, next, first and last links.
     * @stable to override
     * @return array
    public function getPagingQueries() {
        if ( !$this->mQueryDone ) {

        # Don't announce the limit everywhere if it's the default
        $urlLimit = $this->mLimit == $this->mDefaultLimit ? null : $this->mLimit;

        if ( $this->mIsFirst ) {
            $prev = false;
            $first = false;
        } else {
            $prev = [
                'dir' => 'prev',
                'offset' => implode( '|', (array)$this->mFirstShown ),
                'limit' => $urlLimit
            $first = [ 'offset' => null, 'limit' => $urlLimit ];
        if ( $this->mIsLast ) {
            $next = false;
            $last = false;
        } else {
            $next = [ 'offset' => implode( '|', (array)$this->mLastShown ), 'limit' => $urlLimit ];
            $last = [ 'dir' => 'prev', 'offset' => null, 'limit' => $urlLimit ];

        return [
            'prev' => $prev,
            'next' => $next,
            'first' => $first,
            'last' => $last

     * Get the current offset for the URL query parameter.
     * @stable to override
     * @since 1.39
     * @return string
    public function getOffsetQuery() {
        if ( $this->mIsBackwards ) {
            return implode( '|', (array)$this->mPastTheEndIndex );
        } else {
            return $this->mOffset;

     * @stable to override
     * @since 1.39
     * @return PagerNavigationBuilder
    public function getNavigationBuilder(): PagerNavigationBuilder {
        $pagingQueries = $this->getPagingQueries();
        $baseQuery = array_merge( $this->getDefaultQuery(), [
            // These query parameters are all defined here, even though some are null,
            // to ensure consistent order of parameters when they're used.
            'dir' => null,
            'offset' => $this->getOffsetQuery(),
            'limit' => null,
        ] );

        $navBuilder = new PagerNavigationBuilder( $this->getContext() );
            ->setPage( $this->getTitle() )
            ->setLinkQuery( $baseQuery )
            ->setLimits( $this->mLimitsShown )
            ->setLimitLinkQueryParam( 'limit' )
            ->setCurrentLimit( $this->mLimit )
            ->setPrevLinkQuery( $pagingQueries['prev'] ?: null )
            ->setNextLinkQuery( $pagingQueries['next'] ?: null )
            ->setFirstLinkQuery( $pagingQueries['first'] ?: null )
            ->setLastLinkQuery( $pagingQueries['last'] ?: null );

        return $navBuilder;

     * Returns whether to show the "navigation bar"
     * @stable to override
     * @return bool
    protected function isNavigationBarShown() {
        if ( !$this->mQueryDone ) {
        // Hide navigation by default if there is nothing to page
        return !( $this->mIsFirst && $this->mIsLast );

     * Returns an HTML string representing the result row $row.
     * Rows will be concatenated and returned by getBody()
     * @param array|stdClass $row Database row
     * @return string
    abstract public function formatRow( $row );

     * Provides all parameters needed for the main paged query. It returns
     * an associative array with the following elements:
     *    tables => Table(s) for passing to Database::select()
     *    fields => Field(s) for passing to Database::select(), may be *
     *    conds => WHERE conditions
     *    options => option array
     *    join_conds => JOIN conditions
     * @return array
    abstract public function getQueryInfo();

     * Returns the name of the index field.  If the pager supports multiple
     * orders, it may return an array of 'querykey' => 'indexfield' pairs,
     * so that a request with &order=querykey will use indexfield to sort.
     * In this case, the first returned key is the default.
     * Needless to say, it's really not a good idea to use a non-unique index
     * for this!  That won't page right.
     * The pager may paginate on multiple fields in combination. If paginating
     * on multiple fields, they should be unique in combination (e.g. when
     * paginating on user and timestamp, rows may have the same user, rows may
     * have the same timestamp, but rows should all have a different combination
     * of user and timestamp).
     * Examples:
     * - Always paginate on the user field:
     *   'user'
     * - Paginate on either the user or the timestamp field (default to user):
     *   [
     *       'name' => 'user',
     *       'time' => 'timestamp',
     *   ]
     * - Always paginate on the combination of user and timestamp:
     *   [
     *       [ 'user', 'timestamp' ]
     *   ]
     * - Paginate on the user then timestamp, or the timestamp then user:
     *   [
     *       'nametime' => [ 'user', 'timestamp' ],
     *       'timename' => [ 'timestamp', 'user' ],
     *   ]
     * @return string|string[]|array[]
    abstract public function getIndexField();

     * Returns the names of secondary columns to order by in addition to the
     * column in getIndexField(). These fields will not be used in the pager
     * offset or in any links for users.
     * If getIndexField() returns an array of 'querykey' => 'indexfield' pairs then
     * this must return a corresponding array of 'querykey' => [ fields... ] pairs
     * in order for a request with &order=querykey to use [ fields... ] to sort.
     * If getIndexField() returns a string with the field to sort by, this must either:
     * 1 - return an associative array like above, but only the elements for the current
     *   field will be used.
     * 2 - return a non-associative array, for secondary keys to use always.
     * This is useful for pagers that GROUP BY a unique column (say page_id)
     * and ORDER BY another (say page_len). Using GROUP BY and ORDER BY both on
     * page_len,page_id avoids temp tables (given a page_len index). This would
     * also work if page_id was non-unique but we had a page_len,page_id index.
     * @stable to override
     * @return string[]|array[]
    protected function getExtraSortFields() {
        return [];

     * Return the default sorting direction: DIR_ASCENDING or DIR_DESCENDING.
     * You can also have an associative array of ordertype => dir,
     * if multiple order types are supported.  In this case getIndexField()
     * must return an array, and the keys of that must exactly match the keys
     * of this.
     * For backward compatibility, this method's return value will be ignored
     * if $this->mDefaultDirection is already set when the constructor is
     * called, for instance if it's statically initialized.  In that case the
     * value of that variable (which must be a boolean) will be used.
     * Note that despite its name, this does not return the value of the
     * $this->mDefaultDirection member variable.  That's the default for this
     * particular instantiation, which is a single value.  This is the set of
     * all defaults for the class.
     * @stable to override
     * @return bool
    protected function getDefaultDirections() {
        return self::DIR_ASCENDING;

     * @since 1.34
     * @return LinkRenderer
    protected function getLinkRenderer() {
        if ( $this->linkRenderer === null ) {
            $this->linkRenderer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkRenderer();
        return $this->linkRenderer;

/** @deprecated class alias since 1.41 */
class_alias( IndexPager::class, 'IndexPager' );