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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

namespace MediaWiki\Pager;

use MediaWiki\Context\IContextSource;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use MediaWiki\Linker\LinkRenderer;
use MediaWiki\Parser\ParserOutput;
use MediaWiki\Xml\XmlSelect;
use OOUI\ButtonGroupWidget;
use OOUI\ButtonWidget;
use stdClass;

 * Table-based display with a user-selectable sort order
 * @stable to extend
 * @ingroup Pager
abstract class TablePager extends IndexPager {
    /** @var string */
    protected $mSort;

    /** @var stdClass */
    protected $mCurrentRow;

     * @stable to call
     * @param IContextSource|null $context
     * @param LinkRenderer|null $linkRenderer
    public function __construct( IContextSource $context = null, LinkRenderer $linkRenderer = null ) {
        if ( $context ) {
            $this->setContext( $context );

        $this->mSort = $this->getRequest()->getText( 'sort' );
        if ( !array_key_exists( $this->mSort, $this->getFieldNames() )
            || !$this->isFieldSortable( $this->mSort )
        ) {
            $this->mSort = $this->getDefaultSort();
        if ( $this->getRequest()->getBool( 'asc' ) ) {
            $this->mDefaultDirection = IndexPager::DIR_ASCENDING;
        } elseif ( $this->getRequest()->getBool( 'desc' ) ) {
            $this->mDefaultDirection = IndexPager::DIR_DESCENDING;
        } /* Else leave it at whatever the class default is */

        // Parent constructor needs mSort set, so we call it last
        parent::__construct( null, $linkRenderer );

     * Get the formatted result list.
     * Calls getBody() and getModuleStyles() and builds a ParserOutput object. (This is a bit hacky
     * but works well.)
     * @since 1.24
     * @return ParserOutput
    public function getBodyOutput() {
        $body = parent::getBody();

        $pout = new ParserOutput;
        $pout->setRawText( $body );
        return $pout;

     * Get the formatted result list, with navigation bars.
     * Calls getBody(), getNavigationBar() and getModuleStyles() and
     * builds a ParserOutput object. (This is a bit hacky but works well.)
     * @since 1.24
     * @return ParserOutput
    public function getFullOutput() {
        $navigation = $this->getNavigationBar();
        $body = parent::getBody();

        $pout = new ParserOutput;
        $pout->setRawText( $navigation . $body . $navigation );
        $pout->addModuleStyles( $this->getModuleStyles() );
        return $pout;

     * @stable to override
     * @return string
    protected function getStartBody() {
        $sortClass = $this->getSortHeaderClass();

        $s = '';
        $fields = $this->getFieldNames();

        // Make table header
        foreach ( $fields as $field => $name ) {
            if ( strval( $name ) == '' ) {
                $s .= Html::rawElement( 'th', [], "\u{00A0}" ) . "\n";
            } elseif ( $this->isFieldSortable( $field ) ) {
                $query = [ 'sort' => $field, 'limit' => $this->mLimit ];
                $linkType = null;
                $class = null;

                if ( $this->mSort == $field ) {
                    // The table is sorted by this field already, make a link to sort in the other direction
                    // We don't actually know in which direction other fields will be sorted by default…
                    if ( $this->mDefaultDirection == IndexPager::DIR_DESCENDING ) {
                        $linkType = 'asc';
                        $class = "$sortClass mw-datatable-is-sorted mw-datatable-is-descending";
                        $query['asc'] = '1';
                        $query['desc'] = '';
                    } else {
                        $linkType = 'desc';
                        $class = "$sortClass mw-datatable-is-sorted mw-datatable-is-ascending";
                        $query['asc'] = '';
                        $query['desc'] = '1';

                $link = $this->makeLink( htmlspecialchars( $name ), $query, $linkType );
                $s .= Html::rawElement( 'th', [ 'class' => $class ], $link ) . "\n";
            } else {
                $s .= Html::element( 'th', [], $name ) . "\n";

        $ret = Html::openElement( 'table', [
            'class' => $this->getTableClass() ]
        $ret .= Html::rawElement( 'thead', [], Html::rawElement( 'tr', [], "\n" . $s . "\n" ) );
        $ret .= Html::openElement( 'tbody' ) . "\n";

        return $ret;

     * @stable to override
     * @return string
    protected function getEndBody() {
        return "</tbody></table>\n";

     * @return string
    protected function getEmptyBody() {
        $colspan = count( $this->getFieldNames() );
        $msgEmpty = $this->msg( 'table_pager_empty' )->text();
        return Html::rawElement( 'tr', [],
            Html::element( 'td', [ 'colspan' => $colspan ], $msgEmpty ) );

     * @stable to override
     * @param stdClass $row
     * @return string HTML
    public function formatRow( $row ) {
        $this->mCurrentRow = $row; // In case formatValue etc need to know
        $s = Html::openElement( 'tr', $this->getRowAttrs( $row ) ) . "\n";
        $fieldNames = $this->getFieldNames();

        foreach ( $fieldNames as $field => $name ) {
            $value = $row->$field ?? null;
            $formatted = strval( $this->formatValue( $field, $value ) );

            if ( $formatted == '' ) {
                $formatted = "\u{00A0}";

            $s .= Html::rawElement( 'td', $this->getCellAttrs( $field, $value ), $formatted ) . "\n";

        $s .= Html::closeElement( 'tr' ) . "\n";

        return $s;

     * Get a class name to be applied to the given row.
     * @stable to override
     * @param stdClass $row The database result row
     * @return string
    protected function getRowClass( $row ) {
        return '';

     * Get attributes to be applied to the given row.
     * @stable to override
     * @param stdClass $row The database result row
     * @return array Array of attribute => value
    protected function getRowAttrs( $row ) {
        return [ 'class' => $this->getRowClass( $row ) ];

     * @return stdClass
    protected function getCurrentRow() {
        return $this->mCurrentRow;

     * Get any extra attributes to be applied to the given cell. Don't
     * take this as an excuse to hardcode styles; use classes and
     * CSS instead.  Row context is available in $this->mCurrentRow
     * @stable to override
     * @param string $field The column
     * @param string $value The cell contents
     * @return array Array of attr => value
    protected function getCellAttrs( $field, $value ) {
        return [ 'class' => 'TablePager_col_' . $field ];

     * @inheritDoc
     * @stable to override
    public function getIndexField() {
        return $this->mSort;

     * TablePager relies on `mw-datatable` for styling, see T214208
     * @stable to override
     * @return string
    protected function getTableClass() {
        return 'mw-datatable';

     * @stable to override
     * @return string
    protected function getNavClass() {
        return 'TablePager_nav';

     * @stable to override
     * @return string
    protected function getSortHeaderClass() {
        return 'TablePager_sort';

     * A navigation bar with images
     * @stable to override
     * @return string HTML
    public function getNavigationBar() {
        if ( !$this->isNavigationBarShown() ) {
            return '';


        $types = [ 'first', 'prev', 'next', 'last' ];

        $queries = $this->getPagingQueries();

        $buttons = [];

        $title = $this->getTitle();

        foreach ( $types as $type ) {
            $buttons[] = new ButtonWidget( [
                // Messages used here:
                // * table_pager_first
                // * table_pager_prev
                // * table_pager_next
                // * table_pager_last
                'classes' => [ 'TablePager-button-' . $type ],
                'flags' => [ 'progressive' ],
                'framed' => false,
                'label' => $this->msg( 'table_pager_' . $type )->text(),
                'href' => $queries[ $type ] ?
                    $title->getLinkURL( $queries[ $type ] + $this->getDefaultQuery() ) :
                'icon' => $type === 'prev' ? 'previous' : $type,
                'disabled' => $queries[ $type ] === false
            ] );
        return new ButtonGroupWidget( [
            'classes' => [ $this->getNavClass() ],
            'items' => $buttons,
        ] );

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getModuleStyles() {
        return array_merge(
            parent::getModuleStyles(), [ 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-movement' ]

     * Get a "<select>" element which has options for each of the allowed limits
     * @param string[] $attribs Extra attributes to set
     * @return string HTML fragment
    public function getLimitSelect( $attribs = [] ) {
        $select = new XmlSelect( 'limit', false, $this->mLimit );
        $select->addOptions( $this->getLimitSelectList() );
        foreach ( $attribs as $name => $value ) {
            $select->setAttribute( $name, $value );
        return $select->getHTML();

     * Get a list of items to show in a "<select>" element of limits.
     * This can be passed directly to XmlSelect::addOptions().
     * @since 1.22
     * @return array
    public function getLimitSelectList() {
        # Add the current limit from the query string
        # to avoid that the limit is lost after clicking Go next time
        if ( !in_array( $this->mLimit, $this->mLimitsShown ) ) {
            $this->mLimitsShown[] = $this->mLimit;
            sort( $this->mLimitsShown );
        $ret = [];
        foreach ( $this->mLimitsShown as $key => $value ) {
            # The pair is either $index => $limit, in which case the $value
            # will be numeric, or $limit => $text, in which case the $value
            # will be a string.
            if ( is_int( $value ) ) {
                $limit = $value;
                $text = $this->getLanguage()->formatNum( $limit );
            } else {
                $limit = $key;
                $text = $value;
            $ret[$text] = $limit;
        return $ret;

     * Get \<input type="hidden"\> elements for use in a method="get" form.
     * Resubmits all defined elements of the query string, except for a
     * exclusion list, passed in the $noResubmit parameter.
     * Also array values are discarded for security reasons (per WebRequest::getVal)
     * @param array $noResubmit Parameters from the request query which should not be resubmitted
     * @return string HTML fragment
    public function getHiddenFields( $noResubmit = [] ) {
        $noResubmit = (array)$noResubmit;
        $query = $this->getRequest()->getQueryValues();
        foreach ( $noResubmit as $name ) {
            unset( $query[$name] );
        $s = '';
        foreach ( $query as $name => $value ) {
            if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
                // Per WebRequest::getVal: Array values are discarded for security reasons.
            $s .= Html::hidden( $name, $value ) . "\n";
        return $s;

     * Get a form containing a limit selection dropdown
     * @return string HTML fragment
    public function getLimitForm() {
        return Html::rawElement(
                'method' => 'get',
                'action' => wfScript(),
            "\n" . $this->getLimitDropdown()
        ) . "\n";

     * Gets a limit selection dropdown
     * @return string
    private function getLimitDropdown() {
        # Make the select with some explanatory text
        $msgSubmit = $this->msg( 'table_pager_limit_submit' )->escaped();

        return $this->msg( 'table_pager_limit' )
            ->rawParams( $this->getLimitSelect() )->escaped() .
            "\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"$msgSubmit\"/>\n" .
            $this->getHiddenFields( [ 'limit' ] );

     * Return true if the named field should be sortable by the UI, false
     * otherwise
     * @param string $field
     * @return bool
    abstract protected function isFieldSortable( $field );

     * Format a table cell. The return value should be HTML, but use an empty
     * string not &#160; for empty cells. Do not include the <td> and </td>.
     * The current result row is available as $this->mCurrentRow, in case you
     * need more context.
     * @param string $name The database field name
     * @param string|null $value The value retrieved from the database, or null if
     *   the row doesn't contain this field
    abstract public function formatValue( $name, $value );

     * The database field name used as a default sort order.
     * Note that this field will only be sorted on if isFieldSortable returns
     * true for this field. If not (e.g. paginating on multiple columns), this
     * should return empty string, and getIndexField should be overridden.
     * @return string
    abstract public function getDefaultSort();

     * An array mapping database field names to a textual description of the
     * field name, for use in the table header. The description should be plain
     * text, it will be HTML-escaped later.
     * @return string[]
    abstract protected function getFieldNames();

/** @deprecated class alias since 1.41 */
class_alias( TablePager::class, 'TablePager' );