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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * @file

namespace MediaWiki\Parser;

use LogicException;
use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;

 * Class for handling an array of magic words
 * See docs/
 * @since 1.11
 * @ingroup Parser
class MagicWordArray {

    /** @var string[] */
    public $names = [];
    private MagicWordFactory $factory;

    /** @var array<int,array<string,string>>|null */
    private $hash;

    /** @var string[]|null */
    private $baseRegex;

    /** @var string[]|null */
    private $regex;

     * @param string[] $names
     * @param MagicWordFactory|null $factory
    public function __construct( $names = [], MagicWordFactory $factory = null ) {
        $this->names = $names;
        $this->factory = $factory ?: MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMagicWordFactory();

     * Add a magic word by name
     * @param string $name
    public function add( $name ): void {
        $this->names[] = $name;
        $this->hash = $this->baseRegex = $this->regex = null;

     * Get a 2-d hashtable for this array
     * @return array<int,array<string,string>>
    public function getHash(): array {
        if ( $this->hash === null ) {
            $this->hash = [ 0 => [], 1 => [] ];
            foreach ( $this->names as $name ) {
                $magic = $this->factory->get( $name );
                $case = intval( $magic->isCaseSensitive() );
                foreach ( $magic->getSynonyms() as $syn ) {
                    if ( !$case ) {
                        $syn = $this->factory->getContentLanguage()->lc( $syn );
                    $this->hash[$case][$syn] = $name;
        return $this->hash;

     * Get the base regex
     * @internal For use in {@see Parser} only
     * @param bool $capture Set to false to suppress the capture groups,
     *  which can cause unexpected conflicts when this regexp is embedded in
     *  other regexps with similar constructs.
     * @param string $delimiter The delimiter which will be used for the
     *  eventual regexp.
     * @return array<int,string>
    public function getBaseRegex( bool $capture = true, string $delimiter = '/' ): array {
        if ( $capture && $delimiter === '/' && $this->baseRegex !== null ) {
            return $this->baseRegex;
        $regex = [ 0 => [], 1 => [] ];
        foreach ( $this->names as $name ) {
            $magic = $this->factory->get( $name );
            $case = $magic->isCaseSensitive() ? 1 : 0;
            foreach ( $magic->getSynonyms() as $i => $syn ) {
                if ( $capture ) {
                    // Group name must start with a non-digit in PCRE 8.34+
                    $it = strtr( $i, '0123456789', 'abcdefghij' );
                    $groupName = $it . '_' . $name;
                    $group = '(?P<' . $groupName . '>' . preg_quote( $syn, $delimiter ) . ')';
                    $regex[$case][] = $group;
                } else {
                    $regex[$case][] = preg_quote( $syn, $delimiter );
        '@phan-var array<int,string[]> $regex';
        foreach ( $regex as $case => &$re ) {
            $re = count( $re ) ? implode( '|', $re ) : '(?!)';
            if ( !$case ) {
                $re = "(?i:{$re})";
        '@phan-var array<int,string> $regex';

        if ( $capture && $delimiter === '/' ) {
            $this->baseRegex = $regex;
        return $regex;

     * Get an unanchored regex that does not match parameters
     * @return array<int,string>
    private function getRegex(): array {
        if ( $this->regex === null ) {
            $this->regex = [];
            $base = $this->getBaseRegex( true, '/' );
            foreach ( $base as $case => $re ) {
                $this->regex[$case] = "/$re/JS";
            // As a performance optimization, turn on unicode mode only for
            // case-insensitive matching.
            $this->regex[0] .= 'u';
        return $this->regex;

     * Get a regex anchored to the start of the string that does not match parameters
     * @return array<int,string>
    private function getRegexStart(): array {
        $newRegex = [];
        $base = $this->getBaseRegex( true, '/' );
        foreach ( $base as $case => $re ) {
            $newRegex[$case] = "/^(?:$re)/JS";
        // As a performance optimization, turn on unicode mode only for
        // case-insensitive matching.
        $newRegex[0] .= 'u';
        return $newRegex;

     * Get an anchored regex for matching variables with parameters
     * @return array<int,string>
    private function getVariableStartToEndRegex(): array {
        $newRegex = [];
        $base = $this->getBaseRegex( true, '/' );
        foreach ( $base as $case => $re ) {
            $newRegex[$case] = str_replace( '\$1', '(.*?)', "/^(?:$re)$/JS" );
        // As a performance optimization, turn on unicode mode only for
        // case-insensitive matching.
        $newRegex[0] .= 'u';
        return $newRegex;

     * @since 1.20
     * @return string[]
    public function getNames() {
        return $this->names;

     * Parse a match array from preg_match
     * @param array<string|int,string> $matches
     * @return array{0:string,1:string|false} Pair of (magic word ID, parameter value),
     *  where the latter is instead false if there is no parameter value.
    private function parseMatch( array $matches ): array {
        $magicName = null;
        foreach ( $matches as $key => $match ) {
            if ( $magicName !== null ) {
                // The structure we found at this point is [ …,
                //     'a_magicWordName' => 'matchedSynonym',
                //     n                 => 'matchedSynonym (again)',
                //     n + 1             => 'parameterValue',
                // … ]
                return [ $magicName, $matches[$key + 1] ?? false ];
            // Skip the initial full match and any non-matching group
            if ( $match !== '' && $key !== 0 ) {
                $parts = explode( '_', $key, 2 );
                if ( !isset( $parts[1] ) ) {
                    throw new LogicException( 'Unexpected group name' );
                $magicName = $parts[1];
        throw new LogicException( 'Unexpected $m array with no match' );

     * Match some text, with parameter capture
     * @param string $text
     * @return (string|false)[] Magic word name in the first element and the parameter in the second
     *  element. Both elements are false if there was no match.
    public function matchVariableStartToEnd( $text ): array {
        $regexes = $this->getVariableStartToEndRegex();
        foreach ( $regexes as $regex ) {
            $m = [];
            if ( preg_match( $regex, $text, $m ) ) {
                return $this->parseMatch( $m );
        return [ false, false ];

     * Match some text, without parameter capture
     * @see MagicWord::matchStartToEnd
     * @param string $text
     * @return string|false The magic word name, or false if there was no capture
    public function matchStartToEnd( $text ) {
        $hash = $this->getHash();
        if ( isset( $hash[1][$text] ) ) {
            return $hash[1][$text];
        $lc = $this->factory->getContentLanguage()->lc( $text );
        return $hash[0][$lc] ?? false;

     * Return an associative array for all items that match.
     * Cannot be used for magic words with parameters.
     * Removes the matched items from the input string (passed by reference)
     * @see MagicWord::matchAndRemove
     * @param string &$text
     * @return array<string,false> Keyed by magic word ID
    public function matchAndRemove( &$text ): array {
        $found = [];
        $regexes = $this->getRegex();
        $res = preg_replace_callback( $regexes, function ( $m ) use ( &$found ) {
            [ $name, $param ] = $this->parseMatch( $m );
            $found[$name] = $param;
            return '';
        }, $text );
        // T321234: Don't try to fix old revisions with broken UTF-8, just return $text as is
        if ( $res === null ) {
            $error = preg_last_error();
            $errorText = preg_last_error_msg();
            LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'parser' )->warning( 'preg_match_all error: {code} {errorText}', [
                'code' => $error,
                'regex' => $regexes,
                'text' => $text,
                'errorText' => $errorText
            ] );
            if ( $error !== PREG_BAD_UTF8_ERROR ) {
                throw new LogicException( "preg_match_all error $error: $errorText" );
        } else {
            $text = $res;
        return $found;

     * Return the ID of the magic word at the start of $text, and remove
     * the prefix from $text.
     * Does not match parameters.
     * @see MagicWord::matchStartAndRemove
     * @param string &$text Unmodified if no match is found.
     * @return string|false False if no match is found.
    public function matchStartAndRemove( &$text ) {
        $regexes = $this->getRegexStart();
        foreach ( $regexes as $regex ) {
            if ( preg_match( $regex, $text, $m ) ) {
                [ $id, ] = $this->parseMatch( $m );
                if ( strlen( $m[0] ) >= strlen( $text ) ) {
                    $text = '';
                } else {
                    $text = substr( $text, strlen( $m[0] ) );
                return $id;
        return false;

/** @deprecated class alias since 1.40 */
class_alias( MagicWordArray::class, 'MagicWordArray' );