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namespace MediaWiki\Search\SearchWidgets;

use File;
use HtmlArmor;
use MediaTransformOutput;
use MediaWiki\Category\Category;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookContainer;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use MediaWiki\Linker\LinkRenderer;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\Search\Entity\SearchResultThumbnail;
use MediaWiki\Search\SearchResultThumbnailProvider;
use MediaWiki\Specials\SpecialSearch;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\User\Options\UserOptionsManager;
use RepoGroup;
use SearchResult;
use ThumbnailImage;

 * Renders a 'full' multi-line search result with metadata.
 *  The Title
 *  some *highlighted* *text* about the search result
 *  5 KiB (651 words) - 12:40, 6 Aug 2016
class FullSearchResultWidget implements SearchResultWidget {
    /** @var int */
    public const THUMBNAIL_SIZE = 90;
    /** @var SpecialSearch */
    protected $specialPage;
    /** @var LinkRenderer */
    protected $linkRenderer;
    /** @var HookRunner */
    private $hookRunner;
    /** @var RepoGroup */
    private $repoGroup;
    /** @var SearchResultThumbnailProvider */
    private $thumbnailProvider;
    /** @var string */
    private $thumbnailPlaceholderHtml;
    /** @var UserOptionsManager */
    private $userOptionsManager;

    public function __construct(
        SpecialSearch $specialPage,
        LinkRenderer $linkRenderer,
        HookContainer $hookContainer,
        RepoGroup $repoGroup,
        SearchResultThumbnailProvider $thumbnailProvider,
        UserOptionsManager $userOptionsManager
    ) {
        $this->specialPage = $specialPage;
        $this->linkRenderer = $linkRenderer;
        $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer );
        $this->repoGroup = $repoGroup;
        $this->thumbnailProvider = $thumbnailProvider;
        $this->userOptionsManager = $userOptionsManager;

     * @param SearchResult $result The result to render
     * @param int $position The result position, including offset
     * @return string HTML
    public function render( SearchResult $result, $position ) {
        // If the page doesn't *exist*... our search index is out of date.
        // The least confusing at this point is to drop the result.
        // You may get less results, but... on well. :P
        if ( $result->isBrokenTitle() || $result->isMissingRevision() ) {
            return '';

        $link = $this->generateMainLinkHtml( $result, $position );
        // If page content is not readable, just return ths title.
        // This is not quite safe, but better than showing excerpts from
        // non-readable pages. Note that hiding the entry entirely would
        // screw up paging (really?).
        if ( !$this->specialPage->getAuthority()->definitelyCan( 'read', $result->getTitle() ) ) {
            return Html::rawElement( 'li', [], $link );

        $redirect = $this->generateRedirectHtml( $result );
        $section = $this->generateSectionHtml( $result );
        $category = $this->generateCategoryHtml( $result );
        $date = htmlspecialchars(
        [ $file, $desc, $thumb ] = $this->generateFileHtml( $result );
        $snippet = $result->getTextSnippet();
        if ( $snippet ) {
            $snippetWithEllipsis = $snippet . $this->specialPage->msg( 'ellipsis' );
            $extract = Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'searchresult' ], $snippetWithEllipsis );
        } else {
            $extract = '';

        if ( $result->getTitle() && $result->getTitle()->getNamespace() !== NS_FILE ) {
            // If no file, then the description is about size
            $desc = $this->generateSizeHtml( $result );

            // Let hooks do their own final construction if desired.
            // FIXME: Not sure why this is only for results without thumbnails,
            // but keeping it as-is for now to prevent breaking hook consumers.
            $html = null;
            $score = '';
            $related = '';
            // TODO: remove this instanceof and always pass [], let implementors do the cast if
            // they want to be SearchDatabase specific
            $terms = $result instanceof \SqlSearchResult ? $result->getTermMatches() : [];
            if ( !$this->hookRunner->onShowSearchHit( $this->specialPage, $result,
                $terms, $link, $redirect, $section, $extract, $score,
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgument Type mismatch on pass-by-ref args
                $desc, $date, $related, $html )
            ) {
                return $html;

        // All the pieces have been collected. Now generate the final HTML
        $joined = "{$link} {$redirect} {$category} {$section} {$file}";
        $meta = $this->buildMeta( $desc, $date );

        // Text portion of the search result
        $html = Html::rawElement(
            [ 'class' => 'mw-search-result-heading' ],
        $html .= $extract . ' ' . $meta;

        // If the result has a thumbnail, place it next to the text block
        if ( $thumb ) {
            $gridCells = Html::rawElement(
                [ 'class' => 'searchResultImage-thumbnail' ],
            ) . Html::rawElement(
                [ 'class' => 'searchResultImage-text' ],
            $html = Html::rawElement(
                [ 'class' => 'searchResultImage' ],

        return Html::rawElement(
            [ 'class' => [ 'mw-search-result', 'mw-search-result-ns-' . $result->getTitle()->getNamespace() ] ],

     * Generates HTML for the primary call to action. It is
     * typically the article title, but the search engine can
     * return an exact snippet to use (typically the article
     * title with highlighted words).
     * @param SearchResult $result
     * @param int $position
     * @return string HTML
    protected function generateMainLinkHtml( SearchResult $result, $position ) {
        $snippet = $result->getTitleSnippet();
        if ( $snippet === '' ) {
            $snippet = null;
        } else {
            $snippet = new HtmlArmor( $snippet );

        // clone to prevent hook from changing the title stored inside $result
        $title = clone $result->getTitle();
        $query = [];

        $attributes = [ 'data-serp-pos' => $position ];
        $this->hookRunner->onShowSearchHitTitle( $title, $snippet, $result,
            $result instanceof \SqlSearchResult ? $result->getTermMatches() : [],
            // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgument Type mismatch on pass-by-ref args
            $this->specialPage, $query, $attributes );

        $link = $this->linkRenderer->makeLink(

        return $link;

     * Generates an alternate title link, such as (redirect from <a>Foo</a>).
     * @param string $msgKey i18n message  used to wrap title
     * @param Title|null $title The title to link to, or null to generate
     *  the message without a link. In that case $text must be non-null.
     * @param string|null $text The text snippet to display, or null
     *  to use the title
     * @return string HTML
    protected function generateAltTitleHtml( $msgKey, ?Title $title, $text ) {
        $inner = $title === null
            ? $text
            : $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $title, $text ? new HtmlArmor( $text ) : null );

        return "<span class='searchalttitle'>" .
                $this->specialPage->msg( $msgKey )->rawParams( $inner )->parse()
            . "</span>";

     * @param SearchResult $result
     * @return string HTML
    protected function generateRedirectHtml( SearchResult $result ) {
        $title = $result->getRedirectTitle();
        return $title === null
            ? ''
            : $this->generateAltTitleHtml( 'search-redirect', $title, $result->getRedirectSnippet() );

     * @param SearchResult $result
     * @return string HTML
    protected function generateSectionHtml( SearchResult $result ) {
        $title = $result->getSectionTitle();
        return $title === null
            ? ''
            : $this->generateAltTitleHtml( 'search-section', $title, $result->getSectionSnippet() );

     * @param SearchResult $result
     * @return string HTML
    protected function generateCategoryHtml( SearchResult $result ) {
        $snippet = $result->getCategorySnippet();
        return $snippet
            ? $this->generateAltTitleHtml( 'search-category', null, $snippet )
            : '';

     * @param SearchResult $result
     * @return string HTML
    protected function generateSizeHtml( SearchResult $result ) {
        $title = $result->getTitle();
        if ( $title->getNamespace() === NS_CATEGORY ) {
            $cat = Category::newFromTitle( $title );
            return $this->specialPage->msg( 'search-result-category-size' )
                ->numParams( $cat->getMemberCount(), $cat->getSubcatCount(), $cat->getFileCount() )
        // TODO: This is a bit odd...but requires changing the i18n message to fix
        } elseif ( $result->getByteSize() !== null || $result->getWordCount() > 0 ) {
            return $this->specialPage->msg( 'search-result-size' )
                ->sizeParams( $result->getByteSize() )
                ->numParams( $result->getWordCount() )

        return '';

     * @param SearchResult $result
     * @return array Three element array containing the main file html,
     *  a text description of the file, and finally the thumbnail html.
     *  If no thumbnail is available the second and third will be null.
    protected function generateFileHtml( SearchResult $result ) {
        $title = $result->getTitle();
        // don't assume that result is a valid title; e.g. could be an interwiki link target
        if ( $title === null || !$title->canExist() ) {
            return [ '', null, null ];

        $html = '';
        if ( $result->isFileMatch() ) {
            $html = Html::rawElement(
                [ 'class' => 'searchalttitle' ],
                $this->specialPage->msg( 'search-file-match' )->escaped()

        $allowExtraThumbsFromRequest = $this->specialPage->getRequest()->getVal( 'search-thumbnail-extra-namespaces' );
        $allowExtraThumbsFromPreference = $this->userOptionsManager->getOption(
        $allowExtraThumbs = (bool)( $allowExtraThumbsFromRequest ?? $allowExtraThumbsFromPreference );
        if ( !$allowExtraThumbs && $title->getNamespace() !== NS_FILE ) {
            return [ $html, null, null ];

        $thumbnail = $this->getThumbnail( $result, self::THUMBNAIL_SIZE );
        $thumbnailName = $thumbnail ? $thumbnail->getName() : null;
        if ( !$thumbnailName ) {
            return [ $html, null, $this->generateThumbnailHtml( $result ) ];

        $img = $this->repoGroup->findFile( $thumbnailName );
        if ( !$img ) {
            return [ $html, null, $this->generateThumbnailHtml( $result ) ];

        return [
            $this->specialPage->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $img->getShortDesc() )->escaped(),
            $this->generateThumbnailHtml( $result, $thumbnail )

     * @param SearchResult $result
     * @param int $size
     * @return SearchResultThumbnail|null
    private function getThumbnail( SearchResult $result, int $size ): ?SearchResultThumbnail {
        $title = $result->getTitle();
        // don't assume that result is a valid title; e.g. could be an interwiki link target
        if ( $title === null || !$title->canExist() ) {
            return null;

        $thumbnails = $this->thumbnailProvider->getThumbnails( [ $title->getArticleID() => $title ], $size );

        return $thumbnails[ $title->getArticleID() ] ?? null;

     * @param SearchResult $result
     * @param SearchResultThumbnail|null $thumbnail
     * @return string|null
    private function generateThumbnailHtml( SearchResult $result, SearchResultThumbnail $thumbnail = null ): ?string {
        $title = $result->getTitle();
        // don't assume that result is a valid title; e.g. could be an interwiki link target
        if ( $title === null || !$title->canExist() ) {
            return null;

        $namespacesWithThumbnails = $this->specialPage->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::ThumbnailNamespaces );
        $showThumbnail = in_array( $title->getNamespace(), $namespacesWithThumbnails );
        if ( !$showThumbnail ) {
            return null;

        $thumbnailName = $thumbnail ? $thumbnail->getName() : null;
        if ( !$thumbnail || !$thumbnailName ) {
            return $this->generateThumbnailPlaceholderHtml();

        $img = $this->repoGroup->findFile( $thumbnailName );
        if ( !$img ) {
            return $this->generateThumbnailPlaceholderHtml();

        $thumb = $this->transformThumbnail( $img, $thumbnail );
        if ( $thumb ) {
            if ( $title->getNamespace() === NS_FILE ) {
                // don't use a custom link, just use traditional thumbnail HTML
                return $thumb->toHtml( [
                    'desc-link' => true,
                    'loading' => 'lazy',
                    'alt' => $this->specialPage->msg( 'search-thumbnail-alt' )->params( $title ),
                ] );

            // thumbnails for non-file results should link to the relevant title
            return $thumb->toHtml( [
                'desc-link' => true,
                'custom-title-link' => $title,
                'loading' => 'lazy',
                'alt' => $this->specialPage->msg( 'search-thumbnail-alt' )->params( $title ),
            ] );

        return $this->generateThumbnailPlaceholderHtml();

     * @param File $img
     * @param SearchResultThumbnail $thumbnail
     * @return ThumbnailImage|MediaTransformOutput|bool False on failure
    private function transformThumbnail( File $img, SearchResultThumbnail $thumbnail ) {
        $optimalThumbnailWidth = $thumbnail->getWidth();

        // $thumb will have rescaled to fit within a <$size>x<$size> bounding
        // box, but we want it to cover a full square (at the cost of losing
        // some of the edges)
        // instead of the largest side matching up with $size, we want the
        // smallest size to match (or exceed) $size
        $thumbnailMaxDimension = max( $thumbnail->getWidth(), $thumbnail->getHeight() );
        $thumbnailMinDimension = min( $thumbnail->getWidth(), $thumbnail->getHeight() );
        $rescaleCoefficient = $thumbnailMinDimension
            ? $thumbnailMaxDimension / $thumbnailMinDimension : 1;

        // we'll only deal with width from now on since conventions for
        // standard sizes have formed around width; height will simply
        // follow according to aspect ratio
        $rescaledWidth = (int)round( $rescaleCoefficient * $thumbnail->getWidth() );

        // we'll also be looking at $wgThumbLimits to ensure that we pick
        // from within the predefined list of sizes
        // NOTE: only do this when there is a difference in the rescaled
        // size vs the original thumbnail size - some media types are
        // different and thumb limits don't matter (e.g. for audio, the
        // player must remain at the size we want, regardless of whether or
        // not it fits the thumb limits, which in this case are irrelevant)
        if ( $rescaledWidth !== $thumbnail->getWidth() ) {
            $thumbLimits = $this->specialPage->getConfig()->get( MainConfigNames::ThumbLimits );
            $largerThumbLimits = array_filter(
                static function ( $limit ) use ( $rescaledWidth ) {
                    return $limit >= $rescaledWidth;
            $optimalThumbnailWidth = $largerThumbLimits ? min( $largerThumbLimits ) : max( $thumbLimits );

        return $img->transform( [ 'width' => $optimalThumbnailWidth ] );

     * @return string
    private function generateThumbnailPlaceholderHtml(): string {
        if ( $this->thumbnailPlaceholderHtml ) {
            return $this->thumbnailPlaceholderHtml;

        $path = MW_INSTALL_PATH . '/resources/lib/ooui/themes/wikimediaui/images/icons/imageLayoutFrameless.svg';
        $this->thumbnailPlaceholderHtml = Html::rawElement(
                'class' => 'searchResultImage-thumbnail-placeholder',
                'aria-hidden' => 'true',
            file_get_contents( $path )
        return $this->thumbnailPlaceholderHtml;

     * @param string $desc HTML description of result, ex: size in bytes, or empty string
     * @param string $date HTML representation of last edit date, or empty string
     * @return string HTML A div combining $desc and $date with a separator in a <div>.
     *  If either is missing only one will be represented. If both are missing an empty
     *  string will be returned.
    protected function buildMeta( $desc, $date ) {
        if ( $desc && $date ) {
            $meta = "{$desc} - {$date}";
        } elseif ( $desc ) {
            $meta = $desc;
        } elseif ( $date ) {
            $meta = $date;
        } else {
            return '';

        return "<div class='mw-search-result-data'>{$meta}</div>";